Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Jan 1903, p. 4

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planation to the Executive of North York Liberal association, relative to his reputed resignation, and the re- sult,as might have been expected, Was perfectly satisfactory to his friends. Mr. Davis stated thatsever- 2&1 items which have occurred incen tain Conservative papers, and some statements purported to have come from Mr. T. H. Lennox, relative to the settlement of the petition anti cross-petition, Were incorrect and misleading. It had been stated pre- vious to the three recent bye-elections misleading. it had been Stzxtuu pm- vious to the three recentbye-eleeticms that Mr. Davis had resigned, but a statement from Judge Morgan show- cd- that an‘agi‘eement had been made between the parties concerned, but that Mr. Davis’ resignation was to bear date the 20th of Feb- ruary. It is understood, there- fore, that; Mr. Davis will resign his seat in the Ontario Legislature, and ihat‘a new election will take place in the course of a iew weeks. The Commissioner of Crown Lands dcâ€" elared that he had no reason to fear anexpowre of corruption, but rather it) avoid political bitterness, and, on his own account, to avoid the ex. pcnso, which would possibly be from $10,000 to $15,000. Before the meeting closed a rcsrilu- tion was ununimousl3r curried ex- pressing the utmost confidence in their Local member, assuring him of continued loyalty, and promising every assistance to win a greater victory when the time comes. In his address Mr. Davis repeated the offer made in May last, expressing a desire to hold a series of joint meet- ings with Mr. Lennox when the elec- tors would have an opportunity of hearing both candidates discuss the political questions of the day, from the same platform. A mass meeting will he held in the Town Hall, New- inarket, next Tuesday afternoon, when Elli-Davis will be re-nominated. RICHMOND HILL. Rev. TV. D. Reid, B. D., B. A.,l pastor of one of the largest Presby- terian churches in Montreal, ha written an open letter in which he charges that duringr the late fight in this province about the “Referen- dam,” the majority of the daily newspapers had little or nothing to say on the important question. The writer,however makes one exception, and that paper was the Montreal Witness, published by John Doug-all & Son. In'tlie letter above referred to Rev. Mr. Reid says: “The Wit- ness innkes for righteousness and 'truth regardless of cost and conse- quences. It has principles, and Ly these principles it is prepared to stand or fall. livery subject efinter- est is there discussed in strong, vig- orous; fearless editorials, and better still all ma dealt with from a On Tuesday in New‘marketi Hon J. Davis gave his promised ex OTODS, fearless ECllLOl‘lzus. uuu umwn still all are dealt with from a Christian standpoint,” etc. Four papers are published by the firm, viz the Daily Witness, the “’cckly Witneés, the “'cxl‘ld Wide. and the Northern Messenger. By a special m-rangement THE LEBERAI. and any of the above papers will be sent to our subscrime at a special club rate as follows :â€" The Liberal and the Daily Witness . . . . . . NORTH YOR K Advertisements. A CLUB OFFER Inuury in»,de Annoc’n Both Usual for price 29, 1903 .400 The Daily Witness, World Northern Messenger and THE At» all four publications will 11 one year for $3.50 ; worth The Weekly Wimcss,\\'orld Nomlmrn Messenger and Tm: AL all four publications will la one your for 332.50; worth These c able 'ates, matter for