By t-hn sévond d: aft. of ministers at [he Methodist C(mfvwnce Rev. Percy M. Peacock will he llvv. J. H. More’s succesxurnn Lhu Riclunund Hi†circuit. Mr. and Mrs. David Dnnst spent Sunday with the lattm-‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lowe of Markham. Miss Kil'snevulsu spent, Sunday with All: uners. Levee. ' of Edglvy All dosh-(ms of lit-coming menmers of the. Tennis Club are I‘e'quvsted to meet, on the lawn “Duffel-in Grove†tu-night at, 8 u‘clock. Mrs. C. V. \Vutts. Georgia Villa, Bulmy Bench and Mrs! \V. (i. Brown, East Tumntu. spent a (lay \vxt‘u Mrs. R. Furqulmrsnu lust. wwk. Mr. Jns. \Vright is home for a feW days. He has sum out; his partnerâ€" ship in Kemptville, and leaves on Saturday fur Ft-rnie. B. 0., where he- -§'in net as mmmsy-I- fur a furniture and undertaking in ' Richumnd Lndge wiil meet for the Election uf Ofï¬cers, (40.. next Mundny evening. Installatiun will take place on the evvning of the 21%th June. tn he cggluflod by \V. Bro. Frank SuxiLh The nnwnsr, host and freshest of much-wanted gunds at p] ices that, make it must. :ulvnmngenus for you tn mime hex-e and buy fret-1y. Atkinson & Switzar. The mmnlu' of the Moth“ ing their um] June 4. on ice cream :l A†thusv illll Curdiully im" this an suvcess The Entrance Examinations at Richmond Hill will he hcld on the 25th, 26th and 27th days of June. Entrancepnpils will thus be writing on Cm'omuiuu (lay. Everylmdy will at the Epwnrlh 14 chumh lawn lth RIPS. (HOV) J. A. GIT-ht and two childl-vn returned ys‘stvx'dny :Lfler A two week)" Visit. with relatives in Guelph. been appnilitml by the Tmnuto Mt‘thâ€" udist Confn-rem‘e u nmnlwr- of the Bmlrd of ICaninm-s fur Lhe Yule lecture-s. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Hutchinson of Essvx spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Crushy and lefL Saturday fm-n trip through Manitoba and the Nut-Lb \Vest. Mr. Alex. Maudie :Icrumpanied the Ym-k County (Nunmilinrs at; the \Vm'de-u's excursion to Niagara Falls un'l‘uvsday, and arrived home by it special car which passed through this place almut 11 p. m. Mr. \Vill Trench, .ir. Jvhn Michael and Mr. \Vill Clifford played with the Aurora Luurussu Team on Friday a- gainst Brudfunl. Tim match which was played at, Bradford was won by the home team by :1, score of 3 to 2. Mr. John Grier). who has purchased Mr. Ed. Gullannugh’s store, Thornhill, is 861416;! his several lines very cheap to make “rum fur at new stock of groce‘x'ivs. Printsns low as 5 cents, blouses 2?) evuts, dre “ gnods 5 cents. cuttunadrs 10 Cents, mm 25 Acentsa etc. Gull early and got. bargains. SHEIHVOUD. The members and friends of Sher- wood Lutheran Suhth School intend celelnatiug the King's Coronation by holding their annual Strawberry Pic- nic on Thursday afternoon, June Agond time is (-xpected; all are in- vited. Admission, adults, 25 cents; children, 15 cents. God Suye the King. Mr. \V. H. Pugsle‘v i this \vvvk attending tlw (if York County Uountzil. Miss Ethel \ViiL-y of Saturday at hvr hnmn Feed! Fee feed at Bx"; Markham. Miss L. Newton of anmurket, is spvnding u few days with Mrs. \‘V. E. \Viley. The \V. C. T. U. will In hnme uf st. Grant, next evening. Division (lulu-t, wiil 1w held here next Tuesday, the 1m. of Juno. Mr. David Graham (If Inglnwn spent (Wt-1‘ buuduy with Mr. and M Switzer. Miss Svdmun of East. Tux-unto made avisit with friends hen.- during Lhe week. Reguim- uu-vl iug of Cum-t Richmond Friday evmung. “is Etlu-l \Vntsnn 0f Ilnpe “ï¬ednesdny with Miss Kinney. Feed I Feed 1â€"†ynu want rmin gm tn Bruce Bros. Mills. Iuvkhum. Don‘t fnrgot the social evening next. Rev. N “'0 RICHMOND 1&1; ylmdy will b..- umde ‘ Epwm-Lh lmague snciul lawn next Saturday ex TH E ENTRANCE. :uhers of the Epwm-Lh League thndist Chm-ch intend hnld- unmml social next. Saturday, on the church lawn, when: n and cake will he served. interested in the League are. invited tn assist; in making Trench, Mr. Jvhn Michael ill Clifford played with the ussu Team un FHqu u- um: I. dhvnod, F. H. H. S., has «I by the Tornnto Mvthâ€" Elféhtmai. HILL; June 12. 