There are many good “'aotl‘n-nnkm‘s in 0111- Province, hut "Butches" out- ;umhe-I' them many thst (want Did you ever think of the risi you run by not bving careful with whom ynu leave your fine Linwpieue for re- pairs? 1 ... ‘ Quite- frequently I ï¬nd watches have lwuss usn-d for I-uhy pin ; jvwels fustvhh» ed with shellac instead of being hm- nished in ; ltl'H‘Kk'n mninsprings rewiw ml by reepunching inestvud of thrnwing them away; temper drawn ftom pin- inns tn pimt. thmn; the new pivot, C(‘Ct‘llU'iC wich pinitms, (-tc., otc. AfUâ€"‘l‘ yuur wntch'meets with a few of such jnhs. ynn will \vuudm why it don‘t, kwp limo. Chenp 'i'epniring rm :1 good watch is mum-y wasted. 1 (10m; try to omn- pe-tn- for price; my aim is to excel in. wurkmnnship. A batch jub isuu eye. surn in n gum] uu‘trhunic, Y‘nu mighL ask yuurself the ques- t‘nn, hmv am I Lu knmv what kind hf work is dmw to my watch ?â€"â€"By the) fru’t we lmnw the t1‘(’£’. I might add thme have not 11mm quite twenty d‘. pinlnns ' ‘SlIPlI by the Canadian Harn- )lulnns iswwl by the-(Vanadium Huro- {:ngiml Institntm Tin-onto. since it was f rundwl in 1390. By this ynu can ‘ fnrm sume idea Wth perseverance it,| requires Lu “gvt thvl'v.†If I cunt mastm- the job you bring In Im- I will (~11 you Su. Hmwsty is‘. the policy on which I stand or full. ' 'TLLE‘ Elï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬‚é.’ $1.89 IN AIZ’VANBE. Alalgoaumuntofprivntehmds to loan 0: improved fm‘m property. Five per cent. in terest. Eusyturms for repnvment. No com mission changed on loans. Apply to A. G. F. IAWBENCEJ. u . SHORTHURN BULL. Or at Richmond 1-1111 on Saturd: For service on tho promises of the nn dursigned, a registered Until further notice Hails will be 0. Richmond H111 Post (Nice v.5 [onows MORNING EVENING N. B.â€"-Begistered Letters must he I. least Fifteen Minutes om-liex than mentioned hour»: [nr c'msi-un Sunday. Presbyterian Church 71v. m. Sunday thoo] WeJuesduy evouiuu. llmnmm Cnounlic CM mite Sundnys M9 11.11 Methodist. Churchâ€"'5 7 p. m. Smn‘mv School meeting Thurmluy. ave: Richmond Loxlgr. A I MN on or hefm‘o full m Courbmchmoud, A ( ourth Friday Ivy Lodge. A 0 U V of each mon (.11 Camp EMAILS 0 8-â€" Woduos lav mouth Puhlic Llhrar‘ ’l‘uesduy. 'l‘lnu'sd vaorlh Loom R T of'l‘em‘ of each month Fire Bnigade MONEY I DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C.. myone sbnding a skeion and descï¬ï¬tion nmy‘ quickly ascertain our opinion free w other nu. invention is probably pnmntable. Communion. Mons strictly cnnfldontml. Handbook on Patents sent free. oldest n cncyjm‘ ancurjng patents. Patents taken t n‘ourul Mum: k $0., need.“ .lmrttzl notice. without, chum-s in the A handsomely llhxsrrat culut-Ion uf. any scientn renr: four mopths. $L Graduate Canadian Hon-ological In- sxitute. Leuch P R amusing at Leave N'o wm m-kat 7 HUME 34,931.36. Lam‘s Elclxinnud 1h] M ETROFOLITAN TIME TABI FOE, 33mm Church.“ Eng‘nu ‘enve Richmond H §£i§é§sisï¬s§ WWW- 'ï¬riéhh cameo: POST OFFICE N JERE‘E’ SMITH. Between Toronto and Newmmko: TERMS OFFICE CLOSES AT Village Directory. A O U W---Meets fourth Tuesday ,391 â€"Moets ï¬r 30' {if-{WREN‘C'EI Freehold Loan Building, Toronto GOING NORTI H. GOING SOUTH Laemf‘mdmv New WI (315 1‘ SL. “'nablnzton. D. C. :1--Servicos at 3p. 111. every mo] at '2 sveuiug. A F M: and Sam Meets e eâ€"Mceis ï¬rst W sane sduy $1.00. T, LUDFORD ' Richumnd Hill. M. TEEFY. Posting Moist 0.15. 