majority. _ Further on the Mail says: “ Liber- als in principle are coalescing with their Conservative friends to bring about; reform and establish free government; for the masses. The movement; that has been forced upon Liberals is bound to go on, because it is founded on righteousness, and is directed against an evil that is offensive to the people and danger- ous to the state.†The Mail’s reference to‘ “righ- of the machine of the most over- whelmingand startling character.†This The Mail is not ashamed to say though the Ross Government at time of writing has a majority of three, and every member of the cabinet was returned by a large the pa sible. of 1‘ hone 151‘]. recent election is “a c« of the machine of the whelming and sLm‘Lling This The Mail is not thc (lav T‘l ‘ ( R51; 0111 1111 1H) ,I 21105 n (1 id 11) .(e the best; of it Contlnunny I‘m ‘ul'itv, while t1 RmnMnN I‘HE MAIL’S IIYPOCRISY he Ma HESS J'evv Advertisements (15 one 11 in the That black USES W .iob'fu us here repeat, the Ross mom: is now in the lead, and xilnmy just; as well try to 1e best of it; and look pleas- G pack of thieves .lcklegs. Monday sample of what to‘ its readers lat paper speaks 0 avimr “clean G( ll’i two years and seven: The terms may not suiti ple who would exact the :of flesh. The terms are] II 1‘. IIIHCL Il’ work wa viduals fc ‘uld not I Dun 1nd the knowlu s colleagues work was dox iduals for w] .ld not be h‘ (W s that 21mmâ€, W :zfcn'od to as paragons the Grits are bran- of thieves and dis- Monday’s edition of what the Mail ; readers day after 01‘ speaks of the one “clean Government iilc their opponents ine nominees.†A- the result of the s “a condemnation Ji TI resorted to mis~ zavoring to show in West; Elgin kc saCrilege, and mangvbo will 1 his lips, while will be picking )F pire still keeps Lble charges a- ioss and his c01- are utterly with~ :Tories‘are be- June 11:01] vhose actions held respon- “1an 'De by OVGI‘- 0 (10 a Liberal of talk is op to such r the good The policy is a poor were com- 56 of Mr. whereas ,0 ï¬t the e for the (3 Liberal y in the fairly by actors, m policy so with 1 to say 3nducted 1902 011 one 0W 011501" bi)- righ- , and will W31 1e1'e aral 50D {L without a parallel the province. In sub-division in number of ballot; plied to the depub; and by them ham from which the l Hendrie, the Cons had been omitted brazen fraud yet 1 machine.†I been and honor have come together. The following are leading conditions in the terms of peace :â€" The burghei‘ forces lay down their arms, and hand over all the rifles, guns and ammunition of war in their possession or under their con- trol. Dutch is to be taught in the schools, if desired by the parents, and used in the courts, if necessary. Rifles are allowed for protection. Military occupation is to be with- drawn as soon as possible and self- govermnent substituted. There is to be no tax on the Transvaal to pay the cost of the war. The sum of three million sterling ($15,000,000) is to be provided for restocking the Boers’ farms. Rebels are liable to trial, accord- ing to the law of the colony to which they belong. The rank and ï¬le will be disfranchised for life. The death penalty will not be inflicted. The World is making itself ridic- ulous these days. On the Saturday previous to the elections it contained the following in large headlines: “ To-day the certainty is that Mr. Whitney will sweep the Province.†As this “ sweep †did not materialize The World assumes that the “ ma- chine †has been at work again, and that the wickedest tricks have been played upon the innocent Tories. In Oakville it is claimed that Grits were supplied with a black pencil with which to mark their ballots, while Tories were given a blue one, and “a it is rumored the latter were not counted.