Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Jun 1902, p. 5

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Mr. J. for \Vvs BEGUM] of Hum] Recordm he]. he wants m: Mr. Bur Crosby; Secwtury, “fright ; Treasurer, Mr All sizes 0 in stock; v will inure-res Switzer. The. Joi L‘utherun Uninm‘ill meeting N on the 22-: ing will [u D. lent' DUHISI‘S 0d cullfi purpose shall szu' graphs Mont; Po from rln Dr. \V. ‘ Ethnolugy View has ug tempomu-ies Spanish \V‘ treat;an o: The Ru“ Lnugue \vi] of the truted Next Sunday being Conference Sun- day there will he no service in the Methodist Church in the morning. The usqu service will be held in the evening. The va Toronto Duil things ut‘ Ihe a Canadian 1 all the typu The friends who sent; fruit, eta, the Hospital for sick Children at: E er will kindly call at THE 1.113112] Office for tln-ir sealers. This is second request that has been made resum going: Many of our 0 city Thursday on the elect-inn new” very bUi-jtel'ulls w nobody would \‘m Ur. Langstnfl starts it land. He purposes taki the London hospitals. a Way about three months will supply in Dr. Lang: Vaughan township gzn'v Hill a nwjnrity of 18!) Ins: All the other mmfiuipuliii York gave majorities for St. John. Mr. .T'vrr: turns by ( day Hvenin letter with the papers m - mm“- L t‘ 7-: W W . ... _ - on W will 1 the Huh 8. sign It its J Lu: unmml made 0 inatinn of July Mr. \Examinw here. '1' Mrs. A last Frid sister. .‘ Mr. Auror Exam day ( L'mk 1:; All Just ,ldl Flax: RIC Thvsu vdnesdu axst thruc Terry S hy G. vening, with th Jpfll'S thl lghan Ln an ‘Uln W Tu 1H nu;L( :uu‘ citizen :ly eveuimr new-s. fie bus on the ‘h S( 1“, th :, and tallis he dcspnn he neXl nu lty Council ssinn next D to “unith g N. \V OI) L h- )nt kl!) May. Mullny Simdr clying \‘lulloy. Principal 0 School will he Pl‘tâ€"‘t he Departmental L cmmueucim: on Ll) venture vrsnn wenL In tltend the. fun 11 remam with Lllei days trio 1‘; “ ar is 0m )l)i( HHS BIO) 3th L ull by car t tiUM‘l‘ Si Way hm a cheer. hut ,1 last he: 1‘!“ ml ‘1 1'3 uln \V C 1t, MI LV f0! [.113 'Will - side \'MS home, and «PM trip W mh Tl COHYDI All on“ [1116 in \Vo} '. J. \V nurse in \Vhit-el :Lbsenm mu to '01? the he best Amos. I W | of a itiVE‘S p! {Al the the ll] to m H) package; berry sugar. 5 lb. fur 25m; Happy Home soap, 8 bars for 25¢, Compare quahty and prices quoted here with what can he obtained in To« ruuto. Atkinson & Switzer. As a result of the Annual Ontario School of Art Exam. held in April last: at the High Schnol, the students mentioned below are awarded certifi- cates : ' There's a style- in U)? hang of a Piccadilly Suit. that max-ks the wearer a. “ best dressed man.” See the $10.50 and $13.50 suit. Atkinson & Switzer. are. now pl'uctlsmg. The the Village Cuum-il flht the money was wc-ll spenl can now be seen in any n strmnents ; they are :x‘lm new. whereas before the were practically worth! consists of 5 comets. u tenors. a B bass, 2 anus, buss, baritone, a. large dl'l kettle drum. The humus w out Friday evening from th Mr. A. J. Hume. 1 vpnu'ed are now the Vi” the mon can now The oréuni ms-nts Specile during Fr 0f this week : 27 lbs and 3- lbs. 35c an Atkinson K5 Switzor shops child: Bros“ Mis lock ( at Rh mission Ill ,rly price-d. ‘Ve can) fit love and save you mmm trial. Atkinson & Swit I1 RAVVING AT THE HIGH SCHOOL \antér Frisky) C. McNaught Daisy NeLles,‘ Ralph Pvrkin Olive: Switzer Sidm The ot’fichfi 1-1 (:hm'dson was 'n majority of North Yurk my Examinat -. Fifty per (:91 )l‘ommion at M uL-r McMahon . lwm-d Nelles more Remuun 'nlter Fx-isbv .. I w ports lmv 'm'agzi mg i411 count : : 1"01' tit mujm'ily, Mm, 9; nship, 190 Kc .1( ha S( l)‘ I TH E village band, ror Led. have had i the noun-110d from \Vha] where they \vc-z‘e 0 d and thoroughly cle- '.' practising. The H 1h. Bel :Smith liuev . THI Hill 130 and Shoesâ€"l gl'e-nt bargain ; 5 kid hunts chc gin Mills. l1 \Vest lghton uper mm . . hunck 1'isl1y,. .Ighton Ues,. . *rkins 7 he Idly trict, THE BAND FREE l)( iIGH S( Own the resu uinatiom )ill t0 M( stm dosii Friday :un lhs.(}m nul lupnn Tut "I uons (nu mt. Will be lidsummer n th 51m 2 altos, a helié large drum and HAND. 1m issued ults of )tiV Tile 1 nbnu )ent. Tri n 1p Ld and NIH ss. 'J'he tmmhnne tdiHy 1E. (’ I] me.