Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Jun 1902, p. 1

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i... m VOL. XXIV. “ "@532 filisul ” IS PUBLISDDDEVERY THURSDAY 1\’[OBNING ATTHE LIBERAL PRINTlNG 61 PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, our. ‘1‘. F. McMAHON. EDITUR Jr PBoPiiiEroB. BUSINESS CARDS. Mini. . "Wuâ€"RTE. ’J. S’l‘UBBS, 'E‘iioi‘nliiil, .._ . ,l y .1 1 ate Mailis'vt olivnician at Western and Grace oapimla. l'Jl‘ull'mCI. 0:110.) Hoursâ€"S to 10 u in; 12 to 2 p in; 7 1.01311 Lu. iilnial. W" m. Rogers B%\\\I\.S\, Room 12-, 12% Victoria St. Toronto. Best fitting leech, also replating, at lowcsr prices. Good work. iii. if; 11.. CUiiiiiii, Elicntisg (Successor to Dr. Cecil Trotter) 035‘ a clloifi: Bldg” Toronto. cor. Yong!) and College Stun, Toronto, ,. vSVill be in Richmond Hill every \Vcdiiesday. Ofiicc:â€"cht door south of Public SchooL Office liouisâ€"Fi-oiii 3.30 a.ii1.,'1. W§.tccmmf ,n . . oewz'iimry VETERINARY SURGEON â€"â€"AND_ VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, Gruduibe of tho Ontario Voici'iiiai'y C5110 a with illplmnzi iron: the Unuirio \‘otcrin‘ ._ Drinml School. Will YlSIL Main.) on MouzLLV and Friday of \ren‘lr air: Conn-mil on b'i'iiiiy from 1 to J 11. in C s llL‘UUlllLl" tron-lei to. .Diséihih oi Loan. tile and umm-doiiissticntâ€" 0‘1filllulltllxll‘li'lfxdb} 1.1m lubcit- uni most: ap- proved Liiuilmds. . D H {I i JOHN R. CA1». 13.. n, ' VETERINARY SURGEON, 'l‘liiozi'nhill. Calls by islcphone from Richmond Hill charged to me. "fhâ€"r; \ 5 , WED if“ -" xix- al. DANljflll‘lb-Di‘l, VETEHiNAfiY SURGEON RICHMON TTILL ‘ Call; by 1111.): anal nigh: Iii-om;in al.- l:“ill(‘ll to. in. 923m: annermmm 7 ~ rm... _ ‘p‘W‘ g 3 .vmi _‘ ~ 5‘ Lia-3.: u: A? 77:! 4 144 o n: An. i "'i"' \"‘I'l" ‘ 11} 137.2; iLY l‘iLl'ilfth )3 vary Au 1. .~:1L-ila‘.ion for the thw- i-Euu: public. RICH. TWO ND 111).} L. wmm’m’ sseutials Libsrt 1 y , in all things, Charity." RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, JUNE 5, lQUB. G G S Illllllkl‘}, . , A (l I“ litivxriiinc W Ridoiit \\ (Lill'l‘VUl'tll Lindsey. Lawrence 8. Vi’adcworth, Barristersfiollcitcrs. Notarics, 370. Phone lliiiiii 2984 Home Life Building (formoi'lv Free- hold Loan Bldg.) 001. Adoleiidc 6:. Victoria 319., Torriiifo. LIBERAL (Jilin-c, Richmond Hill on Szi.tiinl:iys. . fl “iiMâ€"Vk'w_' jAS. NEWTON ISSUER MARRIAGE LIE :asrs, EEA’EEI’Q BETHLEJS EX. ‘ TEEâ€"34534 . NOTARY PUBLIC, CL‘MMISSIOEER 111 THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer oflfiarriaga Licenses. RICHMOND BILL l‘OfST OFFIIVJ L1- LENNOX & IiiOlliâ€"ljll‘l, Barrister-s and Solicitoi'o. Money to loan on land and chattel inortguvtes at lownst totes. E Aurora omenâ€"Removed to the old post offing, one door west of the entrance to the Ontario Bank. Nawniarlict omenâ€"Three doors south of the p‘Jth othuo. 