Until furtbcr 11 Richmond Hill 1‘ MORfo EVENI I ‘iégs‘t [gift-eon M1 mentioned hours f OFFICE ( Imuve-C P R C nnte Su Methc 711. 11). meeting Richn dew on I Calm- METROPOLITAN Leave men Leave Nowmc Church of 12:12†Sunday. - Presbyterinn (‘1 1p. Lu. Sunday ' thnasd {omun Date Sun OI ehch‘mh: Camp Elu Wednes My Leave Ilicl. A la.ng a. impruVmI f mission charged on lczms. A p r A. G. F. L.\ \VKENC _ Fruehold Lon!) Or at Richmond Hill on Saint Fire Bdg womah Public 1 Tuesday. '1 Epworth PENNï¬Yâ€"R'CWAL W'AFERS. Asaures on all N the MONEY Life an?! aha « . E fnzg E6338. The full JP\\'( ments are. pzsnï¬t; lasts longer on a on mm running; 1 Vï¬Ã©fem may“ I_l< The fu all m-di: very pm Humpxln is the fin jllitt'd \‘.‘ The pi\' ing in jev Lion : if 1 variatinn Try on fun umuc not emir Premiums luv PRACTECAL WATCHMAKER POST OFFIC Emu Between Tor‘ kae a pol Eï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬ga [[101 Vii] Cntl‘ luvs ll'l mpemnceâ€"E vrary and twainâ€"3" I: (401 McMAHON. Lh > organs. I thuguï¬vith CSYBroadn-zy, 25 I‘ SL. Washington. D. C. “w m v. ‘oliuivs uncon Hermit-mole. LionoLl and Moots cv M .AL-N 'STm‘uzv: 1:6 sump. a ‘00 per dross, EUREKA CHEMICAL l:- DETBOI‘A‘. ALICE. >irectory. “muse longer when turn- omlure less fric- ‘n thcre will be less uning of the watch. I mm'emen‘s, meet iremeuts. but fut Ix-ecnmlnend the L1 Railway,†which must aceuralely ad- } in America. .unvmuents on my Money refunded if {Sid A M â€"â€"Mcets Mon us: no in Am .um‘em Money \ctury. SUN fl Ncwmnrko xthly r TIME TABLE Hzlmpdeu mm e- h) buy. The oil n‘r-lfrd pivot than nus,nnd is {me o um prwreasxve M I" N BY 1 RICHMOND HILL i)! N» dosed at the district agentl NOTICE 5 at 3p. In. every u H n aï¬Ã©ï¬gulkrs v. HEW-m Q’HSQE :t be L’ls Friday a’ï¬mï¬ 0k 2m Patents mg: pn‘Onts. 5: Co. receive .3 Second and a to loan on per cent. in- xt‘ I\'o com- 1diug,Tornnto day of every R nmâ€"â€" Open u. Invig mm- your druggisl gnaw-e acres: .iuws, Scaled Lamest cir‘ Terms '4 fl .rth Tuesday {SHAW indiek iii ixnjnlcgé eGa. W edna sday handed in the above M atm aster. and Icuxth m for indies on alter. m. n. 111.. and 112.20 u. m.. 01nd ‘r meobmg M p] ayer 2.20‘ Elm gdvmimxmts. :LOW SELLING EXPENSES It. is :m nndvnied fact that the custnmer must pay for evevy dollar of expense incurred by the seller. and it is the duly 0f the seller to make these ex ensos‘ns low as possible. Ve claim we can for Ehe above reasons, soll ynn one c1835 of goods namely: PURE \VOOLLEN GOODS as clump us any ()tl‘wl' maker or seller. making m~ sellin the same quality of zuods. Why? Manse we sell (liI'PCt‘, Munhfnctm‘in lowest prices. ALMII in 111 for h \Ve haw n good stock of Horse Blankvts. Indian Blankets, Sheeting. Flzxnm‘ls, Cloth. Yarns. Mitts, Socks. and we make Stockings, to order. All goods ave guaranteed " PURE ALL \YUOL." If you havo any wool to sell or trade for \vrmllmx_gnods go to For service on the promises of the m' den-signed, a reglstcrcd SHORTHORN BULL. The Next, Sitting of Division Court. to] N0. 3, Coun ty of York, will be held in the Court Room, MVNN 6c A Discovery at an Almost Cm'. Iain Inn-e few Rheumatism and Kindred Diseases. Amongst the greatest discoveries oftheage of ruliof of human suffer- ing. Perhaps none take» so high a place as Dr. Clan ke’s Little Red Pills. The formula from which these pills are made was the result of many yvarsuf study and. experiment. It is with the greatest confidence therefore, ‘ that the pl‘Upl'lPtOl'S place those pills on tho market, and so satisï¬ed are they that they will prove a blessing to suf. faring humanity, that they make the following offer: To any one who is a subject of rheumatism (no matter how long standing) or any