..~.. . Luna-urn “a ,- ~1~ .- a» . .112; Jim Dumps was a most unfriendly man Who lived his life on a hermit plan. He'd never stop for a friendly smlle. But trudged along in his moody style .‘ , Till“ Forceâ€one day was served to himâ€" Since then they call him “Sunny Jim.†v The Ready-io-Scrve Cereal 3 better builder than a vacation. Never Tires of it. “I am considerably advanced towards eighty years of age. I have of . use of your very rightly designated as ‘Force.’ ., i M (3..“ - i i IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING- AT THE USERAL PRiIiTil-ia PG LlSiliiï¬G HGUS mezmoun iâ€"I‘ILL, our. F . Mo M AH O N. Emma ti: Puernmron. '1‘ . (‘1 C1 BUSINEo-J CARDS. lien-1.529. DR. 5.. J. swans, Thor-initili, ate razilmhn‘zvziciinnt Western and Grace capitals, Toronto. Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"S to in n m; 12 to 2 p m' 7 b-i 8 n in. mm ileum. . \V xxx . Danika, l Room 12. 12': Victoria SL. Toronto. Best ï¬tting berth. :tlsn repluting, at. lowas: pric Good work. CS. 3.1". A; CURRIE, The "anti :3 is, 2 COLLEGE STR;1:E;, TOR O N TO. \Vill reserve \Ved iii-sdi v and Satin-day afternoons for iizitinents l'i'nzn Rl(‘lllll'i.il Hill. DR W'h L SiPAULDll‘lG DR A W SPAULDING , EBeiiiiis‘st-s Baa m “ A,†Yonge Stree: Arcade, Toronto. Telephunr Mai ‘W 1‘1 m. MPBELL, NARY SURGEON, ornhill. VETERI r ‘a :3 Calls by telep‘oue from Richmond Hill charged to me. J. H. SAN ERSDN. VETERINARY SURGEON {0.1†ND HILL .LvJ. Gulls liy,_-,l.1y :url night pl‘Ollile)‘ :it ' tended to. - rH ‘ flirnnseil luvlinuoors {oi-the Fouidynf YOI". » reu- 1 late been almost. rejuvenated by the excellent preparation, which you have v Never tire of it. “ E. CAT’I‘EIKMOLE." (E (l R Lindsey. Ii C \(l 'r-‘ liiwrcnso W liirliillt \\'u.ds\\'m'th Lin-154937. L. wreree £4 flaworth. Phone Main 2051 , Home Lifi- Building: (formerly Free- hold I.o:m Bl<lgr.‘,.-Uo:. Adelaide 8;. Victoria. Sis“ Toronto. ' LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill on Saturdays. A n )â€" o i ‘ CUBA c‘x JolihSlON I-lnrr-istms, Solicitors. etc. ’l‘ORQTf'l‘O OFFICE: Home Life Building. cor. Adcluide & Victoria SI: .v-eris. "Toronto. Mr. Cool; Will he at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. jAS. N EV‘JTON lSSUER MARRIAGE LlEENSES, in}...ng honoree-s sir. TEEFY; NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER IN THE HIGH COHRT OF JUSTICE,&C. Issuerpflflarriage Licenses. > RICHMOND IIILL POST OFFII'E. LiN‘iio’iâ€"e MORGAN, Ens-riatm's and Solirlimraz. Money to loan on hind sud chattel mortgaged {Lt lowest rates. Mimi‘s. omI'e*Rr.mm‘ed_to the old post an‘r-J one door west of the entrance to the Gamma llmik. ‘ Newmnrkor (iiï¬cuâ€"Three‘lluars South of the p m. i).