Keen's L best Jupau 'tore years fectin npem- Cxpu being son & Switzor. “ \V'illing; \V'm-kel-s†Missiun Bind inâ€" tend celebrating the day by a. Lzuvn Social to ho held on the lawn of Mr. Paulin, " Dutferin Grove.†The mem- bers will be pleased to \velcumu all who wish to celebrate the Cuwuation uf King Edward VII. Fuller notice later. ive ; hure the New desired. been L " \ViH M1: 5 mm-kvt day air and liit and M‘ spwnt ' Hamill ill Mrs daugh Mrs. Mill mow-d to H' 13319 cit ins house“ m-k Day. to be $110 Tin-y Humo‘. o’clock prizes day Min and all Suddul preach: rull M. mm min the. nterc: L‘his ls of Ann day \\‘ Muhmi Mr. and I _O_1-illi:‘l spl-nt M is e\'L‘l) dnys in {[1 Miss M. Kt- Richmond Richarde .- stoodâ€"Riel); punk-(1 by :x 1' 21th with his has 1‘ John llll T110 \‘ home (If next, Tu Mr span l-ll Mr. spent VVond At t1' 3 “Pl 1mm Miss has he:- Mrs. W fI-w (luvs ‘ MP. and Mrs 1d Mrs. Pvu-x Fire b‘r-igm Next, Mundu: iutl DIV. ( J'le 1y: 'l‘l and Mrs T. Hicks and thn :I of ’l‘muutn; and Mrs. Crli glner spent, the holiday wit! Sin-1's, the latter I'emuiuin Miss Ili' vvx- were spring stock so nttrm-t- all the new dross goods ideas are Atkmsun & Switzer. imum s L. Harrison, fornmrly who has been in Starr‘s in vameu'kei fur the p is taking charge of :1 n m-ry and grocery sm is i-efers to Miss HEu'ris‘nn u tuvurubly known in Ncwum; (In mum lured by M Kn‘iUl ( My w {ll Oxford Blue in 1 Rice, 70. 1b.: 0 mts, 31b. for 2 Epwurth League service Friday evening. am (’3lM-Tiu g prngl-uuune will he gin .1 ï¬rst missionary meeting ear, so at full attendance '(hu ier HM UP and M Lsgwut {rum \Vil :uluu ill he er the Rvdditt of f the town nude a visit relativvs : \mes 'q uhn ndist (V‘huréh md evening. (If 'il f. E. W with frie up Cunmhs. Principal h School, czuma down lit-the day with his Lug‘nter who are m: A Mr. and Mrs. J. in I Ill Di Snlldulw In ni '.'|H kin SH uhhi Itiun Day, 1 3» PW? aND H [Li sun and I“ k ‘(rruntu ([1 Mrs Hill umj( \\'i L h M 1' (:hnlls wrign '. H pm End 1d rot inn-l ‘urnnlu,sp f Inst, Wu I'llill €11 mutt; s (L: with ppurd an ml may ; pal-ml of J un Hey is epvndi nds in anunh luy 1-91 lctice and meeting ing. a ilv Jollda with ud f1 will my wiLh well r SUI] u i lbs., 5a.: cleaned Pal- 25c. Atkin- I'IH u ml Lyons. I’l‘h 11H? liSS JJ‘ 9 RI“) w [ill 2mm hnxttm of h Mr. and past two new con- .m'n just lll lay; the Band in- ;1 Lawn children, 29. 1902 Ids (H tron .lis wif muiiin: Smde Th 0L {tn \Ve-d I my rel iLh )I‘OU 1n! fun], '5. Jnhn :L In con wash {béu lll 1t v to iully H “d M rs. UVL‘I been \‘vw this ‘iety ng )l‘l‘t has tvillx ntive tn 1'0 \' t Cum John \V twr “11) (In 1U ( the [(1 Ill 1nd A quantity of Red Elephant seed otatoes on west. half lot 25, 2nd con. ’augban. JOHN SAVAGE. 454 Richmond Hill P. O. Dam dute‘s 1 gnthvr illli. ten stand at. the rear of i1; judgesund all those wlu plimeunuy imdges wen from and the proceeds ; $217. Mr.J. H. Sanders chairman, and nthungh little talking At, times the whole was gnml. and WE an all concerned. The Geneml’s Bu-ly Guard 13.