New Advertisements. ___. Chan-,zcvlmpnrial Oil Co. Now Advâ€"J (l Aycr 6.: (to Changeâ€"Atkinson & swrtzer Chanceâ€"Wilkins & Cn. _ liner. York electron-James Massre. Notice â€" James H. Nigh. Changeâ€"l". Cutler dire zillion. RICHMOND HILL. May 2‘9, It‘ll-.3 P. SS Government Sustained. Liberals elected, 51. COIISCI‘VllthCS elected, 46. Manitoulin yet to hear from. livery Minister reelected. The four rI‘orontos go Whitney. Richardson (l.ih.l returned for East York; Ilavis (Lib) for North York; St. .lohii tum.) West York. J. 1’. Whitney elected for Dundar. New Ontario goes with the ( ova eminent. Court of Revision Pursuant to notice the Court of Reâ€" vision assembled in the council chain- her at. 8 o'clock p. in. on May 27. Members present: Messrs Sautg‘e, li‘urey. llill, Innes and Trench, who made and subscribed their oaths of otIiees and took their seats. The irrembers took up the Assess went Roll tor 1902. Mr. J. L. Jenkins court on behall’ of his appeal from the assessment of the property eli- lel'cd in his irairie, as being assersel “ too high†and requested the re- moval of his name and insertion of the name of Mrs. N. R. Carmichael of Kingston. as owner. Moved by Mr. lnires, seconded by Mr. .[t‘tlrey,tlruttlle property assesle to Mr. Jenkins be reduced to $ 00, and that the name of Mrs. N. R. Uar- lniclrael be inserted as owner. at Mr. Jenkins'request. Carried. Moved by Mr. Trench. seconded Mr. Hill that. the following,r changes he made in the Assessment Roll viz: dairies Millington, instead of James rind Thomas Freek. addressed the John Reid instead of Thomas Young. Jarvis. \Vilson, instead of Jane= towley. Andrew Martin, instead of James McKenzie. A. Ilopkiirs, to be assessed for Mrs. Heiruessey's, 2 acre lot. Jarircs Carnegie, instesd of Mrs. Heiniessey, for house. Armand Savage to be entered for Manhood Franchise. Nicholas Major. jointly with Daniel lteanran. Bitch assessed to T. Ludfoid be struck oli' the Roll, and the foregoingr changes being made the Assessment Holt be now pasva as iinally revised and corrected. Carried. The Court adjotil'pt’d. M. TEEFY, clerk. *. Maple A llag‘pole has been erected at the _. public school, and a {lag purchased. Ull l‘iurpii'.‘ Day a. pi'ogi'alillne Ui sings 'and recitatiorrs was given by 1h;- pupiis. and ad-lresses by Itev. \‘r'. ti. l>'.icl{ and lim‘. H. \V. Dean. Tire following visitors from Toronto spcirt \‘ictoriar Day in the. village: Mrs. C. McNaught: Mr. aird Mrs. . .\IcQuarrie's , Davisou and Mr. Mitchell at Mr. Miss J. Alward at M r..l . .‘ 4. T. Saiti’eon's; Miss Ella Knight. at. Mr. XV. Knight‘s, and Mr. and Mrs. \Y. Button at Mr. ’1‘. t'ousins‘. Mrs. \\'. J.ii-lrardsoir, atrd ‘Mrs. Kemptoir, of Toronto, Lle Mr. and Mrs. “'regget of Nervinarket, were visiting at Mr. {. Rumble’s last Thursday. The funeral of Luther “'ilson of I’arltdale, and son of the late Mr. George. \Vilson, of Teston. took place to Hope on Monday afternoon. A very quiet; political meeting was held here last \\'ei’liresday evening. The speulii'l's were .