133313121120 LENNOX. Gr. S'rV. .‘JuRGAN. _ Aurora. Newmarket n: . . n- l .- LOOK & MACDONALD Barristere, Solicitors, etc. TORQETO OFFICE: Fi-cchnld Loan Building. cor. Adelaide 6; Victoria Streets. Toronto. Mr. Cook will be at. Maple on Thursday Ilffii‘l‘nOOD of each week. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5° illifiriili. Ginsu & Bariislers, Solicitors, &C., 25 KING STREET WEST, TORONT East Toronto Office, Mr. GTE’””’-‘ .... .. residence, ’ Wendi-ridge, every evening. Fhornhill ,cac‘n Wednesday from 1010 12. I fimmmzmmmmcm .ll. ‘31. Pt crilfii‘u, Licensed Aiictionoer fortbe County of York Goods sold 0:) consignment. (Irinernl 118.165 01 atock one... oi-oznptly attended no cit reasonable rates. “cadence Uiiioiiville G .I: Goulding, Newton Brook, ageni for the uboro. J. T. Sing/Jon. J. K. Mollwen, Maple. Weaton. fizrigeon 4'2 "HCEH'Q‘H, Licensed Auctioiieeis for the Coiintyof York. bulesatnendeil m on shortosinoficccnd at reu- sonahlemius Patronagesoliciicrl. O STOKES Makes «3: Slough. D DLOUGD ‘. License A»: nears foz‘theCountyor'X 'spnrzil‘ull)‘ s . your patio: ..r- rind fci influence. an 1-4:. zine-111ml on t al. uni A l‘ebebilu «itoa. I’. 0.L1.L1UI{4... E. 5:312:21, Licoimed Alliliiiln‘Jpjl‘l-Ur the Cosmic" of York 9nd Ontario. Alina ' - handed to 1;: lenho. .511 iwiic-‘s llu‘l mt“. 1 my! hiiiiizi .aiLlOb a . ,. i RICHMOND HILL & THURl‘lli’llL l largcstw-l‘ of l'iin-Iml Fui'iiixlgliigs plat uni; N ram @33- KikE'filsw 158 irixo F’FREI’. 11.4w. Trivryio Eve BCCULumOfiill’lULl toqumzs. ‘ T'hc Next 1; "lliy‘ :il' lliVlglilll (“nu-l tor Ni). 3, [km-11:, of York. will iic licld i1. 1h:- (‘ouri llooiii, Coniuii-nciiiv' .iL 11) :1. in. -. > ‘ .. .7 ‘ncr cent. inurest . mo Irwin lii'operty. 1...quim ii: THIS LIEE‘JAL OFFICE? '1‘. Mcimriox, Puma; - i i Ramodellod. [in] newly furl: hell rhvmi -h: u I 0110 or the moat cum'enicm Imiels cii Yul re St er. 1 , \r-nience. Se. .ipla man‘s ‘ travellers. AL: i mil SCt‘i‘lel‘g picnic in- or driving 1mi'1ic< (001' returning 1' I presume door. Liv v)!‘ TE :3 s $1.0) r151: Dir. min :‘ALISER. - 1%i0 1123-1 013 (1 ll '1.- fi‘ ‘1‘.“ ‘ LA ilrlfiiii-Y I am prepared to do Family “'usbiugs. Gm‘fs' and Ladies' fine linen u F}?Ei‘l'lll)'. Work amu- uuiaedaud patronage éolicitml. 25-:1‘ l’lLLIE MAXWELL (‘ouncil iiict on May 23th as a Court. (if licvisiou. hlt'liilfl‘l‘s all picsciii. 'l‘hc llil‘lnlli‘i's having ‘ill(“ll ‘iho oathl (if (illicc pi-(iccvdl-d to lllltillll’SS. The following zipimals “’(‘1'0 allowed : John (liminbs, 1-0 M. Hall. :illowcd: A. D. lmiich, assessment. loivz-i-cd; H. U. Bailey. :il. 4\\'(‘(l; Jas. Kala-r, :illowotl ; Mi-a. 'Iiiilmlg‘e, usscssmcnt lower-0d; John Farr, Jas. Riiwnlroo, \Ym. liilkf‘l‘. 