Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Apr 1903, p. 8

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l' . fiat" “5.”; E? I ‘E u (‘75. f I Rf: 2‘) Lettuce, Denver Market FIA’HVEHS n-mm-w '_’l .llusk Melon. Early llaekensack “Whmm-M 1 Beans, (ioltll-n \Vax 22.’ “'ater Melon, llarly (lanada 41 Alyssum. .‘i\\'eet 2. lit-ct, Eclipse, round :13 Union, Large lied \Vetherstield 42 Aster, mixrd 3 I":t't‘l, Egyptian, tlat round it Union. Yellow Danveis 43 Balsam, miXod 4 Bret, lione' Smooth Blood 223 Union, Silversltin H Carnation, mixed 5 ('ahhage. \‘iiinn-ingstatlt .26 Parsley. Mos-1 (‘urled A 45 ('limbt-is. mixed , ti Cablrage, J’ottit-r‘s Brunswick 327 l‘arsnip. Ilollow (‘rown it; Everlastingtllelirhrysum)inixed 7 Carrot, Haltâ€"Long l.)anvel"s 213' I’ens. First. and Best. 47 Mignonette. sweet. Scarlet 29 I’eas, McLean's Little Gem 45' Morning (ilorv. ltlle‘ll 8 Carrot. Gem or (lxheart: '3‘.) Pepper. Ruby Kine; : All) Nasturtium. 'l'all. mixed 9 (‘anlitllnveiu Early Paris 31 Pumpkin, l.:11-;:n-(‘ln-est> ‘ 5|) Nasturtium. Dwarf. iniXed ' 10 (lelery. (lolden fit-lt' lllanchiug 32 Radish, Rosy than i :31 l’ansy, mixed 3 ll (lorn, l‘larly Minnesota. 33 Radish, French Breakfast ‘ 52 l’etunia. mixr-d 1;! Corn, Htmvell‘s l-Ivergrtmn 3 lladish. Long: Heath-t ' 53 Pink lhanthus. mived V) I3 (illt‘lllllltt‘l', (‘hieago Pickling 3.3 Salsit'y, Sandwich Island St l’hilox. llrunnnontli. mixed J' 14 Cucumber. Long: Green 36 Squash. V egetabh- Marrow 53 Sweet l'eas. tine mixi-tl \, 15 (int-umber; \\’];it,t» Spine 37 Squash, Hubbard St} Verbena, mixml 7'5 16 Herhs, Huge 38 Turnip, Red Top Globe. F7 “'ild Flower. gnu-den. mixed 17 l-lerhs. Savory 3i) Tomato, Dwart Champion 58 Zinnia. mixed 7 v 18 Herbs, .‘larjoram I40 Tomato, Extra Early Atlantic Free by mail on receipt. of price to any post ()lIltfl‘ in Canada. for postage. premium. . . _ ” Seeds catalogued by us to he lilt'llHlt‘ll in this otter. “filtrate from orders forother seeds. lar full»size packages. \' lit; ii l'A BLICS 19 Lettuce, I ll aipa reil Any 10 Packets for 25 cents. 2:2 Pr‘xt‘lili'l‘S FOR 3ttr-., or 43 P.-\(‘l( HTS FOR $1.00. \1 To Neut'ounrllantl. add lite. for postage. Net. subject to any (liseoni All orders for these lillhl be Not less than ltt packets for 27w. can he sold. This otl‘er t'or littli’. is made to introduce our seeds to new custome- / Itl‘lMEMlll‘llLâ€"\Ve cannot accept. an order where the varieties are not. selected from the above list. To l'nited States add 3?. it or Considering: the extremely low rates we cannot possihlv permit any other kept . Tiler-,1" are regu- It, would be absolutely impossible to till general orders at such rate, but hy putting up in sueli large quantities and concentrating an entirt-depart- ment on these ('Ulllll:ll':lll\'el\' few varieties. We can till thousands of orders every (lay. both quickly and economically. ()ltlll'lll HY Nl.7.\ll$l‘llt. any ed hy the half ounce and ounce. (‘rated below. . to Canada. To l’nited States add 5c. for postage. To Newfoundland add 1.3a. for post- age. ORDER BY NUMBER. seens BY THE ounee ANY «1 PACKAGES FOR 2.") CENTS. Many Vegetable Seeds. as \Yell as Sweet l‘eas and Nasturtiums. are frequently need- Select any four of the following for 25c. They are sent liy mail, post At. this low rate we can only supply the val ieties enum- paid finite-6... ' >' .‘f -.‘.A;n‘.‘hp zlf.» v NJ at f .i a qt m" ‘ I‘wdii'flmki "vm ' l I m 1 7 I' “ 59 Beet, Eclipse. round (39 Musk Melon. Early Hacken- TR Radish. Long Scarlet. _ (it) Beet, Egyptian, tlat round a, ( sack V 7953 {Salsifm Long \\'hite «xi-'3? til Beet, Long" Smooth Blood 70:: ‘ “Utter Melon. Early (‘anada 8t): Squash, Vegetable Marrow .1 62 Carrot. Half-Long Danver's '71; Onion, Large Red \Vethers- 81â€"2-I Squash. lluhlmrd "1 Scarlet ' field 542 Turnip, Red Top Globe 63 Carrot, Gem or Oxheart. 