LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISWNS HOUS RICHMOND HILL,ONT.’ IS PUBLISHEDEVEM TEUR SDAY MORNING '1‘. F. McMAHON. VOL. XXIV. Boat ï¬tting teeth. also replating, at lowest; prices. Good work. Oddfellow's Bldg, Tux-(mtg cor. Yonge and College SLs.. Toronto, DR. T. A. C URME, D e n ti t, (Successor to Dr. Cecil Trotter) \Vill be in Richmond Hill every \Veduvsda‘y. Ofï¬ce :â€"-Next door south of Public School. . Ofï¬ce hours~leu 8.30 3.111., tn5p.m. Mm yaqi-lvmb‘p‘avmcian at Western and Grace Ospxuls. Toronto. VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Cellege, with dipzoul'L from the Outurm Veterinary Dent-ml Schunl.wul visu Mmpleou Mommy and Friday at each weak. and Concord on Friday from 1 so it p. m (Jails pmmptlyntmndod to. Diseases of horsemcnhm muJ omer xlumesticat- Manimulsbregteu by me latest and most ap- pioved mat: JOHN R. CAMPBELL, Calla by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Room 12, 12L Victoria St. Toronto. J. H. SANDERSUN, VETERINARY SURGEON Calls by day and night, promptly at- Lendvd to. HULSE EGTEQ, Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. The Next Sitting No. 3, County« in the C $I per annum, in advance! ‘6 HONâ€" TBESMY. "533% 1 Oinoe Hoursâ€"S to 10 u. Lu; 1?. to 2 p m; 7 tn 8 n m. J. T. Eic‘éilroy, Money to loan at Enquire BUSINESS CARDS. VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, 4E. THOROUGHLY REFITTED. M T ‘ one] to Law ‘v‘z‘flzfliml. DR. E. J. STUBBS, VETERIN ARY SURGEON, RICHIAOND HILL RICHMOND ELLL. We @3ch 33332223351†23 \V wm . R ogm s X} ewtkï¬ , Emma & Psommron. Thornhill. ,hods. ‘rnmmenci 'l": ornhiii ~me 8.30 3.111., tnSp.m. W gecmmam AT THE T. F. MCMAHON. CLERK mm. >f Division Court-tot York will be held urt Room. IAU :11; 10 a. m. 17TH, $32, T LL, $3311! G G S Llndaay, K. G A G F hnwrrsuce W Ridouh Wuusworth Hmne Life Building (formerly Free~ hold Luau Bldg). 00:. Adelaide, & Victoria. Sts.. Tm-ontn. LXBERAL Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. JAS. N E‘WTON COMMISSIONER IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, 62c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. NOTA RY PUBLIC Money to loan on land and chattel mortgages gt \owest rates. Aurora ntï¬co~Romovad to the old post am“. one door west of the entrance to the Ontario Bunk. Newmnrkec ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of the pmorï¬ce. I‘. HERBERT Lsxxox, G. STV. MORGAN, Aurora. Newmurkat LENNOX & MORGXN COOK & MACDONALD Barristers. Solicitors etc. TORONTO OFFICE: Freehold Loan Building. cor. Adelmdeï¬a Victoria. Streets, Tr-rnnto. Mr. Cook will be at Maple 011 Thursday afternoon of each week. Licensed Auctioneer for the County or Yoxk Gouda sold on consignment. General sales 01 stock etc.‘ promptly attended to at. reuaonuols rates. Residence Uniouville SWEAR, GM!†85 SKERH3 J. T. Saigeon, J. K. h Mame. We: Saigeo u a: McEwen. Licensed Auctioneers {or the County of York. Sales attended to on shortest notice and at rea- souablerates Patronagesolicited. ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, gEIJGIN 311141433 Baal Turouto Oaï¬ce. Mr. Grant’s residence, Woodbrldye. every evening. Thnruhill.ench Wednesday from 10w 12. "’G R Gouldlng, Newbonhrook. agent for the above. n License Auctioneers for the County of Yorkxo Spa-:tfully solicit your pauonage and friendJy nflueuce. sales uttf’udod on the shortest. notice and A reasonabe rates. P. 0. address King Liceuï¬ed Auctionesr for the Counties of York and Outano. All sales of farm stock, ML, ac- temled to nu the shortest; notice and reamnuvble rum. Mortgage nndbsmï¬ sales attended to. Residence. Stoufl’ville. Ont A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL 158 Kma‘ STREE EAST‘ TORONTO Eve accommodation to‘guestl. Board.01 Der day trav PALMER HOUSE, Iâ€!!! PAL‘IER. Barristers , Solicitors, &0., 25 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO O STOKES Barristers,Solicitors. Notaries, 360. Linisey._ Lawrence & Wadsworth, (mam-takers & Embalmcrs, Barristers and Solicitors. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5% E. ï¬gmam @Raï¬â€™E'EE Eï¬Ã©â€˜Ã©ï¬â€˜zflfla, RICHMOND HILL, bikini iALUJLtA .“ Lï¬aflflbï¬Y ie WRIGHT BROS, u PAL‘HER. - Prop Ai(?iil111011(1 Iiill makes & Slough. ud,and newly furnished throughout 3 most convenient and comfortable Yonge Street. Every modem con- Sample rooms for commercial . Anideal stopping place for riding :pu::ies.bicyclists. or farmers going ruiug from market. Electric cars our. Livery in connection. J. H. PI entice. TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. N. E. Smith. RICHMOND HILL. THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1902. $121121]. In Esxmtials, Unity,- £n Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." TamUy washings. Gents’ n _ agcciplty. Work gnu- 'l‘ELIE MAXWELL Phone Main 2984 J. K. McEwen. Weston. Newmurket D DLOUGB Council met at Kottlehy on May 31. Mambersnll present. with the excep- tion of the vacancy canned by the death of the late revve, J.\V.Cmssk-y. Mr. Legge in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and adgptefi. , .n- W- 40.1....AJ uuu In“. The following accounts were ordered to he paid : G. Pntta r9, shovelling snow. . . .$26 28 J. P. \V9 is. repairing culverL .. 2 60 J. Fullipttv, repairing fulvert. . H E :30 S. Pnunge, repairs t3 (‘ulvvrt J. McUan'ol. twp-airs tn road. F. Davis, repairing culvert, J. Ellintt. show-Hing snow... B. Russ, killing dog . . . . . . , . . Jus. Kitchen, bolts . . . . . . .. Sub-Div. No. 9. grant . . . . . . Sub-Div.No. 4, grant, .. T. Jennings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. Jackson, gram; . . . . . . . . . . W. Armituge, grunt. . . . . . . . A. Hamilton, grunt . . . . . . . . . J. McCax'roll, grant . . . . . . . . . N. Tatum, grant . . . . . . . . . J. D. McCallum, damages The following changes WPre made in the pathmasters : Aaron Campbell in place of Gen. Lawson; Ed. Max-shall in place of John Egan; Jus. Ross in place of Jus. McCullmu; A. Lung in place of C. Hanlcy; Joel Edwnlds in place of Wm. Proctor: Jun. McLean in place of \Vulter Davis. The council then resolved itself into a met of Revision, when the follmv- ing appeals were disposed (If: J. \V. Mnyes, assessment, confirmed ; Sn]. Atkinson, Inwu‘ed; Thus. R. Mnrris, sustained; Thus. MM-shnll, reducml; Thus. Legge, reducpd; \Vm. Granv- t‘ord. reduced: H. U.“79hh.snstuinod ; H. Steels, assessed on income; Vv’nL Clenland, conï¬rmed: John Boys, Jns. Ramsden, Wm. Baldwin released from dog tux. _ A u, _._ 6n mntion the assessment rolls as amended were conï¬rmed, and the cogrt adjourned. .. . n ‘,,_A Rogersâ€"Armitageâ€"that the treas. pay the deputy returning oï¬icers in the Provincial Election the sum of $4 each for rent, of lumths. Phillips â€"- Rogersâ€"that; Councillors Rogers and Armitage be a committee to investigate the matter between Mr. Sliggenmid MnKitchon of Schomherg. .1n.upâ€" I .I , ,. .qa___.v,,", , The assessors were paid $2.5 halunéb of salary and $5 each for disburse- ments and extra time. Ciél'kr was instructh to pr9pare a. byâ€"law re commutation of statute labor in Kettle-by. Phillipsâ€"Rugé-sâ€"that the petition of Groves and Hendersun, re closing of street in King City, cannot, be en- tel-mined. “ eâ€"that the resig nation of Mr. .105. ugers, as council‘ 101;. be ageepgod. .. A 1v,AL 1(H" UC ducrvu-u. Council :Ldjou’med to meet at Loch Erue on June Anniversary sex-vices will be held in Lhe Presbyterian Church next Sun- day. Sermons will he preached morning and evening by Rev. Mr. Mc- Millan, uf Lindsay: ‘ _ .