Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Jun 1903, p. 8

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Until further notice llullaâ€"wlll be closed at the Richmond Hill Posh Omce as follows:â€" MOBNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.00 EVENING .. .. . 6.5 N.B.â€"-Res:laterad Lsttera must be handed ln I least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closinn. OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P M Between Toronto and Newmnrket. GOING. non'm Leave C P R Crossing at 8. 7.20, 9.40. 11.3( 1 30. 2.40, 4.00 5.40. 7.45 p. m. Leave Richmond Hill 8.20. 10510 a. m.; 1‘2- 3430.41.50, 6.30, 8 :55 p.111. METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE LesveNewmdkotimam. 11.15 a. 111.; 2. 3.15.". 7.30 p. 1:! Leave Richmond H11] 7. mo, 9.55, “.55 a. m.. 2.40,,o.4o,a.10 p. m. Sunday. Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services M 1‘. a. 111.. und '7 ). tn. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting ednesdny eveningi Roman Catholic Church-Services! on alter- nate Sundays M9 3.. m. and 10.30 a. m. Methodist, Uburch--flerviccs at. 10.210 n. m.. and 7 p.113. Sunday School at 2.50. General prayer meeting Thursday. evening. Richmond Lodge. A F and A M -â€"Meeta Monâ€" day on or before full moon Courtllicbmond, A O F â€"Meei.s second and our“) Friday Ivy Lodge. A0 U Wâ€"JiIocts thiri Wednesday of each month Camp E12111.S O S â€"-Meets second and fourth Wednusdny R T of Temperanceâ€"Meets first Wednesday of each month Fire Brigadeâ€"Mecca first Monday of every month Public Library and Reading Room-Open Tuesday. Thursduy and Siicurdnv evenings Enworih Leagueâ€"Meets every Friday. A large amount of private funds to loan on improved farm pmpvrty situ- ated in the County of York, at, 4% per cent. For particulars apply to Lindsvy, Lawrence & \lemvnrth, Home Life Bldg, 60 Victoria St... .Lnuum , I410" . \ “v. q Hom’e Life Bldg, 60 Victoria St... Or at, Tar-onto THE LIBERAL Office. Richumnd Hill, on Saturday afternoons. Church o! Eug' Rfififlfifiwfimfiafl Anyone sending a. sketch nd descri ion may qulckiy ascertain our opinion free w ether an invention is probably patentnble. Communica- tlonu Strict-1y confidential. Handbook on Patents pant free. Oldest agency for secunng patents. Patents mkeq through Munn a: C0. receive tpcgtal notice, Without charge in the .-4. was”. .u‘JAA‘A Cough Syrup fnr Coughs :md Colds, Bronchitis. Asthma, etc., gives im- mediate relief. 1: is cumpused of the best remedies in the market to-day for the treatment (If coughs and culds. You usk. What is it. anyway? \Vell, I can tell yuu. Othel- V-vâ€"V"__ V _ Ahnndsomely Illustrated weekly Imrzest Mr- culauon or any scientific nurnal. Terms. $3 a year: {our mouths. $1. So d by «ll-Pewsdlciuerfi. I. POST OFFTCE NOTICE Remedies I don’t, know what is their cmnpusitiuu, but this romedy of mine is cmupnsed of Fluid Extinct of \Vliito PinP, Wild Cherry, Balm of Gilead Buals. Spikemu-d, Blond Rnot and Syiup, beautifully lIllXPd and nice to taLke. It is prepared by nw. and me onlyâ€"\V. A. Sanderson. Richumnd IIillâ€"und snld at 25 cents pel- bu‘tle, and called Magic Cough RRRRRRRQQQRQ iii-YER SENT. HORSESHOER géié‘éfififiéfimgrqggfiz Sewers am Stand; RICHMOND HILL. Light and Track Horses :1 Specialty A trial solicited. THE - LIBERAL. 80.361Broadwsy‘ Branch Office. 625 F 61.. “last MEYER, Village DirectorY- BLACKSMITH, COUGH val) scrib e for MAGIC SYRUP 0TB luu uluuu Band, A O Fâ€"Meets second and 7 30 U \VwMocts thiri Wednesday [.8 O S â€"-Meets second and fourth nnnmnceâ€"Meets first Wednesday GOING SOUTH gland-~41 HAS OPENED IN â€"PP .1 bLOSEs AT 7.7m P M M. TEEFY . Postmaster. AND GENERALâ€" ,-â€"Sarvioea nb 3p. m. every iACTICALâ€" FRED MEYER. évv Né‘w'j’qr 53' \hSnmon a. 111.: 2, 3.15. 11.30 a. m , 3-20) if?»@fiffififlwfieu wwwmflmma Hm. mama? 3mg Ice cream Freezers; 30 YO“ Know a Has everything in season. Two Ice Cream Freeze-rs belonging to the Epwmth League may be rented at any time at 50 cents euch, or both for 75 cents. Apply tn _ 49-“ M RS. TRENCH The Annlml Excursion pices of Nm-th Ym-k Society will be. By G. T. R. train to vaenhurst, thence by steamer Meddx'a to the beuutiful tnmisb resort Balm. Falls. For particulars. rates, elm, see large posters. or address the Scc‘y, \VM. KEITH, Newmm-ket Name in Brediiors Late of Notire is hereby given pursuant to l the Revised Statutes of Ontaiio, 1897.. 