1111in (imhaiu, “Km. 11. Diconiaii, Jas. \Vaisnn, Jn‘in \V. Duncan, Isaac Bales and G. J. Lawric, allowed. The Court adjoui-ncd sincdic. Griunml then met. for gcnrwil buci- noses. Therm-w‘iii thc chair. Mem- bers all present. Minutes of last. meeting read and adopted. The following accounts were orderâ€" vd [o be paid : J. McBride, operating grader. . $25 54 Gco.1<‘ishci', wmk .. .. .. . 6 b0 Geo. Bowl-n, \i‘oi-k . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 5 00 A. T. 01'“). work with team .. .. 2" fit) J. L. Gard, Work with [cum . . . . S) H. Kaiser. work with [can] . . .. ('5 01) .1. Ireland, work with team it!) ’4 (:o‘ )l liiici'. Part 11â€" Lilian Carr. Flor- encc Goodi-i-hrmi, Tommy Robinson. Junior lIâ€"Gladys Ball, Irene Uhap- man. l’art l‘l‘idél. Carr, Georgie Robin- son, Nathan Chapman. Avcragc attendance 37. C9 S. S. No. 4, Markham Report of S. N0. 4, Markham, for the month of May: ‘ Senior Fouri hâ€"Alfrcd Stone, Stuart. ‘ RPzid. llus‘scl \Villizmis. Senior Thirdâ€"Foster Hickson, Roy Nolsoii, Anthony Nigh. Junior'l'hiid-rl‘lllzi (losgrove, Herb Kclly, Olin-mice Donor. I Sciiioi- Hw-omk Cluis,‘ioorer, Gertie iNc-lxmi, 1‘:4l(liL‘ Hiiiiili. Juuioi‘biccondi( 'rlam (losgrove, Jno. CoSgi'ovc, liolph \Villiiims. l I’ai t; ' hirdâ€"l‘Jaggic Baker, Ralph Baker. Part Secondâ€"Carrie \Villiains, R. , Iioi-iiei'. . I Part. Firstâ€"Nettie Stone, Wesley . Hoover, Jiiiiiiiic Cosgrove. F. W. HARRISON, Teacher. o Thornhill. A. Black, breaking sionc, etc .. (5 .87 .1. Murphy, tcaming. (:lC. .. . . .. 2’3 40, B. Grady, work on load . . . . . . . . ll 25' G. McDougall, Work on road. .. b‘ .01) D. \Y. Cllllllllv, work on road .. 11-1 (5 Mcllinh or; \Viiigcr, work . . . . . . . 4701 47 ' S. Ireland. opm-ating grader . .. 9 Ti H. Rumble, won-k, eic . . . . . . . . . . 7 ()0 “I Marin-son, {coming . . . . . .. 2 (.1) Baldwin 8: Cu, llllillN‘I‘ ...... .. 3.1 36 J03. Espcy, hauling gravel. . . .. 1:3 0:) T1103. (glass, hauling gravvl . . . ‘50 Bert. Glass. hauling gravel . . . . . . U (50 J. S. ML'Naii', liuuliii;.r gi'm‘cl. . .. ll 10 Roht. Janos, hauling: gravel .. .. 12 7.") H."zind9rburgh, hauling gravid. 11 (IS John Siincy, hauling gravel ... . 4- 50 H. Espcy, work . . . . . . . . . . V . . . . 7 (lil- \Vm. Jones, .worlc . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 0-1) D. Burns, work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 (i?) W. Burns, work. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 00 D. Burns, 3121ch . . . . . . . . . . . 17 1.5 bi. account, half by Brilli‘kl‘iulil Yongc to he paid Quite a severe Storm of thunder and lightning passed over this village Monday owning. A house Was struck by lighiniiisr in he ccntre of . the village buL il. did not. take fire. l i\[1-.John (ii-ice hzis purchased the store and business of 1311'. Ed. Gallanâ€" oiigh. The latter has taken a. house [whinging 10 Mr. Gricc in exchange. 