Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Jan 1903, p. 5

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Ella ItICIIMoNll HILL, Jallualy 8. llitlli 14(19th A3435 Installation of inflict-rs. Itclllnond to nlorrew t'\ l Court at Annual lll"t‘llll;_',' of llll‘ lill'ltillnlld‘ lliil Fire l'lrigadu next illollday cvcn- lug. Election efoi'ltters. The \V. (i. T. V. will meet at, the home of Mrs. J. ll. Hairlelsall nch 'l‘llcsday evening at S o'clol k. .'l‘ll(>llltltl l'rqnllart was on Monday elected lllayol- of Toronto, (li‘il‘dilllg‘ Messrs. Howlalrl, Lamb, Robinson and “'oodley. lllaccoldallee with th:- statute all i‘luuicipal (‘oazlrils will meet next- Mo‘nday, January lf". at. 11 a. in. t‘ounty thlllli‘lii: meet the tllild Tues- - day. Jan. ‘30. Master Ellis \‘l .ley. THE IllllER;\l.‘S (‘ral-rierlloy. wishes to tllank his vil- lage patrons for their killd remem- bl'ances when he presented them \\ itll his annual calendar on New Year's morning. The annual lllt‘t‘tillg‘ alld banquet of the \Vest Yolk Liberal Association Wlll be held at “'eston on Monday. the‘ 19th instant. The meeting of llll' Association will beheld at tile Lollis llall at. 2 p. ill., and the banquet at 61 o'clock. \Vatch Night service was held in the Methodist(‘illlleh \Vrdlnsday evening from 11 to 12. The new year was ush- ‘ered in by the ring-ing- of the Church bell and the town bell, and for a time the village was all astir. Midnight seems a. late hour to be rct urnillgfrolll church, b1lt.lhc time honored custom is Worthy of continuance. Tea Rose Drip Syrup. extra quality, 5c. lb.; Pure Acme table Syrup, Ulc lb. Atkinson & Switzer. M Al r: HAM TO w ml i r. Reevc~Abller Sullnllerfeldl (ac-cl). lullncllHHNâ€"hltn'listlll 450, Francis 405, Harper ~lU~l. lloovcl 350. UNION VILLE. The. Joint Ladies’ Aid Society of the Lutheran Churches of l’niomille and 3uttollville nle . at the home of Mls. J. Stiver on Ilec. 18. The next. meetâ€" ‘65!’. ‘i no In KEY MATUI . illt'l't‘ on Monday t'\'t'l:ill;: ill-xi, by .sperial ear. to play the llenlctealll. ,Tllis should prole a fast and exciting lgallle. as both teams. dept Illl on their speed l-atllcrthan their weight. Tbc Richmond Hill team is fully as fast as last \\'t'ltl'. Trent-ll. \\lloll:ls not. been playllllhr fol-the last two yeals. is out again and shows up ill line fol in, and (lloode ably iills the nets. tialne called at H.l.') sharp. Adlllission. ltl rents. lloekl-y tickets eall b.- lliltl from the sccretal y and at the door. Ill-st (3 lllad‘ru yarn. 331-. lb. : a great snap lll blankets: lllell's overt-oats at less than cost, to ell-ar: boys‘ short pants, ll‘tty'h‘.lliltlt‘l'l‘ltllllillg. Naughton Bros.. lulgln Mills. I'Il’VVtHl'dl LEAGUE. ert Friday evening the literary (lepal‘tlllezllt-t the Iliagzll" will give all instructive alld entertaining proâ€" gramme. Mr. .‘llaw will give a slit-rt address oll Joseph Addison and selecâ€" tions will be read from the wolks of the famous author. (‘lloir'e music will lit‘ rendered by Some of lllt‘ Very best, talent ill the town: -â€" Miss SwilZer. Miss Glass. Jr. A. .l. Home. Mr. ling.“ land Mason and Messls. Storey and Sanderson. The League alltlripate a most pleasant evening. therefore they extend a very cordial invitation to all to attend the League next Friday evening. Extra quality Green (hitter). 930. lb.; Best, l‘eal'l rl'apioc:l, lb.: llosl Ran“- goon llie'e‘..5e.