‘3: 9mm: «‘5:- «W ’q New Advertisements. Gliunge- Imperial Oil Co. New Advâ€"J (3 Ayci' .2 I10 Corinne-«Wilkins 61 Co. nuance-Atkinson & “Viki/3r Changeâ€"Jerry Smith. Changeâ€"J. Eyer 6; Son Changeâ€"C, & E. Mason Annual Reportâ€"Elie Standard Bank For Baleâ€"(2. Llanou For saleâ€"Mrs. F. J, Gnllonough For saleâ€"The Liberal Ulhce Annual EKOlll'SlOIl-\V. Keith (idle iiilimii. Tlie‘Toronto Evening News of Monday contained the following item 2â€"- The French Conservative leader in the House of Commons, Mr. I". D. Monk M. I’., stated in the course of an address to the Club Morin that he had gone to the assistance of Mr. Whitney in the recent Ontario elec- tion because Mr. Whitney had promised solemnly to put an end to the grievance of which their fel- low-countrymen in that province complained, namely, that they were not represented in the Cabinet, al~ though they form a minority as strong as that in the province of Quebec. Mr. Monk added that Dr. Reaume, who was elected in North Essex, would be a Minister to-day had Mr. Whitney been successful." When such a direct promise has been made some peeple may thii k it a pity that Mr. Whitney has m 1: been able to deliver the goods. Mr. Monk has made a similar charge a- gainst Sir Wilfred Laurier, sayirg that French Quebec has not receivui fair treatment from the hands of the Dominion Premier. Mr. Mork and Mr. Whitney are treading on dangerous ground. Let the bcst men be selected for the positions ir- respective of their race. The alleg- ed injustice to French Canadians is only imaginary. The Markham Economist pointed out last week that through an error in tie ofï¬ce of the Clerk of the Peace, 9 Liberal voters were left off the list in the village of Stoulfville. These names would have increased Mr. John Richardson’s majority by nine. Had these voters been Conservatives there would have been a tremendous howl at The World ofï¬ce, and the Mail and Empire would possibly have called upon the Limit-Governor , to dismiss Hon.G.Vt".lloss from ofï¬ce, as that paper did when it was learn- ed that the fugitive, Duncan Bole, was an agent for the Manuiacturers’ Insurance Company, of which Asso- ciation Mr. Ross is president. It is true the said Duncan Bole was an agent of the company many years before Mr. Ross was connected with that institution but that would not matter in the eyes of the Mail. EVERYBODY SHOULD READ Testimony “Incl: Shows the Grunt Value or Dr. ï¬llarke‘s Wonderful Little Red Pills. D-uClarkc’s Little Red Pills cured nu- o'C chronic rheunn-iisin after I had been ‘olYl‘ll up by the dociors.~Arcli- ibnhl “'ilsoii, merchant, Sault Ste. Maiic. There is not remedyforrheumatism, or for building up Llll‘ syswiii equal to Dr. Clarke’s wonderful Lit ilo Fed Pills. I Would not. he wiiboot ilicm lwlhrir weight in {withâ€"J. .l. Brandon, Fenc- lpn Falls, (liit. I can thru.l‘.fnl'v say that Dr. Ula. he‘s Little Red Pills have done me more gm (1 than any other medicine I have ever taken-Dis. Orison R. Esp-y. ‘\,iltl’l'\'lll(‘, N. I). The-re is no remedy the: is Donal to Dr. Clarke's Little llcd l’ills fo,- nm-v. nus troubles, rheumatism, or kindred diseases.-â€"\V. ll. llobi-ilson, Manag- iiig Editor Daily Times, Peter-borough, Uiit. Dr. Clarke‘s Little Red Pills cured Inc of rlieunmlisii: after 10' ycais of ronstant sni‘i‘r-ring.