Â¥}og_ I humanimr Lnxxox,’ G. STV. Mariam. brurcrn. ' haumnrhct J. 83. i'it-Iili '0, Lismzueu Auctioneer fur the ('Cumy o! Yerl; Miler ri Goal; whl on c ' * 0' ‘OZ'HJDH r.i ms. :1 .li it. Llouhimg, Ku\\Ltru Brookugtui for tho .Iiiu‘L‘. ‘uinrnt. General J. T. Suifoun, an'o. J. K. Milken. Weston. Saigon“ a; McEwHi. tended to on shortesiuntirt llthl a. :rntes I’ittroimgc solicited. D. G. BLGI'GH, Livonia e Aurti new for theCeunty of York, re- H'ully solic _ your patronme and friendly iv-nee. ml. Hmuim‘. on the shortest notice- nitd u: ransonn‘nr rat-vs. P. 0. address Rial: N. E. Snaiiih. DoomedAurtioneéi for the Counties of Yer]: an i 'l“.'!l“i0. \Hm‘wof furin situ‘k, 6'0“ ut- f ion the .Sl"ll‘l"<i notice and rc-nr-r‘iml-le ‘unihnilill sales alter.dud to. '. “My. -: “m WRIGHT BROS, {Tudor-takers a Enihnlmers. lilCHlilOND HlLL & THORNHllL A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept :.t both places. ' bx‘ï¬wmï¬xxx- ~. ‘0 Z’-:«A~~\I~§'- “In Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essesziials, " svssor lie rxlunded for liliiliili†his H‘- 9 D . __ i in loin. m King To King (‘ounvil lilt‘l :il Iiloiii'idr's hotel, King. on Suiurdziy. April 2.3. . , All the iin-inlu'rs prmrnli. Ri-(W't‘ Lnggo presiding. Minutes ol‘ lust nirrling void and ('oiilii:iiril. (Tonnuuuimtinim were imd from (he town "il'l k of Hi. Mniy‘s :islxing Kin); i-olim'il lo l'$‘(‘i|llllil(‘li(l lllt‘ use of :1 in. lii'i‘x‘ on :ill \'('lll(‘l'_“3 Sllllihi‘l‘tl to marry orri- one ton \\'l'l;“lli: from \V. ll. 'l‘i.’"i=' ‘iiiiWi-liiiviivlriil (P. T. i’t.. .Vorlh- ri‘n liiiimi' l'i‘ iii<2:1ll:‘..’ioii '(il :ilziiin lit-lls nl iiinfl' ('Ety nos-sing: il‘lili) ll. “dimer. (‘.~iii\ llll‘. l‘t' (Illlll‘l‘l'il‘ slonl'. lil(-. or pipe for f‘lll\'t'l‘l~‘ or ln'idpgns. The folio'n'unr :l('(‘=‘-l!lll.\' und ll~ Alu- lions \\(‘l'i‘ [\‘lSSt‘LlZ wnship Council I Librrtr ,- iiz all things, Charity." p l . l9li3 [Single copies, 3 cts. llon. Mr. .‘ilintton suiil ln- h.:d notlr in}; lo do with the Manitoulin protest. ln .lllllt‘ lu' li‘l'l ilu- iiizii 'wr (il' iii'oli-sls in llli' linnds' of Mr. (haul. lle ll"\'l‘l' rinployml Jones. or Hullirvin. or any (‘lll‘ else in :ippi'oiirli (lninny. llv (lul nol, know how (inniny (‘Illzl‘f‘ lo Son him. ill-low (i'mn-y (':llili‘ in :wt‘ him on tho Hill of Heploinlwr In' liv:ii':l liy i'uiinir llml (Viginu‘y \i'nv going to sup- poil llli‘(iifll‘l’llliii'lll. lil‘ llii‘i ('uplw Hulliruu. Ivn oim iufi‘:l<l(ill. (~.1<ii~llly. ill “:0 " Hem.†:iii.l li:ul nol, lllf‘l liiin rilllt‘t'. lii' Ill-'l l“l.u'.ll{ Sulliuin in lll(‘ ‘uillll‘ way. 'i‘liu his? he lll‘Ellll if liillll")' \\':l.\' \i. 2;: n i’izinl; .‘-‘~nlli\‘:i:i iiilrodum d ililll on llzi‘ lllliul'anli'inlir‘i‘. ThI-y spoken1'1-2‘.‘ininulvsnhoul, the (:ropx'. I'il'.. and (Emory sziitl llir- polii-y of the ('ith'l‘lllllI‘lll was approved hy llu‘ pooâ€" (l. T. ll†l'ri ighl . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 1 2']. ll“.‘ ol' Manitoulin. (iiiinvy iniiniuii d .l. l*I(l\\'.iitl-. >lll)\'t'llll:}{ snow. . .. 