blood disease, as enumerated below, and will give Dr. Clark’s Wonderful Little Red Pills a fair and impartial trial and (in not ï¬nd a perfect cure, we will r9- fund the money paid fur the pills. If no substantial improvement is observ- ed, We will in addition pay $10 in cash on satisfactory evidence being suppli- ed us tn this effect. \‘Ve have yet to know of a single case where these Wonderful pills have not heeualmnst entirely suvcessful in af- I’atuntn obminvd Uu'nnuh MUNN In the Sunshine AM. KK‘AN. the mast Mchy circukucd .cicntiflc p: Weekly. Spiendid enrzravinus a: znrmution. Specimvn copy of 1 ha 2 [any] sent frgo; Adrir ~ It: UNN“ FEEBAY, EBTQEER 3, 1382, XREMARKABLE STORY, RICHNTOND HILL WESEQQ “ QEERTE Dr.Cla1-ke’s Little Red Pills are a certain cure for rheumatism, asthma, maralysis, catan-h, eczema, coughs. .hackache, indigesdou, stomach and liver trnuhlns, female complaints, even when the diseases have been standing for mzmy years. Price 50 cents per box. Fox-sale by W. A. Sanderson, Di‘uggist. M'UNN & C0 of the SCTESTYFIC AMERICAN. can; to not H Such y "-5 for mums, uwmts. Trude Copyrights. I'm the Kama; sums. Canada. - 1d. France. (mnuany. etc. Hand Book about Pnfcnts sent from 'l‘hir { sm-(m ycznv‘ experience. I’utcntn omenme thrnm x MUNN a; CO. nrr noticei In the SCIENTIFIC A MERH‘AN. the lamest. Lest, and, most Mdcly circnl- tcd micntiï¬c paper. $3.203 year Weekly. Spiendmi enrzravinua and intï¬resting m- jnrmution. Specimpn cupy of I ha rich-mule Amer-H 9mm sent freo. Adm-ms M UNN 5; 30.. SCIENTIFIC‘ AIEBICAN Omce, ml Broadway. New York. A fPCting a cure. CANADA (7 CAL CO. Peborborough, Ont. Dre. Clark‘s Sure Cure for Catam'h, and Dr. Clark‘s Sure Cure for Eczema same price. $10.00 will be paid for any case they will not, cure. FGR SERVICE 2941’. Ripans Tnbulm cure torpid liver. Ripans ’l‘abules cure flatulence. Ripans Tabulgs cure djzzigess. Ripans Tabules cure headache. Rlpzms Tabules cure liver troubles. Ripans Tabules cure constipation. Ripans Tabules. Ripans Tabnles cure nausea. ' Ripans Tabules assist digestiqn. Rinnus Tabules: at drugg‘i sts. MEANS LOWER PRIC TO BUYERS. Ripans Ripans Ripans TERMS 9: CO., of the Sun Jot u; Suilcitnrs for topyrlghts. fur the . France. (mummy. sent from Tim: - nobminetl Uu'nng 12 .1119 Commencing at.10 a. m. T. F. MCMAHON CLERK Why :a "1311“)? PURE \VOOLLEN GOODS IS any ()thvl- maker or seller. r sellin the same quality of \"hy '3 ecause we sell ("I'Pct mums-‘1‘ and have no expense S. B. LEHMAI‘ Tabules cure nausea. Tabules assist digeann. Tabules: at drugg‘i sts. 'I‘abules: for sour stgmach. Tabules cure biliouSneqs. Tabules: pleasant laxative. Tabules cure bad breath. HELL, ivbOLLFN’ MiLLs. __ON_ $1.00. T. LUDFORD Richmond Hill. CANADA CHEMI- xN & SON’S. wzwm A, SEWER SE Slam § This week, some elegant lines of SPRING SUITINGS FANCY \VORSTEDS SCOTCH MIXTURES AND BANNOCKBURNS The sixty-second annual meetin of the Gore Fire Insurance Co. was ï¬eld at Galt on the 25th of January, 1901. The total income from all sources was $131,923.60 and the disbursements amounted to $100,648,313 leaving $31,- 279.92 as the balance to the credit, of the year’s transactions. Out of this the directors have decided to make a. refund of 20 per cent. on all monies re- ceived from the members of the Com- pany. The total assets of the company amount, to $433,823.11 of which $255,- 199.11 are in cash or cash items. The total liabilities amount to $58,009.20 leaving a bulnnce (lf assets over all liabilities of $375,813.91. The handsomest goods and best. value ever shown in Richmxmd Hill. Reserve for reinsurance and all other liabilities $58.009.20. Total assets available to pay losses $433,823.11. _ . . , Wumi A]. HUME w ., The amount of insurance In force was $15. 