~..l. B. Armour, bookkeeper Toronto Junction. Dr. Clarke’s Linifned I’illsnre a] Certain cure for rheumai ism, asthma, paralysis, mini-iii. eczema, coughs, i;lcl{:l(‘ll€‘, indigestion, stomach and liver troubles, female complaints, even when the diseases have been standing {oi'inaiiy years. Price '5!) cents per box. For sale by \Y. A. Sanderson, Druggist. The Canada Chemical Company. l’etcrhorough, Ont., will forfeit $11) for any case that these pills do not help. 01'. Cl:ll‘l{t"$ SUI'O Cure for C.1t,u~1-l), Mid Dr. Clarke's Sure Core for Eczzeina, same price. $10.00 will be paid for jpiy case [liPy will not cure. .. ave used your Hair Vigor ,fi '9 for five years and am greatly ‘- ':.‘ pleased with it. It certainly re- S "" stores the original color to gray , ._ hair. Itkeeps myhairsolt.â€â€"Mrs. _~. ' Helenliilkenny,Nchortland,Me. Ayer’s Hair Vigor has i been restoring color to 1‘ ; gra hair for ï¬fty years, '3 an it never fails to do f' i this work, either. _j _~ You can rely upon it for stopping your hair from falling, for keeping ;' your scalp clean, and for making your hair grow. " SLOOIbclllc. All drugglsls. , 1! your drug is: cannot supply you, ’1 .j send us one do lar and we will express '- '- youabotile. Be sure and ive the name i of your nearest ex mess oflmc. Address, ‘ J. C. av R co., Lowell, Mass. .f .A p ...;_,,i“.‘ ,. noes VVlier-eas my wife, Mary Nigh, on oraboiit the 17th of May, 1902, left my lied and board without 'a good reason, I here-by give notice that. I will not. be responsible for any bills or accounts contracted by her after this date. JAMES H. NIGH, Victoria Square. Bicycle for Sale A Lady’s Second-Hand Bicycle. Crescent, only used one season, good as new. Apply to LAURA DUNCAN, Richmond Hill May 26, 1902. 49-2 ilnuc 1.0 :u-l us Hullt'lllli‘li for l’utcnl Mai-ls. Copyright for the Unite England. France. (mrrnauy. etc. Patents sent five. ’l‘iii * au Canada, 'I‘ Ilook about Patentsolitainod lliroii . . in the SCII'INTIF‘II‘ A mini the 12m, most widely circulated .\ cntih‘c paper. Weekly. ML‘NN [c C0.. of the SPIFVTIFIP A 'l"-‘I1I(‘AN. con- its. Truce experience. ari- noticed sl , rest, and l Willa year i Splendid engravings and interesting in- "NTnHHOI’I. Specimen copy of the Siciciiliï¬c Amer- lnnn sent free1 _ Aumcax (Juice. 261 broadwuy, New York. Sheep Shearing By Machinery Any one having sheep to clip will do Well to have thlll1lHliP in llic most improved form. Guaranteed to save price of clipping, Ill cents each, by extra, wool taken, from»; lb. to 1.1. lbs. on each Sheep. “2 \VASHINGTON. 49-2 Elgiii Miiis P. 0. {*1 Rib?“ DRE The undersigned can supply pasture for stock on lot 29, 2nd con. Markham. Plenty of watt-r. THE NEVJTON TANNING 00.. 45-tf Elgin Mills. “ W .; iii-innit toad ideas may be secured by our aid. Address, THE °"ENT RECORD, Baltimore. Md. SUNNYSIDE iiiii‘ The proprietor of Suniiyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Dreedcr of Iin- proved Chester white hogs, lot 32, lst con. Markham (Thornhill) has for sale some good young: stock. Thoroughâ€"bred bull and hog kept for service on the premises. D. G. GOODERHAM, Proprietor. 49-tf Sold by All Newsaéairs my wrung 1%? Choice Copyright Compositions by the most popular authors. Sci F8533 iii Filiiiii lililï¬lll 23!! Vocal, Half Instrumental 21 llGllQiEiS FESEES lï¬l l’liillfl Once a Month for 25 Cents. Yearly Subscription, $2.00. Six Months, $1.00. If bought in any mud; store at one-half off, would cost $5.25, a saving of $5.00 monthly. In one year you get pearly 800 Pages of Music, comprising 2:22 Complzte Pieces lo: the Piano. If you will send L: the Warm and Addâ€; of FIVE performers on th 0 r..