11):?)ililirll lir ptiipow‘nl r-uppor‘iinis llu: (i n"â€" H. liug‘lniy, ivpuirs lo road l “I! “Jinn-iv. i‘iHl sujzgnsirvl on {hi4 :w- Jun, Fly, inn ' _ ~ i . _ 1,3 3] ('Hlllll lll:|l, llu‘ )‘l‘lAl\:l :wni .ist hini .l. Flt-ury's Shllm l'i‘puirs ] TM -“_l"’â€!'l Iilel‘Ul‘vf-V'i’l- :ili - : lion re- \Vni. Oiiqli, show-l . 8.x iv'I'i'I-d lliill to .‘vll‘. .\yl . '{Hl'lll :ind Tili'.‘ Good lloiulr‘. Iilucliinorv (Tu , 53.0 W) (hunt. .‘ili'. (iniiii'y <".\lU‘Il :il‘ouL lin‘u. \V. .l. Hlvplivnson, ill... I) 7 (in .‘ ltilingl‘, and he \\‘;:'4 {old Hint, if him-nil). G. A. Phillips . . . . . 5 (iii l pol-1rd ilu- (lm'r-rniiu‘iil. he would not Siinoon Jwinou. plank . . . . . . . . . 7 H?) llH‘ Sniiiv l‘UllSidt‘lHllU-ll HS any L‘llif‘l' .luines Gillies, louiniize; . . . . . . . . . ] 3i) (im‘t‘i'ninnnt ï¬llllg‘fll'H‘l‘. .‘ili. Ayli's- Jus. Cairns. i'oiiiiningf \‘ iio. ll 74 north suggp-sind liml Gnuwy should Vi'irt- l“l'lli‘t‘ Bonus \\'lll(' :i luliwr d: (-luiing his intention \V. II. Pl‘fll'ltii‘, 4i) iods . . . . . . . . 5% ()0 to Mimioi't the (lovornnwnt. ()nSi-pt. l swim Arming... in mule _ ‘ _ . . y , V i; (in '11) (inliit'y or .‘rlullivun wns not. in his l‘ilirep Claims (Sli‘ri‘ti._riii'si “(live or room. Ni‘lllll‘l" David Lam) _ . , . , . . . , . 4 , . , . . . _ 2 no “'l‘l‘t‘ mtlur of tin-in in his < l'i'ivoon the Geo. Cutting . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... k! :3; 11'I] “T Hvi)“ "liver. 1 Thai. 1". \‘v'. lloiigorli lu- pnid Sillrli. Thi- l'!\llll|il\s‘l(ill."l'5 :lllilfllilll'i‘ll Tums. furs ils‘ Sl‘im‘p \‘ziluulor. Tiiizl the lonn of $16†to F. S. No. l“ on the note of tlu- ti uslt-es hr sanction- ed and (-o11lii-nwd. Thai 1hr (-lri-k write I'vlnis. .\lc.\riluir lt‘ removing of fence to the. ptopri- ill:('. Thai M. Fieflullinn, :ismwxor. he paid the sum oi $.30 oi. arm li’ll. That the (-lril; l'i‘llhllw' to David Lloyd. elm-k of :(ouiiiuikri. that ‘tliix‘ C(illlll'll (lrrliin-s lo Inl‘x,‘ ‘l liy-inw ie- giti'ding' :i deed .‘r h»; of \‘.’.Il(>‘l‘)l(i\\'i‘l on the ..(\\‘t-i i. llii er, Lo lillï¬l‘ ilw wnlvr of Luke Hinzl-on, "3 [his rnunr'il rl:ii' _‘ it .Would damage some of (he lnnds of this lo\\'ii_\‘lii;i. That the su‘n'y of llie (lurk lli‘ in- rrmisul fi-oin '3 l to $350 per :inninn. :l(l\';ll)('f‘. in suluiy 1.0(‘OIllllH‘llCt‘Jllly (\l‘ll Isl. 1,..Lm. That; the linw (if Zl’lliLS Blank. :19- iliiy morning lli:il. they li:!.l (lnCith-d for llit'pi'wsviil to ri-fuw :n:~ request. ol'Mi'. lilukr for the pi-iisrculion lo llll'illili‘ into :i gout-ml ruiniuiig'n fund ;' ihni nil (-73 ‘l‘l'\'i(l(‘ll(‘(‘Sliiilllil lii‘Sl, ll-f taken; liri‘t llll‘ll if it might. il])p1*:ll“ lli'li‘ill’iil iln‘ r'onuzi ionwrs might inquirndinins: the [V'i'h‘t’l 1(‘5'S'illilllly lt‘li'\‘:llil to Hi" inquiry. nunwly. heu‘ lu‘wvn _‘Lllil'l‘.