There is little doubt the province of Ontario is suffering by the ineess ‘ant charges of corruption, robbery, ballot-box stufï¬ng, ele., made by Mr. Whitney, the Mail and Empire and some other conservative news- papers, against the Ross ministry and the Liberal party. It is need-i less to state to those who read that in nineteen eases out of twenty there is no attempt made to prove the Charges. For weeks before the bye- eleetions were held it was claimed that the day of polling would end the Ross Government forever. 'That all that the electors of those three yridings required was a chance to show their eondenmatimi of the mir» istry. Well, the elections were held on Wednesday of last week, and the result is known. Every seat was carried by the Liberals with large majorities. But the triumph of the Liberals only added to the indigna- tion and disappointment of Mn. \‘Vhitney and The Mail. The very in xt morning The Mail’s leading editorial Was headed in these words "' Every Scat Stolen.†And Mr. Whitney followed with alleged i‘sasons pretending to show that the Liberals had gained nothing by the day’s voting, and making the usual charges. orange-J C Ayer A: 00 $nngeâ€"Unnudn Chemical Co ‘ ungaâ€" World‘s Dispensary Medical Aasoc’n Imaugoâ€"W. A. Sanderson. Chungeâ€"Jen’y§mi_tb. Camila-0.6519. Mason. Changeâ€"The Ruasill Hardware Co Annual Meetingâ€"$7. J. Aaudersou‘ @112 £311!er Mr. Whitney ‘and The Mail are discredited by the reading public, and have lost any influence they for- merly had. They lost ‘the three bye-elections last week, and they s'iould lose if they have nothing better to offer than abuse of their opponents. There is every reason to believe that they shout loudly about ballot-box stuffing and other kinds of Grit wickedness merely to deceive. and to draw the attention of the public away from themselves. If the recent bye elections were stolen by the Gorernment, or for the Gov crnment,the thing should be exposed. But if false and criminal charges are ‘ made merely to deceive the elector- ate-the party making the charges de-. serves to suï¬â€™er defeat as they did ‘ last week. Nothing will be accom- lished by preaching purity of elec- tions it one party simply makes un-' founded ‘cha‘rges against its oppo- nents, and deliberately closes its eyes to the sins of its party friends. . The Liberal majorities in the ‘three'bye-elections held on Wednes- day of last week are larger than at. first reported. In North Norfolk Mr. Little's majority has been raised to 100-; in North Grey M-r. McKay defeated'his opponent by 272,; and; in North Perth tho olï¬cia’l returns show that Mr. Brown‘s majority was 269. At the General Elections ‘in May last Dr. Snider, Conservative. carried North Norfolk ‘by :23; J. C. Montcith, Conservative, won North l’orth by‘a intg‘joritypf‘2r; and A. G. > lchayAcarried North Grey 'by only ~13 votes. It is (ml-y ‘l‘easonuble to conclude, therefore, that a pretty strong reaction has taken place in favor of G. W. Ross and his toolâ€" leagues. There appears to be a strong feel- ing both in Canada and in 'ihe Unit- ed States in favor of the removal of duties on‘eonl passing becWeen those two countries. At the present ‘time anthracite coal isrnï¬mitted ‘free into Canada, but the duty on soft coal is 53 cents per ton. The American duty is equal to abollt. 