- Organ w: wlll send You a ccpy of the Ii 0 Line Free. j. W. FEPWER, Publlsher, Eighth a Locus: Sta, Philadelphia, Pg. Albino" MUNN X: 30.. SCIENTIFIC ’“iirrivai “~01‘hâ€"m \VILL RUN Home Seekers’wExcursmns l Paris Green Hellebore Insect Powder TO THE CANADIAN NORTH- WEST AT R E'I‘L‘RN PARKS. â€"~ l 330 Wiruipeiz l , Wnskmln Mi _..1 Estevan .. Ior‘xtou Elan...†“l Arco‘m l Moosomin 3 Wawunesn J ' “'h- «3.5. I! i nscm iii Miniota GmndV’irw Swen liirer "'-t‘.‘:3“?.:;.;1 _ “ “ Blue Vitrol --------- i 335 magma You Want? Rerll') , I 00‘! H‘i'nihcmm llso I will lw plonsml it) show you some of tho lwsl mnrhiiws made. I have in stock the Standard Rotary, Garden Powder ' {'s'T‘ 46h ‘miugJUNF. 3rd,rctnrninu r:ulil .1 ' It 24th. rc- (ull rail or 8. B. Alherr'nl. ( or: JL turning until AUGUh'l‘ L'Mr (all rail or S. S. Alberta). Good going JULY lolll, returning iiu- tilSEI’TEMHEII llitll (itl riii or 9 5. Alberto). As cheap as consistent with purity 21 ' .. ' Tickets are not LIU‘Nl on " ln.p..rinl Limited." Conaldc' ‘n’lon' For tickets and pamphlets gi ling tuli purlic~ _ â€" Zlarsiupply to your nearest Canadian Paciï¬c A "urchino that will Innkl‘ cllli?!‘ gen.otto .I .. .' ' l .- . A. “- NOTMAN' “washings- Agt†llll K pi (ll-ll“ stitrn, hoist ltss . K .2 47-48-504 1 King St. East, Toronto llilitiivi) illlll our} iiiiililng. I . '. , -., E______, . , .4,,___.*‘___ Also the E HARD , .. , AND - a E W R ym d I)l'“gglsts SOFT e a 0n v 'Oiie of the best family machines on the market: will sell below To- ronto prices. Wiltll a. Slain The undersigned runs his wagons to Call and examine lit-fore buying else- where. l‘OIï¬ ON 'I‘ () â€"â€"EVERYâ€" TUESDAY AND FRIDAY W. Parcels delivered or collected in any part of the city or may be left at the Brown‘s Livery Stable, George St. iiioil/loin)w HILL w. H EWi so N, HOUSE PA IN TER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL Wag oregano. ' stun iii awning. I ha ve also two or three second hand machines, which 1 will Sl‘ll cheap. T. id‘i‘ClREY Thres'iTei'EGï¬ Coal, hard and soft, Hardwood and abs. Delivered on shortest notice. MICHAEL BROS. Richmond Hill. Coal, Wood and Slabs at lowest price 51 and delivered on shortest notice. J. Sheardown. .~.>.~ ." .uy, .â€" -.‘/~!t'l.b'fl.'€v . A i“ "flan-4:. v: w.<»v.'.r.‘-«' WE iiAVE A LOT OF Tilliiils YT! NEE], PLAHL‘! AND RlGilTLY PRESED. ;; LAWN MOWER for $2.25 READY MIXED PAINT SCREEN DOORS . a Our QUEEN ‘7le ("Tr'_ r Its time to'sbiuk about midgrï¬fy0|:;zm?cmgx; BllA‘d.) is splendid :a‘ one, ‘x'.,u'n be [Housed . ads/s best known mak- i value at with the r‘v’omlid line we - s Q r _ ' lluVu to offer you. You 9“- ‘VT ‘_ ll 9 had l , He‘ll entj' Flve can get a. M ii made dour a splendi mower Cts a gal U l 0 trade because our ‘in any LI tho following {I b , ï¬'zcsl 33‘“.jԤ.b°“’ bu†Come and me out an. r: in x6ft.6in. g ' paint vain-s. ’l‘hey Will save you mmmv 2it ï¬~n.x61t81n. and give you sat} Emc- 9 f‘ Minxt} It. 10in. 3IK.X 'i it. ed.atir..in d , .