“l, lilo), :‘ll.l Moll-h. 1001;: thnl they uould in such men ronxliu-t iln‘inqiiiry iii M‘('l"l'. Mr. lezititin Wm: in the \‘i'lillt‘oï¬-lulx for oi'i-r 7 hours. Thi- midvnr‘o was lll‘ilf?il(': lly finish-1 rd _\'i\<l('lllll_Y, mod the i ' iniir‘sion :id-i join-nod till nextTiu-s I when. after :1. i'i-w Ho \' are disposed of, Mr. lEl.:l-:tv , ll lln- :aigzumr-nl for (he ' The voininissionvis may iiiuillllr. (honey. Mr. (‘onnn-r, l’. l’. was the principal witness VI. iuii‘. It'll (hays. That the resolution paying the sun) of $4 to any prison destroyinguuy slump worrying dog. lie and is ht‘rrliy rescinded. Thai, lhis council cannot t-nirrlniii the pi'oposition of llur- Ur. T. R. in tulalisliing nlurin lia-lls zit, King (lily crowing on {he terms pi oposed. The lx‘vrvr, the Treasurer and Gounâ€" (‘illor Phillips were :xppointtd A coin- inittre lo inn-st school .l'unds in iii-st- Class (lolu-iitiirix. The clerk was illsl‘l urtrd to enthuse the resolution of lhe council of SI. Mmy’s liy iiisriiing :5 inch iiinivntl of .3 inch as suï¬iuirnt for the aforesaid puiposrs. On motion of ll. \V. Phi? ips council adjourned lo intr‘t :zi ilie Loinpeiuin. z- T‘lilll, 'Keitltdi)‘, on the Jilhh dny of Nov, as u (Hurt of {m ion l'l’lh'u ASst Sinent llollof the township in: the year 15} '3. __..¢____ “'ANTlIDâ€"‘ \‘i'LiiAIJ Illil'h'lfllIOl‘S Plili» EliilSlllr‘ucl. hlill/J to Laurel l'ii‘ Lowe m: \(‘li \(‘xuz- iiII-l‘\\llU 1L lil‘LpJ rniiiiii'. l crrlmi l1 Lin-l i! .tnm for n r.:,i . . utilA llilH. ’ ooin iii. «- VVechlyti._l:suliirrofv l!!!ilt:ll Lr: yria‘wunu hotrl 'nnls mininicil III .IK‘Qt-k. 13X]I'll\ll('(‘lllltL“?('liz‘lll. hlnn' (‘I‘le a run: «in his†H .l mil. 'I‘hIi'. .\ " 10551., : :54 l‘k‘tlliJJi'J. 4.4», The Gamey Inquiry The interest in l lii‘ilu’l‘y ill\'i‘\‘i:_~ gutiou int-rinsed this urrl; wln'n lhi- ill'(‘ll$l‘(l Minisiri‘. lli-n. .l. R. fiiiutton. steppi-d into the \\'illll‘.\’: hox, Mr. ll‘iii'ullon :iii ‘l?"(‘llll(‘ and (‘Ill- iphiiiie lit'lillll to (honry‘s sioiy. lie sworn posiii‘m llnii llL‘ nuvr gore Sullivan. ('1' H' :zuy. or any pvt-- wn for Uninry, ‘ or any stun \\'ll£ill'\' He not nuliioiim Finiii; nullivnn, or any one else, lo ti-i-u. with Gunny. llv srzw lliv lili‘lll- litl‘ ilwlil )lillldlvllllll only (llH't‘ in H.*[:li‘lill)i'l‘, and in \‘L'l‘ liqid (“illllllli'lH'L' :w'ii :ziilzoilillnt-nls “1 li- iiiuilr iiflllll'y‘h’ in\r~Ii)_:.iLion. . .‘vlyi r». :iiul ('liaw. on Friday. ytlrniril ll.‘l\ili:,[ (-uiriml :. or any ipuicrl, from Mr. Htizulon io .\li'. 'Lminry. ziiul [hi-y eon‘iizulirxi-d t-Iunn‘y l in iln» iniporluni li:il'll(‘lll;ll'~‘. {It‘H‘t‘ . fi.ir'.i.'l’ on (in .“.ii ‘. .‘ll‘r )li'. .i:.lin lâ€. (iizgin. :i .