Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Jun 1903, p. 4

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~ were enough to discredit any man. i ity was given Min, Gamey and the .i e -.v Advertisements. orl-l's Dispensary Medical Aseoc'n 9‘ Chnugo- W (“Ultimoâ€"W. A. Emullernou , Chrtrige#.1_l‘.. Awr & Co. (Joanne l-‘m‘t-e Fund I‘o. Chimpâ€"Atkinson J: nutter CliuriguAtf. a; I'). him-Ion. Chmueâ€"J A Iolinstou n- Co Changeâ€"W. H. Show. New «\dvâ€" I'aironnk Soap Ca Freeâ€"H.U liefiu. Liveyy Coal and \Vond- Michael Bros Farm for Saneâ€"ll. McDonald For Siloâ€"R Vunocru m; hr iihrral. â€"i‘t'1'c’ii.\i‘o.\'n HILL. June 11, 1903 GA “BY AND S'I‘RATTON. The rcpoit’ of the Royal Commis sioners, Chief Justice Il‘alconbridge and Chancellor Boyd, was handed to the Legislature last Thursday. Thev report clears the reputation of Mr. Stratt‘on, the Provincial Secre- tary, and throws discredit. on lilr. Gamey, his accuser. Where the money came from has not been dis-- closed, but it was said that Mr. Gamey's statement as to the source of some of it would have been more credible if the Crossin Piano Co‘s. books had not been piutilnted. With regard to the charge of con- spiracy, the commissioners gave it as their opinion that,as a matter of law, there was no evidence to sustain it as regards the members of the Gov- ernment and the other persons charg: ed. Said the judges, “ In our opin- ion the corrupt charges against the Provincial Secretary stand disprov- ed by a great body of evidence which appears to be more accurate and‘crediblc than that adduced in support thereof.” Had Mr. Gamey’s statement in the House been believed the result of the investigation would have been dif- ferent. It lacked corroboration, however, and the actions of the member for Manitoulin in tampering with the bank deposit sfips, his fligl t to Buffalo, and his contradictions, Party men will doubtless continue to express their feelings on this long- talked-of case. A careful perusal of the judges’ report, however, will satisfy fair minded people that the commissioners could not come to any other conclusion. Every opportun- prosecution to make good their case, and-there is reason to believe the eminent judges were perfectly im- ; partial. The scope of the investiga- tion was m1restrictcd,and every tittle of evidence at all revelant to the case was allowed. The report will probably be discussed in the Legis- latu’rc the latter part of the week. M TOO SWEEPING. Rev. Dr. Carman‘s remarks at the opening of the Toronto Conference last Thursday, in which he refers to the evil in Provincial politics, scarce- ~ 13’ does credit to the venerable Super- ‘ intendcnt. r. Carman stated that in His opinion the legislators, both Grit and Tory, “should be providâ€" ed with a liberal supply of food and the lot quarantined in therlegislative buildings, with a strong cordon of police to watch them, and further that no healthy persongshould be per- mitted to approach within half a mile of the place. Then let them jeer at on another ‘and cry ‘ You’re another.’ ” The statements are far too sweep- ing, and they lack discrimination. The insinuatious are made against the 92 members of the House with- out exception. It would be a good thing if our politics were purified, but they never will be by general charges. It is true there ‘arc oc- casional scenes enacted in the Legis- lature that do not reflect credit on the dignity of the members, but exhibi- tions little less disgraceful are not unknown in ministerial conferences. If Dr. Carman feels inclined to de- nounce 11011., G. W. Ross, Mr. J P. Whitney, Hon. E. J. Davis. Mr. J‘. W. StJohn and others for their past acts let him do so, but surely be will admit there‘are some good men it). the House. for five years _, “,1. W+«â€"dimmingLM,mamigaausmmiuuwyumfifipmmrm .Hm Readers of the Mail and limpire have reason to say that that paper considers Chief Justice Falconbridge a mere figurehead in the (Jamey in- quiry. On Friday that paper had a three column article on its first page headed “ Chancellor Boyd‘s Remark able Decision,” alleging the report to be unjust to Mr. (Jamey, and never once referring to Judge Fal- conbridgc as having any part in it, although it was signed by both coni- missioncrs. We