- King TOWnship Council Blunt", UL uluuaa . .v The Methodist Sabbath schools of Maple and Hope purpose holding their annual picnic at \Vilcnx’s lake on Saturday next. Conveyances will he ready at 8.30 A. M. and a C(n‘dlnl invitation is extended to all who wish to attend. “(Igl'epzu-ations are being made for the annual strawberry fisstival on July lst. Messrs. Cousins and Rose have add- ed a lot, of furniture to their stack of ha rd wu re. YVilson, of the Toronto police force is home for a, few days’ visit. President of the Metmpnlitan Rail- way 00.. stating that fnur new C.‘ll'S wnuld be ready for use within 60days, an! from John Millar. Deputy Minis- ter of Educatiuugiving the amounts nf grants Lu High Schools to be : Mm];- n,ni\- 1 n , ham. $655.52; Am'ul Wes‘on, $484.09; New“) Richmond Hill, $467 Juucbi0n.$943.78. By t‘w im'itutmn of the members of the Cu v B. Powers, of the Metropolitan Hospital New York, is spending her vacation at, her home here. York County Council opened its sumuwr sessivu in the Old Court House on Monday, \Vau‘den Norman of King in the chair. After :1 meat nddrvss by the Warden the fulluwin cmumuuicu- tinns were laid on the tit :18 :â€" From Mayor Huwland, re cmmty moms in City Hall : C. D. \Vm-ren. President uf H19 Metropolitan Rail- way 00., stating that fnm- new ACHI'S York Uouuty Council %§1€@ Maple {118 (n I‘OH“ - ‘ . . M (H) ng culvert, 1 2i) ling snow . . . . . . 5 90 400 Its . 120 grant 40 ()0 grant .. . . . . . . . 1500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 825 D 6000 rant. . . . . . . . . , . 50 0!) mt . . . . . . . 25 00 mt) . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 , . . . . . . . . . . . . 2500 damages . . . . . 20 00 Am the Lines ken-$53134: : : Toronto u, 3603‘ “’m-dpn county H7 '15 4 ()0 30 00 3 00 10 ()0 10 00 17 12 12 60 10 00 60 ()0 50 0!) (K) 00 (‘ufï¬clals and anmnbvr of friends en~ "(Iyed a. trip across the Luke to iugam Falls on Tuesday. The Treasurer rvpnrced a balance in thelmnk of $14,600. and $150 was Uldvred tn he- pnid to the Schuvl Bnard of Toronto Junction as the county’s share. of the assessment; for the years 1901 and 1902. The annual picnic of the Victmia Square Sabbath School will be held on Saturday, June 21, on Hie lawn of Mr. Tlms. Klinck. Games (if various kinds will be fumished fm the :unnsemeht (If all. On Sunday, J um: 22. annivers- ary sermons will he prcuched hy Rev. Mr. Harper of Toronto. Thr- after noon address is especially for children. Services at 2.30 mid 7p. m. Afree- will offering will be taken at, the close of each service in the interest of the school funds. All are welcome. TWENTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL MEETING The Directors beg to submit, the statement of the Bank’s business for the yen-ending 313?; May, \‘vpi‘ch they coqside‘r satisfactory. The Let; ‘__.» _,‘,.. 1. 1 .___ -1: n_‘ug -_.‘I “WP.†“Dunc ......... J, "M, . __,, V, _, I earnings amount to $176,796.23,Wbich together with the balance of Proï¬t at (1 Loss Accuuut, brought forward from last year $5,817,08 and the sum of $25.Ci0 recovered from debts pwviously written off, amounting in all to $207,613.31. have been appropriated as follows :â€"- Dividends at the rate of 10 per cent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100,000 00 Added to Rest Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,000 ()0 Carried forward to Proï¬t and Loss Account . . . . . . . 