‘Zo-inzoiaiir ‘iiiiiiisirr of Long lluy, \"ns ii.l'lllï¬l :\\’iI ln'>,\' on Monday. He :iiIn inmi that lll‘ hml Lillkt'll In Mr. \luiwy :lliliilr' politics. and llu- hillvrsuini :llu’illl the time llnil lm ;"i\'t' 'l he Liiolu- :iti \‘it-w illill lu- \\';i< ailll it ('till\v‘l'\';lll\i', hut would suppoil :tiiy iiu-u>iiivo1 the ; {oss (ion-iinneni that \'\Lilll'l benefit .leinitoulin. )lr. Johnslon put in :1 letter. dated .Feli‘y lt', writln-n liy Mr. (Minn-y to iThe Manitoulin Expositor. in whirli [he says he has not gonooveI-to the other puity fully by any means. hut: i\\':is Working tor his coiiniry Iixllll’l' illliill for his party. ilil“l‘- i -lli::. (l:l"l\’ y-llou' sugar for - kinwn 6; Sugar. yesterday. {IO-#â€" 13". uple A oonipnny of men :ii-(- at work'ms’u' of lure pulling in tI-lvplione poles. The lint- from hwre will (tonin'ct with ‘ the line from Toionlo, iii. the 2nd run-1 (:iwxaon. New. and Mrs. Inn A. R. Pyle-Donald li‘fifill'lllt‘il‘ll1’\\'llllillf‘ in the Noiih \Vest on Tuesday night of last. week. I Tiin were :ir'roiupnniml by Mrs. Mt:- Ilonuld’s hither, Mr. \‘u'in. Pmtrr of‘ (Ilttirvilln. Mix. A. Ronald of has lH’Pll llu‘ gin-:35 ol' ." l'orthu pi". Lu (I wrr . home- on Monday ('rt-iizng. Mr. \V. Noun 1. of llii' Ceiiirul Busi- n:«<s ("-ollr‘tre. 'l‘oronio. \rh-wlrd up to Mr. ll. liinnhh-‘s on liluiurduy and r9â€" inninml our Sunday. (hinrtnrly innit-ring lu-ld horn on Hund . hrll of liii-lnnnnd liill, i tho- inoi'ning .iiid :idili't-ssa-il l“ r .‘ :il'li-i noun. -)..l‘.l .Ji'iihiil lil " ___¢..,_.__._- N evxs N ot .s. ‘ . iii-wing. who‘ ld:i llui‘nhle lel't. for her : u'eio l‘. Clipp- . ti~livil in [he iiiiilï¬- w 7 Iâ€" Di. lhizlglu :l. Lilu'lul Fl. 1‘. P. for .\lu<<l;ok:i, diml lrmi m u-ning. Th" llllll‘lS 1.â€. it... ri iilli‘ <uu in (“i-(’l-V Silil u. on good A ll‘Lilh‘Ul] 21nd 1.1M(-riiprnh-is:inillinil’lei‘s’l:i- wrnt out on sliike in 'l‘oi-onto liiil‘l‘l‘; on Friday. rkii’l liiiirlingg, .i(‘. 'll Marl; (':i<liin ynzvl; l'ull lini< moi-kin"; I‘llll"l‘ plnin or i-Elili-d. l:n- Sue. kind for "Jr. A !l.in.<on 5-. lznr. T. l3. 'l‘nyh‘r, l'i‘â€>:iil‘lil iii. .hu (Ti-p»- l:i:nl Brewing ('ooiji ll' (lit‘ll Thuwâ€" (l’IYHl‘U'l‘Ullil' imir or l'\|' do)“; iilâ€" 1103's. Hr \-'.l\‘ [T )‘1':ii.~ o“ :-gv. S1‘I'tlS‘â€"_\l(!ll‘;:1‘l. l'il'Hrl, lurn'p and garden sends, llv‘\l (niuiily‘ .11 ï¬g“: pricrs. Nauohiini ihx: lilgiii Mills. 111 ill») Frank tiimvhr ll is now r-in- phaii “rliv il>\~‘lli (l liy expel-h that My- ;i\.!i:i<"il.lsli-oplu- in: not llll‘ rmzill ,tvl' \Hli‘JllliC t'i'lipiion or t'flllll‘lllfliilzl ‘ O \3. l.u1 was C:"l\'4'll lrj: :i 11-; >llilL' from ilti- blill‘ [ii '3 HI lll‘ Biotinluiii. E:Xv1llllllt'\'?llll(‘_‘ izi lhi< li<',: l‘) Ml iinin-rli-(l .l:ip-~n l'll‘l‘ L." lw‘i lllll‘(i.‘ll'il ll: i " ; hrs: l-’t-:iil z... -i\ lunip \ngur, »l illt‘l'l'll sngwr. .3 UN. M‘ for Sun: in st rui n smut-l1. 23o: SS lmLkS for Happy llllllH‘ sway, ,‘1 lin|< for 23C.2 (‘lt‘iillt'il l’ukrn‘ viii-Mills, 4 “)5. lll’Sl [illlt‘ lfll‘ll llis. for 250. ; whiioiiiiig. IT 3 llzm i'oi 27:3: for z : \\:i<hin;_' so(l:i,17lli<.l'or : (‘:I l'oi'nizi i l'llli"<. 