11 weekly Largest clr~ journal. Terms. $3 3 31d by all_ pewudinlerf. ervices at 11 n. 111., and 30. Player meeting 'â€"Meets second and :1 A M â€"-Meets Mon on F: i Services on alter- luau n. m. :3 an [0.30 a. m., and ,0. General ymyer MONEY! TNéMDrk ‘cuond and fourth OTICE may of every Yo chased at the onmâ€" 0pm 8.00 handed in the above ANNOUEEMENT galaâ€"H SCHOOL Notice is hereby givem that I have trunsm’tted nr delivered tn the per- sons me itiuned in Section: eight and nine vuf the “Ontario Vote-[‘5’ List .ACL †the copies requier by said Sec- tions t0 be :m transmitted or delivered 01' the List made pursuant to the said AcLufnll the persons appearing by the lust Revise-d Assessment. 'Rull of the said municipality to he entitled to vote in the said municipality at Eli-c- timis fur members of the Legislative Assmnhly,ulid at Municipal Elevtiuns; mad that the said List} was FIRST POSTED UP at. my ofï¬ce M the Vil- age «If Unium'illenn the FIFTEENTH DAY OF AUGUST, 1,902.", and remains Lhr-re fur inspebtlinn. ' Electors are called upon to examine the said List, and if any nnxissimis or any other Fri-01‘s, are found tbm-ein to take immediuie pruceodings tn have the said errors can ected nevording to Luv. U. H. STIVER, 3-2 Clm-k of the said Municipality Dated this lSth day 01" August. 1902. Stmyed fz'nru the premise-a nf the undersigned. lutsEA and 55, 1% con. Markham. on or ahuub the lZlh of August. 1902;. a two-year-old Heifer, light red. white spots. ' Suitable reward. TOWNSHIP of MA? KEANE igwigmher 2. 5392 \Vherens certain individuals have» time and again m-espnssed on my premises and injured my property, I hereby give notice that trespassms on my premises will be pi-nsecut‘t‘d. The awae reward will be given to any per-SM) flux'nishing information that, will lvad tn the (‘onvictinn of any one meddling with my property, or committing any nuisance on my premises. ‘ Wigis’ List, $32. Farm cmwiflingcuf 100‘ asres- being cast half uf lot 33 (m the 55th Con‘ cessiun of the Tnnvnship of Vaughan. Fur particulars apply to The Cum-sea inclndv The General Course; I\Iatriculutirm; ()ommexciul Coursv -.. and Teachers’ Unurse. In is dvsiruhle that students bein thpir plum-s un the day of l'e-openillg. Good hmm] ut rensunulfle names can be secure-d in the village“ MOOSE J.m'.EsTEvAN WIU and YORKTON nu AUGUSI‘ 31mg frum stations in Ontario Bust of Tun-cute to 511mm. ham: and Kings- tun and Midland Dun Nuruzos Tomato and Curdwell. One-way tickets to Winnipeg only will ba sold. with a. certiï¬cate extending the nip. before Sept. 10th, witrout. nuditme cost. to other points ‘1: Manitoba. and Assmiboia us above. If pun-1|ch mmge as man laborers at Winnipeg. promded such {arm laborers “'il) work not less ch “.1 BU days at )mrvestiugaud produce certiï¬cuw to that efl‘ect, thev will be l‘o-im'zed w uriginulsharb- mg point. at $13.00. on or below November 309114902. The. Cnurm CUUI‘SI If, it thpir p Will be run to stations on C. P. R. in Manitoba and Assmihoia, West, Spunkâ€"west. and Northwest of Wm- to nearest. miimny ngeut. A, H ‘orngx The Richmond I'c-npe Fnr furt_ber_pnrticulus and tickets Tnéketa not géod an “Imperial Limited." 10,000 FARM LABORERS WANTED " CHARLES ROLLEN. Richmond Hill, Augiu‘l; 19, 1902. 1? o - O p en in g; Elm gantnisrmrnts. FARQUHARSONLB, A_.. T0 RENT Municipality of the Cuunty of York. ROBT. SHA’W, B. A" Assistantm LOST Asst. (mu. we}. Agt.‘ Toronto REWARD. . .4. u y_u. “u. ‘Ax‘llLl, \g,,0'ts_' Calls from a distance promptly n-d. attended to. Wholesale and Retail Druggists, 171 King East; Tomato, Opp, Clyde Hotel D. GL \SS. 1 13.52.. Mills P. 0. RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL ;3. .I. JOHNSTON, - ~ ~ Manage: VI w. lull|IVII-Iâ€" m UV“, Hill High School will. u on Tuesday, M 188 NOBLE, Second Class Lubure-rs’ 'zu-m lxcursinns Principal. apply Mn ple‘ The tubal income from all sources was $131,923.60 and the disbursements amounted to $1()U.648,33 leaving $31,- 279.92us the balance to the credit (if the year’s transactions. Out of this the (“rectum have decided to make