7,613 31 Your Directors regret to report the death during the year of Mr. John Burns and Mr. James Scott, the former haying >ï¬lle _ the_Bfr_sif-io‘n of Vic‘s- .11 President; since 1883. and the latter that of Diratnr since 1895. Mr. \V. R. Jnhnston. of W. R. Johnston & 00., Limited. and Mr. ‘Vellington Francis. of Messrs. Francis & “Bu-drop, Barrister. City, Were elected Directors to ï¬ll the vacancies on the Board. ..\.vwvuu., ‘0“, -‘..“-V_ V A. _. .n a .‘ \ cu.<un.n a nu gnu L The med OfI’I‘iIEQ-“Emd Agéncips of the Bank were carefully inspected during the year and the Directors are plezlSl-‘d to express their satisfaction with the manner in which the various ufï¬cers of the Bank have performed their du ties. The Standard Bank of Canada. 3lst Flay, 1902. Balance of Profit and Loss Account brought forward from Blst May, 190). . . . . . . 1 Proï¬ts for year ending 3151; May, 1902, after deducting expenses, interest accrued on deposits and makin provision for bad aug doubtful debts . . . . . . . . . . Old debts px-evinusly writ- ten off recovered .. . . . . . . Notes in circulation . . . . . . . . 7 Depuslts bearing interest. (including interest accru- ed to date). . $7,658,367 43 Dppnsifs not bearing "n- tel‘est . . . . . .. 1,787,169 29 Due to agents in Great Britzuu . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . Totnl liabilities toâ€" the public V . . . . . . . . . . $ 7npital paid up . . . . , . .. Reserve Fund . . . . . . . . . . Rebate of iutex'ust on bills discounth . . . . . . . . Ful'luel' dividends un- TORONTO, gzst May, 1902. clninwcl . . . . . . Dividend N0. 53, 2nd June, 1902 Balance of Pr Loss Accuum fox-ward. . . . . .‘ REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE SHAREHOLDERS AT THE "All which is respectfully submitted. Victoria. Square To be held at the Head Ofli-te of the Bank on Wednesday, 18th June, 1902. of Proï¬t, and Accuunt carried LIABILITIES PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT. payable GENERAL STATEMENT. $11,172,946 86 1,000,000 ()0 850,000 00 $13,120.: 835, 452 $ 5,817 08 9,445,536 72 $207,613 31 $891,958 00 176,796 23 25,000 00 50,000 00 40,000 00 7,613 31 2'50 '14 A bad breath means a bad stomach, a bad digestion, a bad liver. Ayer’s Pills are liver pills. They cure con- Stipation, biliousness, dys‘ pepsia, sick headache. THE * LIBER GEO. P. REID Dividend No. 52, paid 2nd Duc.. 1901 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 50,000 00 Dividend No. 53, payable 2nd June, 1902 . . . . . _ . . . . . 50,000 00 Transferred to Reserve Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,000 00 Balance carried forward 7,613 31 Specie . . . . . . . . . . . . Dominion notes legal tenders . . . . . . . . . . . . . v. .. Notes and chques of 0th 1‘ banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deposit with Dominion Government for the se- curity of note circula- tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Due from other bunksâ€"â€" in Canada. . . . . . . . . . . . . . in United States Dominion Government, and other ï¬rst-class 627, 286 270, 649 50,000 193.393 78,432 Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,960,186 Loans on Call on Gnvern- uwnb, Municipal and other ï¬rst-class Bonds 967,803 M) on. M “Bums. 51R. P. my. A (to. Bills discounted and ad- vuncvs cum-em . . . . . . . . 5 Nutes and Bills overdue (Us! imated loss provid- ed for) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bank premises . . . . . . . . . Other asssets not includ- ed under the foregoing A Bad Breath Subscribe for [Single copies, 3 cts. 25:. All dragging. W. F. COXVAN, General Managér. ASSETS. President. $13,120.56 $5,318,800 $207,613 31 201,068 33 627.286 00 270,649 99 193.398 01,) 78,432 13 AL 100. 000 50,000 00 13,851 Gr 0 34 w