Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Jul 1903, p. 8

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til further notice Mails will be closed at the Bit: mond Hill Post Office as follows:â€"â€" MORNIVG . 8.00 EVENING . . *fl .-â€"Begisbered Letters musbbe minded in I. Ale 1; Flfteen Minutes earlier than the above méntione<i hours for closing. u ununmuuq R '1‘ of Temperanceâ€"Meets first Wednesday of each montn Fire Brigm1(~.â€"-Meets first Monday of every month ‘Public Library and Reading Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. 'I‘lmrhdny and Saturday evenings Enworth Leagueâ€"Meets even Friday. m‘PIEEEés'terinn Churchâ€"Services at 11 a. m.. and '7 ). m. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meobzng Wednesday evening. . Roman Catholic Church-Servwes on alter- nate Sundays at 9 9.1;}. nqd 10.30 0.. m. Lucouan ,Lu.... ,. - w...” Richmond Tm go, A F aim-d A M â€"Meets Mon- day on_ gyh‘ofow §u11_m£og ‘vflklm “Mum”: -ua uuy uu v. .wuuv n. . Courtlciuhmond, {o F â€"Meots Second and ourhh Fridzty Ivy Lodge. A O U Wâ€"~Meet: thirl Wednesday of each month » Camp mmm, S 0 S -Meets second and fourth Wied gasq eyy June 11, 1903 THE LIBERAL Office, Richmond Hill nu Saturday afternoons. uuuu um.ou Iothndis r r611: Sé Em; 'aiinao a. m.,a.nd 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2.30. .Gsueral prayer mgetjng Thpl'sdgw. eyeging.‘1 ‘ a: lbw». In“. You can get {LPunch Card Free, which w 111 entitle you to one dozen Of ymu‘q‘plf for 980. taken at J. GODâ€" FREY LON E’S STUDIO, 318 Ynnge St», Tornutu. ‘hvse cards save you $1.02 dozen photos. \Vo “fish to call your spvcial attention to thl‘ fact that, we have just re- coived :1, new stock of Church of Englandâ€"~Services M231). 111. every Supdny. ‘ “MAL” .. w. ..A A large amount of private funds to 1mm an improved farm property situ- ated in the County of York, at 45 per cent. For particulars apply to Lindsey, Lawronco BI, “Mdswm-fh. H nme Life Bldg}, 60 Victoria St“, 01‘ at Toronto LeaveC PR Crossing at. 6, 7.20, 9.40, 11.30 a. m, 130. 2.40, 4.00 5.40. 7.45 p. m. Leave Richmond Hill 8,20, 10.30 a. m. ; 12.20, 2.20, 3.30. 4.50, 6.30, 8.35 p. 111. GO .lNG SHUTH Leave Newmarket 7.30, 945, 11.15 a. m.; 2, 3.15, 4.15,6.00, 7.301). 12. Leave Richmond H111 7. 8.10, 9.55, 11.55 a. m., 2.40, 3,55, 4.55. 6.40.8,10 p. m. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. June 11, 1903. METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE LIVERY COAL H. O. KEFFER, Enquire for rigs at the Do- minion House. And solicit your patronage. . hint mdm' will convince you that you will find quaiity combin- ml with low price at: our store. ‘mne in and see sample. of photo. graphs! and got a, punch card from which explains all. mmqu . \Inupul .. w”, “u Patoms taken tn'ough a #pvgiul «police, w'thout charge in the m n Mishael 31133., Imjrmw sending a sketch and description may quickh' nsom‘tnin our opininn free w tether an invention is probablypatentnbm. Communica- tions strictly confidential. Hm book on Patents my; fm 0111,25: qgoucyjor's ringnpmm Zoal and Wood Dehverfled. Prices Right. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Ilnnzost clr- Olllalzkm at any scientific journal. Terms. 83 a year; Imu‘ moguls. $1. Sold by all_ yewsdflnlorg. u.qu I: a: PE Wééé'gififiééi 3F93i94991‘3IWQI‘k '52 E-Z PER SENT. POST OFFICE NOTICE $23 PHOTOS Dmierin General Merchandise, Siaherwrood. §ét§éfi§ifié fimmm. Between Torontmand Newmukot. vuunu v) wu Bzunch Office. '25 F St. “'ashiilsnrfoh'. 15. 6: Iffiichnlond Iâ€"Iill OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 PM M. TEEFY. Postmaster. Village Directory. BM. MERGEANBISE GOING NORTH 1m. WOOD ’2 on each ’1 THE - LIBERAL fifififiifififififlflfiéfi Cough Syrup for Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, om, gives imâ€" modiatc l'Piiflf. It, is composed of the best remedies in the market today for the treatment of coughs and culds. You ask, when) is it, anyway? Well, 1 can tell you. Other If you want a good fence it will pay you to drop us a card and get prices. maafiawamaaufi A]. HUME, Remedies I don"t.knnw What, is their cmnpositiun, but this remedy of mine is com nsed of Fluid Extract, of \Vhito Pine, Vild Chen-y, Balm of Gilead Buds, Spikmmrd, Blond Root and Syiup, beautifully mixed and nice to Lake. It; is prepared by me. and me unlyâ€"VV. A. Sanderson, Richmond Hillâ€"and sold at 25 cents per- bubble, and palled Magic Uough The undersigned is giving up the Gen- eral Store buslm‘ss‘ at Concord, and has purchased the right and latest improved ma- chinery to build “the following WIRE FENCES : On Trtmch St.-Fr;rme House and 2 acres of land, on which is a. first-class orchard; Rough-Cast House, and 2?; acres of land in good state of culti- vatim]. Amharsmeunsked VVir-e I*"€5nce'. Adjoining Richmond and Trench Sts.