60 cents on a ten of 2,000 lbs. If all the duty were removed it would have a ten- dency to reduce 'the price and in- crease the supply. ’CHARG ES WITHOUT PROOF. RICHMOND HILL. January ‘un. “umâ€... Suleâ€" eu tunrbun'u‘l-{é Buulbhee New Advertisements. TWIE 'T'HR‘EE NORT HS. 1903 and prnspel'nus Gm‘ermnent in Ont- ario. nnw in full power for another term of four years. one may look for a continued reign of prosperity. Our mpi‘éhimts and business men :u'é well satisï¬vd with the results of their sales in 1902. It is with foelings of sadness that we are cullvd upon to report the sud- dgn death of Oscar Gardim-r, the sun ‘0? Mr. T1165. 'Gm'r'linvr. He Wm; :lhnnL twentyâ€"(me years of age, and th'(- nnly child left, (If several Inf :1. fm’nil‘y. \Vu Extend our sympathy t0 the parents in this ‘hQ'il' Lime nf trouhh‘. The butter factory in the town is doing good business fur the farming tonmmnitj‘. and living unch :1 gm-d and prosperous Gm‘ernnwnt in Ont- Rmnls are almost, impaSsahlc from} the liltt' snow full. Mr. Editor, perhaps some of yum- headers cnn explain this Single ’l‘nx anomont gningon in the pnpors‘ just now. Are we to understand that a tux is to bu placed on every single in- dividual whn has come tn the age nf union? or is it intended fur the ladies onl‘y w‘l‘rn are hmâ€: ‘Gcct‘pying the places (If young mon, who are the means of so reducing their salaries that thvy are really unable to form :1 union with :1 lady. no matter how much they may desire to (lo so. Roul- ly I think It is full time when some- thing shnnld he dune tn terminate this flute of things. Kindly explain Single Mm. J. Mchnn of this town. has been Visiting ï¬n- s‘mne tii‘n’c past with friends in Peterbmn. WANTE Dâ€" A TRUSTWURTHY GENTLE- man "1' lady in each country to manage business forum olu establiahed house ul‘ Enlid ï¬nancial standing. A straigh‘wbann. tide \veelilysulnry 01 518.00 paid by check each Wednesdiig wmh all pxpemes direct from bewiQum‘tem. Money ml- ynnced for expensesi Manager, 310 Caxton Bldg, Chicago. 8-26 The Dominion rm‘emw for the past, six months is $3,579,007 in excess of that for the past corresponding period nf the préc‘eeï¬ing year, and tlw sm- plus over all expenditures i- $7.590.>:52. For sewice on the premises of the unâ€" dersigned. a registered SHORTHORN BULL. 'ax. MILD. SURE AND SAFE. LITTLE .’Rogulate the bowels. prevent con- stipation and pllPS. relieve all forms of ’hiliuusness. such as dizziness, nunsvu. ’lmé'tuste in flw'month. coated tungne, loss of appetite, pain in the. side. drug- giug Ioeling. sullnw skin. etc. PW- vents dyspepsia and indigestinn wish sour stomach. 7 As in: After-'Di‘nner Pill. to start, digestinn 'u‘nd tune the stomach. a single pill taken after dinner. daily. will he found to give the happiest reâ€" sults. ' Mager’s Foundry. ‘V. A. SANDERS ()N, Tn Stimulate the Liver- nnd Kidneys 21113 to clem'np the cmnplvx'iun, take one or twn pills at ’bed-tilue. Price 15 cunts per'Bottle. nr'2 for’Toc. ’Mamufacture‘d uni] sold only by Steél'Iâ€"Iog Troughs, nnyiength, mu‘de to order. Fri??? Eight.