1 Chap. 129. Sec. 88, that all persons , having claims against the. estateof the 1 said Henry Hopper, who died on m" about the 6th day of April, 1903, are required on or before the FOURTH DAY OF JULY, 1903, to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned solicitors for the executors of the will of the said deceased. full particulars of their claims and the nature of the. security, if any, held by them. After the said 4th day of July. 1903, the executors will proceed to distribute the. assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and the said execu- tors will not be liable for any claim. or for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of smh distribution, and such persons shall he peremptonly excluded from the benefit of such disâ€" trihution. Dated this 4th day of June, 1003. Lindsey. Lawrence & “'adswmth‘ Home Life Building. 60 Victoria St, Toronto, Solicitors for the EXecutors. \Vm. Frishy, Victoria Square P. 0., Thomas Peach, Gashel P. 0., 49-4 _ Executors. Owing to ill-health, N. Sliney is fox-cod to dispusa of his husinessund threshing outfits, consisting of 2 Engines, ’ 2 Cleaners, 1 Clove] Mili, 1 Sawing Machine, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10. Tanks, Team of Horses, etc. The above may be- seen on the prem- ises. Richmnnd Hill. Richmond Hill, June 3. 1903. tf. Vaughan Council. The next meeting' of nné Council of the Munici- yumy of Vaughan will be held in the Town Hall, Yellow, 011 TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1903 The Picnic Grounds and Dancing Platform at. Lake \Vilcox will he rent- ed to picnic panties at. low rates. Piano in connection. FRANK LEGGE. Prop.. 49â€"tf Oak Ridges P. O. Two filly ha ' coltsâ€"a yearling with white fun-mun a two youroldâ€"strnyvd from the premise-s of the undersigned, lot 51 and 52, 15b cnn.» Markham, on Saturday, May 30th. Any person giving information will be rewarded. A Crescent; Pin. with nine pearls. was lost in the village Tuesday eVeu- ingrnf Inst! week: _ ‘ .. 1 ,1 “$1.176: ‘vili be suitably I'9\\’ill‘(1,9 by leaving at erh ‘â€" vnnn A Y nnn‘rn Good hnuse to wnt. on Yonge street in the village Of Richmund Hill. Apply to t. f. J. P. GLASS. Mager’s Foundry. HENRY HOPPER. Steel Hog T1 uughs, any length, made to order. Pyjaeg. fight: All kinds taken in exc C-hnpping nesday. To Bala Falls To Thzeshers House to Rent the Township of Markham, Farmer, deceased. 49-3 ESTRAY Of the estate of LGST 'THE LIBERAL OFFICE hangv. done any day but \Ved-_ nf wrought or cast. iron In a. m FAHEY BROS \‘I'. MACE“, Prop JAS B MCLEAN, Clcfls under the nus Agricultural held on Elgin Mills 2d “7e want a good re-linhle man to act as local salt-slan in your district. The position isn permanent. one and offers large pay to any wide-awake hum-st worker. All our goods are guaranteed. We want. to deal only with those who mm appreciate a gnnd pnsitinn and represent ns fail-1y. \Ve instruct ynu :md furnish yml up-to- datesamplos free. \Ve pay weakly. Allfl-vight and packing charges are paid by us. From $50 to $150.00 [)(‘I‘ month and expenses can he earned, selling our goods. H. P. BLACKFORD, Imam-turns [-2954]. Clvdesdalmthe property of Jnhn Palmer. WM be at Riallmond Hill, Maple. Fxshervinc, Lansing. Thcrnhill, Brown's Corners, Victoria. Square. Terms, 314. A Powerfi‘ manager. LAIRD 01“ Ana” (1176) [:j‘ i'g'lpqrtedl‘IClydes- dale, the pruperly of D. 0. Steele, will be at Richmond Hill. ()nk Ridges.Victm‘ia Square. Thornhiil, otc. Terms, #14. RED \VATTIE (818:5), Import/ed Clydesda‘e, the property uf D. Blnugh. and '1'. H. Legge. will benmlot‘. 33. rear 5th con. Vaughan King City, Bond's Lake. Bogartmwn. Annn‘a. Laskay. etc. Terms, $11. J. H. Blough, City, Bond's Lake. Bogartbnwn, Anrura. Laskay. etc. Terms, $511. J. B. Blongh, manager. LAIRD MACQWEEN [3-213],Clydcsdnlo.the property of W. J. Wells, will lie at lot 7. find mm. King. Aurora, Kettleby, King City. etc. Terms 510. Geo. Rank. mannger. MONUTONY. bhoxnugh-brcd, the property of Goo. Robinson, will be at lot 19, Yunge 8b., Maple. Edgeiy, \Vnodbiiilgo. Kleinbnrg. 