77,927.00. The Grove is an up-to-date HnmeCom- pany and is noted for Its broad policies and liberal settlements. Call, write m' phone J. T. Saigeon, Maple P. 0., if newling insurance. Explaining the form of policy issued by the Gm-e costs nothing. ‘ Recvi-ved in Savings? Bank Depart- ment and interest allowed at HIGHEST CURRENT Eï¬TES. Money loaned on Farmers’ Sale Rowe. Blank Note farms Supplied ["rc‘c. 63mm; Banking Easiness Tr maacted. bargui {1 . Apply at. ' \‘fl' ‘01- other particulars can at the Bank. ma EE’ESEE? Capital Rem Notice of withdrawal not neces- sary. All deposits payable on demand. A boy's spcnud'hnnd bicyclP, CIeve~ nd Quickstep. “'ill be sold at a Hand". Twenty iuch frame. Special courses in Acmunt- ing, Shm-tlmnd, Type- wnting. Penmanship. No vacations. Students may register for a full or [nu-tut} cmn-se at, any time. ‘V, H. SHA‘V, RICHMOND HILL From July 7th next will be held in (:(mneulion with the I'Pgular work each de- partment of the @%§% Circuiars free. Addre Central Business College TORONTO Of Canada @833. SALE. J'. F. ROWLAND, Yonge and Gerrard Sbs‘ DEPOSITS 'Eailor TEE LIBERAL (moe iï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬g Ba. $5,000.00!) 850.000 Pn’ucipal :‘SS AGENT. V ï¬g ‘ x m. EQTQEM 5"“ “5111-, Not stains. Made from boiled and raw linseed oils and: leads. Not to sell only, but for durability, and will stand the weather, heat and frost. Usual Stock of Furniture on hand. ï¬wq «2m. am mm- Bum: mm. Ewcx "£5!- imam . \Vhero you can get seasonuble articles at, wholesale prices. Berger's Pure English Paris Glee-n. Insect Powder, Helebore. etc. Paints, Oils and Turpentine. lend Purifiers. for clearing the complexion and x-enm‘atiug the system. Bmdock and Snxsnpariila a regular (35:: I66 and 168 King Street East, Toronto, 3 George Street. for 350 Blogs Blood Puriï¬er a. regular 5C0 bottle for 250 Buxduck Blood Bitters 65:: Pierces Fuvoi'ite Prescription. Hoods: Snrsapnr- i115. Puines Celeryv Calm-mind, Ayers Hui: Vigor, Warmers Sale Cure, any of these 65c Dodd's Kidney Pills 300 Ayers Burdock and Parmeeles Pills 151: Chase's Ointment 400 Pages English Eczema. Ointment 33c Pages English Pile ointment 35c Pages Englisli l‘gyspe sin Tablets guamnteed to â€"â€"u-~7 .. . cure mdihehti‘on No Pages Worm Syrup 25c Per-ma. 800 Condition Powders and Horse Medicines 0! 9.11 kinds Thomas Eclectric 011. Carters Pills. Clxnsos Piilu‘ Pages English Stomach and Liver 15113.2 tor 25c C. D. DAN J. A. JOHNSTON, Wholesale and Retai ‘1 am- k a 4 “r ‘ gm P. G. S£V&GE, Richmeï¬ u. we»: mail: {a “forking, a v Baking and " Cooking, . .78 Morcimprove’ m . than all e Rest, * gm. 1 Wall Papers from The Strongest, Simplest and 63ch WE The “Quick Meal" And then it ' v % costs no more We†Mm than other, in- 5% ferior, kinds. ‘ r J THE EST “Quick Meal†‘WR M3“; Stoves (a; v ( make . Happy Homes. ,J IOI‘EVCX‘ hm“ MEAT 1115 BEST. “‘m ‘ is now and forever Looking. fall Papers from 2.0. up. ATGN NQT EN ET WELR Great Reductions for one week eady-Mixed Paints, AVï¬ï¬E, flichmem 3:1 mm cum MAT: ' waist. mm: MAI QUICK NBA: boztlo 71 mags? Pa“: Chums, \Vickless Oil Stoves, men Timers, '2’50. yew. Windews; 11in; .awn Mowers, best makes of iavetroughm Beef 1r Syruy c inware, Harvest UIDIICC Sells Repairin East, Toronto, Opp. Clyde Hotel ICI-IMUND HILL ‘u and Wine 8. l’iuk P inds of Hard ! FA) Pads Con; 01! 16c gal from 10 to 7.5 per cent by- ve 40c for 25¢ Ddors West of la genuine We ad E1111 Cnire -gua.ranteetl $1 600 bottle for we ‘r Glauber Salts 3c 3 1b .“nptly btle for 50¢: splendid tonic and uoLtle {or 45.- Lerry 25c ï¬shy lot Air 5am done. Manager Toolsy; are,