Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Oct 1902, p. 1

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158 KING s'rmzx EAST. monos'ro Eve accommodation to guests. boara,81 Den-day Remodelledmnduewly furnished thrnuuhnut Ono of 5113 most. convenient. and cumiurmbie howls on Yuuge Su‘eet‘ Every muderu cun- venience. Suznple rooms for commerciul srévellers. Auidonlst-oppmg place for riding or driving partiss,bicyclists. or farmers gning tour mnuruing from market. Electric curs pass the door. Livery in connection. TERMS. $1.00 PER DAY. JOHN PALVXEE. . Every Accommodation for the trav ' clling public. PALMER HOUSE RICHBIO ND HILL, Gulls by day and night; promptly at tt‘uded tn. Gulls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. EULSE HG‘EEL RI 4&13} 4E. THOROUGHLY REFITTED. W. HEWESON HOUSE PAINTER, J. H. SAND 0 ldfe‘lluw LIBERAL PRINTING 6‘s RICHMOND Gflice :â€"â€"Ne 013w hours Best fittvi JOHN R. CAD/WEED VOL. XXV. FT 3;'.' 97 “ @112 @kml IS PUBLISHEDEVERY THURSDAY MORNING RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL VETERINARY SU BICEMQND E fits “mil-311‘. nhvsuixn at Nesbom and Grace papimli. Toronto. Cu1‘1s fro: E. £34504»; @fla‘fi’éME Egé‘fifi‘gfia, 7:00:11 \Vill b ETERINARY SURGE 'l‘horuhifl. BU (J 5191*, Grainer and Pap Hanger. fitting t-(u‘th, also r lowest prices. Gum] and 133. E. J. STUBBS D an“ 25%“, 1‘2, I'll Victoria S .1‘. McMAHON. \V 9.x. ‘3 7 ‘1 Emma .1 m a. distance promptly attended to. xb mm 3116 5‘s: , i? . r-nmw \Ved Ti: orniaiii. NESS CARDS. {'chmon Sch 00L ’l'omu‘i.3') AT THE , m. To FETEHT 830d Ideas may be secured by our aid. Address, THE °"ENT RECORD, 1 Baltimore. Md. M‘S Toronto, cm‘ $.00 ‘izopms'vos PUBLISHING HOUSE [ISO régflntixlg, at Good Work. ‘(hlth of Pilbfic 1 Hill HIT ERSDN URGEM ‘mrmx m.. to 5 p.m I‘m-auto. UN, very Pr 0 p onze | The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Chester white hogs, lol: 32, 1st; con. Markham (Thornhill) has for ; sale some good young stock. Tlun‘ough-lu'ed hull and. hog kept I for service an the p1 emises. rut”. Mul‘tflnge and haifié Residence. Stoufi‘ville. Ont License Ancti spoctfully solic nfluamm. sale and A masonm' Licensed Auctinnozrfortha Counties of York an] Ontario. A11 salex of farm stock, Arc" at- tnndsd tn on the shurtnst notire and reasonable nth Mortgage mlhm‘fifi sales ‘altended to. n ,, n. . fi ‘ A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. SIMEON LEMON. K ETTLEBY P. O. Licensed Auctinneers for L Sales ntsandexl £0 on shorter souablemtes Putronagem RICHMOND HILL & THORNHIIL â€"ANDâ€" Building Timber. CEDABDALE MILLS 1-.LlieE. liesidnn G R Gouldzu a‘bu‘e. Riemmeu Au On Newmur pa TORONTO Building. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer offiiarriage Licenses. JASiNERVIâ€"“ON Hum mm Mr. Cook w NOTA RY PUBLIC W R lSSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, E34 fi-HIV 13115414535 Bi . U? 314'} Â¥C “SQ‘WV - (huh-Hahn's «r Embalmcrs On cmnpk-t‘inn of Schomberg :md Aurm-u line shipment can be made to any point on the Metropolitqu Railway. SUNNYSIDE FARM Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries, 86c. nme Life Building (formerly Free,- huld Lunn Bl(1g.), Um‘. Adelaide & Victoria 815.. antcnto. LIBERAL Office, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. 