\lr. It. 0. Harvey. Mr. Lit. John, and Mr. Burgess. Rev. I. A. It. dained at. St. Albaii‘s. Tor-onto, Sunday last, by Bishop Sweatnran. â€"'â€"<JO‘>â€"â€" (Ill The Great Horse Vrowsky The attention of farmers and horse- men is called to the great SViIki-s Roadster Stallion. Vi-owsky _ 8160. rec 'd 2.13%. which travels through thissectiorr this season. This horse‘s breeding is of the royal purple order. his sire being the renowned Red \Villws, 1749. and his tl-‘l'll Nelly. by llarnbrino 820. Vrowsky stands nearly 16 hands high, a beautiful mahogany bay in color, of command- ing appearance and one of the grand~ est. knee actors that ever worn liar-i llt‘SS. As a sire he stands unequalled 'n his class in Canada io-day having; sever-alcolts iir tin-.30 list and more coming every year. In the show ring he has won ; including Srveepsialte Silver atToronto fair, and Sweepstakes at L. ~t York and Markham fair as best rt- istert-d horse on tl‘e ground. \"rowsky will stand at lluzhes hotel. ’I‘lroriririll, at nouns on Mondays. and at um Palmer House same Irrights: 'I'uesdays be “ill be at Testoii for noon and King for night; “'ednes~ days at Bond‘s Lake for noon and Queen‘s hotel. Aurora for nitrht-z Thursdays at \"andorf noon, and ‘Vita toria Square nights. The service fee has been put at the very low ï¬gure of $12 to insure. .‘ricDoirald was 012- u as imnurrrerable, . Medal ‘ Mount Pleasant; Mr. T. \V. McLean is here on short visit, at. the parental home. Dr. Turner of the village of Hill“- brook was called to see Mrs. .l. Mar der who has been ill for some llill“ past. The nomination for East Ilurlrar.H passetltiif very quietly at. Millbioolt on the 22nd insl.; none of the bowl- ing \volves disturbed the meetingr as 11 was done between it.) and it) years ago. Both ('andidalcs for thc liltlllig are on most friendly leriiis aird are (loinirtlreir Work in a quiet, orderly irranner. \Ve hope the time will soon come when the ofï¬ce will Nil; lbe man. not the man seeking: the ( ï¬ice. .l. Melicali l‘isrp, lt'l't l'oi' Illt‘ west last week. to r cu;‘fllll‘l' his lengi stay inthe house, from the et'iccts of the accident ht- met with. Dr. Keith. has been very busy this . sprinbr requiringr more than one horse to do the \rork of visiting his patients. The (lheese Factory. under the earr- of Mr. S. Uassey, is doing a good busi» iress. Mr. )I. (il'l‘ig. the blacksmith, doing a rushingr business. (liitariostands [list in the confederâ€" nt-y. \Vhy ask for a changi- \‘ullt’ll I)l'tl<llt‘l‘ll_\' prevails~ iir our great l’rov ilicl- under-the administration of the liths’ (lover-irirrent. which should be returned to-day with a good majority. â€"Q.¢.____. EVERYBODY SHOULD READ Testimony “’Mrlr §EI01T5 the Great Value of 93'. finalitth “’ouderfnlmtllc Heal Vista. Dr. Clarke’s Little l-‘ed Pills cur-id mi-ofchronicrlreumatisnrai'ti-r1 had been given up by the doctors. “Art-h- i ~:rh| \Vilson, merchant, Sault Ste. Mai ie. r. There is not remedy for rheumatism. or for building up the system. equal lo is Ul'. t‘larke's wonderful Lit ! le lted I’ills. I would not. be without them l'urtlreir weight in goldâ€"J. J. Brandon, Ferre- lon Falls, Out. I can tliruthfully say that, Dr. t‘larke’s Little ‘it‘tl Pills have done me more got (1 than airy other medicine I have ever taken. Mrs. Orison It. stey. \Vatervillc, T. B. There is no remedy that is equal to ‘ llr. Clarke’s Little lied I’ills [or nerv- ous troubles. rhernuatism. or" kindred .liseases.