1902 511E. 3111115, '5th cbl 50-4 kny quantity pf pi U. will meet at the (If anuutn w hero. B. (.‘-.. where 119 for a furniture mess. made welcome snciul nu the. uy evening. in Tm'dnto me ,sessiun Inglimygnd ‘Sutul‘duy Tuesday (:hnpped 5th (run. 50â€"4 spent spent. M IS Rev. Dr. Millignn, of St. Audl‘ewa‘ Chm-ch, Tumnnn. will preach in the Presbyterian Ohm-uh here m-xt Sun- iduy morning and Rev. Mr. Stewart, of Hamilton is expected to preach in ithe evening. Mr. and Mrs. \Vm-ren Hewisnn drove to Jacksnn’s Point on Saturday. Mr. Hi-wison remained over Sunday. I but Mrs. vaisnn who is nm-mnpnnied by link» Irene Mt'Muhmi will make it wvvk‘s xtuv \\ ith her parents, Mr. and I Mrs. Juhn \Villiums. A GOOD POSITION. The following personal montion in Tuesday’s Globe, which refers tn 'a funnel- Principal of the: Richmond Hill Public School, will he read within- tel‘l‘sL: Mr. F. II. Kirkpatrick. fnrm- t’uhlic School, will he read within- terosL: Mr. F. II. Kirkpatrick. £0111)- erly prnl'vssm- uf orntm-y at St. Michael’s Gulls-g9. and at, present, pru- fossm- of ul'utnry at, Hilzun College. Hiram. Ohio. has recently nuct‘pled a call to the chair uf m-umry in the Uniâ€" vvrsity uf \Vonsu-r. The UllH't‘l'slly of \Vnosler is one of the fol'mnnst Presbytel-igm univexsities of the United States. Mr. Kirkpatrick isu Canadian and LL native of Bradford. A garden party will be held on the grnuuds (If Mr. Jonathan Slater, “Elmdale,†4th (em). Markham, on Saturday. June 14. An vnjuynhle pmgrmmne wiil he prmidvd, the fulluwing taking part: MN. A. G. Gm-mley, Vocalist, Uniouyille; Rev. Seedsâ€"Corn and turnip seeds in I‘Hlo'gt‘ Variety. Naughtuu Bms†Elgin Mllls. The members and friends of the Mellludist Church Sunday School. Tostnn, intend holding their annual Sticux‘hongv Festival on “'ednesduy. June 18. During the evening a. most, interesting programme Will be ren- derod hy the follnwing talent: Miss Gwen: Miss Ki-fl’ei' and Miss Nellie Campbell of Maple; Miss Praia-pan uf Jt‘ffVI'tiUn ; Mis. Mvnre and Mrs. Cook of Hupo ; Mr. John Blnugh of ’l‘vstun : nndRevs. \V. G. Buck and S. W. Dwm 0f Maple. Rev. G. Robinson win mmpr tho clmir. Tm. served from 4 tn 7. Tickets; Adults, 25 cents: Children, 15uents. Anniversâ€" ary services will be held on Sunday. June 15, conducted in the morning by Miss Gwen, and in the evening by Rev. J. H. More of Richmond Hill. free. Here we are always vugilnnt of styles, always careful of qualiLivs, al- ways watchful of prices. No wonder that so many wmuen think of Atkin- sun & SWiLZeNS at, buying- Lime. S. A. Lawrence Vocalist, Uniom'illu; Miss Inle Luum ElocntinnisL. Thorn- hill; and the Uninmille Male Quar- Lette, made up of the following nwm- lwrs: Massl-s. Phillip Meyvr, \Vm. Padget. C. Stiver and Horace Davisun. Markham Band, of over twenty mem- bers, will play selwt‘ions during the evoning. Ten served from 5 to 8 u’clock. Admission: adults. 25 cbs.; Children. 15 cu: Jersey Outs. Farinnsa, SwiRs Food, Slu-mlde-d \Vhent, Malt Breakfast Fund, Force, Royal Breakfast Food, Grape Nuts. Cream of \Vheat at right; price. Atkinson 8: Switzer. STANDARD BANK WON. The ï¬rst base-ball match of the season was played in the park on Saturday. the umbestiug teams being the Standard Bank (If Toronto and Richmond Hill. The score was 19-9 in favm- of the visitors. A large num- ber of spectatm-s Wt).ng present; wiLh The Ant-mm baseball team play the Richmond Hill team here on Sntur~ dny. The Lucal’s have been putting in smue good practices this wm-k and KPPCL tn he mare suicCessful than in thvir last game when they Were with- nut the sm-viu's of several nf their best, players. The buys hope to see as large and :Is enthusiastic a crowd at this game- ns thvy had at thwir lust and inwmise Ln