49â€"tf STORES Innufuctm-ex-s of all kinds of MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 Linds :35an “GEEK & SOHfiéTcN {GHMOND HILL P 337 N ’)X On line of Schnmhorg and Aumm Railway, RECH MOND HILL. TH U RSDAY Vx/RIGIâ€"I‘I' BROS to loan on 1-11' Banish . ,, w.-. ...V..vv,....,w.... luwasn "Mes. ' I >fliwâ€"Iiemm‘e‘1w; we old post Ofllca I a door was: uf {wise entrance to the] Lnx'm Rank. new oflioeâ€"Thres doors south of the- . Hr . 110.5637. Lawrence 34 :nlsoy. K G nvronce t We daw‘out‘, urLs Makes & Bsougla. L31" 3%,fiflfi. E, Klfié 5‘ 5:. Pa unit-o. gem: it; Mci‘wuz‘ UOMMISSIONBR IN THE Wadsworth, Stu moors to? the County of York ,re- t~ your patronage and friendly =12Ltrsded on the sLnrtest-‘uotice in rates. P. O. aduress King enact for the Couhfy of Yoxk uzxsignmcnt. Genaml sales (A :p‘J‘; u Lbennlec to at mamaublt wk: 'Unionvilie :6. Newmn Brook, agent for the 10" D. G. GOODERHAM, Proprietor. ears for the County of York \urnm Solicitors, etc. FICE: Home Life Adelaide & Victoria [8‘ Toronto. :11. Maple 011 Thursday .nf each week. and Solii-Hors. 1 and (1 & MORGAN, STV.MORGAH. tnoticeaixd a. reg; :h‘oited. OST OFFICE . hattel mmtgs gas at Phone Mai J. 11. Mold“ en Weston. Newman? et D BLOUGE H 9.984 was unable to fiyt‘ingly {Is he 11 The pmcnssirm Wnund up at the Fair J grounds. \‘.'ll(‘l'l‘ the main Lufidihg hml lwen seated to :lCCUrllHHHluh’. 20:):2 pm)- pl. . In a very shun, lime iL \‘x'uS ' crowded U) the (1mm, and :m m‘e-rflmv ‘ meeting had to lw :luum'wd on the‘ grmmds nulsida, whvn- 3,. nrsu‘ven atlumsuud mm-o ponplo lmd Congrvgnt- ! ed. The grand stand was fillud‘lu its ‘ utmost, capacity, and the gmunds and i hack and field were so Cl'(l\VdL‘d that , locomotion was diffir‘ult and the vari- ous gmues were cunducted at a. disud‘ g vantage. The hull was decorated nu a. ! nmgnificmt scalc, scarcely 21 foot, of Lhe walls or ceiling he-ing visible. ; Among the many muttnos in the hull were. “North Ymk Honors Den-hf“ and “ “'clmmw North York Old Buys.” , Nm-th Ymk Lilwr-uis have never lwvn km-nn “m (‘m zmyl hing by llah’l's. Lu yv-ars gnm- l)y thvy have had gI-vnt --;de.m -nsuu:im.s but that: of Saturday last, mlipsvd an pwdecessm's. The Mvâ€" fen lam!“ in thr- Fair GI-mmds “‘hvre the <talwarts assvmhlod wa: probably 9,00 ', m- lU.U()U(). So gr a. was the cmwds thnr the sp ‘-‘Lk('lS were cmn« pellnd tn delivm- addresses l-nth inside the main huiiding‘. and E1) tlwopen air. The speeches w: r9 interesting, mud wow all highly cmuplimontm-y‘ to M 1-. Davis wlm had vwry reason to he (1»â€" digilbs-d at the magnifian demnuera- firm in his hunmu The most impor- tant speech was that of Hon. G. \V. Rosa who declared his intention Hf fighl ing his nppnnents. and expresa‘rd his cunfidencv that he \vnnld ho. nh-lv firm in his hnnm'. The must impor- tant speech was that of Hon. G. \V. Rosz. who dcclm-ed his intention Hf fighling his nppuncnts. and expressvd his cunfidencv that he wunld be able to conduct the government of the Connvry. The tmvn of vamzu-kot was taste- fully de-om‘ntml fnl' Llnu nccusion. The main street looked well. and many of the priVuto l'CbilLll‘nktPS pl”('S('!IU-:ll :1 guy appoamncc. A-lm'go nvorgrven arr-h had also hon-n erected over MIN! (:1 the pl'lllClpillStl'CE‘tS. Evpry pulling suh- divisinn in trhovriilingwas wvll rova- senLeJd. :Iml mnnymf the \vagnns and other VPlJH‘lCS lmre unms’lrg and :1;â€" pi-npriutu motions. Mr. Dnvisand the nwmlwrs of his family wc-re enthus- iastix-nlly chem-ed filling the line of "with, and the Mimic a‘ifnir must 'vau her-n