~â€"R0ugh-Cast House and i acne of land. The above will be sold on easy term 5. VC. ROLLIN. June 17, 1903. On Richmond Sb.â€"Brick Glad House am} 139% (ff land; The undersigned offers for following property situated mond Hill : IRON GATES & POSTS. 39-tf “7M. GOLLAN D. Béehmsna Hill Subscribe for Cyclone, ‘ Carter, Climax, And the CDUGH mm @dvmifiemmw. SYRUP F03 SALE MAGIC Nierchant NOTICE Tailor LOST CONCORD, ON T sale the in Rich- Remodelled,and newly furnished throughout One of the most cons/emetic and comfortable hotels on Yonge Street. Every modern con- veniance Sample rooms for commercial travellers. Anidenlstrmping place for riding pr driving pai~ties,bicyciists, or farmers going to or returning from market. Electric cars passthe door Livery in r omiection JER RY SMITH, McGuhoy’s Condition Blood Powder-s 25c. Sold by Geo. McDonald, harness- makor, Richmond Hill, and all mod- icino (’lvalors throughout) England, the United States and Canada. 22-1-03 HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Cough. and all Chronic Aficc» . The only medicine in at will L «- the nbfiw‘ disease, mnking the n wind and useful m'uis ovmer. Priue, 81.50 W’s iii-{may :8: Cough Powders "vions of the throat and lungs. suchu stockimr‘of the legs. '.( my Ii'x'QubLs, 230.. 0119 am} (mu hm: mi! mer ’l’rice. 500. TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. JOHN PALHL‘R, - ,I have a good‘ selection in brooches at present : In mnlinlli-d goods from 350. up. Gold iille'd from 50c. to $3.50. Sivor crnsrwnts with 21- stones $8.40; many other patterns (without stnnos; tn clmuso from, also neatly designed stick pins, silver, gold filled and solid gold. The price will tell the quality. Two Ice Cream Froozers belonging to the Epwurth League may be rented 211331137 time at 50 cents each, or both for 75 Cents. Apply to ' 49-Lf MRS. TRENCH We wanta good reliable man to act as local salesmen in your district. The positim; is a permanent (me and nifm's largo. pay to any widen 'ake hnnvst worker. All our goods are gm’wuntoed. \Ve wzmiv to deal only with those, who can appreciate a good position and represent us fairly. \Ve instruct you and furnish you lip-t0- date samples free. We pay wei-kly. Allfl'vighi, and packing charges are paid by us. [“1'mn$50 to $150.00 per mth and expenses can ‘be earned, selling 0111" goods. ' n. P. BLACKEORD, Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. W. HEW§$QN, ma- {imam Eremm RICHARDSON HOUSE PALME R HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, Calls from a distance {promptly attended to. RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL Tlifi' 0R, MCG’H’LEY MEDICINE 00.. flt-nzpnilk‘. arm. Emaamg NEAE’DI 1E. THOROUGHLY REFITTED. PRACTICAL WATCH MAKER. FREDERICK BACK. Prop 4 5â€"3 mos WANTED For nroken- Winded HOREES Toronto. Prop Stronger to convince you of the moritv of any article in daily use than the un SUIICiU‘d testimony of the people who. usv 1b. Hardware of all kinds. Tinware of all makes. Eavefiroughing, Roofing, Furnaces. Repairing E’Eempfly Balm Mr. Thos. Ludford, our new and popularstore-keeper, begs to thank the public for the kindness of their patron: age, and wishes to advise all that he handles The two most popular brands of Flour on the market These brands produce the finest quality of bread, and for pastry the greatest success can; be achieved. Give them a trial and you will use no other. For sale at the closest prices by '1‘. }3, LUE)EFOREP, METROPOLITAN STORT‘ The fl-Zé’elm‘ta Caz/gown Sepamiar RIGHMON- Hill. HARDWARE SWRE Scythes, LOUDON BARN DOOR HANGERS, the best made. Wickless ()il Stoves. ~ Any. Duh ....... Full stud; of all np-tn-(hto Horse Furnishings, rrliable goods. (\L wusonr able prices. Geo. McBonald, Richmend’fiifl WANT ANYTHING D. ‘Dennie’s Famws Baunfless and L. 13113168 (36 Sans‘ Leader, '.hes, Snaths, Rages, Forks anti all Hay- ' - mg Tools. ' Eféflifigmgmai FEE Emmmm TQ mum Clearing at low prices. These are new designs. (Jail and see them. Ready-Mixed Paints in all colors. Now is the time to do yournuaintinw. Painters’ Supplies. Grqceries in stock. All fresh. P. G. SAVAGE (23 36%? Great Eemmnt Saie of Wail Pafiem. Ilns stood the. toss fol.‘ years and has all the British Emphe at its back in testifying: to its merits in evfirylliing thzlL goes to make it, the. mm:u perfect Separator in the market today. The Molntt“ has pi'ovvu itself the best by test fur appxmlvmcc, for durability, for C(‘HlVf‘Elll‘HCO, and ease. of OPPIVL‘LlUn. Takes per (cent. less pm‘vcr (ham its leading cmnpetitor. And by For sale by We sen the I). 1:112“. Kfiiehflm‘oud Iiiil, HAS~ *Kosse. 13151916 o From us and you xvii] fim‘t that, in every cage it has prm‘wd to he of superior nka and excellent quality; every {rimmisonrnfully put, togvthm', nothâ€" ing: slightod. v n W” L“ :1.\4'I\ ‘T:\1.CL LGQK fifiogfifl Amongst the neighbors W110 have purchased Ii AliN E {ES SE

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