Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Jul 1903, p. 4

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Thnrhhill can nuw say that thoy have two Ice cremu parlors can-ring every Saturday evening. Mrs. W". J. Allisrm and daughter are \imiting friends in the Vicinity nf \\'hit: Jun-mu. Wm» has taken his d‘ In Barrie. Th” l’rr-shyte 'inn picnic on was a sucvcss. making a profit The cnmmittve was well plums ilw music rendered by the Hi Hill Bund. The juvenile! puma». t'IC'elve in mm . Fm; included bunt, water, potatu and [hm-adng the handle races. Tho n-izvs “'(‘l'P provided by the teacher. :Iiss Han-ism), and \vm'e awarded ac- mnding to the denisiuns of: the um- pita: tho Vic-tors. The whnl'e cuntffided with a display of firewurks. The pupils of the Langsmf‘f Public School held their annual picnic on thv 29H] inst. un the heuuLiful grounds of \V. H. Clnhinv, Esq. A large gather- ing of the parents of [hv suhnlzu-s and friends of the School were inuttend- unce. oxct the ‘ limit R’r “1v The children spent :1 pleasant after- “null 011 the spacious fawn in frnnL of tht- rvsidvn‘ce engaging in a variety of amusements. The rum-s and athletic same being duly signed ask P. S. Gil:- son to make survey 4 Byâ€"law No. 140 t," authorize the. roeve and treasmer to box-row three thousand dollars for current, expenses rvlceived its sevelal readings and pass- (‘( . groves“ Hotuul, Bond Lake, July 25th, 1903. Larkinâ€"Armi‘fageâ€"that the reuve, ('lelk and treasurer be a cmmnttee tn Immpile a hy-luw, entitled a “ General Byâ€"an," for the municipal govern-- ment of King Township. the Same tn (:ontain all General Bvauws of the Municipality and submit the same at the next meeting of the Council. Lzu-kin-â€"Al'mitngeâ€" that the Clerk be insll-ucted' to‘ draw up u petition and request, those interested in survey of lots (5, 7, 8, and 10, 3rd- concession. Old survey to Sign same as guarantee in p:1_v1uent_ of‘ said survey, and on Lu1-kin-Armitageâ€"tlmt the treas- m-er be Instructed to [my Wm. Lloyd the sum of twentzy-fivc dollars in full Fin-chum against, township for dam- ung to threshing machine. _ Lnrkiuâ€"Armitageâ€" that We Clerk be and is hereby requested to write €119 Schmnberg and Aurora Railway and request them to repair railway rl‘ossings that require fixing, at it very early date; ‘ , MacMurchy â€"'- Lzu'kin â€"â€" tfmt the @g-easnrer loan the trustees of S. S. No. 3‘$75.00 on their note with intexest at sh; perpent. Thus. .1. FergusunA/I rods $3.76; \Vm. filmrpe. 525 rods, $4.20. BIE'ICAJHI‘Chyâ€" Armitzlge â€" that Ed. Mal-shall be paid the sum $2.00 pm- émrvices as Sheep Vnhmtnr and H. 0131491), $1.00 and G. Hill $100. $11.66. Larkiuâ€"Armitago thnt the {www- ing named persons he paid bonuses for building snmv fences. undvr hy- lzuv, the inspectors’ reports being ap- proved: Peter McCullmn. 31% rods, "2.52; Joseph Baker, 40 rnds. $3.20; Thus. J. Ferguson,“ rods $3.76; \Vm. 'Larkinâ€"MncMm'chy~that the fol- fuwing sheep claims he paid, the {*eâ€" pm-ts of the vulmttm-s hein'gapprm‘vd: James Scutb.$36; Geo. Hill. $22.64; James McClure. $8.00; John \Vells, Lnrkix‘] ~ peeve and committee Schmnlwrg aid, and t approf'p. 