gru‘aifying to all (:uuceI‘de. Brass‘ hands accmnpuniud the delega- tions fmnl Ann-urn, Nuhlvton .nnd"."ville, and (he Highlnmlvrs’ pipe ‘lmnd was :1 n illtt'g't‘slilig fvutm'e (If LI):- ~(lay. Emiythimx went to shnw that Nimtll York was plnud (pf tth.»m- nnssinnm- of UHHWI Lumlsila'id that Mr. Denis was proud of his constitu- onts. Monster Demonstratisn 14 mm arket E. J. MWS HflfifiREfl thuught he gauged if :said that. public life sing-idem to such a g mcwe sn-enuuus in therefm-v, an OCCHS- umplimontm-y‘ to Mr. very reason to he (1»â€" nguih‘cmt, demnuera- 5 n4 43% V8 BE.» '33 «FL I'Lfr‘, and the mule and dis- encountered nfx'isund the 't-re enthus- Lhe line of a‘ifnir must bright [11:111. 11'11111(1 flllrl'fl warty ; in ail things, CIMV£!_ e).- Ernest Dymund of Purl: prucPssinn m Lhu altar Wu! girls of the juuiur chuir, w flower girls. Miss Perkin; maid. while Mr. E. Mus m md Hill, «'lSsiStt‘d the an and h white A prntty wedding took place (a “Wednesday afternoon at the residence of Mr. L'Gurts, when his youngest daughter, Emily, was married to Mr. Archie MacUallum of this place. Rev. Mr. Robinson purfurmod thecereumny in the pros< ucc of a large number of guests. The bride wore a'pretty gown of white ni'gandiv. She was attended by hcl‘ niece. Miss Vt-rna \Vinter, who alsn Inukt'll pretty in white. After the ceremony a dainty repast, was fully cnjuycd. The bride received many pretty and useful presents. MI“. and Mrs. MacUallqu left. on the even- ing train for London and Detroit. Thvy have *liw very best wishes of their many friends. In Allbuims’ Church on Satlrday afternoon Miss Annie Gilflmm \Vila marrin to Mr. “’illinm Perk-ins. The ceremony was perfunde by the Rev. J. HA MacDonald. assisted by Hpv. = Mr. Davis also (lenlt In iefly and com- prehensively will) the. mining" condi- ltionsof the Province, the control of ,which rests with him. He spoke. at {the growth and development of tie [industI-y. and nulde some reference lulso to the “'0! k of ('olnnizution.which his another feature of his departmental idllties. Instead of setting going to i the United States they Were now go- . ing in u slendy sh-ezrm to the newer ; portions of the Province. I In conclusion Mr. Davis th~Lnl<<=d ! the feig'luexs of the riding for the sup- : port which :the-y 1);: ve Always :iceorded ‘him. He also “‘iihl‘d tn thank the i workingnwn who had so nohly stood by him. The Inunufuvturers and the 1 business men of the. riding were also ‘ good enough to give him a. very cor- dial support. Heft-1L that this sup- port, with that of the funnels and Work'ingmen, was a signal honor ('on- feried upon the Adminstrntion which he represented. (ApplauseJ Again he thanked them from the bottom of his heart for the splendid evidence of continued (:unlidt-m-e they had given. Rousing addresses were afterwards given by Hen. G. \V. Ross, Sir Wm. Mulock, Mr. R. F. Sutherland, M. R; Mr. I. J. Gould, M. P”- B'Irz. Hugh Guthrie. M. 1).; Senator Lunderkiu. N. W. Howell, and othrrs. WANTE Dâ€" A TRUSTWOR‘I‘HY GENTLE- man hr lmiy in each county to manage businns Set an nhxestublishad house of sulid fiuuLc a1 summing. i straight, boua tide weeklysa'my 01 518.01) paid hv check'e lch Werlnesda) wmh all expau 0R direct fmm headquhners. Mime; a".