- Suture Le‘d Sn HIS Church, helicon we HS i1 instm gn'en )p of xfox-(l ufvd. , and ‘orm {119 the aired bum )11 YD ill 1d 1y Dr'. Clarke’s Little Red Pills are a. certain cure for rheumatism, asthma, paralysis, cutzu'rh. eczema. coughs. backache, indigesfinn, smnmcli and liH-r tl’oubles, femalecon'iplaints, even when the diseases have been standing fm'mzmy years. Price 50 cents per lmx. For snle by \V. A. Snuderm’u), Drnggist. The Cumide Chvmical Company, Peterbm'ough, Ont., will forfeit $10 for any cause Limb Lhesc pills do nut help. Dr. Clarke’s Sum Cure for Cum: lb, and DI‘.Cl:u‘ke’s Sure Cure for Evzmuu, same price. $10.00 will be paid fur any case they will not cure. mg Ont Dr. Clarke’s Little Red Pills cured me of rheunmtism after 10‘ years of (:nnstunt sufferingâ€"J. B. AI-mmu, hnukkeeper Tux-onto Junction. Mm ie. Then-é is not remedy for l'l’leumntism, or fur building up the system, equal to Dx‘. Clarke’s wonderful LiLt‘m Rod l’illx I wuuld not he withnut than forth“ weight in goldâ€"J. J. Bl'illldul’l, Feue~ ion Falls, Ont. ' I can thruthfully say that Dr. Clarke’s Little Red Pills more gm (1 than any Otli have ever Lakvn.â€"Mr E‘lny, \Vutm'ville. N. B. There is no remedy Ll) Dr. Clarke’s Little Red . nus troubles, rheuniulisx diseases.â€"\V. H. Rube: ing Editur Daily Times, Salmon, a most delicious fish, red in color, excellent flavor, the sweetest Salmon known. 2 cans for 25c. At. kinson & Switzer. [I FRIDAY, June 6~Auction sale of a. car load of ' catch-1M the Maple Leaf Hotel. Mauls Sale at 1. Terms 4 months. Suigeou (E: McEwen. auctioneers. ‘ annJuue 2uâ€"Crodit sale of 2 car loads of calmle at the Palmer Hausa. Richmond Hill. No reserve. Sale at 2. Terms 4 months. Suigeon A: McEwen, auctioneers. il)‘ nieixldrl. Palmer. The stakes were won by Nellie R. As both horses were well known a number of side hots “1-19 made. The time was some- thingnver three minutes. After the race a pleasant smile could he seen playing on Alf Gordun‘s countenance. The results nfthe first year cummin- nlionnt the Law School at Osgoode Hall were made public yesterday. A- mong The students who passe-(l the examination with honors \vns Mr. J. '1‘. Mulcuhy, of 01-illi2l, who secured a $40 scholarship. Mr. Mulcahy is a nvphew of M. 'l‘ec-fy Esq, Pestmasler of this village. An exciting trotting contest, took place on the track yesterday bvtween Alf Gordon’s Nollie R., and Bert Hupper’s Jimmie B. The stakes were $10, and the race was :1 mile (lush. The judges were T. Ludfmd, R. Kin- nieand J. Palmer. The stakes were Tetasimony Which §hows the Great Waism of Br. Giana-Bee's Woaulerfui Linn! Rec: Pairs. Arrange-.1110an h Iselmll match in On an inside page will he found the names of the Members elected last; Thursday to the Ontariu Legislature. The list is practically correct as far as twu sides are conconwd. but some of the mnjox-ities are not official. Mr. E. Snider of Roch-ester. came over on Friday and sp< Sunday With his mother. Hopper, and 19Lumod on Mon Mrs. H. ‘ Ruhinmu of with Mrs. J. afternoon he! Tm-onto, and Food doesn’t digest well? Appetite poor? Bowels constipated? Ton ue coated? It’s your liver! yer’s Pills are liver pills; they cure dysg pepsia, biliousness. Ripans EVERYBODY SHOULD READ BUGKINGR Wan: your moustache ox: beardtbetut-ifnl brown or rich blnck? Then use ‘1‘. Clarke’s Little Red' of chronic rheumatism 1; given up by the duct (1 ‘Wilson, mum-bunt, . ormwwarn, on R. l'. HALL & ick Headache ? I Tabules: for sour stomach. Tabules cure flatulence. Sale Register. thatmakes 25c. All druggists. MILE DASH. V. Neville Toronto. 5 \V. Elliott AM’S DYEQE Ls have [won math in the park Sat 9911 the Stund.lrd. me local team. I. (’OZE‘IHZI, ition, SL1)! alecon‘:pla have been Price 50 ‘ “K A. S Lhnti§ equal to (l Pills ful' nm-v- ism. ul' kindred hen-tam), Manag- s, Patel-borough, on Monday ; have ( 1e1~ ms- and ant b’zlult car loadé of uhmontl Hil]. s 4 months. VOU ills ‘Lvl wdlciu risen Saturday u‘d Bank, Mrs M Arch- Ste. (IV! I‘ SIZES The fewer repairs the Deering repairs because I strycted ; are built of 6 thorough mechanics; are machine manufacturers in built to stand the most tn Call and make a Cutlery done 1n mnhm nun an U15 3%; 9%??? A?! t( ial ;, are made by largest harvesting; e light draft and aim the following In ml little c.7111 : strongly c 3:11 317 if You nn Viv-11 m mnan 11 for Unm grands im

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