Sir Oliver Mowat, Lieutenant-Gov bi‘hor of Ontario, died Sunday Morn- ing, surrounded by all the members of his family. The "late Governor has left behind him a reeord for up- rightness, honesty, integrity and ability which is a greater legacy for his children than silver‘ and gold. An impressive state funeral was‘ held yesterday afternoonmrevious to which thoumnds viewed the body as it lay in state in Government House. Huh) '\Vuul(eulÂ¥Ge A short service was conducted, after which an enormous funeral cortiege of public representatives and private citizens followed the remains ot the venerable statesman to'Mou’nt Pleas; ant Cemetery where he was laid to rest beside his wife in the family plot. The principal sensation in the hribery investigation this week ' has been the sudden departure of Mr. R R. Gamay, the chief witness. Mr. Gamey left under a cloud on Satur- (lnyt apparently unknown to his counsel or closest friends. When the Commission met at the beginning (if the week Mr. S. 11. Blake was un- ï¬â€˜ole to give any information as to his client’s whereabouts, and the Commission adjourned until this morning. Mr. Gamey was located ih‘ButTalo at midnight on Tuesday, and he was persuaded to return to Toronto. He arrived Wednesday evening, and the Commission will tissume work at ten o’clock to-duy. vuuu IAVAAA u. “.9... attended _Curcs Heaves. Chronic Cougl‘ tions of [he Throat and Lungs. the world that will cure the at ‘ hillmfll sound in wind and useful Dr.MeGahey’s Kidney 4 fnrall Acute Ai‘fections of the l Distemper. etc. For swelling :1 the 1-3: ill: 9} hard driving, Ki dose m i relieve, and one box w THE 07:. mama-«EV ‘ lScqut‘nlllc McGzihey’s Condit ill 25c. Sold by Gen. M< maker, Richmond Hi icine dealers throngln EM ‘ifiism Mr. \VnItt-r J. Andrews, years :1 fm'eumn in onv of t Ipsnts of Fleury’s \Vm-k: died in Tornnto on Friday Interment took place on [11‘ Manda-y. M 1- uppo Examine those ï¬ne I’iccndiily suits we are ( ular $16.50 suits ful' 85 h'ttpxg, perfect style. bwnzcr. U'utc \Vuu de 11 ark Mk; \\‘ huwesb prime we [mud 12st (-(1 ab you! "mum-st st†worth your while to giv You are not put. In any 9 furnish cans and puy charges“ nu 1h in uugc hosc' who so ons of lbs. cru 'll , 'i'eu 'i ngle RICHMOND HiL he )T New Advertisements. i‘hm‘m um Sm; yL-ur. th the (‘l‘t‘éullk‘l iL‘S uzukeit. waz «‘1‘ CREAM pociul inducmnonts fur those keep- :1 number of cows and having iCP; I can furnish us with swvct cream val-ed at the Iwau-cst station. ‘lml 39-t-f succeeding the .lt. ‘ MOI‘Limel' Clark. K. C. has been nted Lieutenantâ€"GavelnO'r 0f On- -13M1d ’Hm â€".Ierry Smith lute HS 11) World's FGR SALE ARTHUR \ sets, Shello'tt 1- pens, Nutt’s send. turnip sec )1) {a Switzer. EES! BEES! 'Culnnivs 0f walled hives Cream Wante umto 11' so EI‘S W rhi's Dispensary Medical Aauoc‘n A. Suudursou. . Ayer 6: (Jo. N ews Nobes. Sale 111 US. hr In mtu 02m) and Buttvx‘ 00., 11 Jarvis St. Toronto Foster J. REAMAN. : SOUR lulttvr. itil [2 station. give. us a. my expense. Apri 580$ Ion duck eggs. SDERBURGH. lute Sir Oliver *WS, for many of the depart- nrks, Aurora, idny mun-mug. Ll the following mldy-ttr-xve )fl'ering. Ru 11.50. “ Pol-rec: Atkinson and ‘au ¢‘ a, American :celsim- pleas, gm dc}! seeds.- want-Gov H3110, Out. satisfaction hr lmrticu- )t, what her imnnd H‘ 1903 1‘“ )l'h‘d 11101 ‘1'“: (V Ll‘in “"6 H 033 Hill {‘1‘ Glazier, Grainer and Paperâ€" Hanger. . EMeflahey's'Etégggg E ï¬ME ‘ “:5 For Shaken- “35%; Win-Idea HORSES Cures Heaves. Chronisr Cough. 533d aflï¬hwn‘ip 'Ariep Good 011cc. The six the Guru at G:th n RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL leaving a I: llubilities of Reserve $433. 