- ym ~ed {It expenses. Munguer, di'.) Cunoa nu "L: Bldg" Chi \Vnnt, of space prevents :1. Im- lenthy “apart. but sume uf the axe lent, addresses will be referred DB: in future issue. nificont demonstrnl’irir. \vus (:t-l-tniniyu. annu‘v of great inspimtiun and satis- fznrtinn‘tn him. (Appi-nuso.) 110 did ‘hbt feel that in anything he had trivd '10 do he had done any more than his idnty as their repiosenlntiw- (In the ; flru-r of the l’l~n\'inciul Legislature. 'Thvil' Confidk-nce had kept him in pub f 15:: life for l'mn-tvon yi-zu's, and if ha | \\'(‘l'(‘ to continue in public life it could only he by x-vusun of a continuance (11' that (:nntidmnte. In his pnhlic life he had hevn actuated by nnly one resolve â€"tn ha of service to the pvnple. (Ap- ' plnusp.) He hm] nu pen-5mm] ends , tn S'cl‘l‘t‘. He. did nut intend to make :1 speech. They had pn-svnt with It)?!” the distinguisIn-d Imuh-r at" the, ' Lilmm} party in the I’rm‘incr, Pimin- mxr Russ. (Che-91's.) He felt, he was ' nut saying anything in (lispm-ngenn-nt 0f thump puny-(ling him when he said that; Mr. Ross was the ennui of :mv of throughout N:;\\'Ontari<;. 1h cuntiy [1? had placed hmnlov‘k same list, and after April 30 119 export of that urtiéle was Ln Mr. Davis also dealt In irfly um pl'uht‘nsive-ly \vixh the mining" Urmvn Lamb Departinva of w" he is administraLm: S.) (mm-(ms prvssing were the duties of that l.- dr‘partnn‘nt that the ole-atom of N Yurk m-‘vd scawely wander Hiaf it nu lungm' possihh' for him U9 gvt f‘ one end ut‘ the riding to the ublgw fx-vquently as ho had at one time. spoke 0f tho gmnd effect accruing all classes in the Pruvinct by the 5 lug policy of £1}? Guvenn‘uent. L‘ he had sugglr'stwl a similar policy ‘ reference in pnip-wnod (m 7H lands. which had had the. vfifvob 0f tahlishing pulp and paper 11 thmnghuat va Ontario. Mm-p nnL saying anything in (lispm-ngems-nh of Lhtwo prom-ding him when he said that Mr. ROSS \ ms the eqnui of :my bf them in his manngomvnt and conduct uf the public afi'nim 01’ the Province. (Applame.) If puhlicafi'aii-s were to b-ediscussvd mi (he pl'OSt'llt occasion whnhettvl- cuuld discuss them than the Premim' of the Pruxince ? ervn Lands Department. Aft a vulngistic I-eft-rence to Sir W'iliium Mulovk and several of the othervisitm-s Mr. Davis spent a few moments in the discussion of muttqu pertaining to the nmnugoment (If The Umwn La m1: Departmva of which he is :LdministmLm: S.) onerous and prvssing were the duties (21’ that large â€"‘m I plans to 511‘ :1 spU thmn Jti Hill, «‘lSsiStt’d th( idesmnid each h:!ie. Afl 1 was held c'a mother King City. Aft Senator Lunderkiu :1 ()Lhrl‘s. prevents a. mom 19”“; Purl: HUB groom. Brid< ked lovely in Lhe ceremony the residence- which about lupe. The led by the m acted as was brides- !) of Rich. ')_V the saw- -nt,. Latel- lmlicy with ml Crown u' “HES More re- in tho xt the large Nm't h it was from to -_, Oral: U ' H TVt‘u-nn'trn THE LIBERAL Office. Richmond Hill; on Saturday afternoons. The Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1038 pages in paper covers. is sent free on receipt of 31 one-cent stamps to pay expense of customs and mailng only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. A large amount of private funds to loan on impmvcfl farm prnpm ty situâ€" ltf'd in the County of Yurk, at 4.1; poi- :ent. For particulars apply to Lirdsey, Lm‘N-nce & “'ndsworth. Home Life Bldg., 60 Victoria St. "Favorite Prescription” makes weak women strong. sick women well. Ac- cept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women, ' ~I’ llllll'l ! Know-r, I Table-t y en