†three times in the ï¬rst pmgrum, and their 3919‘ A Puh‘nic meeting in th Mr. J. W. Mnyes was hela sunic Hall an Tus-sduy w hull platform was due flags and pictures, and t} crowded, many people cu special curs, nm-th and J. H. Sanderson acted as c the speakers were M r. A. 11am, Mr. T. L. Chm-cl) I)L1n(:;|1|,1-ee-\ v of York; L\'I:u:loan, M. P., and Mr. Muyes upnn rising to spa sentod with :l. Im-uly lmuq Miss 0mm Ludford, (1:111; Thus. Ludfurd. The me with clwers fur the King and Mr. Mack-mu. The concert, given :11 Hall on the on Day, undul- tlm auS'r cultural Society, \vu hy the public. The was well taxed, at the :md lmxe er. hvvh xvnt, out. culling n confl (nu: nf Me‘thlvdists. Cullgn-gntilmulisLs and I’reshytol'iuns nf (hi5. district, to (‘01)- sider whether some nwnns cannot, be devisedhf promoting u sentiment in favor of cluse-r lminn uf tln-se (ls-nomin- unions. The cnnl‘elenco will Ire livid in Melville Prnslwtmriun Chm-uh, ($111 concession line of Markham, threw-- quarters (If :1 mile Monday. tht- ledl The meeting will lde. Suits :lnth 'l‘ms “L ‘25 ( grnund fn's l’riute “rilsml, Walt“- thI w! Prinr‘ipul's 1 the folluwin Hun. Pres Presidunt,‘ fur 2250.; Atkinson an car on Suturduy MN. Hannah Mortnn died at; the residence (If her daughter, Mrs. Rnuh- en Pugsley. one mile West- nf York Mills. on Thursday. 22nd inst. Dv- ceased was in her 75th year. The fu- nvntl touk place at h(‘l' hnme nem- Quevnsville, the remains passing through here on at Special Motmnnlir. w i chr. wed. 31"os. A numb mxzcd an 5 PFC] h Vice-Pres., Huzv Sec’y-Tx'eas., M is HL’fk'l't’r'. Mr. 0. A mvetin )t- Bu†AR 4 cans Chnic mser Rive-1 CCNSERVATI VE 1h. A11: UNION Ul rim-sun’s chuc 5, and 300. ll). Dandy, Empire chocolates. I ‘s, 100. each. fur Spril ring of all Dry Goof ing and 1 a new Bx SUI MARKHAM COUNOILLOR in the “ excel t} ng. Th h'mm-i . mujunty DIED AT Y )RK MILLS. )her (if teams I) md pl'ncbico has For Saie [If :1 mile north of the 2nd at Junv, choice C(Il'll fur ‘} Rive-1' R911 Such ‘\I l THE CONCERT. :ert. given in Lhu .1 $10.50 I!) hinn has alue nmv in nm-nl ‘1â€(13UC. 11).; and sh for you, :IL 20, :msun & Switzer Sikh-m CHI ircul nut Im in] I. Im‘EIy [milquet udford. duughte‘ rd. :Thv [um-tin witz lbs ASK! gummy accon the large :qu xssie Irving’s and Mr. Hurry ill‘ld again in ut, every pl-l-f. ms forced Lo 11 [c Miss Alice m adept in s nces, and Mrs Mills never rillim m] uï¬) ‘s. JSt‘I‘l'y witvzer. rah fth kinds ()1 an}; Boyle; 17ml Swirzvr: L‘Vl‘llil Vuspicc was lecnl'utvd with aunt} the pluce was )L'ople coming nu the 1111 and south. Mr. Lute‘d as chairman, and 9 Mr. A. H. Birming- Chm-cln, Mr. Henry E York; Mr. \V. F. 1116 Mr. Muyvs. Mr. b‘nrnt in!) er more mtiue 1 SH \V i I nun-d 1 fur [ht- rhn Hal P {UI’UM‘ ls “'E that on) linary r Hence ()1 ‘xm'thof Unsht-l, (m ,Junv, at 2 p. m. be open to every- Ml ['5 ‘.V F [‘1 PD Y. 22nd inst 70Lh year. TI at 1101- home ISS special Moti‘npolif Himsuu ‘ Hurry Rich was 1h) in humorous y pl-rfunnm- on ad to respond to Id in ill ul ‘UlCU Ramsay in skirt, Irish Mrs. Ramsay cmupuniuwnts ‘th grace and evenin variety: tul nip Nuughtun )ll )Hlk was pre- lqll‘ct by little ughtm' of Mr. .JL‘L'tillg closed g, Mr. Moyes :X L[ Keith 1c Agricultur- of Vzcturin, Ind in just. to hand ll) lul’lt‘ “ L‘ll Atkinson vlll rsuu's Jan-s, Alnm 'nmvl ulws’ :unoillur to Mum - vncuut 0d by J. (-ss‘ions. ; Clerk. 