glC‘o n. betrieliwmrricninï¬Ã© nf themselves this time. Game called M330. AdmiSSion 10 cents. Ladies Mr. \Vult-H' Bl‘noks', Dnllnl (lay, Juno 2]. qu- font will culnpetu l‘m'a cash [)1 “ill he 0le at 3 o‘clock. Band in atlemlnnve. Teal n’cluck. Everybody \vvlu Emmy and to the. Chm-ch 5 allowing day. Mr. Josef Tm-mutu will preach at 2.3 pastor, Rl-v. F. G. Kenm at a fair sprinkling of ladies who vigor- ously cheered the many good plays of both teams. Grant for the visitors was in great form allowing only 12. hits off his delivery. The principal features of Lhelocals' play was the magniï¬cent ï¬elding of Sheardown whoacceptedS-chances at left. ï¬eld. Batteries for Standaid Bank were Lamont, and Grant]. and for Richmond Hill, Ellston and Gardner. Mr. Seott of the Traders Bank umpired to the satisfaction of all. NUTES BY THE Spurn"le EDITOR. Adams was a very busy yonug man. Mr. Bell was a good second. Ellston caught, well for the locals. Farmer Brown made a hit, with the ladies; also a three-base hit. h'any rooted Well for the locals. If Lamont had taken “ a. cup of tea. and a piece of cake" he might have hit the hall. Mul Mulcahy was buzzing around. " \Vhiskers†was very much in evi- Snggvstedâ€"“ Side combs for G 'nntz." QIlc-sbinuâ€"“ NYhen are they comm‘g rain 2' †STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL. Garden Pun-Ly will he hvld all: GARDEN PARTY. GARD EN PARTY. l' Brnoks’, Dollar. on Sutur- ' 2]. Four fuut~lmll tHIIIIS -lc fm-ucash prize. Gates an at 3 o‘clock. Thm'nhill lendnnvv. Tea from Btu 8 Everybody welcome in the to the Church services the day. Mr. .103va} Tait of illprpnch at 2.30, and the BASEBALL. The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of casting iu the johhing line. Binders, mowers and implements cf all kinds repaired on shortest, nutice. I Plow Points, Sule Plates, Gang Plow I Slam-es, etc, made and sold 11919. Steel HogTwughs, any length, made tn nrder. Prin right. _ All kinds nf wrought or cast iron taken in exchange. Shop open “[18:30. Our stock never was better nss-u‘ted than it is nmv ; we nevsr gave hotter values than we do now; We nevel felt more disposed to sell you the goods ynu want than now. Atkinson and Switzer. So far the recounts 0f the lmllots cast in the recent Provincial electums have made no _1_m1_terriul icllanges. In Lennox Mr. Mndnle, Liberal, tied with Curscallen, Conservative. The funmar' was conï¬rde In his seat by the casting vote of the thurning Ofï¬cer. In North Perth Mr. Mun- teith, Conservative. has also been con- ï¬rmed in his seat by a majority 0f two votes. In \Vullzmd Mr. Gross, Liberal. holds the seat, by 112. In East Middlvsvx Dr. Rutleng Liberal, \vnsdoclared elvenâ€"d uvm- Capt. Ruh- sun by 21. In Hnlmn, Mr. Bathe]; Lilwl‘ul. has 3|. malm-ity of 22. In \Vest Huron, Mr. Cameron, leeral, has 21 majority. \Ve can sell you a hill of Nu. 1 dry goods and groceries such as is needed for 12-1111in consumption at ï¬gures that will save- you money. and would he very pleased to do it. Atkinson and Switzor. The great world (want of June. the the ('UI‘OnutlUl) nf King Edward VII., of England, will picture scenes that. havehad no parallel in the lives of the present gvnemt nn. and for this reaan an article by Sir Edwin Arnold (mthe Coronatiun Festivities, and a description by the lzlte'Sir \Vultvr Besunt of the Pageants 0f London. in ,the July Delineutor, are especially interesting. ' FRIDAY. June 13.