“In Essentials, Unity; in [lion-Essentials, Liberty ; in all things, Charity." [Single copies, 3 cts. RICHMOND HILL. THU {SDAY, FE EEIUARY 1%), 1903 DE.» VOL. XXV. ('7 ‘9 /' , 4 1’ “ one glam IS PUBLISHEDEVERY THURSDAY MORNING AT THE Mun-mm . 733mm“ Markham Township ‘â€"â€" Tlli‘ Markham mct at, Vir-tmia tiuu tllat in tho lung inn. and speak-l IlI‘\'..\II'. lil‘lllmi of Laskay plv-zlclu :1 I'll: gt'llcrally. it Would be bctivr for in the I’rcsbylci-ian church l.l.~l. Siluâ€" ll]r‘ girls, for IllI‘ll‘ blnIbcl-s. and for day. Ilu-ir futluc husbands, it' Lhay couldl ’l‘llt‘ Oratorio, "Our Haliollr" ivivr-ll absi‘ain flulu nllIcl-iug so lal-gl-iv into by Mrs. Moore and llvrclass ill King competition wilhyuuuglm-ll. ICvory I‘llyhall lust. Thursday cvouiug was young \\'Ulll‘l1‘l who sol-urcs a plam‘ l'nl' , listl‘ul-d In by a. large and appreciative G G S Liudsl'y. K C k (i F Lllwruucc \V Rilluut \\ mlsuvorth 'l'mvnsllip (‘oqu-il Ilall, Ulliulnillc. on “11' Mill inst. ilII‘lan‘l's all pl-l-scut. tllcRccvc ill tbc chair. Minutes HI" last Incl-ting \‘.’('l'(‘1'(‘x‘l(l“‘.ll(l (‘(lllIll'nl('li. Phone Main 2981 LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, our. '1'. F. McMAHON. E DXTOP. & Pnormnm. B USINESS CARDS. “oil-Ililirlll. ï¬ll." E. J. STUBBE, '5" h oval-J I I. v.9l'ezi‘l-l-lï¬n‘lvmcian at Western and Grqcu ospita.l.~a.'l‘orouto. 0.11:.) Hours â€"8 to 10 a in; 1:08 o m. 12:02pm; " .,eutal. \V “x. Bogus Bewï¬s’t, R-lom 12. 12l Victoria. St... Toronto. [List ï¬tting teeth, also replatiug, at‘ lowest prices. Good work. D3. is. A'. wanna, E'Jentis , G 1 lfellow's Bldg, Toronto, cor. Yollge and College Sts., Toronto, “ll†be ill Richmond Hill every ‘ \Vodnesday. Oi'fize :â€"Next door south of Public School. Ofï¬ :e hoursâ€"From 8.30 a.m., t05p.m. mam JOHN B. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, "Final-2.111111. 0.1113 by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL Gulls by day and night promptly atâ€" tended to. II‘A’PLE'IEll‘IIUTEL, RI APE .«E . Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. FRED DACK. Proprietor Elm-mil HOUSE, RIC HMO ND HILL, R-l'no'lellod.and newly furnished throughout 0 m or one most convenient .‘Llld Caniformble lntalsuu YJn'ze Scrcda. Evory modern con- Vduieuse. Single r-mms for commercial (invaders. Anlleulstoppiugplace for rrlmg or Ill'lvlulgI)ILEchS,')icycl15t‘. or (aruiers going tour ramming from Inlxrkat. Electric curs [masons door. Livery luronuectlon. TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. .IIHlaI PALNIER. - Prop £3. gammy. @&§l$l§ 158 RING armâ€: i-ns'r Tonxro accommodation [.0 insets. bum-31,31 \ler day ï¬ve W. H EWI so u, HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL ‘ " To PthlET Econ! Ilsa may be secured by our aid. Adm-cg, - THE °"E1:".' RECORD, ' i 5 ' - V ‘ Baltimore, P.9d. .