1) onfvrvncc nudists : rict. to C Ive- been 01'- hvgun. rmuly-mudl )f the fuln-in nullishw’l 1w pm- and M 1" was clocu )l‘ Schtml I315; ln-ld in [Le 22nd, wlun inth m the elucut‘inn- ' Rich \vus humorous the. A nm'un 1(‘1‘ I! ï¬ll :nntiun 114d r no vn- L-ugmm. , iu the . The :upncity had to cLed cticul duusvs G 2 (runs Sal nn 1n Wt Ml Switz mun Um 'm‘ Tn m n uï¬f'ol’. “ship 11M- Jillv 11113 in and ind (1' The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Chester white hogs, lot 32,451: con. Markham (Thornhill) has for sale some good young stock. ’I‘hnrqugh-hred 1m“ and hug kept The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds (if casting in the jublï¬nglino. Binders, llliIWH's and implements (f all kinds x'cpuil-vd on shuttest nntice. Plow Points, Sule Plates. Gang Plow Shares, eta, made and sold hm-c. Steel Hog T1 oughs, any length, made to order. Prices right. All kinds of wrought or cast iron talgen in exchange. Thnmugh-hu for service on t} Eiager’s Foumh'y. Large Hm, plenty nf shade ; lst. con. Markham. Apply to, 7 THE {1'4 3'( Cur-(ling, Spinning, “'em‘ing and Manufacturing dnne as usual. 45-4 tiade for a. number of years, and Would say that we are prvpared to do the same this your. \Ve have always made it a specialty of making our \vunlleu goods out (If pure wunl, using neither cotton, shoddy noi- inferior stock Uf any kind. \Ve haven good stock of Blankets. Sheeting. Flnmwls, Cloth, Yams Hf all kinds, and selling them at l(l\V(‘l‘ prices tlmn (\vm- lwfure: in fact we will mi. lu- uudk-rsuld by any une for tiu- same quality of goods. Have illSU a gnml stuck of sucks, pine wnnl, fulll-d, which makes them warm- m-, softer- and lieLtm' Lhzm hunwâ€"mzu‘lo, wunl, Tlllh'd, \\'lli(‘h makes them warm- (‘1', softer- and l)eLte1'Lhun home-11121310, prwcialed by every one who >sees t‘rlb‘lll,z!l1ds&‘llil)g them from 150. to 300,. per pairâ€"and will knit nther sizes tum‘der. If yml have gut any wool to sell or trade for wnnllen goods. m‘ to be manufactuer gt) to Alum-n \Vunllen Mills. \Ve appreciate your trade and will do the best we can for It is nm ’ an acknowledged fact that we have been paying Toronto price fUl' \vnul in cash, and 26. per II). more in tlzlde for a. number of years. and would say that we are prvpnred to do the, same this your. \Ve have always made it a specialtv of making um- bunn appointed tn :nui‘ mg Agent fol-Mr. John \ . Moyt didnte fm‘ thv ngiwhtivv fun-tho Prm'ince of Ontario. the 29thofMuy,1902 No Matter When Mu)‘ \Vlwrens my m'ulmut, the 17 my bed and In ruqmn, I herd will not he l'Psp( accounts coutrm date. Nt'ticc is hereby given that Mr. \Villinm J. VVullucu of Tm-nntu. has buvn appointed tn :zui‘ ns’ Financial Ma y 26, 1902. Shop open tillc’b‘. S. B. LEHMAN & SONS, Taunsbu. June Gâ€"A ucliuu‘ sale (1 lot. 2nd con Vnuglmu. ho] «male of the late Mm. Funny 