1!.B.-Registered Letters must he hunch i 3 least ï¬fteen Minutes earlier than the nbofl mentioned hours fm' closing; OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P M M. TEEFY. Postmnsï¬er. (mu further noticeTers will be closed at the momma Hill Post Othce as follows:â€" MORNING .. 8.00 EVENING . 6.25 Church of Englamdâ€"â€"Services at 3p. m. eVery Bundag. Pres y 7 . 111. Sunday School at 230. ednesduy evening. Roman Cntholio ChurchfServiL‘CS nu ulter- nqtp gunfigy‘g‘ats) n. m 10.3†n. m. ,m .n m an n nx nnfl terian Churchâ€"Services at 11 n. 111.. and Pruyer meeting w uuuvuuw, v V w. Roman Cnthol nuts Sundaya at. 9 n. m. um Methodist Church-Semi 7 p. 111. Sunday Selma] at, 9 meeting Thuzsday. (waging. ~§iéï¬â‚¬16mlelémA F and A M â€"Meovs mon- lav on or hetero full moon CourtRichmond, A O F -I\Ieota second and math Friday Ivy Lodge. A O U Wâ€"-Moots fourth Tuesday a! each month Camp Elam. S 0 S â€"Masts second and louxth Wednesday 13. '1‘ of Temperanceâ€"Meets ï¬ruc Wednesday a! each month Fire Brigadeâ€"Meats that Mummy of every month Public Ldbmy and Ryndin: Roam-Open Tuesday. Thursday and Sutumm‘ evenings EDworth Leagueâ€"Meets even Friany. Almgenmount oiprivutefuuds to loan on improved farm prnpercy. Five per cent. in- West. Easy terms for l-evnvmeut. No com- missim charged on loans. Apply to A. .F.L.~\WRENCE, Freehoid Loan pllilding, Toronto THE SUN Life Assurance Co. Luvs Newmarket 730.115.11.15 0.. m; 2. 3.15. 4.15.6.ou, 7.30 p. m. Leave Richmond H111 7. 8.10, 9.55. 11.55 a. m., 2.40. 5.55. 4.55. 0.10. 6.10 p. m. MONEY I MONEY! m0 P R Crossing at G. 7320. 9.40 1.30, 2.40, 4.00 5.10. 7 r. p heave Richmond R1118,‘.£0, 10' m. m 3.30. 4.50. 6.30. “5.) p. m O!" at Richmonahin on Sutur Assure: on an the modern p1 ans, and is one o the most nrospcrnns and progressive companies in existence. Premiums low. policies unconditional and nonfurfeitable. LIBERAL OFFICE METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE For service on the premises of the un- dersigned, a registered SHORTHURN BULL. This Clock is well made throughnutv. and keeps timv “ith the best alarms made. Try our. WATCH‘MAK x1; KERN 22$ PRACTICA FOR SERVICE POST OFFICE NOTICE Any-one sending a sketch and descr Ink] uscermm our opinion free ‘ vent» on Is pmhnbly Immutable. lions stflctly conï¬dential. Handbook a3: freeL Oldest fluency for securing _ stems taken through Munn & 1 mega! notice, Without. charge in the A handsomely thsh'n wisdom of any aciem year: four momma. u MDNHSQEï¬; Between Toronto and Newmurket. Take a policy §u€il駀§ï¬5 ï¬Ã©zééfï¬can.‘ vvn.- .. _- Brunch 0mm. (:25 1" Must-Get-Uip BEZZ i Village Directory. TERM OF CANADA. . MCMAHON, GOING NORTH GOlNG SOUTH ‘ï¬â€˜RAD: MARKS Dssucï¬s Cowman-41's &c. Ming a sketch and descrlpflon may mm our opinion free whether an pwhnbly vacenmhle. Communica- conï¬dentlxfl. Handbook on Patents flest fluency for securing; patents. ken rthrough Mugmnsc 00. receive ï¬ U Alarm Clnc with the district agent, 3618roadway. % 1" $2.. ‘Vashlngton. D. C. T. LUDFORD lr‘ï¬x'd A M â€"Meeta Mon- 12:! weekly, Lax-nest dr- uc journal. Terms. $3 5 Sold. by all pew udgalerg. ‘ 10.30 a. m. as M 10.30 A. 11)., and 30. Genera.) prayer RICHMOND HILL Richmond Hill. T'N‘éw'j'urk handed in the above 112.70. 2.20. 80 mm. 2. 3.15. 1H9 {olluwlng stallions wt“ travel through this section of mantrv this season :_ YOUNG MA‘CQDEENâ€"Tho unboan c‘hampinn draught. scallion. the property of mm M. H. 11. B. Asaocincinn. Hnmo stand Palmer Howie. To 'l‘hornhill, Unionville. Vlcteria. Sqnnra,Whm-hurcb, Aurura, Bond’s Luke. etc. Terms $15. A. Forum. manager. BED \VATTIEâ€"Impm’ted Cl riesdnle tho prop- arcy of D. Blouglu and H Legge. Monday 1mm his own stable. lot. 23, rear 5m con Vaughan. to King Cmv. I‘uesday (n G. Thompson‘a.tl‘uuce to Bond's 1mm. Wed- nesday to Jun Connor's and Wm Richard- son's, Whinghursh. A'Fh'grsdaykto Aurora. __-_ LA 1-. cm.- a, -- rumâ€.-.â€" .. Friday to Jun Dame, Lung. thence toJus Bamsden’s. Saturday to Walker Brna', 10th con. thence home. Terms .311. J. Blough, mmmger. MONOTONYâ€"Thoronghbred stallion the pronerty of Gen Rubinstn. Monday from home stable, Richmond Hill. hv 2nd Markham to Steele's hotel. thence to Charry's. to Smithâ€" fleld and Clairville. Colemiue, Bolton. Bell's Lake. Lloydtown. Xedhlabv, Eversley. King City. 