'nnws were lmdm‘ the nmnngmm-nt f Mr. Dau'id‘ James and Mr. J01 n Council met at Loch Erne, Sutur- drly. June 27. All the members pres- ent excepting R. W. Phillipps, who wasalmerrt owing; bn’ Hhxess. Bveve nugge in the Cbuil‘. Minutes of last meeting read and adoptodr A large thumhul- of accounts Were read and ordered to he paid. The Hnum-Cmnm-s Festival had liLe zr enntingent from this plaice. Mr. \\". J. Allism) is spending his n-Imlgh with his purvnls in Becton. ‘nula Change â€" Change 7 Changeâ€" Vaughan fibuugeâ€" Change (mange Change Elm Egiheml. Com}ch adjoqy-negl fitn‘ mth fit Cos d “ mch King Township Council RICHMOND HILL. July 9; 1903‘ Pearl tupinca, 3. rice, 6 lbs. Gloss stzu-ch gruund fresh Switzer. 133W Advertisements. 1- the games all smt d'nwn tn an ‘1]! tea prâ€"nvidgd by (119 ladies of :Unu. Then fulaned-a fuotbzlll bvtwven teams from Lungsth 'i110\vdul9..t,l)e lattm arming-‘- off Mr. McKinley has moved into xrsnnug» vacated hv RH‘. Mr. _Wiio'~ has taken his dorm-tum Jerry Smith. xCouucilâ€"J. B. McLean. -J. Eyer a Son > Creditom-G. B: Newbefry Wanted-A Mcngu'u World's Dispensary Medical Assoc’n W. A. Sanderson. J. C. Ayer 6.: Co. Furce‘Food Co. Resulutiuns. â€"‘ MucM-m'clxy â€" That the Councillor Arnz-‘im e be a e to examine :1. brain in *g, complained of by S. Leon- twke any action they may Thornhill. Langstafi for for ‘ 2a lhs‘ m the 1st fit nf $80. nsvd with Richmond I)! Atkiu 4 lbs Afbex-the said 15% day of” August. 1903. the PXt'CutUIS will. pruceed to distribute the assvts ()f the said (19â€" ceasvd among th paltn'e-s entitled then-tn. having regard muly to the claims 01“ which they shall‘ then have nutice. and the said t-Xecuturs will nut, llt' liable for any claim. ur fur the said assets or any part tlikuf. tn any person of \thse claim mnticv shall lint have ht-on received by them at the time of such distrilvutinn, and such- pL-rsons shall la- pcreuiptorily oxvlnded fmm the benefit of such dis- trihutivn. DaLed this Ist day of August, A. D., 151i )3. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario. 1597, Chap. 129, Sec. 3%, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said \Villimu Bussingtlm‘aitg. who died on-mgwbuut the BL!) day of Juno, A. D. 1903, are required on or before the lst day uf Augnsn 1903, to send by post prepaid, m- del-ivm- tn the under- signed executors of the Will of thP said. d9cuased, fn'll pavticulurs of their claims and the Imuute nf the seâ€" curity, if any, held by the-m: Late of the Township of Vaughan, Farmer, Deceased. féeiise m» mm A trial solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. In writing for particu- lars state number cows kept, whether sepmmtor or not. “ Haulers wanted.” The Toronto Cream and Butter 00., 11 Jarvis St. Toronto. . -A Apr. 16â€"4 mos. SAVE THE- \VORK and make more money.- “19' satisfy 90 per cont, of these. who send.- Thirty-three mil~ lions of lbs. creamer}! huttvr exportpd ast your. Let the creameries make it.- SWE ET 01185 M Special- influcenmnts fur those keep- ing :1 uum‘her of cows and having ice, who can furnish us with sweet, cream delivered rat the nearest station. SWEET on SOUR LPt us make ynm' button 180. the lowest, price We paid last year (IMh‘er- ed at, yum nvnrvst \, Lion. It; is W0th your while to give us a trial. You are not put to any expense. \Ve furnish cans and pay all expulSS charges. Switzmâ€"Snndersrmâ€"in amendmvnt that, the ‘questi’nn of empluying 2nd assistant he laiw over till thv Bonn] meeting for further consideration on the 20th inst. The uniginal umtiuu curried. | principal for the Public Schmvl, $500. Applications received up ZULh instâ€"Carried. Naughlonâ€"Ncwtnnâ€"that th< be instructed to advertise for asxistant lady teacher fur the Schuok applicants to state salr quired and the