72"" (Onion, Yellow Danrers $3 Nasturtium, Tall. mixed “4“ (HQ: [Cttcumhen Chicago Pickling 73 Parsley, Moss Coiled 8 Nasturtium. llwart'. mixed 65g lCucumber. Lone; Green 74 Parsnip, Hollow Crown 85 Sweet Peas, Eckfmd’s, mixed . (165 Cucumber, “'hite Spine 73 Pumpkin, Large Cheese .3 (5’73 lliettuce. Nonparcil 76 Radish, Rosy (tern 634“ Lettuce, Denver Market 77 Radish. French Breakfast 35' : stocks is necessary, to make sure of ha\ ing enough. V in May, we take this surplus stock of various good things, make it into “ Surprise " leetions and offer them money. Address all orders to This otfer is confined Positively to the varieties named above, and the order for these must he kept separate from orders for other seeds. $1.00 SURPRISE COLLEGTEGNS. READY MAY 20th. Thousands of these collections sold annually. of all kinds of Plants. BlllllS, Shrubs. Fruits, etc. leneiallv more t 9 s _ . ' . After the heaVy spimg‘r business iso to our customers, giving them many times the Value oft Collections (\Ve do not pay express charges). \Vhen ordering please state distinctly whether you wish by mail or express. “’0 always ad\ ise customers to ha re their “' Surprise ” \Ve are obliged to grow enormous han \er. ('ol- heir These collections cannot be sent.out until about the middle of May, and will be. entirely of our selection, from kinds of which we have a surplus. made up for less than One Dollar, and from that up to any amount the ptu-chaSer may desire. They are sent. by mail. postpaid. but when ordered by express \\ e send extra largest stock. ‘ \varded by express whenever it is possible. No collection will he forâ€" All “ Sur'prise " Collections ordered previous to May 20th, will be booked and shipped then, but we can continue sending them up to the 1st of July. INVEST A DOLLAR IN THIS COLLECTION. YOU \VILL BE‘SURPRISED. A \VILLI I RENNIE ,, 5* fiflflfitfil wwfifiwgfi RAG. Cough Syrup for Coughs and Colds. Bronchitis, Asthma, etc., gives im- lt is composed of the' best. remedies in the market to-day for the treatment of coughs and Colds. You ask. what is it. anyway? Other mediate relief. I can tell you. COUGH Remedies I don’t. know what is their composition, but. this remedy of mine is composed of Fluid Extract of \Vhite Pine, \Vild Cherry, Hahn of Gilead Spikenard, Syrup, beautifully mixed and nice to It- is prepared hy me. and me _ Sanderson. Hillâ€"and sold at :25 cents per bottle, and called Magic Cough Buds, talc e. onlyâ€"\Y. A. nets Sundays ut’) ltk‘J’I n. m. Methodist Church ~ Services at l~'.li0 a. m,, and ; RQQ’RRQ 7t. t-ZAPTER tiltiâ€" . A large amount of private funds to loan on improved farm property sit u- 3 ated in the (‘onnty of York. at 45 per ‘ For p trtieulars apply to Lindsey. l. iwrenee rt “Wadsworth. Home Lille Bldg, (it) Victoria St” cent. Or at THE Ianiiiui. Ot‘iit-e. Richmond llili, on Saturday afternoons. aim @ctvrrfisrmmw. .llFl‘ZAh/l l3. .. Wm»... M Na»... 7.7.1.... 