1 EVPI'liuLly is. waiting for the annual picnic of Tl'llllLy Church, to be held in the Grove at Mineral Springs on [llt‘ Zili'ri of June. The village band will furnish music, and a good p11:- gl'illlil!)8(if ainusmuciits will be pro- vided for the occasion. Accoi ding to the liist draft of niin- istci-s lli-i'. F. C. Kcain of this place and Mr. ‘tcvenson of Newton Brook will exchange pursomigcs. l â€"-â€"-i0°~ News Notes. Wm. (‘h‘il’tcrlcv wor" .. . 3v“? '7! 5 . _ J 1 ~ .1 . , ,t,’ . if ,1. ‘. ‘ 172ml Lm Rice has been sentenced o in (Juice) 1: J, \ioik .. .. . . . .01.!) , . . . a . \v. I , . V . .. V . .i. «i x by (‘l‘ilel Justice balconbridge to hang ..1 LC! (.liriitiilq, “(11,. . . . . . . ~. ('1) l U“ “I f, . Y 1. ,1. 1,11, ,- Fri-(l Vanhoi-iw, [vise stone .. 14 ()0 U,“ V“; a; a“? £21”? 113“ (,el. 3mm 33mph“, hrmking Smut 5 3,) (gnllbtilbiu illumi Dlly.C in LlllL .im. Michacl (.‘illllll‘y,.lll'{‘ul{lil§_f StollO. 11 {71) John nix-Donald was on Monday 3- JPWW‘: bl'cnmng SWIM - . . . . » ‘3 CU'illillltlE’Ll lzil' Liial by Squire 131113 on J- JCWIU, Work . . . . . . . . . . . . .. u n a cliazgu vl' ,')"i'j'ill'y. McDonald is al- J. Lackie, work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 W lowed to have sLatcd that he was offer- I - i i. P ..- . Mr. Bell, brew-Ling: scone. .. ll (1') cu b.) as an inducement to vote at; the J. Coonihs, hrcaliiiig stone nod work ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 75 G. McDoligall. work . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 B. Grady, work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C» (.11) D. \V. Clubinc, woil; . . . . . ’i 50 The treasurer was authorized to pay Thus. \Yitty for damages to span ofhm-scs in Feb’y lust. Council adjourned unlil Tuesday, June 10, at 1‘.) a. in. o East York Refiurns The official returns of the East. York election have bccn gii‘cii out as fol- lows :â€" _- Richardson. Moyos. 1 Markham Vii‘m, 7, '! 31 Ni I5 ‘i i‘ 31} Markliziiii Towi; » $9 “ “ ., . . .. 7. .‘wfll ‘1 H l; . . . . . «i7 ~19 H H . . . . . 7:1 6S .1 I) I . I ' 6K (4 :7 > :2 u .s .- 1.1 f X) ‘i A‘ ‘5 i. (‘ 6E Stcufi’ville . . . . . . . *2 Richmond Ilill . . . . . , . . . . . , Tl East. 'l'iiioiiio,l . 37 “ “ L’ . . . . . . . . . . 45) Scarboi-o’, 1.". . , . . . . , . . , , . . . L". is i) In ‘J “ l . . , . . . I!) 1‘! “ 5 _ . . . . . . . . ;' L") y .7 2:5 ‘ . 1;? $1! ,, . I i 74 PM u 11) u Cl ‘ l‘ i.‘ ...; “ 2:5 is l' (S I Ricliui.l~-i 11‘s :1) Quiz}, 0:1 and rpialll. l'.‘ 1 p 3‘ Jam“ ' School l.-;i“i? v Sr-iifui‘ iii? .‘l i-mirlvilmm, AL: ‘lllf‘Llll L‘luhinc. .Ily l‘-I-_='ll.', ‘Xlllilll‘ Bull, lioigaii ll 1}.'. I Junior [\‘*.