subjects “11:; teach. WILLIAM BASSI NGTHWAITE. The Board met Mnndny evening. Minutes read and adopted. The report of Mr. Scat‘h’s visit, to the High Schonl, May 18. was wad. The Inspector recmmnendc-d inmruvvâ€" merits in the Schnol building and Said that the m-gzuiizntiun was not, satisfactory as two teachers am: trying to do the Work of “MVP. Unless the board takes action to providen third teachm- he will ro- fuse to certify to the next Gnvcl‘n- Inent grant. [Therepurt concludes as fullnws: “Both teachers are. enthu- siastic and hardnvurking, and. under suitable condifians, would justify a! better report, than that I am un~ fox-Lunar,va cmnpvllod to make." Snndm'ymâ€"NauighLonâ€"that an ad- vertiscment, be iHSb‘l'tt’d in nvxt Sut- urdav’s Mail and The Glnhv for a Jinds Imps .Innes, The Board adjourned , ws Aims, Evm-sley H. 0., Job mes, Richmond Hill P. 0. ~ Executan .lsny, L'uvn-nuu A: \Vudswm-tl LS Hume Life Building, 60 .'iutm'iu SL. Tun-um. So- licitors fur said executuls. Board of Education htonâ€"Nuwtnnâ€"that tho SPc’y meted to advertise for a 2nd t lady benchm- f‘nr the High Applicants to state salary reâ€" aud the subjects thuy can Cream Wanted 0f the estatB 0f 0., Jnhn n, The xmdersigned can supply pasture fnr stock on lot 29, 2nd con. Markham» Plenty nf “'FItl-‘l‘. THE NEWTON TANNING 00.. Three thousand dollars to loan at n :Lluw rate nf interest, on- first-mort- gage farm pmpm'ty. A ply at, t. f.- ’P E LIBERAL OFFICE. Generaer Banking Business Transacted. For at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES. Hum-y Loanod on Farmers’ Mule Noll-s. Blank Note I'Vb'zlls supplied’ Fri-o. Recvivcd in Suvin‘gs’ Thule Depart- mvnt and interest allowed Mt. We are large dealers in rubber hose and our . success In this line has ‘ been brough! abou‘ by the splendid wearing qualities of our hose. Here is how wepriceit: i inch at 5e. 70.. 9c. and L 120. foot; i inch. ac, 100.1% and 15c per loot. couplings, nozzles. cramps. washers. am. at. specmllv right prices. SMNMRB BflNK Four DollarsandTifty Cents GRINDSTONES, ONE CENT Money To Loan end well finished and sarviceable door. such as our No 21. us illus- Srated. at 65c. to our No. 71 door. which is whbout doubt the handsomost screen door offered for sale in Canadn, It is mule of clear chestnut hardwood. of a. highly ammo deg gn Our doom are 01 standard sizes, as follows: 2 f0. 6 in .x 6 fl. 6 .n. 2 fl. 8 x 6 h. 8, i! h In x 6 n. 1‘. g‘feet‘yvide by 7 tea: high ; all sizes me one low prâ€"‘mo. h"The lamest door cos.» you no more Our line ranges from n g o Awuu vuuu U} 1 "my ulsu , nu n-zmu u": Vuv n... ._. V. than the smallest. Don't. Satan to measuxe you; door this}: Notice 02" withmtawal not, neces- sary. All depusits pny'atbie on demand. (tnpnal Int-gt RICHMOND HILL Bar Screen 0967 Values are Unexeeiieafl No. 21 45‘Lf PASTURE ( )f Canada 9r particulars call at. the Bank. REFRIGERATORS J'. W. OSBORNE. quality . GARDEN HOSE DEPOSITS Everything you- need In ms line we have it and M rlgm prices. Railroad Cans. Cream Cnna. Strainer Pails. Milk Pails. Ml szns. Bane: Bowls. Ladels and Workexs. ac. DAIRY NEEDS TEN DOLLARS. use! imme. exactly as 11- lustrated. double foot ower. leaves operMor's h hwds- free, exsra good qualhy 01 {58! cut- ting stone and the cost isonly 5 pound. We have an odd lot of Grindatqnea, which we are cleaning at this low price. No. 41 Mounted Grindstones The RUSSIU. HARWARE Co. were looked upon as a luxury an one time. bufi now no well equipped