â€"\V. H. Robertson, Managjn ling; Editor Daily Times, l’etcrborouglr, Ont. . I)r-. Clarke‘s Little Red Pills cured .me of rheumatism altcr Ill years of constant striferirrgâ€"J. B. Ainroui. bookkeeper Toronto Junction. Dr. Clarke‘s laminar Pillsare a Cei “a cure for rbeirnrrtisin, asthma, paralys's, (‘atar-rlr. cczmrm, ('otlgllr}. backache, indigestion, stomach and liver troubles, femalecoiriplaiirts. even when the diseases have been standing; l’orrnany years. Price 5d cents per box. For sale by \V. A. rdander-son. l.)ru gist. The Canada Chemical- t‘onrpany, Peter-borough, Orrt., will i l'orl'eit $10 for any case that these. pills do not help. ‘ llr. Clarke’s Sure Cure for t‘atarrh. and ill-.(llarlie’s Sure (‘ure for Eczema. same price. $10.00 will he paid t‘o' any case they will not cure. “is-mum“ Rain and sweat ":1 ‘rzve no effect on harness treetth -~ l‘.‘ :I : 1'1 \‘xith Eureka Har- hit-’8 ‘ m5) ()il lIt rc- ““Q' «i 5 lb (amp, ,7" . r psil»~nlb-ï¬"§?ï¬b rev awn app,†‘ 2,... “‘45:, .3 iii 1c. St. ‘rcs \L’ a do no: bunk. a1 Ii 3 rough sur- é’iiqrii a. 13cc to draft: R \ \ F amicui. 'lhc/%;:}<fl new, but \5 Wears twice harness not as lcn: by the I. u. '\ 2». only lzceps loo n; like- u,:c of Eureka harness (.‘LL A ‘lr-gh {“iaV-r'jrzl Sold (verywhcrc in cansâ€"â€" nll sizes. Made by imperial Oil trial ‘I Etta J an; ti 9.. a U' 1 The sixty-second annual meeting of the (lore Fire Insurance Co. was held lat Gait on the 25th of January, Mill. The total income from all sources was $31,924.60 and the disbursements amounted to $1tltl.tll8,33 leaving: $31,- l 13"llll2 as the balance to the credit of lilre year‘s transactions. Out of this the directors have decided to make a ‘ refund of 2“ per cent. on all monies re- ceived from the members of the Corri- parry. The total assets of the company amount to $433,523.11 of which 55 )5,- Illtl.ll are in cash or cash items. Tire total liabilities amount to li‘;|\‘ill;_‘; a balance of assets overall liabilities of $375,813.91. Reserve for l‘t‘-lll‘illl'RnC(:‘ and ‘ other liabilities $33Jlllll.zlll. Total assets available to payv losses $4133.82 {1 l. The amount of irssur‘unce in force was $13.t577.927.0‘d. ’l‘hi- {lore isan up»to~date IloineComâ€" I puny an:l is noted for its broad policies ' l libel l settlements. t‘all. write or phone J. T. Saigeon, Maple P. 0., if needing insurance. Explaining the. form of policy issued by the Gore costs nothinï¬. i ‘ †:lievci-ir ll lrveni tromeahnt will 1 .ry l --’ them from $510 5 ‘ per day. Some: have est.“ I n . .- i> ~‘ in r. day. Either sex. you“: or old. tnprtal an r i. i . You are surml free. Time whore:HK at once In “winkfl sun: at snug Lituu lemmas. All it new. #â€" all mlds In puree. but those vnq write Stimson & (‘0..l’orllmrd, .‘lnlne,wrll receive free. full infurmanon about work which $53,009. 2o 1 P ._o 13â€". axis Green Helleloore Insect. Powder B G. As cheap as Consistent with purity a t it lue Vi trot action "Powder 0 .msidera Lion. innarnso rdigaaocaoh IDi'ugg‘issitg '___lli>C_lil\/i0l\il] WHILL w. HEngm‘l, 1 q H Git“: C HOUSE Pain 191‘, (3-1: Hanger. ails from a distance promptly attended to. TER, q; 6.". a RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL 6 o a $3.83 ill ï¬llllfli‘lfl" 8 WILL RITN $111 â€" v- 7 ' '1 v home Seeks... s .m- mica. TO THE (‘ANADJ-AN NORTH- \\'ES'I‘ AT ltli‘l‘tdtN FAltl'lb'. lc-rinu l‘loo- .