‘ :ifvTh'. Nun-I rdul Pugh, l.'ii'_ l." in « u. 1 Senior Illâ€"E'imi 1“; . ("hm-:1 llubiii- ‘ lsmi. Otto .l'illl“‘\. H“! ...i L‘lieiiiiiinii. ' St‘lllnl‘ 1!-â€"l.u:'1ic Gut/Ll!!! ll lill. . ' Herbie’:-lv)'. J Inter. llâ€"f~l..i'y Loii‘ii-y, liii)’ilii’)lli YiVGllll‘lC. 1 Junior- lIâ€"Jli‘i-tle ‘.‘.'wl;‘,;~ic. Sviiioi- Piil'l, llâ€"l’rmiilic Chant-11y, Emma Chapman. I‘lahli- L'haiu-ily. ‘ L‘i‘i i 'i lust. election for Hon. E. J. Davis in North York, and R. G. Cali-others, iigaiiis'i \\‘li(.i.'l the accusation is made, is charging lillll with making and swearing to zi false statement. Fine laccs, Victoria lawns, India. linens, Urgaiidy niusliiis, Swiss ("ill bi-oidei-im and insertions, and pearl buttons just. L0 hzind. Atkinson and Switzer. Jami-s Size of Unionville, was ad- iiiiiLi-il to the Gmwral Hoqfital on 'l‘iichay night suffering fiiuu a. bullet wound. Thc wound is said to be the ,1 1‘(‘sulti(li"('2!1't‘lf‘"l handling of a pi<tol (in the part of.“ 7.“, who doc-3 not Salim“! any (li‘x‘ll‘k‘ lo lull; about ilic case. The, hulh-L mum williin a i'i'aclion of an inch of p!‘il(‘l!':‘.llll"‘ the brain. a __‘.Â¥.> .9» A REM KABLE STORY. 1 ("m-2 Lexus: F 1 1311192155 . X55235? N. .. l‘.\" g‘i’uuiiimt dlSCOVI‘l'll‘S “film; of .w-liolj (If human sullcr- iiig. l'i’l’lllllm' llllli‘,‘ takc so high :1 iilziov as Dr. Cllll'lil‘S liililc lit'd l’illri. 'l'hi- {oi-111111;). l'n-ili which .‘hcm pills .il'L‘ mind“ the 1'(‘Slll[ of “Hilly :. uni-s wi‘ «fully and L‘Xpi‘l'llll(‘lll.. \\‘i‘i. ilu- l"l'k‘.‘ill"~l ('mfi-lo-iii-cliii'i'vi'iii'(‘. : ’ihnL ili<~ plow-minis iilricv llll'fil‘ pills on ll'.“ 11:..1 l-'('l. 'i‘nl 1m ~:ili.~-.i! 1‘: 21‘.“ Hwy 1‘51me llil'.~-lll;: to sillâ€"l ' .lilillll11)' :irilii‘ the 'i‘ii any «111‘ who is '1 i iiuriliuii inn ll'éllll'l' ‘ shiii'liigu (‘1‘ any blood r»- i‘llll‘llr'l'il'i‘ll llk’l‘WV, aiirli \\ , '\‘ in. l‘lwik‘s \‘.‘iui(lci'i'iil Lillha lie-1 l‘ill~' a lliir :vrnl iiiipui-iiiil trial aizd (ll! lim‘ 13141 :I [ii-iiva tiii'c, \ic will 1'!- l'uitl (lit i-iui‘i: "ll\l i'rn' iii“ pills. If. 1:! ‘-',"i l.:l‘ll:l i- E, uw “1.. i'l .ii.«;':i<r:i pay 511') in (wish , ('ll \':l:\lu‘ mi \'1*\lilL'!]Ce lM lug suppli- i’il'i.\lvi:l :l. l \‘i‘u hm. )‘i‘l lo lillfHVhf :isiii::lv 0:15” i \x‘liwii- 111mm \'.'i~li(li'l‘flll pill have ll' \l'l’ii l'i‘i'll :1‘ iii. 1 viiiiimly stir-vv-r-‘Eiil in :1!» £71111: .1 ('lll‘t‘. PANAMA ('llliMl- (LU. k'il. l’cti‘i'i.iriwiigh, Uni. 13i.(‘l:i.l..~‘.~ Liiilu lii‘ii l’ills l(,'ill«.‘ i'ivi- l'll“lllllilll<lii, aséhum, l‘nil'. )2' warn-1h. ('L‘ZL‘llHl, coughm liar-lamina ini' iiHl], (mumm'h and; ll\‘('l'll‘1rl‘."il~\ . vlvciviiiiilniiils. (‘\'('D when ilu' v’.‘ h --"ii ~'i:iiiiliii;.,r I'ui' many 1'1 1’i~i"c 5.