Horn ! Tablet Piqrce‘s medicine to every person who may in~ qmre as to what it has done for me. 1 was troubled with female weakness and began to think I would never be wall. “'1 had continued the treatment prescribed by my doctor I don’t know what would have become of me. When your treatment was commenced my weight was 105115.; at present It is x30. Have healthy color and my friends say I look well. M best thanks to you and my best wishes too, or what you have done for me." - Amy and Aggie Card ‘Of “'OOCL hl'lilgé‘, we-re {rightfully hut-nod after t 18 explosion of :1 luntvm. The forâ€" mer die-r1 on Friday, but tlw latvtox- though badly burned will recover. Snijct tn the approval of the Con-nâ€" ty ()uuncil, the Cuuuty Cnmmissinnem on Monday unged to sell to the Gas (Jumpnny (1)9 western section of the 01d County Building 011 Adelaide St. J5me Ann Dank, Wife of H. E REP-‘60P nf Markham, died on Snturdu) the 4th of ()ctuhm‘, aged 56 years. In t‘rmvnt :Lt Locust Hill Cemetery 0: Mond ty. Amy and Agsiv Card of “'nm‘l To what people say when they wouhi discourage your hope of exchanging womanly weakness and sickness for per- fect health. Women who have been invalids for years, scarce‘IAy able 'to be up A th. mderlmlb Sunday afternor-n struck the tmve-r of the City Hall. Tn. mntu, and did damage to the extent uf about $1000. ninvty guests Were pwsont. Many lumntil'ul pu-svntx showed the popu- lmity of both lwridv mer gl'rmm. MncDunuld & Sun's millinery pur- lm‘n‘ \vorvtln-mvn open to the public nu Tuesday and \Vvdlwxdnv of last. work. All the ludivs :md SUHIP nf thv mvn ("filed to we the stylish display of C,JI. _, ‘- n u.. 4. , , _ mm) willed to 5110 the stylish (‘ full millinm-y which Miss Mn In show Him“. “'0 are plvasod to see that: first Hall is again able to h1- 01' Mr. Alex. Gray spvnt Snud. Imme u-L Port Gwdit. Rm: El nest Dymond, 0f Pt spent a few days in town, l|1( ‘ [nukharlg Mrs. an (3:11-le of Central Ontm'in Juncfinn, is visiting her muther, Mrs. Brown. 311$ Rose Desmond returned home on Mnnduy. Hurely the must, intvresting and PK- ciling sumo of the \VPPk was the mur» tuning of vvhicle-s and horsvmen fl 1‘ Newmarket on Saturday morning. ‘Rnnds. Senim' 1H Smith. Ellni Jugdnr ‘III‘ Smith Report of S Soptvmhm‘. SWliu‘L‘ IV.â€" Jnniul I-‘S". M2 F53 GEM. $314955? iEé’BTEN Senior 1 hsgmwe. Junior : II. â€"â€" Maggie Baker, Elsie Ralph Baker. III.â€"Currie \Villiams. Roub- [Single copies hurlie Hnnvm II. â€"‘ John C N ews Notes. Lâ€"Nettie Stone. Ida. Schell No. 4, Markham nsgruve Stuart; Rood, I -â€" Roy Nelson, Ailie S. No. 1, Markham, for V John Cusgrovo, Clam H mm- tn hr nut. _Iy fipvnt Sunday at, his ‘rlie Nulsml. Harold I'Ivrl) Kelly, Mable dermine the strength. It es- tablishes regular- ity, dries weaken- in drains, heals in ammation and ulceration and cures female weak~ ness. 822 West Philadelphia Street. York. Penn'a. "will recommend Dr. “With pleasure 1' send n few lines to let you know that I fed] much better than for eight years before tab lug your 'Favorile Prescri tiou.’ " writes Mrs. I'XEI’CC Geisc, of half the time, and the other half of their time spent in bed, have been made healthy, hearty women by the use of Doctor Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. It cures the womanly diseases which un- Card of “'rmdâ€" W’illiums, Roub- that M 1 MmLiln in x-t Ih-pe. guest of 4 I3 of

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