150.002.), King Cicv. Ouk Ridges. Terms,$10. MASTER'S Hm“, iniym ted Civdusdnle. will travel throth anw (home stand) Fishei-vi'le. Fail-hank, York Mills. Lansing, Thornliili, Richmond Hill.King City.Kleinburg. anms 510. 1). Watson. manpger. GENERAL WA'rsoN.trottmg-bized carriage stal- 11011. the progeny of John Rogers. will be at Tlioxuhill, Richmond Hill. llonu's Luke. Aurora, Newnmrkeb. Sharon, Bethesda. Victoria Square, Cushel, Markham, Union~ ville. Terms i412. Pom: GuLD,ti~utt.iug stallion and stock horse. the 1J1'UpP!!V0!1’).G. Blough, will be at King City, Snowball. Kettlehy, Maple, Richmond Hill, Bond’s Luke” l‘ernissa. PRINCE LoanAGAu.tlie pure bred Clvdesdaie. the property of 105. E. Teeson, “'1” stand at his own stable, lot 2. Gun. 2, Markham. g? _ .@ LTQQKQZW”? 7 J This is a case where quality and style are the first cnnsxdemtiun. Suli'd gyld rings, graceful in pattern and nch m appear-(Inca Ringg ..w “Hm.-. , The Weddmg ng transactmn is not one for ecunrnny 01- cnnvpnienvo. Gold is gold, and it isn’t on the hall'- I can furmsh the ring you want. The best at the lowest pnce. gain counter. JERRYSMITH, HOUSE PA {NTER Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. That in our school We Pmplny valw Tenant-1's and use One Hundred Typvwflting Ma- chine-s. It inn fact. und that, is one teas-uh why we pI-vduce the best, results. We Cannot begin to supply tlwdcnmnd for our graduation. Enter any time. \Vx-ite for cam- logue. Terms. RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL LIBERAL OFFICE. TH? DR Calls from a distance promptly attended to. 45-311103 Central Business College Stallion Register PRACTICAL \VATCHMAKER. Yonge and Gerrard Sta. 7. HEWISON, TORONTO 'idn-‘J £2 Cough Powders ' rant and lungs. such an ' Ll stockin ' of the lcgn. .n! l . Q, kidney Trou le. Hc.. one MM one bus will cure. Price. 50c. McGAHzâ€"L‘Y 00., va‘IHY'. um. Cmigh. and all Chronic Afieb ‘uugs. Thr only medicine in the above (Unease, mnkiu Ibo mum) tnhis owner. Prireélfia C ‘ m 1 Principal Toronto. For Broken- Winded HORSES 'Wiokless Oil Stoves, Lawn ‘ Mowersfihurnsflream Separators, Black (30 Galvanized Fence 'Wire, {Hardware of all kinds. Tinwz ‘ all makes. Eavetroughin Roofing, Furnaces. Repairing Promptly Eons Aasm-ea on all the modem plans, and is one o ihe must DYOSPOI‘OUS and progressive companies in existence. Premiums low, policies unconditional and nouforieitablc Take B policy with the district agent, M. HUME, TEE SUN Life Assurance 00. OF CANADA Geo. McDonald, Richmon-i E3111 Réahmaad am Klara-hunt Tailor C?) Q Firehgmm * a CS‘earmg at low prices. These are new designs. (jail and see them. Ready-Mixed Paints in all colors. Now is the time to do your painting Painters’ Supplies. Groceries in stock. All fresh. P. G. SAVAGE £3 SON Great Remnant Sale of Wan Papas. McMA HON. RICH MOND nluL LGGK ARQUND Fri-m 11s and yuu will find that 1' case it, has prnvt-(l tn ho. nfs mer and vxue'l'n'nt, quality: pipco is carefully put together ing slighted. Full stuck of a“ np-tn-date Furnishings, reliable goods. at, able prices. Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. FREDERICK BACK. Prop RICHARDSON HOUSE 31111)} «E‘. THGROUGH LY REFITTED. Bumodelled,a.nd newly furn‘shed throughout fine china most convenient and cunformblu hotels on Yonge Sbreet. Evrry modern con- venience Sample rooms for commercml travellers. An ideal stopping place for ridmg or drivingpn-cies,bicyclinr.s, ur farmers going tour returning from market. Electric cars passtbe door Livery inconuectiun {’ALL‘JEI IOIIN I’ALVHBR. The Next Sitting uf Division Court to! No. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Ronm, RICHMOND HILL Si‘éESEQfi '- GSURT TUESDAY. JUNE 16, 1903 E. getaway, @flfififlg flfifia‘fifla, IIAKRNE 55:55 Amongst the neighbors who 158 KING sums EAST. TORONTO accommodation soguuaw. Baal-ms] Der day RICHMOND 3355mm: gm, TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. Iyuu will find that in every prnH-«l to ho nf superiur vxuvl‘u'nt, quality: every fully put together, nnth. ‘nmmencinz at 10 a. In EON we purchased 1ghing T. F. )ICMAECH CLERK inware of 3R, HOUSE __0N_ HTT Ska Horse I‘OASUH' Prop

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