“ Wills jll‘l' filll‘rdlt' by \‘b'. A. t-luiiilci-suii. are (1 I i 15) lung r brunt-int. 111-. L‘lai'k‘s Sin-s- (‘iii-e frii- (hitairh. and Dr. ('lai-k‘s Hill-P Cure for 15: “inc. Sill!!!) price. $10.00 will be piiid for 211.;7 CilS‘: they will not. cure. iiisl~ ii!t:\'i,‘l.’ll’lll is (lllSI‘l'Y- 1. I.ill [.2 ,[Single copies, 3 cts. Emma: rmgmm . “l have used Aycr’s Hair Vigor - for over thirty years. 11 has kept my scalp free from dandrufi’ and i has prevented my hair from turn- “ ing gi'iiy.”â€"Mrs. F. A. Sonic, ' Billings, Mont. ... . .; There is this peculiar . thing about Ayer’s Hair ‘ Vigorâ€"it is a hair food, _. f- noi a dye. Your hair does :. ll not suddenly tum black, *4 looli dead and lifeless. - Butgraduallythsoldcolor ,. comes back,â€"-all the rich, . dark color it used to have. = The hair stops falling, too. 51.00 3 M39. All druggislii. « (ma; W 1m... i If your drug int cannot supply you, J sand us one do] air and we will express "‘2 you a bottle. Bo sure and give tho mime ' , of your nearest; express 011100. Address. . i J. c. AYER c0., Low ;m¥‘fgfi?§§~ El Gilli Whereas my wife. Mary Nigli, on ni‘ahout the 17th of May, 1902., left my bed and board without a. good reason, I hereby give notice that, i will not be responsible for any liills or accounts contracted by her after this date. JAMES“ H. NIGlT, Victoria Squarc. 48-3 icycles for gala nA Lady’s Socond~Hand Bicyclc, Uri-scent, only used one sczirson, good as new. Apply in LAURA DZ‘I“?{.‘.A‘.N. Richmond Hi'l .7 ,. m - " T? E? sing-3118.21 column. _§___ The next meeting 0! the Councilor the Munici- pality of Vmigzhrin will be held in the Town Hall Vellore, on TUESDAY, Jail: 13, "1902 (it 10 8.. in. JAS B Mo'fl‘AW Cler Any one having slich to clip will do “Will to have them (limo in 1hr, most. iiripi'm‘cd form. GuawiiIi-cil to save price of clipping, '11) ('t'lllfi v-avh, bv (-xti'a. Wool taken, lioiii 1-. l‘,~. 1w 1'; lizx. on ouch SllL‘Pp. \\'. VIA 1 The Illllli‘l'nlpll'Kl mu 1’ 11' stuck i'll ini 21', coil. .‘ ’;i: Muir). ’li'niy iii‘ walk-r. Till] Nli‘i "1‘le T.‘;Z{ZTY‘V3 AIDâ€"If iis'uml'" i... '1‘ â€" <" ‘ arm». Tire ' ‘Fnrl of 11918 , :‘ :' ll" pron-d L‘lmaici' whiz..- ll“! '. lv‘f ' ' . .mn. lilai'lLl'uiu (’l‘hui‘ii! ll, h. , . . : conic 33011 1~l114wl lzilll fin s l‘YlL‘C «>11 llic lumui-vs. 11. H. (D Hill: lill 1 iiiâ€"if “. .,-.,.,. _4 .. « .L. 1,1. .- ir.,... 7' . . llini'rili;_ :i;.-.| Thciiiidwi'éguul iv ,- nll kinds of Hui" ‘ ' {Ii 151:1'111 (,1. hurt-him; lids 1-:~}i:iirwl (ill alllill.’ m' 1)«)ll)l'~2, .‘wlr' Pla'uw. {1:11 ', vita, lltlltli‘ and sold li-'l“. +111 1'1 1‘11)g'§li.i'lgll\', anv li‘l!‘.fl ii.‘ “.dc in lil‘llF‘l’. ' lf'i‘inzcs right. All kinds of wrought or cast. iron {Ziki-n in (’Xi‘lllllljjv’. Shop (ripcii Lill r J. u'. MAGER, E’i'op (, Elm?

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