* lb.; Best Japan Rice >b.: Pure Corn Stareh,8l:. Atkin- son Cb Switzer. SKATING CARNIVAL. The carnival ill the rink New Year's Night. was well attended, alld the skaters had an enjoyable time. There Were some pretty eostllllles, but the number of nlasqlleluldel-s was nit it‘l'gt'. The following won Bestgcnt skater ill cestulne. Mr. A. Boyle, Page of the 1‘llll(,}t'llll]l‘y ; best girl skater ill costullle, Miss Gertrude 1)l‘l'l'_V,I:lt1\\'l'l' Gill: best boy skater in (-ostli‘llle. Starr McMahon, North Allleriean Indian: obstacle, lace, Mr. H. T. Hopper. 1st; Mr. A. Denisoll. 2nd. The hand gavea plogramnle of very fine selections. lubbers and Felt Bootsâ€"Men's boys” rubbels alal sol-ks, men‘s felt. boots, ladics’ felt, boots, boys” and girls’ school boots, a huge variety. See ollr men‘s waterproof leatherlinrd boots, tlle best valuu in the market. Naughton Bros" Elgill Mills. and ill ' will be Ill-Id at tho home of Mrs. J. illiott, Jan. 15. SCHOOLS ltEOPEHED. The Village Schools l'(~0petled Moll- day with a good attendance. The only change on tlle staff of teachers is in the principalship of tlle Public School, Mr. Spotswoud of Alexandria, having taken the place of Mr. \Vyc. OFFIC AIRS INSTALLED. The following officers for Vaughan Lodge. No. 54. A. F. & A. M., Maple. were installed on the. eyening of St. John’s Day by \V. Bro. Frank Smith of Ellgely: I. l). M., \V. Bro. T. Cousins; ‘V. M.. W. Bro. l). \V. Caliper; S. “7., Bro. J. B. McLean ; Trench who has gone to I‘IgilllYlllt‘ ill the County of Renfrelv, as Principal of the Public School there. “’0 areotfering duringr stock tak- ing. Pantillgs. Tweeds, Mantle Cloths at less than half price. Good chance for bargains. Atkinson A: Switzer. FIRST HOCKEY M ATUH. The hockey match ill the link Mon- day night beth-en Aurora and the home team was interesting through- out. The play was fast and cleanalnd the. result was ill doubt to the end of thclnatch. Ml. \V. (‘liiford was re- feree, and gave. the score at: the, close 8 to 7 ill favor of Richmond Ilill. rEhere was a good attendance. CORRECTION. Ill giving,r an account in last issue of Rev. .7. A. Grant's presentation ill Thornhill, \vc incorrectly stated tho; the address Was presented by the lllelnbel-s and adherents of the Meth- (lLlISt-(illlll'l‘ll. Ol'eourse the Presby- terian lllllrrh was llleant, and we cheerfully make the correction in this issue of THE LIBERAL. Best. \Vashing‘ Soda, lie. lb.: Pest. ‘Vllitellillg. .ll_.c. 1b.; llest Baking Soda, 35c. 1b.; (Jiu‘own Hakim,r Pow- (let'15(:fol‘ a 1 lb. tin. Atkinson 8: Swilzer. A RAIIAVAY (‘ALAMl'l‘Y IN 1857. The 'reccnt fatal accident on the Grand 'l‘lullk Railway, involving the death of 2‘5 passengers and injuries to many others, brings to lllilld the fealâ€" fill accident on the (ll-eat. “'esterll Railway of Canada. by the breaking,y (lown ofthe llesialdins ('allal bridgi- oll the l‘llll of March. 1‘57, when 61} [kisscngers lost their lives. TIIORNH ILL. Owing: to ill health Mr. John Grice will not be able as heretot'tnc to call on his many custolllcrs during the cold weather, but he wishes to all- llounre. that he will be ill his store where he has a large stock of ladies‘ and gents“ llnderweal. Millie‘s blllllk- l ets. etc. One pair Millie‘s extra heavy ‘ horse blankets worth $ for $1.73. ‘ Many other lines now helm.r otfcled at and below (-Osl. A call is solicited. , .. , l OFFICERS INSTALLED. l The following are the officers rererlb ly installed lot the .