- \R .J O immigrants & mougll. I Lindsay. Lawrence :52 Wadsworth, Barristersï¬o'licitcrs. Natarics, 25c. Home Lifl- Building (formerly Fron- liuld Luau Bldg). Uni. Adclllide & l Victoria 518., Tulmltn. LIBERAL Oilim'. Richmond Hill on Saturdays. n w ‘ fl †_ l "’ cUGK & JUHhS 1 UN Barristers, Solicitors, etc. TORONTO OFFICE: Home Life Building. cor. Adolaldeoz Victoria Streets, Ttli'UllLO. Mr. Cook \ 'ilibo at. Maple on Thursday aftoruoon of each \\'(‘('li. MONEY TO ' LOAN AT 5%. JAS. N EVVFI‘ON lSSUE-RMARRIAGE LICENSES, EEIJEEâ€"EN RJILLS lys’ . "lib E E FY . COMMISSIONER IN THE HIGH COURT OF]U$TICE.&C. Issuer of Mazriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFB'II 'E. LENNOX & MORGAN, Barristers and Solicitors. Monev to loan on land and chattel mortgagesat lulu-st. moss. Aurordntï¬ceâ€"Remnved to the old post oflle.’ one door west of the outï¬nce to the Ontario Ilmlk. Newmurltet ethosâ€"Three doors south of the p Jst o lice. T.HERBER1‘ Lnxxox, G. STV. Mona/Ix, Aurora. hmnnm'ket "WWW J. H. Pl «sumo. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Yolk bloods sold on consignment. General sales (,1 “.306 esc..:u_rmn;:‘.ly attended to at reasonable rates. Lesldnnco Unionville .0} ll. Uuullllng, Newton Brook, aguu for the RHINO. J. 'l‘. Saigeon. . J. K. All-Fwen, Maple. Weston. §uigroal 1%; Mclhvole. Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Sales “mended to on shortest untiveaud a. red- sonmblemtes l’etronagcsolicited. D BLOL‘GB License _Auctioueers {or the County of York ,ro- spectfully solicit your patronage and friend}: uiluonce. sales attended on the shortest notico an d a reasonabemtes. P. 0. address King N. E. Smith. Licousnd Auctioneerforthe Counties of York and Ontario. Allsalos of farm stock, 6"“... at- tended to on the shortest native and reasonable rates. \flll'tflnL’OIlnd bailiff sales atteiued to. Residenceï¬toufl‘villo,Ont WRIGHT BROS, Underiakers & Hindustan-rs, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHIIL The proprietor of Snnilyside Herd of Hoisteip Cattle and Breeder ofllu- proved Chester white hogs, lot 32, 1st . con. Markham (’I‘lloruhill) has for sale some good young stock. Thoroughbred bull and hog kept for service on the premises. D. G. GOODERHA M, 49-t Proprietor. Agents Wanted EITHER ON FULL OR PART g‘IME Are vou satisï¬ed with your inoomo? Is your time fully net-lipiui 1' If not. write us. We run give yuucmpiuvmeut by the mouth on good mm; or contract to pav you well for Fuel] business as you can sm‘ure for us at odd times. We cmplnvhnlh male and female 1'(‘1ll‘9<9h1n- lives. 'lho, nuvt three monihsis the vorv best. time to sell our moods. outï¬t. isubsulutolv free. “'8 have IlJH lamest \‘urss-rms in ('an-ulaâ€"nver 90H acresâ€"n larrs range of valuable new sprain-ties. and all our l stink is gnnmutved as represented. If you wauL ( to represent the inn-est. most vurulur and I): St . know-u Nursary, erlc us. It will be worth your willie. STONE & WELLINGTON, “ Canada‘s Greatest Nurseries,’ I TORONTO, â€" ONT. No deposit is required; ‘ .'