â€"Aucti0n que nfa. car 10nd of came at the Palmer House. Richmond H1â€. Also 300 plow puiubs, u.ud.4 hag troughs. Terms for came 1 months Terms torches balance cush‘ Sale at 1.50. Snigenu Kn McEVTeu. Auctioneers. anuJuuo Z'Jâ€"Credib sue of 2 var loads of cache at. we Pu‘mer House, Richmond 1- ill the pruperqy of JosA Brillmger. ho rere v0. Sale at 2. Terms 4 months. Saigeon & Mc- E“ cu, auctioneers. TUESDAY, June 2+ «Credit sale of Quads, tat-0.. ah ’l‘horuhill, the prope:t.y of Edn’d Guilunough. hale at. 1 o’clock. Terms 6 months. J. H Prentice, auctioneer. About a dozen strept car conductors on tho’l‘umnto Stu-0t) Railway “wire on Friday arrested, Charged with tampering with the Fare boxes, and extracting money and tickets thereâ€" from. Othernrrests will in all prob- ability he made. and the accused will stand trial in September. The case for the Company was worked up by Pinkoxtun detectives. Om- cnrsvt stnck is freshâ€"in the pink of conditinn. Its not a withered, soiled. or ï¬nger-smirchcd Collvctinn. New, clean. crisp. Examine the 300,. lineuf summer corsets. Atkinson S: S w i tzer. Miss Jennie Maud Stevenson, svcnnd daughter of Rev. G. W. Stevenson of Newton Brook, was on the 4th inst: married :0 Mr. W. F. Day, of Damascus. The ceremony Lnuk place at the Parsnnugv, and was pl‘l'furlnf‘d hy the father of the bride assisted by Rev. J. R. \Vilkiuson of Curl-ville. Boots and Shoesâ€"A large lot of sample ludivs’ ï¬ne Oxfnrd shops at, less than wholesale price. Naughtun 31115.. Elgin Mills. Mager’s Feundry. The Supreme Court at Othan Mon- day dismissed the application on be- half of the tmvn 0f Aurora for leave tn :xppt-nl frnm the dl‘tfibjun quashng the by huv tn bmms a shoe factory to Inuve fmm Markham. .A puhlic meeting fur Um nomina- tion of a candidate to fill the ofï¬ce (If reeve for King tuwnship, owing to the death of the lube reeve. J. \\ . Cl-(mssley. will he held at Schouiberg on the 16th inst. ' Wm. Linton of Aurnm has gune to Engimud L0 plII'K‘hHSc n hmd (If thoran-ed cattle for Hun. W. Mulock. Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Ripans Tabules cure biliousnesa. Ripan's Tabules: for‘sour momacb. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. Ripans Tamales cure torpid liver. Sale Register. News Net w. MAG-ER. Prop Equipped with roller and ball bearings, is the lightest draft binder ever built. Made in the following sizes: 5, 6, 7 and 8 ft. cut. For sale by Raga}: Elam Saudio. Driver and 110180 both fee-l comfort- able when the right kind of harness 19 used. You Buy Wlselv if You Buy Here. “fool and Ruhhm- Knm- Rugs, Buggy Dusters and utlm- furnishings, all re- liable goods, at close prices. ' Come in and let us Lnll: horse goods 11 bit if in need of anything in my line. Geo. WEcDonald, Richmond Hill J acab Eyer & Son, Richmené Hill. Everything in Photographs, Portraits, Groups, Picnics; Houses, Interiors, Etc. work done in all Districts. Call and make an appointment. BEERENG BDEAL EiNDER A Special Line of Gent’s Reversible Silk Del-by Ties, 250. All the Latest Shapes in Gent’s Fell; and Straw Hats. The very Latest in Gem’s lStand-Up and Turned-Down Co lays. No. 1 Corn Starch, 8c. ; No. 1 White Starch, 8c. 1b.; Best, Figs, 4.50. 1h. ; Best Cleaned Curl-ants. 3 lb. for 25c. ; Best Rv'lecte-d Raisins. 3 lbs. for 25¢. ; Best Berry Sugar, 51b. for 25 '. ; Medium Syrup, 3c. ll). ; many sizes Best: Window Glass in stock at lowest pricas, 01- cut, to size required. Ladies’ Polka Dot, Dimity Blonses at 500. “ Heavy Dark Print. XVI-appears at 85c. “ Regular 350. Dru] Corset, for 25c. A Heavy 40 inch Hard Finis.) SergP, special, 250. yard. Fancy Straw Sailor Huts at 2.3. 80, 35, 40, 50 and 750. Extra Heavy Fast Dye Black Cotton Hose at 10c. pair. Gents’ Fancy Calm-ed Shirts. regujar $1.29 for 950. \ 1V,, v u Every Day We Push the Standard ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬gw F. Cutler, Richmond E §%%@%@@%% Of this store further ahead. Our best of anyyesterday must not: be the limit of our service for any to- morrow. We welcome you to look whether you come to buy or not. What we tell of now is repre- sentative. mmmm i 2' '1‘ 11E \V001 and Rubber K1100 R Dash-1's and other ful'mshi liable goods, at close prices. Couw in and let. us talk h a bit: if in need of authing That Harness WE it ./I Inf/[,1 EN 11100 Hugs ,ll'mshlngs: prigeg. rvrse goods in my lme. Buggy all rep