823,11. The Gm'P is an up-to-dute Hume-Com- pany and is noted fur Its bruad pulinies and iihernl settlements. Cu} , write 01' ph0n9 J. T. Suigeon, Maple P. 0;, if nevding insurance. Explaining the form of policy issued by the. Gore costs nothing. and orchard, with “up and :1 half of land. more or less. for sale. we A good h'msp, eight, rooms. cellar on stnm- fnundutiun, gout of land. more or less. for sale. well sit- uated in the village nf Maple. half way betwm-n the Push Ofï¬ce and the Railway track. uApply to ’ine (It nitod licmpt‘nflle. Gut. McGuhoy’s Condit inn Binod Powders 0. Sold by Geo. McDonald, harness- aker, Richmond Hill, and all mvd- ine dealers throughout England, the nitod States and Canada. 22-1-03 Calls from a distance promptly attended to. THE DR. M'cSA-HEV MEDICINE 60:, le nmmmt of insurance in force $1 Heaves. Chronic Cough. and all Chronic Arie the Throat and Lungs. The only medicine i d that will cure the above disenSe. making «1 ound in wind and useful to his owner. Price. $1.! we i; t (m ahey’s Kidney at: Cough Powders 2e Aï¬ections of the throat and lungs, such :15 etc. For swelling and stocking of the lvgs. of hard driviï¬g, Kidney Trounle, HQ. cue eve, and one box will cure. Pricr, 500. FQR SALE MRS. ve fur re-insug-ance and all ibilitil's assetsm‘uiluble to pay lossrs General Servant; wanted 6‘77. 927.03 \'â€"semmd annual meeting of Tire Insurance ()0. was held the 28th of January, 1901. HI income frmu ull- smucos' 23.60 and the disbursements t(>$l()0.6~18,33 leaving $31,- 110 balance tn the (:I'Hlit ()f transactions. Out, of this hrs have decided to nuke. n 20 pm- cunt. on all munins re- m the mmuhers of the Com- m total assets of the company » $433,823.110f which $255,- in cush or cash items. The ililivs amount to $53,009.20 huhmcv of assets over all 5E aim-Bi .% ya “nu )l'd 813.91. S. MCKAY, ‘ TRADE MARKS BESiQNS Cowman-s a“: 50 YEARS’ EXPERSENCE ichmond Hi1]. DFORD. ,shlr Far Broken- WEE S‘Wé Recuived in Snvings’ Bunk Depart, ment and interest ullmv‘ed at HEGHEST GUEiRE Money Brick house nix Arnold St. ion given 15b Mulch. Apply 29 “r. A mmnn n ‘ ‘W. R. PROC or to w. T. STOR Three meSand dullars to 16an at gt rate. of intt‘xest un ï¬rst-mort- gage farm property. apply; Notice 0 sat-y Cnpunl Inn-l 3%â€:0119? To Lo natal uoy Lonnvd on Farmers†huh,- 1\m«-s. Blank [Hue Forms S‘E'ipplï¬cd Free. Wéflï¬ï¬ WW ()I“ Canafla RICHMOND HILL nther particulars call at the Bank J'.W'.O T63 LET DEPOSIT THE LIBERAL OFFICE. withdrawal nnt m’ce All de-pnsits payable on demand. TOR, Barrio: BY. Richmond Hill. l) EHT RATEE $1,000.000 950.000 H Busineas AGE 03:33; 29-Lf 'UsSess '1‘ MELOTTE GBEAI‘V‘I SEPARATOR. Butter and Eggs 2. specialt‘ Butter and Eggs. Good DAVID mdfmaé’a Gracew. Having purclmced the store next door north of ' Metropolitan Waiting-Room, I shall keep in stock a lull line of fresh New goodrs arriving every day. Best Brands of Tea at right prices. Fish and other seasonable goods on hand. Candies of every variety. and Eggs 2. specialty. Highest cash price paid 1 er and Eggs. Goods deiivered on shortest notice. I} escn'iption of the whiz is s (lg-mil the plcte in its and ï¬nisht The bowl is suspe ï¬n:l~‘ its own lmlunce hem ings. Thv gem-ii brass and stud ; they pl‘OI‘O .i ned. Lulu-i cr'lll. Hf oil is saved (\f ne “ Mt Isil_' :m fulumi: ' 1(1in :1 mine: ()1 0 rd Mt 1m.“ LL, Biohm 011d 11111 )lt Ii] l\'c\'l as compared w is lhv only cream 31). ‘n‘silfltt’ the use of :l by ht. null-Corrosive and (-3†us to facilitate to 5 is thickly mulled lv suitable for milk a: ,,. they vane (‘32! mln-icnt-im) l.‘ uspendvd from LUDE‘OEï¬l). METROPOLlTAN STORE “A. ii? 3€%30@e% iis thickly mulled \nilnblu for milk and “ is a high class mu :1 hm. elegant, and. l from like \spin-Ilt M‘E we mllv runs nghuy on nuu re mndo 0f \‘ory duruhh: liunully Sh-nng and well- pl‘m‘idod fm‘ [hub 50 per ith nth ~lezunn". ‘lue Down with “him unzum-I, d uroum. In every umhirw. It Is Cmm‘ ln-uubifuily painted spind} (119 and thus zhtly on hull very durable flux and well» m‘pnrutm s, :h runs su flaws are wry part is The bowl