'l‘estun. to his own stable Saturday. Terms 510. TONY VVILKEB Jn.â€"Boudster stallion the prop- arty of Samuel Francis. Newton Brook. will stand at his own stable, lot 25,13t cun. Markham. Terms $8. PURE GOLDâ€"Trotting stallion the property of D. Blanch. King City, will travel through King Creek, Snowball, Temperanceville, Bond's Luke. etc. Termn $8. MASTER'S Emuâ€"Imported Clydesdale. Home stnble, Mamie. Will travel to King City, Nobletnn. Klein'hnrg. Purplevxlle. Thurnhill. Richmond Hill. Edgely, Terms 311. D. Watson. manager. COL. CHERâ€"Canadian draught, the propert of Joe. E. Teeaon. hill stand at his own am no, lot 2, con. 2, Murkhmn. Terms 38. Shrnyed frnm lot 48. 1st con. Vaugh- an (Richmond Hill). on Tuesday night, June 10. a Jersey Cow. Two well-hunt. Brick-Clad Houses, with every convenience. A l to pp y C. MASON, The Annual Excursion under the aus- pices of the A boy’s second hand bicycle, Cleve- land Quickstep. “’31! he sold at a bargain. Twenty inch frame. Applyut _. r 7‘, m,, “Any IntOLH‘LQ‘ï¬Jï¬ concerning the same will be thankfully xeceived at this ofï¬ce. North York Ag’l Society TO BRACEBRIDGE THURSDAY, JUNE 19. ’02. The undersigned having become agent, for a self-acting, 01‘ automatic, sprayer, is prepared to furnish all who desire to become the owner, on short notice. Ibisbchenpnnd simple in its operation. Is (hasin trpprated. Can be carried by a shoulder strap. or by hands like a pail. \Vill throw the spray over any ordinary fruit; tree. Can be used for spraying potatoes. du- ing the work in very much shorter time than the ordinary way ; as a. ï¬re extinguisher; fur spraying cattle ; for washing windows, or buggies. in fact any work requiring a sprayer. I , ACnvered Buggy, neatly new and an organ, in good order. Enquire of MRS. F. J. GALLONOUGHi 50-2 Thm-uhilI. Now is the Time to Prepare Spray Your Trees The undersigned will he banpy to show the machine and its walking to anyone desiring a sprayer. £tf R. E. LAW. Agent STANRR ANK Received in Sm‘ings’ Bunk Departâ€" ment and Interest aliowed at; HIGHEST CURREï¬T RATES. Money Loanod on Farmer-5’ Sale News. Blank Note Fen-ms Supplied [-‘roc. General Banking Business Tmnsaciei. For other particulars call at the B 50-†annual Excmsian Notice of withdrawal Sill'y. All dvpnsits on demand l‘apnnl Rest For Rates. Time see large ()f Can ada RICHMOND HILL FOR SALE. FOR SALE. FOR SALE mm @flvmmmznts. STRAYED Stallion Register J. F. ROWLAND DEPOSITS THE LIBERAL ofï¬ce \V M. Richnimnd Hill Tnhke, Etc., bills. KEITH, Sec’y. $1,000.000 750.009 not; neces- payable AGENT. rough I npion ! 1c. H, l l! llmer 1 rtcrin. . Lake. I i . prnp- ' )udny J con m C. ‘ \Ved- :hard- "om. ,1 t ough, Now has ‘ t Nothing li ’l‘lgi’ng The Cost, is m to suits are I mithâ€" particuhrs. Bell's . King g gxuph Depa n‘dny, mp- Centre I. will i Cull. t.) of :0th T0 wills, g Home W. H. SHAW. Tonga I l. D. rt of In no. = W :mk. SPRING SUITINGS FANCY VVORSTEDS SCOTCH MIXTURES AND BANNUCKBURNS The handsnnwst gonds and lwst vah‘xos ever shown in Richmond Hill. Passes: mm Stuck The creditors and all others having cluimsnguinst the estate of the late Funny Uharltun, deceased, late of the Village of Darisville in the. Township and County of York, (but formerly residing in the Township (if Vaughan in the County of York) widow, de- ceased, who died an or about the 20th day of April A. D. 1902 at Davxsville aforesaid, are on or [H'fnl'e the 16th dayuf June A. D. 19)2, to send by post prepaid to Montgmnery, Fleury & Montgomery, rooms 67-69 Canada Life Building, Toronto, Stflieitm-s, fur the Administrators, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their ac- counts and the nature. of the securities (if any) held by them. Every creditor holding any security will be required to produce the same fur inspectiun and exmniuntinn. And take notice that forthwith after the said 16th day of June 1902, the estate of the said de- ceased will be. distributed among the parties entitled theretu, having re- g'ardnnly