Until further notion lluils will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Game as follows:â€" MORNING 8.00 EVENING .. 6.15 N.B‘.â€"â€"Eer:iateradLetmrs must be handed in I least FineeuMinuteaourlierthan the above mentioned hours for closiun. OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.3C P M M. TEEFY. Postmaster. Leave C P R Crossing at 0. 7.20. 9.40. 1 30, 2.40, 4.00 5,40. 7.45 1». Leave Richmond 111118.20, man u. m. 3.30.4150, 6.30, 8 35 p. m. Lelve Newmnrket 7 4.15.6 Leave Richmond H 2.40, 3.55. METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE "Romurnn (tnmnlic mus Bunduvs nt 0 Methodist. Chum V Methodist. Chum 7 p. m. Fuman S floating Thugsdzyv moaning l uulnuu.) . u run-uh. Kichmund Lmlun. A F and A XIIâ€"Meets Mon- day on or beforn full m non CourtRichmond. A 0 Fâ€"‘Moetn second and ourbh Fnday Ivy Lodge. A 0 U Wâ€"-Meetsfnurth Tuesday of each month Camp Elm 11,5 0 S ~Meota second and [mum Wednesday R T of Temperanceâ€"Meets ï¬rst Wednesday of each month Fire Brigade-Meets ï¬rst Monday of every Church of England-«Services at 3 p. m. every Sunday. Pmsbyteriqn Cyu‘rcllâ€"Servicea at 1‘ ‘ \ m. nâ€-.. 1 fSumluy Sn. Wednesday oyelzin month‘ , Public Luxury and Rowing Roomâ€"ape]: Tuea'duy. Thursdny and Suturdi evenings Euworth Leagueâ€"Moots evun‘ Friday. HOBSESHOEB 80mm am Siam}, RICH MONU- HILL. K STï¬ï¬EEï¬ MN Received in Savings‘ Bank Depart- ment and interest allowed at HIGH‘éST BHEREHT RATES. Mon: ï¬ght and Track Horses 3. A trial solicitgï¬.‘ FRED MEYER, General Baalsing Engines Transacted. For other particulars call at the Bank. PJST OFFICE NOTICE BI-ivk house 011 Arnold St. inn given lst. Man-Ch. Ami); t9 “W. R. PROCTOR. Burl-i9: m- to \V. '1‘. STOREY, Richmond Hill. Tenders Wanted Capital R051 Anyone sunning u. unvx\ u _ “V- 7 _ quickly “svertaln our 0pm free Whether an invention ts larobnbly patentable. Communica- flan: strictly conï¬denua . Hnndbonk on Patent: my, tree. oldest in y for securing puzents. - A L-A- A -1. “mm Aâ€" ï¬n. receive um, “W. V -. .. 7., ,, Patents taken t Lough Mulm & ‘ mega! 7}?“68, without. charge m the .-4.. av; , , _ ‘ _ q Nutice of withdruwai not. neces- sary. AH dlâ€"‘anitS payable on dt-nmnd. [ouc‘y leaned on Farmcrs’ Salt: Ron-s. Blank Note I-‘(M'uls Supplivd Free. Between Toronto and New-market A handsomely Ill: murmur. of (my 3 year: {our gxopbh Mh'féi‘i'g‘iiï¬ï¬; Eda! natlce, without, charge m we SCEmEEEiC Emeriggap,‘ RICHMOND HILL 'ï¬réhbh 0m Village Directory. Of Canada TRADE MARKS Dsswns COPYRIGBTS 8L6- HAS OPENED IN J'. W. OSBORNE. AND GENERALâ€" so YEARS' t EXPERIENCE a TO LET GOING NORTH GOING SUUTH DEPOSITS PR ACTICAL~ y Illustrated weekly Lnrszost 01r- ny scientiï¬c journal. Terms, 83 a onbhs. 81. Sold by ulLPewud‘c'nler's 3-1651 “£72.30. Prayer meeting 39.361 Broadway, new :e. 6‘35 1" SL. VV'nshluzton. a. m. and 1030 0.. m. h--â€"Servior‘s 34:10.30 1).. m.. and 11001 at 2.30. General prayer evening. -4 “I ,,. .L, 'Cburchâ€"Sefvicas on alter a m. 7.30 p. {n:_ 40‘ FRED MEYER. 8,10 u Elikul .n Muxm Heb? receive $1,000.000 850.000 :3. Specialty “.55 a. mo. N'éMQrk m. ; 12.20, 2.20. 11.80 n.m AGENT. 29-tf 'nssoss TWB GREAT m PAPERS FER $.75 B'eiiet'ing that everv one of our readers should have, at least one good farm and family journ‘al. We have perfected an arrangement whereby we can‘ semi that practical and instructive journal. The Farming \Vorld. in connection with THE LIBERAL, including a. beautiful Art Calendar for 1903, as detailed below. all for $1.75. \Ve. are able to give but a brief description of the contents of The Farming \Vorld, which is unequalled for variety and excellence. Prom< inent among its many departments may he mentioned the Farm and Garden. Market Reports, Fruit Culture, Mechanical Devices, Fashions and Fancy \Vork. Feeding and Breeding. the Apiary, Talks with our Lawyers. NeWs of the Da y, Dairy and Creamery, Household Features, the Poultry Yard, the Questionr Box, Plants and Flowers. the Veterinary, the Horse, Sheep and Swine. THE FARMING \VORLD is published semi-monthly : the 2'? numbers which comprise a year’s subscription make a large volnnm teeming with all the. latest and most reliable information that eï¬yerienee and sCienCe can sup- ply. No better proof of its popularity can he 0 ered than its enormous circu- lation. which extends into every Province in' the. Dominion, each copy being rgmd- by OVer 100,000 readers. The FA hat is R1 gm, This question is so frequently asked â€"Nnt necessary that it should he. Right here you will ï¬nd a good choice in watches; everyone of them will tell you the right time Whenever you want it. Price-s very reasonable, and quality the best. Time P JERRY SMITH, One (meâ€"horse set; of secund hand hob-sleighs. Aï¬ï¬ï¬‚fll ï¬ï¬EETï¬â€™Ã©G Uherae Rssaaiaiinn MONDAY JAN. 19. 