a refund of 20 per ovnt. (in all monies re- ceived from the members of the Com- pany. The total assets of the (-ompany amount to $433,823.11 hf which $255,- 199.11 are in cash “1' cash ltclms. The total liilhllitios ammmt tn $58,009.20 leaving a balance of assets over all liabilities of $375,813.91. Reserve for i-v-insurnnce and all other liabilities $58.009.2U. $433,823,11. Thé GUI"? is an up-to-dato Hnnwf'om- pany and is noted for its broad policies and liberal svttlcment‘s. The amount of insurance in force was $15,677,927.00. Call, write 01' phone J. T. Snigeon, Maple P. 0., if nPuding insurance. Explaining the form of policy issued by the Gore costs nuthing. The sixty-sennnd annual meeting of the Gore Fire Insurance ()0. was held at G-nlt on the 23th of January, 1901. STANARB 3AM w. HEWISON, HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Renewed in Savings†Bank Depart- ment and interest allowed at, HIGHEST CURRENT BATES. General Banking Business Trausaeted. Notice of withdrawal not neces- sary. AH deposits payable on demand. Money loaned on Fnrmers’ Snlu Non-s. Blank Note I‘m-ms Supplied Fro-e. Fm other particulars call at the Bank, The hnmlsnmest gnwh and best values ever shown in Richmond Hill. Bare Insurance 80. This work, some elegant lines of SPRING SUITINGS FANCY VVORSTEDS SCOTCH MIXTURES AND BAN'NOCKBURNS AJHUME Passed Emu Stuck Eï¬nucmmfli Tntnlussetsnï¬uilable to pay Inssc‘s l‘apilal Rest RICHMOND HILL Of Canada J'. F. ROWLAND, gwwwm DEPOSITS Tailor $|, 860.009 AGEN‘ TVe beï¬ts nnu‘f‘y mw customor-s and the public gum-mny that we have pur- flmsed the immense stuck of the lute HUGH MILLER (\: 00.. Druggists, 167 King St. E“ Througu, including I'eceiptsnnfl presul-iptinns, and are trunsfen-in the same to mn- prvxuisus. Thv anmlgnnmtinn nf thrsr two uld and well-95ml». lished drug stores. combined with 0111- uwn spIz-ndid and Well-assorted stuck, should make us the headquarters in}- all fumwra’ supplies. 13%6HMON5 HELL Hfli’é \Ve are now sole n-upx-ietors and nmrmfm:tm-ors (Wall prescriptinne. rec-vines and mprietux'y nlecsicilws of the» lube Hugh Miller& 00., inchlding Millur’a Tick estmyel'. Miller‘s Cnndilion Powdms, Yorkshire (mule Pnu'dvr, Dm-hy Blister, Jappa Cough Powder. Cooper’s 1?in Tux- Pt'ctnl'u], Sir Askley Cnupex's Bitters, British Tunic. Telogmyh Oil, Medical Pile Hwnvdy, etc. We will be pleaswd to see as many as possible of the UM custumers (If the lat? Hugh Miller 6!. Cu. at, our mvn store. where We will UV and accnz'd vuu We will be pleason to see is many as pnssihlu uf the uld oust-u lat? Hugh Miller & Cu. at, our uwn store. when-e We will try and with the same culu'temls treatment which ymx have received in the Rumemher we sell everything at wholesale prices. SOUTHERN FLY OILâ€"fur kevping flips off your cattleâ€"415:1] week. PURE PARIS GREEN at wholesale prim-5‘ Aants fur Storlimy Muchiuo Oil, fur umwvrs, hinders, Mia, has in itâ€"gives good mttisgxctiun. Bring your can and try a gnllun. 166 and ;68 King Street East, Toronto, 3 Doors \Vesï¬ of George Street. GROCERIE S, PAINTS, G R AN I'I‘E PRESERV I NC} K ET'I‘LES A LL SIZES. ‘VICKLES STO V ES. OH. NOTICE OF PURCHASE C. D. DANEEL & 00., The evidence we have entirely new VARNISHES, FURISVI'I‘UREt ETC. WILKINS £1. 00., "THE CHEAPEST. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONI THRESHERB THE BEST H A R V E S ’1‘ M [TTS M LTTS 4 Prong Manure Forks, 40c. Harvest Mitts, 15c. pair. 1 lb. Butter } OILS, 6 inch Wire Nails, $2.50 per keg. E \VIRIJ AND OUT to submit is our Inc of the 1h KINDS NAILS \T \V A R Tints, 15c. XI \VINDOW' GLASS ON M A ‘x'INDO\VS. FURNACES. has good had )2 IMPERIAL RANGES OXFORD H I uers (If the accord you past. AND 11 OT only once AND AIR h( DOOR i335 01L e)