*.\.‘.).l.'.\\‘. Judge at ' Thorllllill :â€" ‘ .‘-l. \\'., .l. Peal-son: Foreman. IL ll‘isher; Overseer. \V. Allen; Rel-older. J. I). Francis: Financier, .l. i'. Steele: 'I‘l-easurer. II. I}. Schillidt; (iuide, C. Leadly; I. \\'.. II. (lotlltlillg’ 0. \V.. T. \Vhite: Med. Examiner, Dr. I. Stllblts. l l l l l l Tilson's Rolled Oats, Quaker Oats. Swiss Food. Jersey Oats. Sllredth d it, blult Bll‘itkfl‘lsl. I'Vtmt’l iii tight Atkinson c Slvitzel. pix l in;r l agree to stop the war. J. \V., Bro. H. U. Bailey; Chap, Rev. Bio. J. A. R. McDon- ald ; Trcas., \V. Bro. J. ll. Kirby; St’t"}'., \V. Bro. L. Richardsol S. 1)., Bro. T. Keys; J. 1)., Hey. Bro. J. A. R. McDonald; 1). of 0., \V. Bro. F. Sl’nelser; S. 8., ‘V. Bro. J. T. Saigeon ; J. 8., \V. Bio. R. Rumble; 1. G., Bro. II. Baldwin; Tyler, \V. Bro. J. J. Kaiser; 1? Examine these quotations: for best \Vindow Glass, siZe 113x26. at, $1.33 per doz.; 12x2} at; $1.25 doz.; all other sizes in proportion. Glasscut to any size. Atkinson & Switzer. THE VOTE HERE. The following official statement, showing the result of the day‘s pollillo‘ was given out Monday evening by hf: chfy. Esq, Returning Officer: For. (‘oUthLLoHS 1. Barker, Edward. . . . . 5t 2. Glass, John I.“ . . . . . . . . . . ll5 3. IL”, David . . . . . . . . . 62 4. lanes, \Villialn .. . Ill '5. Paulill,.lann-s (l4 6. Tlt‘lltfl), Thomas ll. .. .. 83 F0). Covx'rv COUNCIL 1. Iligh. George \V. . . . . . ll 2. Kirby. James H. . . . . . 4t l’tlgsley, \Villiam II. .231 Thcre \vcl e three rejected ballots. The new village, council will there- fore be Reeve Savage. re~elected by aeclalllation; and Councillors Glass, llllles, Trench and Paulin. The coer- ty councillors for this division are I‘ugsley and Kirby. THE \VAR OF 1912. The inljllstuess in the war of 1912 is well explained by Dr. James Ilallnay ill his llrst installment of Ills history of that great struggle. which appears .ill tne Jallualy Canadian Magazine. He points out that lit-fore the news of thedl-elaration of war had travelled ‘ from \Vashinntoh to London the ob- jectiollable Ul'dersillâ€"Council concern- the Right of Search had bren withdrawn. Thus the only acknow- lv-dch reason for the war was renlov~ ed hefarea. hlow was struck. There vas all arl‘rlistiee on receipt of the ll1’\‘.'5, but United States Would not Napoleon was preparing to invade Russia. (lit-at. ill-itllill‘s hands were full of war. Hence the l'llited States considered it an cxcrllcut moment to strike a How at Englalldvthe old mother who was so keenly hatedâ€"and at the same time gain possession of Canada. President Madison was coerced by his flit-llds. who declared he only could 5,‘t‘llle a second term by carrying on the war. He yielded against the diltates of his better judgment. Dr. llalllly‘s narrative is clear alld spil it.- ed. and is probably the best aceount of the struggle yet published. Future . installments will be eagerly awaited. The Newlllalket lHH'l-(t‘_V teanl (‘onle' ; A I“-\.\lll.l.\lt FACE GONE. to his house for about a lllolllllt harles Morrison died Tuesday lllol-lling. The faceolder-eased. grnel'ally known as “ Gus." had been fallliliar lll're tor a lnrlllber of years past, and he will be missed in many ways. Ilt' generally lighted the tires for the tire bl ignle and the band. attended tht doo’l on court days. and was useful ill (loillglllany little jobs, not, relplrillg too lllllt'll labol. lie was of a happy, genial nature. and enjoyed the many jokes which were good ll.’lll1lt'(ll_\'|i.'i:?.