1 at 2. Terms cash. Saigebn auctioneers Fn)DAY.JuneGâ€"-Auntinn sale of ‘ cattle uh tho Muple Leaf Hotel at 1. Terms “momma. Suiue auntimmers mo Palmer} months. Sn Tnunsbu, June \\ aux-Emmy. .11: Tliat’s what you need; some! thing to cure your bilious- ness and give you a good digestion. Ayer’s Pills are liver pills./ They cure con- stipation and biliousness. Gently laxative, Md,†,- SUNNYSIDE FARM ll. 49-tf 45-3 Ssziubscrébc 1'01- you shear you:n sheep, but wash them clean, and shear before the wool becomes ootbed. 26, 1902. PASTURE Liver Pins A .H 5 HA, GRIT. NAUGHTON BROS. h-hrvd lmil on {he prvn Sale Register: .‘EOTECE D. G. GOODERHAM, Pinprictor. ark Em i go. 17th (If \V. MAGER, Prop JAM ES MASSIE untinn min of a car load 01 uple Leaf Home}. “Mlle Sal: months. Suiueou dz McEweu J AM ES H. NIGH, To PATEHT Good Ideas T'ns‘imo fur any hi1} ted by her zlftvr LIBERAL FHE °"EHT RECORD, Baltimore. 11d. & Mu! {cum-Hing Ofï¬ce) W. Noyes. :1 (fill1~ islntivo Assamhly Ontario. E rction Th‘ may be secured by our aid. Address, quality of k of suck Mary Nigh, on ‘ May, 1902, 1th without a good r0 notice that I 1‘ fur any hiHs 01‘ 'ictorin Square 3wrn. nu Elgin MiHS y Churn-nu. huli ‘un & McEwcn f a car 10ml of behumgle Sale a tm‘ 48-3 {l1 :1 and this the V‘Kzf: J anai Pm The fewer repairsthe better. There is little call for Deering,y repairs because Deering’ machines are strongly conâ€"- structed ; are built of ï¬rst-class material; are made by thorough mechanics; are made by the largest harvesting machine manufacturers in the world; are light draft and built to stand the most trying work; made in the following sizes: 3%, 4, 4%, 5, 6 and 7 ft. cut. Sold by Jacob E378? 80211, EM Everything in Photograr. 40 inch hard ï¬nish Dress Serge, 2E Ludies’ Patent Leather Bell's, leg‘ Shvtlnnd and Omhye Floss. (i and Cuats’ host, 6 cold 200 yd. Spvuls, A Black Mervm'izvd Sateen, 15. 20, 2. Turkish Bath Towels, size 24x52, 2 mama with Sprj Enamiest Styles! de-wfla . Eï¬c'ï¬anald, Richmond Hi3; fflï¬mmm in Photographs, Portraits, Grou Houses; Interiors, Etc. \Vork done in all Districts. Call and make an appointment Cutler, Richmond Praiseâ€"'unstinted praiseâ€"has been showered upon the Spring Millinery here, and not one word of praise has been undeserved. Every whim of Fashion is represented. The most chic creationsâ€"the staid stylesâ€"41m low, medium and high-pricedâ€"all of fashion’s fancies ï¬nd ï¬tting expression in the Millinery here. See the variety of Fancy Straw Sailor Hats. Our stock of Staple and Fanc Dry Goods never was better value, not as Well assorted. We quote : Mam CE.“ HIE} mwgw; @‘EF'W' 1mm \Vonl and Rubber Knee- Rngs, Buggy Dusters and other furmshings, all rc- liuhle gnods, at, close prices. Umne in and let us talk horse goods a bit if in need of anything in my line. nblo when the right lLiind of harness is used. You Buy Wlselv Buy Here. Driver and horse both L5 and 20 and u] Wing’s ï¬ichmoï¬ 111m; “mam raits, Groups, ‘ .n'd. ' 356. f( skvi n. (102. 300. yd. 25c. each. for 250. E‘Sï¬uiï¬o. sm'w ’3 1??" "23.9. R9. if You ] comfort-