\pplil:atiulls for assessor wcl-l- rc~ f‘l‘lVl‘ll r»-1Cast sidc from .I. Lawl'ie and (l. Monk: wrst sido I'loul II. .I. ('uu- uiugzllaul, \V. S. (larvcry and 1). (‘al- lmicllacl. Mr. Morrison pl't'SOllll'd a pntitiml floul Jonas Hauler. A. \V. Ill-my. \V. H. Johnston. .Ius. (irovla and 7t) uIlu-l-s asking Illl' council to cslablisll a pulling sub-division butwccn lots 13 and 2H, Iflwlueiyc, ln Ibo 7th alld 8th ovum-sâ€" Sums. Flam-is â€"â€" Hoover â€" that the cls-l-k zivc I". A. Rot-sol all order on tllc II‘PIISUJ‘I‘I (if S. Stu-(ion No. )5, for $9.61 : also to tho li'I‘unlll'I‘l' of S. Sec- tion No. 21, for $12.08, llt‘ll'lfJ, amount. of taxes asses-«(I to S. Hooliuu No. 15, illstcad of 5i. Scctiou No. 21 Flaucisâ€"vIloovcrâ€"I‘ilat. the Measurâ€" ('1' pay ThUS. Palli'u-r $5, damage to his property by tcalus travl-lliuo: IIVI'I' tllc samc on account of the road nut. being passablv. Francisâ€"Ilazgx-lvâ€" that the 00.11ch- ' (ll's' l'llllS for 1902 bc and are llPrI-by acccptcd by this council and that the (TIllll’CtOl' be rclieved from the follow- ing taxes: cast zhalf, Mrs. Ilnlwily. $1.(7"Z;Aick0uberld. $10.57: “7. Hague, I {fly-dog. $1: west .hlLll",P.}\\'llitu, $1.29, I‘v- ,l [urlin to'Iilruuty trons: \V.S‘lzc,$2.tll. _ do: 'l‘. IIumlu-rstouo. $5.81, do; I). Brook, $16.59, (l0.; J. Twister, $1, left municipality; J. F. McSlmnc, $1, 0.0.; P. Lott, $2. d0.; Rev. A. Lau'rr'ulrc, $2, relinquished : J. Size, $2,indigcut ; \\'ln. Press, $1.63, indigent. Fl-ancisï¬llooverâ€" that. the follow- ing taxes be refunded :â€"vA.3Ic{h-l-ight, $3.45; A. Mail- “312; A. It. I"il<e,’$5.(5.'§; T. Ramsay, ‘ S‘ ' S. 3R. Steinhnfli, $1.50; ,lamvs 'i‘llomas. $5.00; Chas. (look, 75('.; F. "\V. RHVHH‘I', 342.50; S. Penny, $4.50: 'lN. Hol-d, $2.63; \V. J. Rt-csni', 75C.. .I. \Y. Cllwie, $3.38; .l. Leonard, $1.51); 7. and II. Nighs- wander, 75c.; .los. Bulkhuldcr, $1.50; John Cox, $18.77. Hamarâ€"Morrisonâ€"that the trees. pay the followings; accounts :â€" lsaac Heallizlll.wol-l; and llauling$ 4 I1†Padch & Hay. supplilzs . . . . . . . . 2 59 Francis â€" Homes: â€" that the l'cevc and Mr. Moll-ismrbe a. colulllitloo, H‘ ' claims 11)) [HPIlll‘s of look L'l’Lh‘llt‘l’, and interview the municipalin of Stoulf- villc 1-e IIICSIIHIP. l’lIHIVt’râ€"ITI'IHI1LIS-â€"-lhilt the’the tnrcas. pay the follow lug gravel accllullts: John Bovutllu, bll()\'(‘llll:§: gl'avcltï¬ 7 50 Harry Li‘arrh, é‘I) yds. of gravel. . 8 ()II Flank Craig, shovclliug gran-1.. 6 88 .J. Freeman, Stl‘yds. ....,. . . . 3 00 Francisâ€" Hoover â€"-â€" that this muni- cipality put one and one half yards of ngVPl(11114:\Vllllll(‘ll(‘L\V(‘L‘ll Markham and Scalholo, flom Millikeu to Ken- nedy road, for cach yard put on by residents of said district; the l'l'SI- de-nwagl-oeing to put on tllcil Shale gratis Messrs. Adam Hood and \Y. Brown, cummissioucls. Halporâ€"Morrisonâ€"that t’ho treas- Ul‘Ol‘lMinlIE‘SSI 7. F. Davidson and .