thought that Chief Justice Falconbridgc looked upon not only as a man of honor but a man of brains. \V :l S m The World claims that the Judges i’iave whitewashed Mr. Stratton. m Friday's papers reported the Royal Commissioners’ finding in the Gurney case but no extra copies of The Mail or World were sent out. mm Should a banquet in Toronto Junction be given just now in honor of Mr. J. W. St. John, one member of the quartette so prominent at the recent banquet would in all probabil- ity be absent. The jolly member, Mr. A. ll. Fawcett and Mr. R. 0. Harvey would likely be in their places, but the sad of “ the hero of the hour,” the missing member firm Manitoulin, would doubtless be vacant. W \V.\NTEl)â€". ultimo lmntisritIOUS PER sons in each state to travel for house estabâ€" lished eleven \ears and with a arge capital. to call upon merchants and agents for successful and profitable lino. l‘eruunn nt engagement. Weekly cash salary of $18 and all travelling oxâ€" pensvs and hotel hills anvanced in cash each week. Experience not essential. Mention ref- erenf‘e and elm-lose self addressed envelope. Thly N‘A‘d'ION AL. 334 Dearhoru St», Chicago. 1 ..4: “I have used your Hair Vigor and am greatly pleased with it. It certainly re- . stores the original color to gray - hair. Itkeeps myhairsoft.”â€"Itlrs. Helen Kilkenny,Ncw Portland,Me. "v' Ayer’s Hair VigOr has 3 been restoring color to _3. gray hair for flit. years, '5 and it never fai s to do .‘ this work, either. You can rely upon it for stepping your hair from falling, for keeping . your sealp‘clean, and for , making your hair grow. ‘ $1.00 aboitle. All drugglsis. If your drug rist cannot supply you, _‘ send us one do‘. :ir and we will express ‘ 7- youabottle. Besn ind give the name =1. of your nearest exp thee. Address, J. C. AYEI’. C0., LowellJIass. !' ‘-~ n nsraar Two filly hay cullsâ€"a yearling with white fuel-,and a. two yearoldâ€"drawn from the premises of the undersigrind, lot; 51 and 5:3, 1st con. Markham, on Saturday, May WW. 1 Any person giving information will be rewarded. ' 493 a, 2/. or“, t'vtfb'n-V-Ylfgnnjr FAI-IEY BROS... Elgin Mills. DIerchant ’I‘ailor distant ljllll 53 Ill) scribe tor l l THE s LIBERAL General K For other particulars call at the Bank. Siihflaii E ()1? Canada. RICHMOND HILL Cannes-l A $1,000.000 lies: - 850.000 DEPBEITS Received in Savings’ Bank Depart 'mont :tnd ihLorest-u‘lowvd a-t hlGHEST BURRENT HATE“. Notice of witlulrawal not. neces- sary. All (ivpnsits payable on demand. Morley Lonuml on E‘nratzei's’ Sah- min-s. Blank Time Forms supplied Fume. Banking Business Transacted. J'. W. OSBORNE. AG ENT. Ideas}! To Lean. Three thousand dollars to loan at. a. a low rate of interest on first-mort- gage farm property. Apply at THE LlBERAL OFFICE. PASTURE t. f. The undersigned can supply pasture for stock on lot 29, 2nd con. Mar-khan]. Plenty of water. THE NIGVVTON TANNING 00., E Elgin Mills 4-3-tf , . ’1' Price winstrade t and quality it- hotds it, that accounts for our Increasing bug. ness. DGORS, FIVE CENTS. :We have just received a. ‘ splendid stock or screen doors, rengingfrom a well made, SIL'hLIv andservzce- ,ebie door to the hand- ‘, somost door sold in Can- I ado. We offer you a door in cmy of the following . 4 t. ‘ Sizes for 6.36- "‘i'-'I‘ 95-5 1"" i. Z'Tbkwiifel" Lift Gin wide fotS in highl ' 2 s " 6 8 r 2 1‘7 " (3 10 " l l lair nidsx'l (out high 1 Window Screens i l | | l . . 7rd?!» .5; Narrow or wide mong‘n ‘ to fit adolest any W.l\"on - at prices ranging Ldei'LEb‘ from Fifteen Cents Green \Vire Screen Cloth For nmling and referring 'r on doors an 1 windows \\ 9 11am is in oil wi th \ from is to l2 anhtn wrde, priced upwards lrom Nine Cents 3 Yard w r r n . vr aBnflLan SAFELY An ‘ntiru absence of“ stroke smell and dirt, extremal so 11 lv 1 y an. be ver\ s n-l re: of ‘ one min!) a n he ~ 11. ‘ 13:311.. on Stove. T‘i: re are (5hr r L-i \Lou marl: t, out nort- so he none mo e m-rfe -t w economical. ’ ‘ " --nl none more a» tell. F-‘lF-lllfl no In evn f-ii‘i louse. \‘- offer a. punicuinrl wnll madl- one of . good gent-runs s z [or ThrceDollars and Fiftths lt‘ i your fault if you hm en‘t one at this reasannb o przco. N . .. . , The spring House-cleaning can be done in hal: the usual time witl the assistance of a. good carpet sweeper. we have an assort- mth of r-ix diflereul Liuds for you to select from at pv ices ranging upwards Lou: A Dollar Seventy-Five. ' A Pair of Pruning Shears rtwenty-Five Cents. ha y t n g goods from us. x _ 13:3,: '1 ",t entry- ' ' 33’; il'l'h Ilia" , r ) 3m. r- i ' n1 poararr-c, .WW 2! {fivou'n ma satis- 0 faction as well , as swing in I - ’ I26 East King Street, Toronto. rem-“a, 5"2‘..