\'« etl at his expense. Deceased leaves a widow and one son. SpecialuJuat arrived, a lot of Iled~ patll‘s sugar syrup ill pail-l: bright l v V r ' yell. hallglltoll Bl'tl.~., lulgln Mills. J3EQRSOIV 131.15. Miss Teasdale of Tortlntoaspent, over Sunday with the Misses Swltmr. Miss lithe] \Vilev of Tolonto, spent, New Year‘s Day at her home llt‘H‘. l I Miss Shalld of 'l‘olonto, colnlllellccd 'dllties as teacher ill the Patterson schoel (:1) Monday. illr.T.Johns and son Jay of Saginaw. Mich, spent from Saturday to Mon (lay with Mr. and Mrs. \V. T. Storey The former is a brother of dil‘s.Httll'(‘)‘. Markhalll lflt'tillOllll\tlÂ¥.\ll'. and Mrs. Arch Campbell of liithlnond Ilill paid a visit to Mr. Campbell's mother brie on Christmas. Mrs. It. Peach of Gill-lph. and her brother, Mr. \an. Stubbs of Graven- hurst. spent New Year‘s d-ly visiting relatives ill the village. Mr. and Mrs. \V. E. Smith alld fam- ily and Mr. \Vatson. Toronto, spent New Year‘s Day with Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Saulge. Mr. Marshall Grant, who has spent, the past few years ill the North \Ves‘. spent a few days with his parents and returned Monday. Mr. \V. H. Bl‘HCklll of Chathan‘. who spent; a week in Toronto, rtalllc 'np Friday and spent the day with Mr. T. F. McMahon. Mr. and Mrs. Clint! and daughter of Toronto Junction. and Mr. and Mrs/l‘. Hicks and two daughters and Mrs. Norris and son of Toronto, spent New Year’s With Mrs. R. Sivcr. Mrs. Tifi'in, Miss Tiffin, Mr. John Tiffin, Miss Blanchard, alld Mrs. A. Tiffin and soil spent from \Vednesday to Friday ill Sellolnherg with Mrs. Bcatty. sister of Mrs. ’l‘it'lin. \VANTE Dâ€" A TRUSTWURTHY GENTLE- mltn er lady in each county to lflfl'Hlflfi business standing. «\ straight, hona fitle werklysu'ary or 318.00 paid by check each \VOtlIleSIltu with all expenes direct. t‘loul headquarters. Money lul- yanced tar expenses. Marllurv, dlU Caxton Bldg, Chicago. but; Bl R'll' In S. SAVAGEâ€"At. A yhner. on ’l'uesdlly, Doc. 30, the wife 05 Mr. A. Sylvester Savage, of a. sun. MAiiflfilAfiii-lfi SUIlnnalFELDTâ€"llAFrrlNB \(‘Kâ€" On Wednesday, 3133 chxllnllcr, at Union 'llllél Lutheran pur- Smlage, by ltov. S.Sbvlllt?_il', Mr. Abllur Sunlnlerfeldt. recve of Mlllllllaln township to Miss Edith ltcbcccu. llul‘l‘cnbmck, all of Markham. DESJI‘HS QnM‘TZâ€"At Castle], on “row. Jall‘y ‘2. Mary in herfib‘th year. Interment in [Richmond Hill cemetery on Sunday, Jun‘v 4. AGAzâ€"Ntar Victoria Square, on Friday, Jun- uury 1, Samuel Agu .llgcll 62. Motmzsos ~In ilcllaloutt lllll, on Tuesday. January 6,-Chu1'les Augustus Morrison, ubed 61 yours. Interment. at; Buttouville this (Thursday) utterlloun, leaving the boost: at 2 o‘clock. Eichmond Div1sion, No. 4’ he. following are the returns of Division No. =1. comprising Vaughan township and the villages of kich~ mond Hill and \Voodbridge: l l l I Vaughan lligh. Kirby. Pugsley. No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 37 58 0'9 2. . . . . . . . 37 78 9t) 3 . . . . . . 72 103 27 4 . . . . . . . .131 122. (it 5 . . . . . 4f) 39 106 t5 . . . . . . . . . . 50 3-5 73 7 . . . . . . . . . 