7: Tit: ' rs “5 it at" Intel {3 “it;- Gnshien Frame Have you heard of the new invention cornccteti with the bicycle? Otthe invention that makes all is to lac} cling what It is our lilygicnic roads smooth reads? That 3 the Pullman is to railroading. CUSHTON A simple device, part and parcel of the bit.) clc, that maltrs the rich inde- pe ident of rough roads. tion while the who) the i‘oadbcrl. I a road like the city pavement. l worked horseâ€"saves time. He, holds a steady posi- ls accommodate themselves to BICYCLES have this «went iurcntictxn. T. “e d- I A gen 1.. Richmend m F Canada. Cycle Meter Ge, Limited, Head Office and \Vorks: Toronto, Ont. AROOE‘TD Amongst the neighlmrs who have purchased I l [kid N TIE 5&3 From 1:: and you will tind that in every 3 METROPOLITAN TlME TABLE Between Toronto and Ncwmurket. G 015' G Ilundred Iii/RTE chilies. LeuveC P R Cressing at 6, 7.20, 9.40. 11.30 a. m. 131», 2 40. 4.011 5 40. 7.1.7 p. in. Leave Richmond Hill 820, lazsu a. in.; 12.20, 2.20, 3.30. 4 50, 5.30, 8331). m. , GOING soUTH any time. “ell, is logue. Leave Newman-l:et7.:‘»t‘,0 15. 11.15 a. 11).; 2, 3.15, 4.15.1311) 7.3!! p. m. t Leave Richmond Hlll 7 8.1!), 9.55, 11.55 a. m., 2 4t‘, 3.55. 4 . , .40, p. m. POST OFFICE NOTICE ~Until furthornotive lluils will be cloned at the Richmond Hill Post Otnce as follows:â€" mentioned boars rm- closinr'. OFFICE CLOSNS AT $.le P M M. TEEFY. i‘ustvnaster. Blood Root and u w. a. I g. Richmond Village Directory. Church of Englandâ€"-Services nt 3p. in. every Sunday. - Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services at ll n.1n..e.u«1 7 p. in. Sunday School at 2.30. I‘iuyer meeting 'l‘ypmvriting It. is a filt'l, and that is one reason why we produce the best results. \Ye cannot. hegin to supply the demand for our graduation. \Vrite College That in our school we employ 'l‘welve Teachers and use One Enter for cata- Central Business .\lt)l(.\l.\h‘r ..... 8.00 s ‘ ‘ Fv1-1Nnx‘o _____ my, , T010310 N. B.â€"Rogisterod Letters must he handed in ‘ _ I least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above SHAW. Pnnmpal Yonge and Gerrard Sts. Ma- ‘( Ti #5:, V t \Ve‘lues lav eveninc. ltonmn Catholic Churchâ€"Services on alter- ! 7p. in. Sundnv School . 2.3.0. meeting: Thurs 1v. eveir'na. Richmond Lot ,. t A F and A M â€"Aleets Mon» day on or befol‘t‘f lumen (Yourtl-{ichmontL A O Fâ€"Meets second and earth Fritluv Ivy Lodge, ;\ O U \Vâ€"hlects tlzi! 1 Wednesday I of each month General prayer fidflflfié‘t Camp l-ZILnn, S O S ~~Meets second and fourth ! \Yednes lav t R ’l‘ of 'l‘mupemnsoâ€"Meets first \Vcdncs'lny of with moutn Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets in unit ("u' 'ic Inhrzry Tues l l\'. Tl: first Monday of every and Rolling l " luv null R the: Toronto ? RICHNTOND HILL llltlttttt; are The Next Sitting;r of Division Court for No. 3, ('ounty of Yoi 1:, will be held in the Court Room. maintain HILL, â€"O_\'â€" é'i'ilES-‘DIEV, J8EE 15, l (Uliumenein: at 10 a. m. ’1‘. F, McMAHON CLERK g s? ‘33 Case it has pron-(l to be ot'supn‘ior make and e:;t-elleiit quality: every piecelfiClll'l'l'lilly put together, noth- v ing slighted. Full stock of all tlp-to»;lat(‘ Hmse Furnishings. reliable goods.at1e.1son~ able prices. Geo. McDonald Richmond Hill 5 l littltittttt Ettagnt Seams The safest and best all round Sit-par ator made, and a (‘anadian made ma- chine in the bargain. \'.'e also sell GARDEN TOOLS} Of all kind. and everything in the Wmmm m. mm 5% WALL PAPERl New stock in all shades and colors, Bordering and Ceiling to match at the lowest price. \Ve have a number of remnants trom 20. per roll up, good patterns. 3 Ready Mixed Paints,pure,m all Colors. Dry Color, g Varnish, Turpentine, Boiled and Raw Oils. i’ainz. Brushes, in all sizes, and a good supply of painters" material at small profit. ! :‘rE.'ERAL STOCK OF FURNITURE. FRESH GROCERIES AL\VAYS ON IT. ND. P. G. l W Mr- W â€" p HARB‘WARE LIES. Wickless Oil. Stoves, Hot Air Furnaces, Eavetroughing, Iron. Roofing", Separator Oil.

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