3N0. N. BOYLE, ELECTION, MONDAY, JAN. 5, 1903. WM. WATSGN; Yuul' Vote and Inflnvncn :11 fully Snlildtvd fur Markham “Fawnshi COUNTY - AS’ COUNTY COUNCILLOR. ELECTION MONDAY. JAN. 5, I903. Vaughan 'E'avmsh ISARG SCOTT E WEE. ARTHUR @MNYZ; ELECT} 3N. MONDAY, JAN A numhm' of pure bred Bronze Turku Gnhblm-s :md HFnï¬. and sumo pure Toulouse Geese. Also pure hrvd Holstein Bulls and Heifers. one your and under. And‘llmvé' ( (Il‘l‘ ()ul' Ulll bnr Vote mud Influence are Respect fully Sulicitcd feu- um nu‘ Division No 5. . E. FRANCES, m; Vote and Illflllt‘mzu are Rvspect- 2-: fully Shlit‘it‘ed fur . Vii. DALZIEL, ll qulnk invm Nuns (out, ganja (‘ll As Councillor fur of Markham AS COUNCILLOR FOR 1903. AS 001 AS COUNCILLOR FOR 1903‘ AS COUN AS COUNCILLOR FOR 1903. we; Vutv :1 m} fully FDR SALE. Ji C. Lenéhouse. utv and Influence :n-v Respect- fully Soliciwd for AS AS REEVE ()tl' an Mi lElection 3 and Influence are Respect- fully Sulicited fur :nnd Inflnnnno :u c Respect fully Sulicitud fm.‘ nmd full .- MALLDY, KEEN m .N‘CH )O( 1 Inï¬m-nce) are Respyct- v Solicitcd fm? pf pure» buy) Bronze )TI D. GOODERHAM. Inf EEGMAS, 35X 11 E FOR 1003'. C flï¬mï¬â€˜Ã©â€˜iï¬ï¬â€˜. fonds at smut-"cast LOR 1' the Township ‘11 for 1903. OR FOR 1903, FOR 1003. vncp Val-e Respect COUNCILWWG GREAT $1M PAPERS FER $.75 CEAIB‘. m amidesch t'mn may anion free w nether an Lentublc. Communica- , Handbook on Patents for securing patents, in Munn 6: Co. receive arno In tho oadvm' weekly journal. ;1d bynll r C9 are Respect VIBES, FOR. 1905} i‘m‘ OR 5m: u'e Respect- li'N'éw 3"th 5 Thumhill 1903 mast clr. ‘rnts. $3 a was $131,928.6( amounted tn 35' 279.92 us “19 h: I the }‘_(=:u"s LHl the directors 11 refund of 20 pt ceived frum Lh puny. The tnt mnnnnt tn $431 199.11 are in cu tntul linhilitie: } Ievviug u hul; Combines a portfolio reprodu‘ning in color some of the greatest: of model-n5 militings. It also includos weather forecasts written vs'peclally for us by Prof. Lillingstou, which are found in no ()thOI‘ cnlrndur but 0111's. N6) (mloml'nr of thiskind can he dosurihod. It must, be seen in all its beautiful hanmvnrv of colois, to. be tlwrouglily appreciated. ' ‘Do nut/delay ur fail-to take advantage of this great olfer, for never lmt‘m-u was so much offer-ed for so small a sum. Romomber We send both papm-s for :1 full year, including the Calendar as above described, all postpuid, at the Very low pride stated. Address all Orders to THE LIBERAL OFFICE. Sample copies may be had by either calling at the ofï¬cs of THE LlBERAl. or by writing to THE FARMING \VORLD, TORONTO, ONT. Believing; that overv one of on? renders shmihl have at least one good f5n~m and family journal. we have perfected an arrangement whereby we. can send that practical and insu-nczix’o journal, The Farming \Vm-ld, in connection with THE LIBERAL. including a beautiful Art Calendar for 1903, as detailed below. all for $1.75. “79 are uth to give but, a. brief (lewrription of the contents of The Farming \Vm-ld, which is unequalled for variety and excellence. P1011» iueut among its immy departJm-nts may be mentimu-d Um Farm and Garden, Market Reports, Fruit Culture, Mechanical Devi(-(~g,, Fashions and Fam‘y \Vm‘k. Feeding and Breeding. the. A pinry, Til/“CB with our LaWyers, News of the Day. Dairy and Creamy-Ty, Household Features, the Poultry Yard, the Question- Box, Plants and Flowers, the Veterinary, the Horse, Sheep and Swine. .._..-V,. ‘vvr.1|rn - ,an 1 ' “Mill... m.