- [U l'l'hlt‘l'. I PI'iPPS right. ‘ =_ 7 r .I Q . ; All kinds of wrought or cast iron ; 5: I e ussa ar wam o Chopping done :my day but ‘\\'edâ€" FOR SERVICE 29-â€. 40 PILLS f“ I! 16 CENTS FRichmond Hill Pharmacy. TERMS Mount Pleasant LIVER N ews Notes. (SUGAR-COATED). $1.00. T. LUDFOR D PELLETS Richmond Hill. D1‘.Clm-ko’s Little Red Pins cured me: of (*humic rhenmmisu) after I had been given up by the ‘(Tn‘ctm‘s.â€"-Arcl1- Y’hnld \Vilson, merchant, Suult. Ste. Marie. There is not rvmody for rheumatism, m- fm' building up the system. equal to Dr. Clarke‘s wonderful Litth Rvd Pills. I would not, he witlmup them 12‘1- l ln-ix- VV'eighL iu gol(l.â€"-«J. J. Brundun. Fune- lon Falls. Out. I can tvhruthfully say that Dr Clarke's Little “('(1 Pills have dune mo more gm d than any other im-l‘lirriiw I have over humanâ€"Mrs. Orisou R. Es‘tt‘y‘. VVntm-villo. 8:. There is no remedy that is equal tn Dr. Clarke‘s Little Red Pills for ier- nus troubles. rheuumlism. or kiudI-vr disease-s.â€"\V. H. Rube-rtth Manag- idig Editor Daily Times, l’eterbomugh. nt. Dr. Clarke’s Little Red Pills cured mo of rheumatism wf‘tCE‘ 16 years u‘lv cunstnnt sulfl-I'iug.â€"â€"J. B. Armom, bookkeeper Tux-unto Junctiun. Dr. Ulnrkï¬â€™s Sure Cure for Ciltï¬lurh, and D[-.(}l;u'ke’s Sare Cure for I‘JPZPIIHH same price. $10.00 will be paid for any casu they will not cure. Dr. Ularko’s Little Red Pills are :1 certain cure for rheumatism, asthma, paralysis, Cntun'h. eczema. (‘uughg backache, indigestion, stomach and liver troubles, female- complaints, even when the diseases have been standing fm'mnnv years. Price 50 cents pm- hux. Fm sale by W. A. Sunderxnn, Druggist. The Unnarla Chemich Cnmnanv. Peterhrnmngh, 0nt.. will lmx. Fm Sale by W. A. Sunderxnn, Druggist. The Unnarla Chemich Company. Peterhrnmugh, 0nt.. will fm'fvit $10 for any case that these pills do not he] p. ~ A. n {V . ,,,L A Thoroughbred Improved Yorkâ€" shire \V hite Boar. V ’ E. H. HOPPER, FOR SE RVIGE EVERYBODY SHOULD READ 3G onlx m, . mwmlly sum-d for th‘y \mu 3 .1 .le-ru. . rrl c I) s fm sub‘lautinll) n.ude.\-xnhbrfl U‘Ilu r... n tum ngulur a‘l iz- 5. win] to cL-ar 'bcy go at Serviceable Snow Shove's A 1hcrmumdcr is a Necessity well bandied. with gond War Ii Br]. than M rvgantquiVa and [L's aw \nw Lu am \vuuuuu unv wh 561 “good rename one far :- II“ I E ‘5 THE 26â€"tf. Is a most reliable store to trade at. We have a reputation for rightneSS of price, quality and :5quare dealing. Your money back if you want it Asphndid assortment. ranged lxpwatds in price from TEN CENTS. flooï¬ymï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬g V'H‘wréésï¬ Thirty-one Cts. Less Ghaï¬ 53.5.3??? is not remedy for rheumatism, Sixty-wine Cents. SLEIGH BELLS. F? A Lantern Far lea Germs L833 m.‘ ... .. _ _ > _ vnrv granuf worm» with the nhu- dram. “Pg. snld for 2,0,0 xr price hurm coal 0.1.1.: neat'irg mppgmr. mum-nod jn'y cnnv Mom. I; a The L Fifleen Cents. W a 1m = «2o usage. ‘5 545-23: and strong. W: Invdznn um la a"; .v 3 mmhe| 5m", ' _ ‘ t 9 he“ 14).)- . %' huh for we purpos ‘, / M mriced at LITTLE 1:033 'lanlorn l Richmond Hill. W lrullml we. l-ar Iivnlnr. “e Sn w hlr v nls. In. ge nu. mm 0 ho nu ll‘ uvv gnuu» tents vriully \VB PM Bill Heads, Cards, Sale Bills, Etc. 48‘1:u.~r~ \'o 5 qunlmv steel Hn. 3pm.