‘j r XorlLLJH Winnipeg “column... Estevan .. Rice" . , . . . . Areobt '. Moosoinin \Vlnriinosu ' illllr‘t’lll‘lil )linrota (lraii-lVir-w Swarillivcr Straiheana... ., d, Pt tllillill. until \I' .l' ‘1‘ tin-m4 .li'\'lI (loincJI'Nl‘ tall l’till or H 8. All“ ta‘ ~it L’ltlui OIlS Is This ill/“hat You Want “.7 If so I will b»- pl'*.‘i.=i‘d to show you some oft in be»: lllitt‘lllll‘“ tirade. 1‘ lbav.‘ in stock [in 4:- Llll'Vl'llL‘ until .\('..t'h'l‘ L‘Talr Ill: ra.l or S H N "a Alber Ll. (land coinec'JtTLY l‘irlr, rettii‘nrinv un- . n n- F > 3. tilSlZl'l’lZMlHulr‘ rr-rn in 1 rat or s s. \Ibi-rtnl. btaflma; (‘1 tight] 3; Li'l-(ntdni'o not UI'l on “ [Inn-Will lairniovl l-‘oi lll‘ltl‘l‘l and pamphlets cilia-.1 Illll piirti ulnis. apply to your )rtiti‘t-ss L‘tzir “till†I’m . Agent, or to A. H NOTEIAN, \sst. Gen. 1‘: " -i?-l .-5o-1 w l-lAIlr') t7." .l’a a .. EH ,5 ":1. i‘lt‘r 1- an (it ,., .. 1 King; “it. lam-t, town“) (:3 J ‘2 t'.- A machine that will maiw i itirer lock or chain stitch, lli~i~t‘lt‘w$ motion and easy running. Also the . hiss? ay‘moad, l 'Oiii‘ of the best family irracliiires on the market; will sell llt‘AHr' To- ronto prices. The undersigned runs his wagons to ' Call and examine before buying else- rl‘Ol‘clt ON ’1‘ at) AI‘ZVERYâ€" or Paperâ€" TUESDAY AND FRIDAY W. “35?. Parcels deliVered or (‘ollt‘t‘lcd iii any part of the city or ii ay be left. at. the lli'onn‘s Livery Stable... George St. Coal, Wood and Slabs at lowest pric and delivered on shortest notice. J. Showdown. where. I have also two or three Second hand machines, which I will Sell cheap. STQREY Tiara site. ’8 Coal Coal, hard and soft, lard wood and abs. Delivered on shortest notice. M IUI’IA I'll. BROS. Richmond Hill. cSi ‘ ALI-E'va - A 'nv- ya;- ._;.r;yw. "W's-an ‘ 1")“ if? ‘ :‘ufir “. {nth-131‘! - ' wizw‘w- s: .1 m‘t‘i‘ . “iii-45:32“ “9 If . in ' a. can tell you. you neej a scale come and see this one. It’s Time to title, l‘ux'o ure. READY MIXED P.\il\’i‘.~â€" Dip your brush N0 trouble mixing. no v .4. guessing at the shade and sold at 2?": and .351: 11 you want to rave int/um. in Points f; and Oizs bllh is this house where you’ll do it. and go right. ahead. quart. the une and benefit (i one better than no But wha: we are pleased to tell you is our verv 10 4‘ prle of $25 for a. ï¬rst class 2.0130 1h. scales. Paint If you prefer to mix- your own points we can rll||1|l_\ you with the \\ hire Lt all. Dry Lolors, l‘riie ’l‘nipeu- Linseed Oil‘s. Struightgoods, full weight. and measâ€" E T #7411? .‘V‘i-‘fl-Wflw is j, sh ‘. W (:3 (ll 6:» 0:: (1% C3 1‘ 44A. 3“; 4» Brush for 15 cents. HE the best article for spraying your hen houses. [or- protecting )our animals from flies, for spraying \001‘ plants, bushes and rubs. It. will pm for itsrlt many times 0\' o sell it for FIFI‘Y CENTS. An Extra Goodâ€"Whitewash 7 in, wide. metallic hound, a splendid brush -- for collar or other or urpirr‘ativelv rough work. . We have a splendid line of higher grade kal- somrne bi ashes, rightly priced. up to $3.50 on. CYCLONE SPRAYE R fowl and er. Paris Green 109% Purity Poor Green is worsothtiu none at all You are out your time. money and labor. When we buy green it's not pricclbut quality ï¬rst. lastuuij all the time. that we look for. We have priced our Green at EIGli’l‘EEN CENTS A POUND. _ BLUESTONE. 