-n¢_ which comprisv a year‘s subs the latest and most. reliable i pry. No botwl- proof of its 1 lation. which extends into ew read by over 100,000 renders. f have on hand :L ï¬ne line of rim-k9. Eight-(lily spring, half hnm- strikv, gong aL $3.50. ' Snne as above with wirr- Mill $3.25. Small Harms, 2 inches high $2.25. Ordinary alarms fl-m“ $1.25 to 32.50. Alarms with luminnus dial $1.00. A guarantee for (me your given with each ('lUL'k. JERRY SMETH, HORSE The sixtv-secmul annual meeting of the Gun» Fire Insuranve 00. Was hold at Gait (in the 28th Hf January, 1901. The thu'll income fnnru all spun-vs was $131,928.60 and the disburseuwnts amounted tn $1()U¢6}8,33 leaving $31,- 279.92 as the balance to the audit. uf Tim FA R MING W OR L D, Light and In} Em mmï¬ga Gs Thu anmunt (If insurance in force Was $5,677,927.00. The Gore is an upvto-date Huanmn- pany and is noted fur its brusz policies uhd liberal settlements. Call, write or phnm- J. T. Snigenn, Maple P. 0., if nvvding insurance. Explaining the- form of policy isnod by the Gore casts nothing. Grï¬ FREE MEYER, mlnnt tu$433.823.11 inf -\\‘hich $255,- 9.11 are in cash m- oush items. ThP rtaxl liabilities ummmt In $58,000.20 :wiug a balance of assets over all illilities of $375,813.91. Reserve fur I-v-ingursmce and all her liabilities 358.0692â€. RICHMOND HILL. THEFARMING WORLD BLACKSMITH, r liuhiiit’u-s 358309.24). ml assets available. to pay IOSSE‘S 823.11. The best appointed and largest agricultural paper am: ï¬durrtiaimmts. PRACTICAL. VVATC H M A KER. SALE LIBEï¬eï¬_L.’ $1.60 Hi ENAME‘ CL ART CALENDAR FREE! â€"â€"â€"AND GED 's transactions. Out of this inrs have decided to make- .1 '20 per cent. on all munivs reâ€" ml the nn-Iuhprs 0f the Com- hetc tn! '4 . ts «If th oumpnny HAS OPEN-ED IN â€"PRACTICALâ€"â€" Track Horses :1. A trial :mlicited. THE LIBERAL '1‘110 A rt Cale Hid av SHOER NERAI. FRED M E YER i \VORLD is- published somiâ€"monlï¬iy : L110 2v1~xnlmiwrs {F’s subscriptidn make :1 large volunm teeming with all 'eliuble infornmtmn that oxpm‘ivnce- and sciench mm snp~ f of its popularity cam he often-<1 than its enonn‘nns circu- 5 into every Province in: the IJmA'inion, vachcopy being INCLUDING A BEA CTIFUL Specialty â€"~ANDâ€"- akinw \‘2" r g} w m AjHUME The umlm‘signod is prepale to do all kinds uf casting in thc- johhinglilw. Binders, muqu-s and implements (1f all kinds repaired on shurtvst nuticu. Plow Paints. Snle Plates. Gang Plow Shares. ut.(:., made and sold hm'e. Steel Hog Txoughs. any length, made to order. Prith right. All kinds «if wrought ur cast iron taken in eXchzlngv. Shop open till 8.30. Mager’s Foundry. Frmn January 5th in all ( $633233sz Hiii antral. Busin Ble.k°(,thalnt partmvnts of th, TBiEQL‘NTO lat offer. for DOVOI' before We send both papm-s for :1 all postpuid, at the Very Tailor College in the Dmninion. w. nun: R, Prop ff! g Th L-H'EJ, L- e. 4' eeiéober331thn§1§g§§my $1 F335? Theï¬lilggeral and Weekly The Liberal and Wee-kl T The Liberal and Montreal r Family Herald :3 . 8a) The Liberal and Morning fa Globe (York. County) The Liberal and Evening r“ Globe 3 n 09 The Liberal ami Mail and {3 I? r » Empire (York County) U - t) The Liberal and Daily} World. The Liberal and Toronéc CLUBBENG‘ BATES- Pure Drugs, Patent Medicines At cut- and Ml for X11 '1 nose on: 11's are on the Camulin' from 10 cents a [)I‘XCHS, and 3 Medicmcs Er Our cu \Vholcsal THE LIBERAL’S A Magniï¬cent Cale 0H $633333 airing): Promwtlv Ll CC I389 mama?! Sham: II) U 1 D1‘( liable ‘wtnil DH Oppositt ohnstnn . as 1N1 by bu}: 9 G90 .3 an n aï¬gmhg-EQN Jar for each HOCKEY AND SPRIP SKATES, TABLE AND POCKE CUTLERY, hf new Qquitj SEUHC Stoves, Bangsg 171 King : Hotv’. andH i just v v your h l “'iulr-J its and I Koscrs and Rea}; Quality. CHOPI’ING 11k 1H . 7%?“ Donald :ICHMOND HILL. H as rstbing in t1 Hart all DX‘ KNIVES (i Pay-fumes I in customer. furnishings [u 1 stoc m II L what yml m pit-use 31-†if _\' uts [\dSl xhtzinywl bit if in 1H m' w JTCHER um. rade. PRING pctfulmw I n-Sents. make ) \\' wink H1 “I a m] (1y ml n2