__, I Fifteen Cents -- sn h i ‘J ‘90 I _ either the choup or the deer Iliad \'- hat you want is the good , kind at a i'eisouubie price. and that is PLYMOUTE TWINE You know how good r it is. (’uum and see . how right we sell it. Legalar ,i'is'nbi» lu'xtc aeeasseseeeeseeasms J E LL ST 0 I'v' E A yearly to use kalsomina in eight pretty Rhoda-a, mavlv luv the “\labas» tine" people. shoull be sold for 230. Our out price is ' “ EN I Y LEN I'fl f/ - i '1011'» IV l Lon. I ’ l r 3 I“ CthEPlP Lnagnef Paints} , l I * » v ' . . ‘ TWIRE' . I i-‘maowScreens / Senflrï¬lly “79"†t“ be shades‘in citadel ' l ‘ A Nm’l'lp‘t†1m." or Afl' l-h i7. tcrydr-artwiue, You 1.3:“stan ' non Win- ‘ r are not on iig for 2‘ cont value. ( o v . creeus. ii,“ i - v. I I l l I K ‘ l tly p 10 _ S 99399333; for a. 5 pound package .‘.:.\u\';-.~ urn-fl ? "\‘s‘eseeeeeeaeeeseeesssese OELS! OILS ! “:.'.'"W:,Z¢‘:Ai-i-. 1-1-92 &'£~' ~- (:11- , HAY roa KS When . l:- you buy .; g A ï¬rst nla- s 3â€"pr0n2 or of any 5 ‘7 Hey Fork. go<~d hand- kind It 5 ‘- 9. 1e and an A 1 tool to: not so .‘t much a I s 8' question 1 I . I ‘ .1 l ow '. i Hay Forks > ‘. limbo it 2 for horse power. . fronts but _, 5 Double liarâ€"noon Nit- ACHINE/ Misti you 7 turn as illi'sir .te '. 512- or q i I“ b" 31.50. \i\ e ciour the L; 3, their. at v money -‘ ' ' 'ou lav. jj Seventy-Five THAT is the important quea‘lnn. “>0 lirlmdle of operatir‘g our BLUE Ff AME “‘II‘K- 1.88% OIL bTOVE. It's rliI-apur tlmn gig Pry-ins are no h-gimr than you my for thepo r at†“m.†Saaol‘r'e "‘"J “mm?†mm 0'6“ stuff. You‘ll find us riglitin 1)l'l"0,q‘lu.l!ï¬y and " 9nd O‘Jm‘EH" “We “’ “('m' "“liifquWle he" ‘8 mpagum in vynndcl.’ Hamlin“ “I plumb in the summer |7V U‘l'if; m.»- ol three splen id or. Nvatuf‘ml. (‘aa 01‘, Crud». Fi-li. llar- bmlei’ 'rwo'l’nnmr “7“ inh‘l‘r" m as. Raw and ltoiiui Linseed (my, Our w - ; - COAL OIL, ice. A GAL. \iés are meusui c i by machinery. ensuring you We sell our oil like this: nothing but the best till) aud s-ill them to you Cents Poms and ll\:\.’lU-.'l"l1'lli'l‘ D. mi ou- Hay Fork Pulleys All iron swivel eye. extra. value at 250 each ’scyraï¬sann‘snnrus. the full- st measure. TAKE} Ii iiiALK through our store. We've lots of room, good light. and good vniu -5. its CREAM. If any one can have ice ,‘ av.“ <.,..._-. _, .-_,‘ .; _ _ 22“ ’.~ Canadian ltc. pergal. Canadian Wu or \5 like, 170 per gal. Anwricml “ï¬lter \I him, 190 per gal. GOLDEN LIGHT, 220. patgal. The above prices are for . 55ml, lots. Golden Light v. costs more, but it's worth 1;- more. .'0 other oil will :'- \wnï¬â€ mVe you such a beautiful, "' Glenn whftn‘ gmnkelu-s and odorless light. : We are agents for GOLDEN LII; I] l‘. Our ‘3 oi] ismeusurcd by machinery right in front of . you No h’IlI ï¬lled inrasnrcs.no spilling, no i wasâ€. You get your luOnl-y's worth. -,‘.:,-,u..a;¢.«,1,.v,~;\- ', .=,.. 3. - r I'm-3M. iv.- geiï¬n it's the farmer - e as go! the ice and a ) the cream and he can get . Y “I'll ï¬nd us with extra. good values in this a ï¬rst class freezer from n line, it good rcytlia tor 50c A serviceable 11" M from ‘ .s‘nitli for 5 c. Emery Scythe Stones, 10¢: -, We sell ihe lingl'sb Bivetted Uaek Scythe. w _ one DOLLAR ' and fifty Cents up Cotton Twine \ . ‘3 I, ers ., . / {I’ll / x/r i For market garden- use. Used for buucluing vegetables. Beg.93c for 5 lb bag Thousand « Mile Ipixie Grease. :‘ of 24 balls. We sell lull the I I . , insn _/ u for 5;; My goes twice as m //7_//,{// Seven Ly-FIYB â€"â€"»~ 331V; 3"“ Ema “7 -' “'/"/ â€/./'/€ -’4/// a bag We show a wide range of value: from 25c to CUEUS cents I ' $1 per pair. We'll suit 30: in this line. -~ 7 A BOX " 3.4-:- G STRE 2 .-.+:-.-'~ F. «91:33.1; _. Q!“