} )‘n. as illustnhul, rt’gulur gm 49c. lmir. Him-in] V0 rlr 1'. an s z I “'0: have u. l-i;y [RM Bi. rnxnr-Ilers A fu‘l line M Skate Straps, \Vvol‘H-aa. T inks. ~Lng-, How. Nym- nud skate Parts in stouk.all rt c-()~e out [mt-es. n. t rim '\.}.. u reg. 50. , for (sirls' 0p. 11 “mm e. uni) ('lxiL h-n‘st |lnuu m...» B I; Cars, 15c box 22 rhnrt. IBC box W long. 184-. b‘ x 921014;. tit)». 25 c a box 22 “'inch- W I. 35c box 25 ‘ (evenw. 380 box 3 Shor'.‘l7c box ""1 'ng.32v hox H.021. 400.! ox .38 long.50u box .v’e Mock n. most complete line of pistol and nfle cartridge. ‘E-S pa rs R0. 1 qualilv. the wary Hahest mdc H‘Hv ). hanfls‘ moh nickel [Slam-n], regular 1 25 vulneâ€" Skaxes Fifteen Cents a Pair Less 291nm NH. 9 qlmlih steel, 5mm page n as v9. I in: 'y nH-kla )I‘ILMV’, regular 9.0- (I value Cc owl to Hear nnv size In stock for bka'es Ien C« ms a Pair Less Cut Priced Cartridges. m. with Saar: whim dealings are the 5-65.95! of Skates Fifty Cents Less 52 LONG A MITT BQRGAIN. Seven!) .Five Cents 1 hirIy-Five Cents nuuuun Jonah. uu rnijug ike out. “mum†Sims!) nimilar m: shyle so It“ng .sizn, r x. 73mm: .. 2‘65 'gâ€"o~_n [runner ~l @113. exactly I! um “mung, o iowul‘lu alz' regu'nr . 59c anDl'y on c rtrir‘gm Skate Repairs Sixty Cents A C§earance in Skates. .umrk or slmve- on m u m. m Lin-\IIA] elem them oun w;- l ave CUT pf \ can. It." a. splendid chance to secure an oucemmuul but-bumâ€" il 15' HIP aim. l‘lxem wi 11):: no lucs'inn of our ‘I'IZdOiDE‘O “m. mw s. 0.11.] e have 37 I airs [v xlrsmnz; with“! w “Hon im, r im a Ll'lll flcuue lin- g Ink .6 to he ml to ' 3"? lid-H'- 9 want. toolenr xt Lhn bulnvcu “'9 nude 0 specinlh of car'uil‘gm and en! the prices m the lnwert pnï¬-ilvle liL'llVB. H to in h w “e ss\'e)0u «It “wok ifux npr'mal :1 value MI 2 in swck for ‘ riz We have a lnrgt-r numhor M B )'R' Sloiabs on hand thv-n we muum have. and to umka a. quick ch uranc‘ we rm. m a prime as follows: Noy-' No.1 bluish. reg 20c. for......., 12: ! lsnys' No. a Pleiqh. n g 250. for . . . , . 19c Boys' Vicmr router, reg 500. for . 35c 3035' Sport Con ter. rog. 651:. for... 450 Ii yb' Filer-Y Coasts: . rvg 750. for. 55¢ N“. 22 Hockey 31mm . Ftr‘al runners. sizes 9 to 11, r- gnhr price A00 ymrmpociul w clear. Ioomplevr with screws. 201'! pairs of Hockav *katrs. 99991 ‘rnnaers. in biz s llv} and 12. rrgnlar good value at Armage- xiul no «hear the) gu conqm Tu with Screws 3' Nickel-phth Horkry Fknt'm. reg. 15¢ pair. Sixty-Five cams Indies' "(whey Etaï¬au. very highly nixkel piuadï¬rchlln-r apegxl to cleave n_# .A- A Clear-cut in Beys‘steighs W9 also carry in stool: Hue lollnwinc Skates. all marker! at our noted ‘ZIOI‘H cm prunes: \liv- Han links-1“: Tube.Muller's Domimon, L-uku'n Bunny. etc. Hockey Skates Fifteen Cents Pair Less \I‘u will srll 10 onlv N calibre sporting rifles. wnb 100 rounds of ammunmon tor Wu curry 3. n 04 complete stock 01 Guns. Itiflus and Hevo' era the )2!“ r um]. Do Your Own Repairing K A Dollar Ninety-eight Twenfyâ€"Five C‘ nis Pair Thirty-Five Cents Pair A RIHE BARGAIN Eigilii yI-QFJ ve Ceuis 36 only Cobblers‘ Out< ms, containing one stand, tbr e a treat sized mu. 3 shoe ' humnrr shoe knife. 9. ggi~ :1 am and sew- ing uwh mnh neros- at) a“) nouns and vrrnch. “hum-puke he 0 n-m to Forty-Nine Cents 23mg. y Bi