‘R. .A. Sliver, auditors, 2'38 each for their smvices for 1903. Munisonâ€"Hoover that Messrs. II. Harper and D. Lyuc I, be oommis~ sioncl'stowpair bridge belwccn lots lieu-self Ill lllt'l'I‘HlltllO life, or lllI‘I‘llrlll- ical liIc, uvcossal'ily shuts out sumc young man, and III’ is (‘Ullllll‘lll'd (0‘ culnpl-Ic with some (Ilhl‘l' man for :znlllc otlu-l- plucc; lll(‘ probable l-csult lmiugtbal lII'lillI'l'hf tbcm will llavc' as good a chum-c uI' golï¬ng on as both l-I'tllt-m would have bad if [boy had not lll‘l'll fol-cl d into such activv com-l politiou uitb l-acll other. And \vllcl-o this w‘n-L hf thing is will: on on :1, largo srralc It is easy Ill sum that very many young lucu who would llaVc lweu allll- to gut marril-(l in thc clause of I‘iuu- will llavl- to roulaiu single bc- causc nimble. to support a family. And tllcll youth soon Macs, and, with it in most Cases IllI‘ opportunity for :1 woman to WIN] money by ollico \vulk, or in any of [be UCI'IIthIUIIS which lllel‘ until H‘CCllily boon only to mull. Abqu (in: time that the hran lllotllr-l' should bequ to ï¬nd life I'IISII'I' because lwr sous and (laughtch are old enough in be hclpful, the woman who has l)I"(‘n working 11) an ofï¬ce is lilicly to find licrself without occupation or I'k‘CllglllZI‘d position. This leulark, of course, refers to thusc ‘ \vomcn who have lwcu prevclltcd floul gutting marricd because young mom who would have married them \vl-rl- unable to earn enough on account. of competition with women. It is the twudoucy of things that wc. are discussing, not individual cases. 'l‘llel-l-fol'c, \\‘l|llt‘ \VI“ i-t-coguizo fully the right of every woman to judgc ful- llI‘l‘SI‘lf and to look out for llk'l' own inâ€" toil-GL5 ill the matter, and while we admit that as matters stand very ulauy young: women are COlllpGllt-td to tha‘ :Illill(1l(‘t'. The sum of $27 was cll-alcl at‘tcl- paying all cxpvusw. A large- llululu-r of young,r [ll oplo \vvl‘o cull-rtahu'd last Friday ('xl-uiug by Mlss Lydia Line at, ll('l' home, \vbcll a very plcasaut time was spent. Mlss .‘Iulule Iii-win) of “II‘IIIIIUIHI I-Iill ls vlvxtmg llcl' sistcl'. Mrs. I“. Linc. Mr. '1‘. Keys and family arc moving back tu‘Colu-m-d this wnck. Mr. J. .I. Mullillau and his sister If Shoal Lake, Manitoba, are visiting friends ill this vicinity. â€"-â€"-¢oO-â€"â€" \V.\NTE Dâ€"- A 'J'IIUS 1‘\\'()Il'l‘llY GI‘IN'I‘LT- mun t-r lady in 921011 county to immune basin: '9 for on old (‘hlllllllnlll‘ll house of solid fluuur~ I'll standing. 1. Sti'lllullt, bnlm Iido “'Pekl) ML‘IU‘} or $18.00 puid by check cavh \VCIlllOSllIL) WlLll 1:11 : cxpcn cs dil-crtt‘roln huadqmn' rs. Mon-n; ad- ylmcod I'lr expenses. hialv- i‘, .ll'J Clixtou l B..lg., Chicago, 8-47 00â€"..