†The World endeavor- ed ou Monday to startle its readers with rubbish like the following :â€" “ The desperate frauds resorted to in Hamilton by the machine are without a parallel in the history of the province. In practically every property. No action to be taken against prisoners, except where they are guilty of breaches of the rules of Where gwcre the Conservative scrutineers when the alleged bogus ballots were given to simple voters in the second city in the province ? The charge is absurd. Such a fraud in the second city in the province '2’ The charge is absurd. Such a fraud would not take place in the back~ woods, let; alone in the city of Hamil- ton. W. b‘. Maclean llttle chance to his scalping knife. Had Mr. ney been beaten by a dozen or The World would have blamed the leader for the The World could not refrain, ever, from pointing out that v good leader the result might Afr r been diï¬â€˜erent. the elections that heading, “ For think over," cent as its leading cdi †It is ten year W Rf Ripaus 'I‘abules cure nausea. Ripans Tabules cure biliousness. prisoners are to be brought ls soon as possible to South ., without loss of liberty or however, that a repetition of “lame would be next to im- rem handed to the ich the name of the Conservative ca itted. This is the yet resorted to by wane. 3, but t} West ‘ed. H10 OIISCI‘V‘ a1 1110131111] we! 0 11X gm; have ing after Lnder the atives to followir w i vote peace ]0\V- WLRZ-IBI As cheap as consist considc Garden Powder Blue Vitrol Hellebore Insect- Powder A .. RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND Hanger. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. 27.191" HOUSE PAINTER, aris Green Fresh ma Eï¬â€˜Ã© 1):â€! 333.1118}? and with extra good values in thin fflï¬Ã©o ‘5.†i 0E AWAEEE 31.1"??? a: 136 KING STREET E 2156 Cite! HILL purity a ape IWIHC | through our_ gstpro The undcrs TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Coal, Wood and Slabs at lowest price and delivered on shortest notice. EELS! A. H. NOTMAN, Asst.< 47-48-504 1 Iii): or. N: mum“ (‘ ucss, Haw and} aim arn moasurel whelulksl: moasur Going JUN' (all mil or E turning Ln Albert-a]. ( til SEP'I‘ER For tickets and pamphlets ulnrs.upply to your names Agon a! 01:0 Wmmnum Binscmhh Mimnm Grnn dVir.‘ Swan Ri'. (#3 EELS! Arcola M00501 Win nipeg Woskada . Estevan . THA'I‘ is Hm in! nothing but we PU Ur.‘ and U ; ! ‘ Home Seekers m Excursmns TO THE CANADIAN NORTH- . Parcels delivered or collected in any part of the city or may be left at the Brown’s Livery Stable, George Sc. J. Sheardown. A ready-rouse kn. pretty shades, mull-e hine" people. shn 1†Our cut. pxive is I.‘ w for a 5 pound pvkag: SSEEP SHEAR?) ‘Y EST AT R1 T(}E§®N'E‘O You'll ï¬li‘ HARD AND > aSOFT rstom. We’ve lots of room, good light. and good \a: Ms. rd , returui y. Alberta). AUGUST â€"-â€"â€"EVERY-â€" gned runs his th \VILL RI OIL S! a! If any one can have ice cream it's the farmer. ,Re has go: the ice and the cream am! he can get a ï¬rst class freezer from us at frmn ONE DOLLAR JI ICE CREAM. u! Linseed HI ucbinery. unuu and ï¬fty cause up 911.13.155. Agt.. ; ‘ib. East. Toronto WDJIODS OILS 2 .. Tflï¬SBNTO. in .VVbon cii cf my kind ih'ï¬ quasmr. cf how ring you buy $5 We akcu 1 operating n‘ 4:47.36 01L RT 00:11, hard and Slabs. Dclivu L“ Call an One of t1 the ma: I have nlm t machines. U’JA Is This What You " so 1 \some ( +011 m loci 338W wot 11M Ill] MICHA "HI will lh mil will Shot ’55 Sea E."U§:§;Eié i. chmond Hill. mnc-hinvsa ( below To- EL BROS 1) W'Of how you made. notice. a???