1903 The annual meeting will commence at 2.30 for the vluctinn of ofï¬cers and other business. The speakers will be: A. G. McKay. M. P. P., the hero of the North Grey Election ; Arch Campbell, M. 1).; W'. J. Hill. exâ€"M. P.P.. and others. The banquet will he held at. 5.30. Ba‘nqm‘t tickets 400. DR. P. D. MCLEAN. Prvsident. A. J. ANDERSON. Secretary Fur Mits made to order, either lady‘s or gent’s. First-class satisfaction guaranteed. or no pay. Apply to \V'M. GOULD. Prepare in; Winter. For Sale, Cheap Dec.11-1m Apply to 29-93 The best, I Earn: gdetiï¬cmmï¬s. PRACTICAL WATCH MAKER. BANQUET \VE ST Y ORK â€"WILL BE HELD ATâ€" Eag'le Ilaâ€, ART CALENDAR FREE! WESTON THE LIBERAL â€"OF TH E‘â€" appointed and largest agricultural paper in the Dominicï¬â€™x. â€"ANDâ€" ‘V. T. STOR EY. 'I‘he Art Calond :11- INCLUDING A BEAUTIFUL Richmund Hill. Richmond Hill. AN Dâ€"- ALHUME A large amount of private funds tn loan on improved farm prnpvrty situ- ated in the County nf York. at 4% per cent. For particulars npply to Lindsey, Lawrvuve & \Vndswnrth, Home Life Bldg., 60 Victoria SL. 01‘ at Tcrnntu THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill, on Saturday afternoons. ' Tit; élï¬gï¬a‘é’é. ' $1.00 IN RiWéNGE. Fx-om January 5th in all (1e- 4 H PER GENT. \Vrite fur general catalogue. Our buuklvt, “But-k lo the Farm,†will interest funnel-3’ sons especially. A postal will bring it. Address Emma-mi Hiii Central Business EM 1W ï¬lerchant Yonge and Gerrard Sts. pal-tments of the TORONTO Tailor College The Liberal and Weekly THE LIBERAL’S CLUBBENG RATE Globe with picture The Liberal and Weekly Mail The Liberal and. Weekly Sun The Liberal and Montreal Family Herald The Liberal and Morning Globe (York County) The Liberal and Evening Globe The Liberal and Mail and Empire (York County) The Liberal and Daily World :The Liberal and Toronto Star Pure Drugs, Patent Meéï¬cines, Seasonable Goods and Perfumes At cut-rate prices, including Hand BHI'I“ and Mugs, Razors. Shaving Straps, etc. for Xmas Presents ; also a full line of l Vera ViuIetm, Culgate‘s La France I Martha \‘Vashingtnn. Gouring’s Jicky, r also have a full line of Richard‘Hudnot’: Virginia Rose, SWeEb Orchid, \Vond Violet, Ideal These odnrs are very fragrant and lasting. being on the Canadian mm'ket. Put up in fancy boxes from 10 cents a bottle up. Our cut-Pate system prevails as usual. VVe sell ever} wives. and you can save money by buying your Xmas 1- ;ledicines from us. Repairing Promptly Done. 0. & E. MASON (Successor to C. D. Daniel (Q Ca. and Hugh Miller 5: Co.) \‘Vholesale and Retwil Drnggiets. 171 King St. East, Toronto, Opposite Clyde Hotel. Magniï¬cent Calendar for each customer. J. A. .Tohnston ck Co... :ling Hand M ir-rnrs, Combs, Brushes, Shaving Brushes lug Straps, etc. These are all new goods and suitable ) a full line of Perfumes, including Roger Sc Gallet's ‘s La France Rose, Lubius Jacky Club. Ricksecker’s mring‘s Jicky, now so popular in American cities. \Ve fichzu-d Hudnot’s perfmnos including Napolaon Violet, schid, “'ond Violet, Ideal Pink, Lily of the Valley. etc. grant; and lasting. being far mupvrim- to any perfunin Put up in fancy boxes suitable for Xmas presents You can't fail tn get what you new! nud just what will please ynu ifynu buy your horse-furnishings here. Fall and “'inwr stock of Blankets, Rnlu-s, Coats and Mitts of all kinds now ready for hm-so and owner. Conn-l in and let us talk hut-so goods :1 bit if in need uf nmv furnishings for full or winter. Quality of gonds N0. 1, and price low as same goods can be bought unywhorv. Haré'aware, Tin- Ware and. Staves. G 00. wPitt!l)o~nald., RICHMOND HILL. Window Glass, All size ur own make of Tinwaro, Eavetroughing and Roohvo. Queen ï¬toves Real Quality. '(lS The best, EngLish for $2119 all kinds of ‘11 everything at whnlosa‘e Anus PreSents, Drugs and or cut free uf chz All sizes of In stock. 391%}75 180 1.85 3.85 3.50 8.75 3.25 Qï¬ï¬ mgr.