â€" N ews Notes. The writ has been issued for the bye-election in North Outalio, which will be held on the 10th of March. Sir Oliver Mowat will be unable, through illdispnsitibn to open the Ontario Legislaturc. Au administra- tor, will therefore have to l): appoint- OK)- A Sue-d fair will be bold in Markham Village to l’lll:1'l‘l)\\', Friday. under the auspices of the liast York Farmels’ Institute. Many addresses will be (11'â€" , Iivored. I l -â€"â€"QO King City. The Concert given in Cwsslcy’s ball .hel’lr'nl] ’l‘huisdav evcniug, tllt‘ 121b, sock such culplnyulcut. we cannot but fed] that (be tondcur-y of this condi- tion of Plain-gs is away from civilization and back In llzil llal'islll. II: is a prac- tice that tends to iucl-l-ase continually the llccd which it Seeks to satisfy. furl the more tllc young \"(ll‘ilf‘ll take the places of the mcll, tlic lllol-o youug "mlle Illt‘l‘c will be who need such gilaeea vcntul from getting luarl'ird and that the ambit: ilauco alld incxeasc of Ill,u population should (ll-pend more and more Ilpull immigrants. Let us be thankful that, Illvl‘t: is still a large- uatiu- population upon I'm-ms “’llt‘l'l,‘ this law of pl'ugl‘css ill the: wrong (Ii- l-w-tion 181:1)1?llltlpl‘l‘lltlhll. From the furl-going facts, and that young ml-u h:ch a tax placed on the u by doing roadâ€"work, why should not a. tax bc placed on young,r women who shut out. our young men from earning sufficient to enter ul-u-l led life. Our Provincial Fathers met some time ago and they intimate-d a. desire to have a larger share of the milk given by the Dominion now than “'llilt. they have been I'cceiviug l’litllcrll).l The Vitucss says don't- give them, what they ask. Supposing we ale, fUI'L'I‘d to give them furtlll-r sums~ we; might. apply the tax collcctcd from single women to satisfy the claims of the Provincial Fathers alld cull It Single Tax. 2I)ar:(121oll the 2nd cou.; and bridge between lots 4.3 and 46. on lst. con Mr. Francis: iutloduzx‘d u by-law which l'(‘ttL‘l\'i (1 its-several l'cadi‘ngs and passcd; to grant .‘l; 300 for Mal kllaul’s ;sllare fur the luaiuteuaucc (If Yuugc stl-cct, Mr. Francis commissioner for ‘Hlb‘ï¬lbllle at $25 per auuum. Francis -â€" Hoover â€" that, the treas- urer pay the Yonge St account for re- pairs, amounting In $41.97. Mr. Morrison lllll‘UdllCl‘d a by-law to appoint ZiSSI‘S‘N’ 21â€"»; for the current ‘ year, which was passed :â€" \Vcst halfâ€"l). (,‘al'micllacl; East halfâ€"A. Fort-slcr : The lly-law to commute Statute Labor l‘cccivcd its second reading. Auditol's’ l'k‘llill't was l'cceivcd. Morrison â€" Hal'pcr â€"~ that tho audi< ‘ I tnls‘ report. as finally audited be l l aduplix‘l. On motion the adjourned to meet on Tuesday, Mach 1“. Single Tax To thoEu‘itm‘ of THE Lilu:1:.\L Simâ€"In :1 late issue of your paper you callvd on snluc of your I'L‘EiLlClS to explain Sillglc 'l'ax. 1L sol-ms In mu rather hard to advo- cate a tax bring placcd on young: ladir-s I who occupy [llI‘ plan's (:1' young llII‘II. I Its a gloat pin Io west: many ul'tllvm, lt-ugagl-d in work \vliit-h belongs more ‘ inaturally to ulcn. Ill saying: [his. \vv make no (-l-itir-islll upon any of Illt-m ins individuals. Evcry person lIllhI ‘judgc for lllllls~'lf or lu~lsvlf in such 1 matters, and 111 must r-ascs wl-prl-sunlc l {girls have good l‘(’:l>HllS I‘ln- dashing to! PMâ€) their own livingr Ill any way in I which they cal. do so honorably. But , to prove that. a I‘.'l'ii.lll culll‘s‘c of llIt‘l may be ncccss ll 3;. or at has: very dc- , silalde ulldl‘r v-xi " '3 conditions, does not prove that It is an ide-al C(Illitd‘ of' action. and it is a sell-evident pal-posh ,‘Lllllllel' policy of the Govel umeut and OBSERVER. Joint Meeting in North Yer}: ’ Thr- fll'st of a series of four joint: mcctiugs In the North Yul k campaign bcI'wei-u Hon. E. J. Davis and Mr. T. H. Lsuunx was lli'ltl ill Aurola Hour day evening. Fully IOIN) prmpln wore pal-kl-d ill the Mcl'ii-luics’ Hall, and many were unable to get evcu staluL ing room. Mayor Davillu presidcrl‘ with fail-lll-Ss, and considering the largo <‘l(l\\'(l little i'nult would be found will) the order. Mr. Davis was the, Iii-st spoalu-l'. He I‘XIIINIIIHI ill a few: \vulds the St‘LtlI'llit'lli, of thc protest. and C(lllutt‘P-[HIILPSL l)i'l\\"'l‘ll himself and Mr. Lcnuox, and explaiul d sever- al matters, such as land grants to vuluutrmxs. tllc liuaur‘inl lplmlinu. tlm‘ otllcis. Mr. Lcuunx then spoke In: an hour; and a half during which time he re- fel‘l't‘Ll to nothing (‘XPPDI the settle- ulontof the protcst with Mr. Davis. 11» (-lainll-d that the olljl‘ct (-f the joint Ila-clings was to discuss thl‘ qucstiou hf Ih.u scILII-lucllt. III“ dlcw a billlv from his pol-kc: and tool; all math [but Judgc Morgan’s state- :ll‘lll, as giu'u by Mr. l).l\ is was un- tillc. and that the latter paid all his costs. ’l'bl- lllf‘l‘llllf: clusvd with (‘llt'I’l'S for the liiug and boil) the candidates. w --o. It lS not dcsil'able that young. lllv'll and young wouwu should be pro-‘ l I was-well iltIL'lldl‘d and thoroughly (-n- ‘ joyod by [llnsé‘ prcsmlt. 'i'llc plu- ' gl'alumc consisted of an Oratorio (nâ€" litled " Our Saviour,“ under the direc- . tiou of Mrs. Moore of ’l‘estvu. . There I were about. forty voices in the [-1101 uscs. The plograulnw was varied , by tableaux, also of a. religious cham- . actel- and some readings by Miss Bessie Nixon of Hope. Miss Butt of Reufrcw. who has been home for the past month, returned on Monday. Miss Janlicsnu of Toronto, who has been visiting Miss Butt, returned on Monday. , Mrs. D. 0. Crossley of Bowmanville spent the past week with Mrs. J. \V. CI‘OSSII‘)’. l Mrs. Terry of Sharon, has been in in town for a fcw days, calling on relatives and friends. Rev. E. Dylnond of Port Hope visit- ed at Dr. 'ockhart’s during the week. ~- I ll sameness. THAN HIS mum nauseous ,ooLnEu, MEDEQAL , tinsel/em QI‘IAIQES ‘WEAK * Simmons srnees mm hue...†“m- ézail + . l 9 M aple 0n Fiiday avl-uiug of this \vcltk, :l lf'l‘illl‘f‘ ml Missions will be "itch i I tllH )Ictlludist L'lllllI'll by {or 1. MC Dungall. SIIIH'IIIILI‘IIIII‘III of .‘lhslflll‘ and Indian .‘icllllols ill )lauitl brl. ILIl-l tllc antll ‘Vcst. 'l‘llcl'c will In- su‘ - :lIIII‘ music. and a silvcl' culhr‘liuu wil l;c talus“. a ill-‘r‘k ll' mm on Arnold SI. Pussrxv - lIlll yiu‘u 1% .II lull. .‘lxi‘lrljx' Ill Eli-If ‘l‘l'. It. I’IIII(‘ "’1". lilllI“: 01' to \‘l'. V