TO SETTLE THE BOUNDARY QUESTION. and therefore should not be submit- ted. The Premier of the Dominion is authority for the statement that there wiil be no reservations, that the whole territory in dispute wiil be considered. The now treaty pro- vides for the appointment of six jur- ists, three to represent the United States and three to represent Great What is: 2 gift Time 39 This questiun is so frequently asked ~Noti necessary that it should he. Right here ynu wfll find :1 gnnd l-huiue in watches; m‘mgvnne nf them will tell you the fight- tilue whenever you want it. Prices vary I-cusnuuble, and quality the best. JERRYSMETH, Assuwes on 3.11 the modem plans the most urosperous and campanies in exisce Premiums £06 THE SUN ifs Assurance Co. ‘as on a.” the modem pmns, and is one o! I xe most urosperous and pram-assume cammnien in existence. smiums low. poncies unconditional and noufurfeii‘nblm Take a policy with the districtagent. zw‘: 4,\’A4. l I B“ VI-I‘ IV' PRACTICAL \VATCH MAKER. ‘or $2.50 ‘lubs will I provide every in try in ful OF CANADA worth at, m( L most; ream 3 best readi est. of any fa Vear. rea SOT] SCH]: SUHZ i(]( .l m I that A HI: Anumgst tlm gyontnst dismwu-rivs nf the age of relief (if lmm‘uh‘ stiffer:- ing. I‘m-Imps 11mm take so high a pluct' n~x Dr. Clan-ke’s Little RM] Bills. 'l'lu- fmmuln. frnm which these pills- :zw lnzult’. was the result, of many ymu-swf study uml (-xpoi-iment. In is with the gI-mrlml. cmufidunce Lhm More, [but Lliv proprietors place these- pills on 9-er market, and 5:0 sulislivd :n‘v Llwy that. they will pun-9 a blessing to suf- fI-i-ing Immunity, that lhvy nmkv, IlH' fol-lowing ufl‘vr: To any ui-u who is :1 subjth (if rhunumtism (no matter how lrmg standing) of any l)l(IUd (lirwnse, mr' P‘Hunwmte-(l l)cl(l\\', and will give Dr. Clark’s Little wnmlm-ful Ru} Pills :1 fair and’impux-t-iul trial and (lo leI' l'msl'u pl‘rfe-cl, cum, we will reâ€" fund the mummy paid for the pills} If on substantial impi-nvonwnt is ()lise‘ v- Hl, we will in addition pay $10 in cash unsatisfactory evidence living suppli- fun-mg fol-10w su hjut‘ how (\ his"? mm and Hi, we w on sutisf: 0d us m- \VP have: whom thsv been almost fk‘i‘tillg n c CAL k Dr. Clarke’s Limp Red Pills are a (‘m-tnin cm-v for rhouumtism, asthma, paralysis, C‘vxtrll'l'h, eczema, coughs. lucid-“chm imligvstinu, stmunqh and liver trnuhlvs, fem"locmnlfiuints, even wlwn the diseases have him!) standing for msmy yvurs. Price :30 cents per hnx. Ful'snle by \V. A. Sanderson. for msmy hnx. F'm Druggisl. Dr. Sin and Dr. ( same Drit case they 26-tf. Rick-1mm! Hill. i-E- Ué- we: F03 fiEE‘VEGE " ' U: and iL's L105 SB'l a {10011 A Thermometer is a Nccessity well bundled. With good seldhem ah THEM???" and it's no; wide to ma \vmmnn one when we so'l 21 [3.00.1 ralmblu one for l'lFi mm C I s. A splendid assortmenhrsnged upwards in price from TEN BEETS. Thm‘mtghhrod Improved; W hite Bua 1'. (H's-r3" (all an Almocl (‘cr~ (in-rc- for Rm-umzalism #3:» a! real Disc“ ski. MARI/{ABLE STORY, inrk's Slu'f‘ Cure fm- Cntnrrh, Uhu-k‘s Sure (Fm-(2 for Eczvma -ir:v. $10.00 will he paid for any *v will not cnreu eficfl. 