50. lb. in ICU lb. lots. Helleboro. Insect Powder. v5WW€$$$W The Russ _ 'Qeeeeeeeseséémeee l3 3 HRE YEN GET PRT EBVSSE, Every Farmer Needs a Ton ‘: ' Scale You kuOW‘ ï¬ï¬‚ Ellery Housewife Needs a GOOD WRINGER. get one If your old one is Worn l at, g. t a. new one \‘So have a splendid megs of val- ues. starting with the well-known RUXAL ('A .\ AUlAN at 'l “'0 DOLLARS upwards he make specialty i i‘ rr-pa. (rug ui'iageisvthe Le- t v. orli at u. wctiei‘ste price}. Your Wife Should Have a Set of Mrs. Pot-ts’ Irons. f, x â€" Three irons if e}. var led ‘Z'r'lkllli, a. de- ’ ; Am: ' beehnblcbandit-amid iron sI-nuir lunlio u. the MB “limit a“ sell for SEVEN] Y FIVE (‘ES I‘S. l x ru lieu Hund- les, lOtents tacb. Butter Prints. One round size, stamps the butter with a neat pattern. Good be. r aloe, \\ c are sell- ing them special at l 150. each. Rutter llowls. Ladies and all requirements at lowest prices. Grimm’s LYE, 80. a tin. V Three Big Bars Imundr'y Soap for 250 DAY & M \B- TINS celtbmted Shoe Booting. reg. 5c; we {are telling two for 54:. tiiodres Pins, 5 damn for 5 cents Stove l’oliso, 10c tin for Household ammonia, it c pt. bottle. Sapohnï¬s. hlï¬tcll-I es, 104: it box. A rzoml three string broom, reg. 20o value we sell for-15¢. This are many lie 5 Iilie these you’ll ï¬nd in our stock at money ssvmg prices. GARDEN, TOOL-S. Good reliable eoolw. Canada's best molters' , goods. Rakes We, lloes 25¢, Fpades. solid steel,l’50. Carrot, Turnip and Union Hoes. Weed Cutters, Ditching and Draining Spades. Willow Butter Baskets. The ltiml that s‘ands the wear and teenlor \l'fli’S Al- ways looks clean our! fresh arduruktisyour ' batter bring two to three cents a pound more than it; would liring in any old has- Lot. Rpm-uer goods. lowest pricw. ' can a i“ STREE ; * urn 55=es<“' ..-- ill) VAWES MID ENTEEE SATESF ï¬llflirl. If you haven‘t one. _ dware @o. ., T0. ‘ '. ï¬â€˜ï¬'ï¬c 'JIA - - '. . "MM ' - ..‘._q7, -.. .{M‘Jï¬zfl‘fl' “aâ€. l CARPENTERS’ TOOLS. This (L pertinent. is in charge of an expert in this I no. \\ o sit-c. Ille- best iiiukts oi' tools land our price: are out hr the lowest notch. A 9 save you money in tools. Wagon Trimmings, 1 ‘3. A 'splendi line of hooks and rings and cen- tre irons for \vliildetmvs uh .lUt: each. 'Gvood Whitï¬etrecn, Feict‘ttd arcrnd growth hicaory. really ll‘OnGJ lor imocuiate ube. Suecinl pricoo m. l‘lr‘l 1’ CENJ a each. t-o‘il bra: 5‘ each. Bull Rings, Bull Punches, Bull Snaps, Cattle Leaders. \Vo have . every- ~â€" tluug \ on need in this line. r E . Hpé . Ringer 85 each i‘ Curtain Stretcher Clamps. (m A Di Hang up your flat and Coat ;;7 .Jyfor ONE CENT ' FIF’I‘EEN CEN TS a set oi‘ tour. Can also he used on quilting - framers. " Coppered steel wire Hat and Coat Hooks. » Can be placed any- “M to each or 1.: o for five cents Window Glass. ‘ We carry a most complete I stock in this line in 0rdm- ‘" ' l ury, Fancy and Plate Glass :- When you want Window " , ~(Minis hay in our money snv- .3. [DE prices. ‘