51li5.for'_’5v.: in Japan lt‘il, " -i fic.lh.'. 5}: ll)<. grunulutr ll >ll;_f:11' for - who it is?†The moth- er knows the touch of the soft hands too well to need to guess. and for the moment she enters into the playful spirit of the child and for- gets her toil and weariiiess. Then a sudde movement sends a thrill of pain through her and she realizes that though love may lighten labor it cannot lighten pain. Thousands of women who have suf- fered from backache, headache, and ' er cons-queucea of womanly disease, been iiinde well women by the Pierce‘s Favorite Prescrip- tion. It 0‘. ihlishes regularity, tides unhealthy drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female Weakness. "I cannot nay enough in praise of Dr. Pierce’s .anorite Prescn’pliou as it hm. done me so much [:J'il" \i‘ritvs Mrs. H :iiry H‘nrrcil. of ’I‘nrhoro. N. J’lX my. "I was swollen 50 I could hardly \vul.‘ “'ll?“ I began tnkinzt the ‘Favoritl: Pre- scription.‘ I also hail uterine trouble and could neither cat nor sleep only {13 'I took morphine. Tried {our different doctors and they all failed to do me :inj.’ Pod. so one of my friends recour- ' men led vour ‘ Furori'e Prescription ' to me and I t mic on'lv lltrce bottles and am now Well and hearty. Can do aliziorâ€"t any kind of work" Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets are the most desirable laxative for delicate women. Iii E3 helical «r "2 gin ,7 clï¬ .LJ. . - ' V» CE \‘i'ntch-ninking ennliles us to choose Lholwst design and Wellconstructed lli0\'('lll(’.'ll'5, which will keep ï¬rst-class Lime llll(l wear it life time. Unless we ull(l1‘lSlilll(l the undvilyinp; principer in lho evinnrw of hoi'ology, it is llnpll‘iâ€" silile to know :1 good time-piece fiom :3. useless one. Ever :sinre I commenced buying Wnltilil‘s l have made it a point to guard against liuying‘ wul’ches which Were not Coiisti'urtrd true to llil‘l'llilll- ii'ol print'iplvs. The result is [have hrrn iunlrrsold almost. (‘\’(‘i"\‘\\’ili‘l't‘. It lakes it man will) considerable, “lizu-lglione" tomynoimd l05t‘ll10llt'y hy it when (it'll-rod :i. low grade of wutrlu-snt hump. It is quality I'm after. not snaps. Thn ‘.‘.‘ll('lll’$ I sell are mode by the lJE‘SL makers in Anu'rimi. IL will he to your hem-fit tolord; over my siocl; when in need of one. '0 a i3“ m “W “.2. o r; r3 l r? 7 *V .. a li S \V’ATC El M .‘l [{li R. The uudvr»: 'rird is giving up thr- (lun- (:l'Hl Héiviu- lllh‘llll‘SS wt. l‘ini'm-d, and him' [ilillf‘llil‘l‘il lln- I‘l"'llL and hiltwt. lilli)l'li‘~l‘ll in.:- ihinci'y lo lill lllL‘ D '“P ‘m 3'1"" ."€“."-3."’3 in? 1R2. 3.1;. iii t; in ï¬yeiene, in in WV G AT E 7 If _\’A u \'.':-.i.l :i good fl’ll"“ it “ill pay you to dilip us :2 mud and gi-t pi irt-s. VIM. (JOLLA )3 l). Zillrlf ('(fl-T'Ulll). ONT 3!." 3:7 ; 77“}? v' j_ - 1-: â€" I . ,5. L 9 a . ":1 up! n» Slflfl l?! Ar. mint.