'vt tn know of :I.single ruse wuudvrful pills have not entirely snmzvssful in af- rw. CANADA CHEMI- SLEEGH BELLS. tm'hm-nngh. Out. A Lantern For Ten Cents Less 'féiéé‘afi-me cents ’l’ho LITTLE DOBS lantern burns con) oil. xs neafi in sppenr. anue. and wry convaniunh. is n vurv gram; Lu'oritc with the chil- dren. Rfig. sold for 33v. our price £1.17}. HOPPER, Fifteen Cents. {'23. H1336- 'e to trade at. We have a reputation for lightness of price, quality and square dealing. Your money back if you want it. .1 Hi1] a.qu We have a. Li: stmk 0! Skate” on fan PRICES. regal-Hess of cosh. It‘s a splendldc 481pairs No.5 quality steel Hu‘ifux spring pasbern. as illustratedJegulm good value at 45c, pair. Special 50 clear. any 512» in stock for 5‘02: Bin Hews, Saws, 33,19 Bills, Etg: 339 pairs No‘ 9 quality steel. same n Ibovn. nice‘y nick)» [Hatedfieguinr go at 75c paint-peeing to clear any size in Sixty C ems 198 pairs No. 10 quamy. 910 very highest :rude ates]. handsomely nickel-plated, regular 5125\ndquâ€" â€". n . A in‘l line of Skate Straw. Wrongbea. T-inks. Bolas. Nuts and Skate Pans in streeka ILclose cue prxces. A flew out in (EMS fileighs Girls“ ('yvn )zuunm luigh, no miling Tike nut. mg. 50:. for .35 Girls' own Runner Sleigh. si-milnr in styh‘ to above, only mtg-w size, n-g. 751:,f0r... ,. .55 Children's (‘ren Runner Flciphn. exactly same as c- t, wibh mihug. to; iortaL-le snzv, reguiur 15:. {or 59¢ price £001.; v.0 .‘ antes FifteenZGents a Pilr Less B 13 Caps,15cbox 95 Havens, 28c box 9% nhort.13c box 3! shor‘.‘27c box.- 211 mugJSc bar 32 long-32c box ‘8 long. riflP. 'Zl‘c B box 2‘8 short. 40c box R Wing-11:55“. 350 box 38 long.50c box We stock}: mos! complcfie line 0! pistohind flflbrcfi-sridge‘ Skates Ten Cents a Pair h 47,, Q9 cut Prised Cartridges. Skates Fifty Cents Less 52 LONG Try T126 Liberal Office Seventyâ€"Five Gents A NEW Biflfifijifi. Thirty-Five Cents 'v‘e make a sum-{any oi mrn-iJges and- cm. the prices 3N6 9-) the lower-t pnfifiihlfi‘. figure. H. re is haw we sumo“ money on cartridg‘ s. Skate Repairs A Clearance in Skates. 95 Havens. 28c box 3: shor‘,‘l7c box.- 32 long.3~2€ box 38 short. 40c box 38 long.50c box ' v‘n s‘rerinlly N UER TS. ‘I‘LIere wi I be ques'inn of nut. doingno v. ‘I_ fie special We want'to clear ml! the bulmlcs X'e FLU a have rxtrnr '15ch fits. wi en on tau-u .mu to qwny clear them nub \vglnve CUT splendid chance to secure an eweutiunal barguuzâ€"w pattevn as good value 111 stock fur 5k Less {Hockey Skates Fifteen Cents Pair 37 :0 lin- to be - pan’. rsirs vnen itln Boy.” Boys‘ Boys‘ Boys‘ 8155' to 11. r. { complet plat-ed. r: We aho carry in mot-k me to)1*wing blames, a“ marked at. our um-ed \ziow cufipnces: Mic- MM Baker's Tub5,-Mullcr‘u Dommacn. bokcr's A Clear-mat in fieys’SIcighs Ueuutg. em. We have a luv-g lmnxl blu-n “e. 2] quick clunrunca x Wn carry a most complete stock 01 Guns. Riflas and Revoh'em the war 1- mad. \\ 0 will 591110 oxflv 2'} Pa Wm: lOOrounds of muuxuw A Boilar aim Nickel-plated Hor’kcy Shams. reg. 75c pair. Sixty-Five Cents Ladies' Horkey “kat‘ey veyy Pit;th nimkel Less 00 pairs of Hockey Shams, step! runners. in 7-5 115 and 11!.rrguhr good value at 4"c. spe- ,\ too clear the) go cmnpu he with gcrcws an 50 "9135' 02121 Repairing No.1 Heigh, reg 2I1c.tor.... No. 3 Heigh. rtg, 250. for... View: Coaster. reg 5Lc, for Sport Counter, rag. 65c. for. Racer Coaste“. reg 75c. :or. Twemyâ€"Five Cents Pair V reg .A "J Thirtyâ€"Five Cents Pair Rockcy Skaton steel w-nncvawima ‘. {may price 40c painapecisl to clear ~ mtu screws. A RIFLE BARSSUH 233 an 5“, » ‘La‘gitygp’m ems miv 2-3 calibre apart of ammunition for ‘2' number of B'lyn' Weighs on ‘(uulrl 11M e. run] to make a e «m We Pliers as follows: 36 only C-ohlflers' Ont- fita. containing one 5:51p}, mm: d fl»;wa sized‘lasta. a. shoe lnmm't, shoe knife, nagging nwl und saw- ing Ewia with necesâ€" «ury aw) points and want}.- We cub-price vroncl‘ .be out: ety-e?ght Forty-Nine ~ Cents

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