tn such claims as the Ad- ministrator will then have had notice. Dated at, Toronto this 10th day of May A. D. 1902. THOS. H. CHARLTON, 46-5 Administrator Mag 33 ï¬mdiiars A]. HUME 46-5 Adininistmto Montgmnery,Floury & Montgomery, Canada Life Building. Toronto, Solicitors fur Administrator. The sixty-second annual meeting of the Gore Fire Iusurance Co. was held at Galt on the 23th of January, 1901. The total income from all sources was $131,928.60 and the disbursements amounted to $100,648,33 leaving $31,- 279.92215 the. balance to the credit, of the year’s transactions. Out. of this the directors have decided to make a. refund of 20 per cent. on all monies re- ceived from the members of the Com- pany. The total assets of the company amount to $433,823.11 of which $255,- 199.11 are in cash or cash items. The total liabilities amount to $58,009.20 leaving a balance of assets over all liabilities of $375,813.91. Reserve for roâ€"insurauce and all other liabilities $58Jlil920. Total assets available to pay losses $433,813.11. The amount of insurance in force Gem insusaase co. W215 Explaining the fm-nfn! by the Gore costs nothin Tho Gore is an up-to-date HomeCom- puny and is noted fur its broad policies and liberal settlements. Call, write or phone J. T. Saigeon, Maple P. 0., if nooding insurance. Explaining the for") pf policy issued gmâ€: Mam cuuasé ’ WIRELESS AND SOUND ) > Telegraphy This Week. some elegant lines of ï¬â€˜Ã©www‘ Now has many students. Nothing like it ever given. The cost, is nominal. The 19- sulbs are gund. \Vrite for particulars. Address Tele- graph Department. - FANNY CHARLTON, 515.677 Central Business C0119 TORONTO Yongo and Gerrard Hts. Tailor Deceased. You say: “No!†But she should re- mind you via duty you owe your-wife! You can end all her kitchen troubiea by buying her a “Quick Meal†Stove. If your wife attends to the cooking, she will getravacation every day, when formerly else was a. slave. A “Quick Meal†Stove will save her more work and steps than any hired girl she ever had. The “Quick Meal†Stove will cook a meal in less time than it takes a coal ï¬re to start, and it will do it without raking or shaking, with- out soot or smoke, without dirt or ashesâ€" but quicker, better, cleaner and with less expense, and your wife and the kitchen will be cool. Your wife will love you more Eyou buy her a “Quick Meal†to-day. VECTGEEA Not stains. Made from boiled and raw linseed oils and leads. Not to sell only, but for durability, and will stand the weather, heat and frost. Usual Stock of Furniture on hand. P. G. SAVAGE, Eishmond Em Where you can get, sensonahlP articles at wholesale priuns. Berger’s Pure English Paris Green. Insect Powder, Helolmre, etc. Paints, Oils and Turpentine. Blond Purifiers, for clearing the complexion and renovating the system. Buxdoclg an}; Ssrsnpun‘lla a. regular 65c bottle 166 and 168 King Street East, Toronto, 3 Doors West of - George Street. for 350 Bloggs Blood Puriï¬er a. regular 5C0 buttle {01'250 Burdock Blood Bitters 65c Piemes Favorite Prescription. Honda Samsin?- ille. Paines Celery Compound, Ayers Hair Vigor, Winners Sim: Cure, any of these 650 Dodd's Kidney Pills 30c Agers Burdock and Purmeeles Pills 150 0 550's Ointment 400 Pages English Eczema, Ointment 350 Pages English Pile Ointment 35:: Pages Englile yyspgpsm Tablets guaranteed to cure indigestion 400 Pages Worm Syrup ‘25.: Pen-tum 800 Condition Powders and Horse Me kinds Thomas Ecluctric Oil. Carters Pills, Pa.ch Englisu Emma l’nls,2 for 250 J. A. JOIINS’i‘i'BI’J, Wholesale and IS THIS YOUR WIFE? AT SAVA THE FARMERS mm 311an EATON NOT EN ET. Wall Papers from 20. up. (2 ML Carters Pills. :5 English Stomach an Ready-Mixed Paints, .D. DANEE WELKINS £1 00., Great Reductions for one week ines iver n11 Sells all kmds of Hardware, Tinware, Harvest Tools, Lawn Mowers, best makes of Chums, \Vickless Oil Stoves, Eavetroughing, Hot Air Furnaces, etc. Screen Dosrs, 'Z’Eic. Screen Windows, 200. Beef Iron and Wine 8. 75c bottle for 50¢ . S3rup01' Bypophospmted n. splendid tome and muscle builder 3. 750 bottle {gt 45.3 ing Repairing promptly don-e. RICHML Eï¬yg 0ND HILL )D Iyde Hotel agel-