83 4-3 35 8 . . . . . . . ’74 44-3 4.3 53‘; 529 509 Richmond Ilill .. ll 41) 231 t \Voodbridgo 31 20' 109 533 50.3 8719 The, two councillors elect are there- fore W. ll. Pugsley and J. 11. hiil-byr Sale Register. SATURDAY,JRI). 10* Auction sale of valuable illlln lands, at, the lllel‘tlltL’l] House, \\-'oo 1- llrlr‘lge. the propclty of tin» LJCitLte of the late Arch. Cameron. Sale or. 2 o'clock. S li4cou & Mcldweu, Auctioneers. \\'l-:osr;slln\ .Jllu'y 21â€"Anetlon sale of 107 tieresdo: Enron. -t, Markham, the estllte‘of. l the late John lioli .~ ulsllti atlas of etch ling timber. Sale Lib 1 o'clock. Terms inn-to known on day of sale. J. ll Pl‘vllLlL‘t‘. aact. l THcllso/tv, Jun 'y ‘_‘_’-.\ll(3[luu salo of two car . loads of cattlt, home. and Cults at tho i Pnllllerll'l‘lvlse, lilClIiUUHll ll|ll Blue at ]. Terms, earth». It red n olltns;,;llt months SAI-£‘DH t: ‘l.'i'it\t'l|, uill-zlollcol':. leoxlismv,Jall‘yzs ‘i‘l't'tlll .‘v’l c of 1' III!) snot-ll, l illlplclnenis, etc , on lot :0 can. 4. Scurboi‘o, the prapel'tv of “in. Nullzur. Sale mt. 113. ‘ Terms 9 ulOllth. J. ll. PIL‘UUCC. uuct. [EA Bad Breath 5 A bad breath means a bad stomach, a bad digestion, a 7, bad liver. Ayer’s Pills are 1 liver pills. They cure con- .stipation, biliousness, dys= pepsia, sick headache. , 25c. Alldrugglsts. um \Yant your moustache or board a beautiful brown or net: black? ’1 hell use for the UGKlilGiiAil‘l’S BYEwmstm 50013.0IDAL'60I315,0R R. P. mitt A 63., auxin. NM. Afler all illness. which confined him i l alld good flavor; the pril e will interest l Qanlltz. widow of the late I'redorlcl; Qllantz. ‘ Monday‘s voting)r for County Uuwncil . \lar31ex.‘<]w?r _ n.‘ i~._,..g.l A wsiémsmt These attractive money-saving OHCIS are sure to be appreciated by the wise buyer. \‘v'e want your trade‘tllat’s Wll'lt we ad- vertise for. If low price, reliable goods and good tl'eatlllent are worth anythingy to you, this is the store for your trade. \Vc will begin to take stock on the Ist day of lanuary, 1903, and will offer any Dry Goods that we want to close out at great bargain prices. We quote: ll; lbs. Clelned Filiatl'a Currants for Ta ioea for 23c. : 7.1; “N. Good Sugar Ba 'illg Soda for 25c. ' 90 lbs. Best \V 23(:. : 7% lbs. Best Pearl for 23(2; 11 lbs. Best . ._ ashing Soda, for 25c. ; 2 (,‘ans Good Red Sallnon for 2:30. : 26 (lakes of Old Brawn \Vindsor Soap for 25in; 9 Cakes of Blltlel-lllilk tlolnplexion Soap for 250. z 8 Bars of Happy Home Soap for 2.30. ; U Bat-9 FWt-ct Home Soap for 250. Heavy 36 inch \Vrapperette. regular 15c. 6 Cold 200 yard Spools. lIJc. (loz. mere Lined \Vaists, regular $2.5 yard for 100. ; best ; Black Lustre or Casi.- t) for $1.50. for an old established house of Sullil IlllllIJClflI ‘ 4. 1595;332:5197“ .22-; swlsmt@ When in. Town Call and see our supply of Of the latest styles made by the h’chauglllin Carriage Co., Oshawa. Also Stoves, Tinware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Repairing of all kinds done. ,. .1 Jacob Eyer 65 Son, Richmcncl Hi ,‘_; RHM no HELL... Agent for the toll-owing Insurance Companies: Confederation Life, London Accident & Guarantee. i l‘jil'e Connpanics : ;Merca.ntile, 'Western, Norwich Union, ,York Mutual. l .. v. §\Ve have also :1 Sick Benefit at a very low rate, which 3 covers thirty different diseases. lAgent for The Heintzman Co’s Flames, t l l l l

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