- II” Swims nib grew) werka . ~xu»‘mb.:)x‘i My sewn? . y ;____j w gal warm enriches arm the) moon?! of It makes hght the labors of washing. Turns wash clay into play day. Better than any Soap and” mom GGQJ'EEDEET‘ 31225;. ‘ J Made only by THE V. K. FAIRBAI“ I: COMPANY. New York. Boston. St. Lou-is. ‘lcntreal- House to Rent @&Â¥%E’€l issues... 158 mne- srnn EAST. TI‘RCHTO accommodation to guests. Ilenrd,$1 vol-day in the village of Richmond Hill. Apply to We cannot af- ford to mis- represent our goods. ‘Wc’re in business to stay , It Takes Just as Long otime, and just asmnrli labor to put on a. coat of i-oor point as it does the world‘s best. 3:, If 47 . 4] gift/gitgx“ liams Paint The alight differean in cost '- ’ more than umdoup for in the gran ter covering. bettvr op. Our prices range upwards from ,. y ‘ 1W0 Cents a Yard and we specially price it in 52 running yard rolls as f. llows :â€" 1.! inch high ... . .60 18113011 high”... .90 ~l inch high“ .‘ \\'11JLI.\MS PAln’i‘. lt'sthe paint you need. and the place i to buy it all 3' $1131»; innn raga... ‘ The Russdl Hardware Co. 48 lbl‘ll lugh , 60 inch luLl 72 ll Oil 1: N" macaw crass. is .1. most "n‘: stm- ")|!l)_)it".C o- . .q \ rdimiry \derm- l ‘ss u: star and dumb ‘ I ‘ lit-S, Prevention is hotter tirf) to' qul pn-Je. hue; ('0‘- .r» :1 and enum d“" R; " t on ion strncrio l of lrt-Ds by tins-en . sts? Tree . Plaasepya_ i We want to fill your next order tin“ i’ure T111" 23 tine, Shield i This ore i4 1 re- sunttli'e in up- uv in rso, and the cast is com~l (ali ‘u us tr full putt u 0n the iii-L;- oi («he/So? ‘ dsriep tm- ln~-t:v '1 ing qn 1min: hml'u 1,. R \X “new. tyox' the gtyuls \\'r1 Lil you in those lines. camnao, 'll'llhlV Iy suiull. was We are ’l‘(/]l()r\'l O ALIENTS. CWWWzk A M; s . i iii-ire Farts Eileen 5 ‘> 3 Payin: a. fancy price 1 r it does not A» is ir-vr-W ~- x’hat idle lire ensnreit purity. Welmvebeenliaul- 'ing :he more [Ir-ind for ) ears and - now g for v. hot that thereis nnpnrer,sti'or.gâ€" nr or more satisfactory PARIS Gui-dr- N to he had 1nd our price per lo. 1:; only ‘3 EIGHTEEN CENTS M OUR HOE VALUES , - hen we tell you that no other lmn'n in the / ,r / 'ravle is offering hlll li a Hm: ni-iu 11"utll'hllll m ‘fflil kuds of paint brush 5 at soon “won- nlifo prices «leciion. (‘0!!!“151ldh0- if this is not so. waoeon rmamaos y/‘l’-“ ‘5” "ill be found up to the mark. :25 \/.r~ ‘â€"-.___/,/ i \‘L- have how tor nlu cut mm'y Aertienmr timid and garden pnr- V ' to‘o. You’ll be surprised to find what an rs outment no carry. rightly priced ups-and: “'0‘” Trinity-Five Cents. c Bug Death V item only piece: of h m-y wagon trimmings star W5 “ PM”: for-d ’ 1 lustrntt (I. well v- a w- of 11.31 lenlzlp iron and an el.c1nristmg of wivililrtre li 'ni:s and rings, eLntre iron.- and heel. who iron; your blank. smith would have to clmrrfi you 150 cadet-c each. )on can undue your choice at Kills the Bugs. Feeds the Dinah us well as on insect extermin- V‘ ntor. Mom-am Ten Cents Lach goalies agery t. t z , ., . , . . aner an so. 15 at my to“ r 1 \7f useau tool. l Fork and Spade Handles f The kiudwe sults have been , ‘ V ‘K‘sv ‘ rail 3. eexactâ€" 'mm‘] “59“” ’0’1‘ .4 "L; W m, ml”. obmjned from Wound)»: with mall- trated, well cable top for mm,» W u, Had we: steel cutting blade, good its use. Call and Fifteen Ctsh 3 ,.: vaI'J‘ Ou' PrimI '9 ’ v ~ A can hlckory spade handle as illustrath to: see us tor full 111- 9 . mm and: Nam-an In am I Twenty-Five Cents formation. WARE Gt. WWI-S PM“!!! we”; tion of our cus- tomers is our best advertise- ment. The Sherwin-Wil- in favor of the poor paint is ';‘ [raring and longer lasting « qualit e1 of THE bliFk‘v‘le- - . ‘- " as that which we viIvr for your ‘ saw-<1 w- The com m nda-E wad-n Good house to rent on Yong'l' street, .l.. P. (,‘rLA SS. .(HI“"': “48%. a

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