household is without one. They are hudsomein np~ pearancs, and me convenience. com {on and economy found in the use 01 ‘one during. the hob summer wanna: is immune. Special- ly good values pxiced upwards from $1,0(r‘oaoao 925.000 Elgin Mills AGENT. I26 East King Street, Toronto. No. 41; SLZO 158 KING s’rma EAST. TORONTO 3‘ ammmodation to guests. Board,$l Den-day The "Eureka" Potnoe Planter is s most saus- tnchory machine, is made somewhat on ihe ‘lnea o! the Corn Planter. Win: n one man can plant 9 sores a day. It saves two-thirds of 5118 labor. plsnu a ‘imes as last and does the work betfier man any other known method. Will be plmsed to give you further interma- Hon about h when you. came to we it. Corn and Potato Planters @fla§7$$ Efififlfifla, WATERING CANS 10 D 1“]! uuwnaax’y your fingers with the kuobleas lid of teapotkenle or pom when you can buy knobs ready to pm on It’sANot Hegessary {3, BINDER TWINE Two For Five Cents E. émwwg Wm“ No. 51; CI 35 We have a nice line in one, tyo. 2nd three burner sizes nghtly priced upwards from Forty-Fm Gents 01] Sthe Wicks 2 for ac. OIL STOYES Ten and a Half Cents The wise buyers are via ~ing their orders now. Everything points to advancing prices. We GUAR- ANTEE our custom- era again“ decline in prices Our values range upwards from Fifteen Cents The "Triumph' Corn Planter, u Illusfirated. we sell {or We have a. most complete stock (\f them in plain tin, Painted and galvan- zed iron. hizvs range from one to Oweuty quarts and ihey are rightly price} upwards from Seventy-Five Cent's $.75 A necessary and useful tool at this season 0! the year. The pliers we sen are noted for dura- buggy. We have a lull range of sizes- rightlypzic upwards 1mm ou‘slde use. pints 220. quarts 33c. half 39.17.7706 pet pain-1 fogfic ; Jfisâ€"t'qb‘ghtygl; Ed. 3.; 11-. pi‘iEoS‘ou’H Be smi fled to pay. W n m pleaneyrg by its moderate pviccs. We have the ‘yow pngod goods and u1<o thm-zo Much will be appxacln- ed by the moss enthusiuvtic angler. FISH LINES from one cent to a. r‘o‘Jar each. GUT HOOKS in single, double and triple. prices} ppwnrda fro 1I"c_llozuu. .. ,,_L Prices ragga upwards f_rqm Extension Window Screens riced upwards fro " 1P0 1102511. TBOLI ING SI’OONh from 1' 0 lm 50¢ each- JOINTED RODS from 1' c 'o .57 BASS FLlES. 3 for Zict Tm IUI FLXEgS, 2 Gnud house tn'rent on'Ynnge street in the vilhgc of Richumnd Hill. xXp'JIy_t‘lOA _ """T“we‘niyiFi99 06".“ Are You Going Fishing?- 1% Sheep Shearng Time- FENCING PLIERS Twenty-Five Cents Made to House to Rent TWENTY CENTS PLOUGH LINE Fifteen Cents. sherwin- Williams Inside Fioor Paint. 8 colours. per quart 400, gallon 61 00. Porch or. (which: Floor Paint. 7 (oloms. per quatl 450, pt r gaflun $1 '15. Rob- orhon'a Floor Paints for sc- pa qnd inside or. Walk On are the spIendid Floor Paints we sell Adjustable extension window Screens. We have Marge range of them and can supply you with scroensto fit ulmosh any window Don‘s fail to mearure your window. Prices range upwards (tom more than satis- factory to tho Qur prices are posted buyer. Ready to use. com- plete with snaps . nd band holes. made L om mater- im at spacial wuaAher and wear proof quality. The quesan of reiinbhil . nt- ers into an our purchases. In" ferlorgoodsflnd no market here. We want &0 supply. your needs in hhis line. Our smck represents the best maker; goodh. Our shock of fiahing tackle will surprise you by its qualin and gompleee- 1'17. GLASS

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