VeL. XXVI. AT THE UREML PRINTING & PUBLiS-Hlï¬s HGUS RICHMOND HILL, our. % eutaL Wï¬â€˜t. $.0ng 13%“.st Room 12. 12! Victoria St. Tux-02w. Best ï¬tting tet‘th, also repla’ting, at lGWesb prices. Good work. DR W G L SPAULDING . DR A W SPAULDING Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill chzu‘ged to me. ‘Oulls lg day and flight. promptly at euauded .w, IS PUBLISHED mam TEURSBAY MORNING ’l‘el'untn, 3\Vill be‘in Richmund Hill eve-Ly \Ved- nesdny. Oflice, next door South of Public b‘chuul. DR. ARNOLD D. A. MASUN, l3entist, J. H. SANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON JOHN R; CAMPBELL, ate rasidant phvsm'mu aspéwls. Immmtc. ‘elephene Main 2415; $1 per annum, in advance. Dentists Reom “ A,†Yonge Street; VAI‘caae, Toronto. .Otï¬ce Hoursâ€"5.30 0‘ Guise Hours~8 to 10 n m; 12 to 2 p m 7 m S n m. (Succesmr to Dr. ’1‘. A. Currie). Our. Church and Carlton Sm, VETER}. ARY SURGEON, 'I‘horuhill. RICHIAOND HILL DR. E. J. STUBBS, Emma .3; alctcrinnry Thm‘nhiil, 2121mm“ . ï¬ibmi S CARLO". S M AHON. Paommz'w at wastauend Gmce a. m. to 5 p. m. GUSE aommsswnzem ms HIGH COURT OF JUST!CE.&¢. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RZUHMOND HILL POST QEFIUE. LENNOX & _MQRGAN, Mouev to lama-on mud and chattel mortgages at lowest, rates. iua‘em ofl‘aceâ€"Rumoved to the old post 0330.. one door wash of the entrance :0 the Cabana Bunk. Newmnrkec omueâ€"Three dual-s south at an JAS. N E’V’VT‘I1 J. T. Sui iSSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, E EJG‘IN Bi IIJLS Linanseu Auctionuex‘ for the County 0! York Goo-la sold an cuasignmcnt. General sale? (.1 5mm etc..urompb1v attended to u: ransom-ml. rates. Residence Un‘iouvillo G R Gauluang, Newton Brook.a.¢enl‘f6i the above. Saiigeon dc McEweu. Licensed Auctioneers (or the Couutyuf York. Salk-s stconded to on shortestuoticeund l reg. souablerates Patronagesoliciced. Barristexsï¬olicitom. tharieszkc. Home Life Building (formerly Five-5 hold L'mn Bldgâ€), Cm. Adelaide 85 Victoria Sis.."i‘mnn‘m. LIBERAL Ofli'ce,’Richmond Hill on Barristers, Solicitors. etc. TORONTO OFFICE: Nu. 33 Rio!)â€" Licensed Anctinnearfor the Gown»; 0! York and Onmno. All saws.- M mer “rm. We†at- tended t». on the shortest notice and reasonable ratew. Murmur? and ham: smog attended to. Residenceï¬toufl'ville Out I; large stncknf Funeral Furnishings kept at bath places. mum] Si. \VestJVesle Buildings, (Methodist Back Room.) To- rent“. Mr: Cook win he at Map’le on Thursday afternoon of each week. NG License Auctioneer tor the County at York, 26‘ spaatfully snh‘cits your patronage and friendly influn une. Sales mttr‘Med on the shortest notice an“ an reasonabarates. P.O.addrau King .Hshuam‘ HTCHMDND HILL & THORNHILL (Ind «makers & Embalmers. R iduu: W3 S_ Lindsey. K C MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. Barristers and solicitors. BE. CED-E E FY. WRIGHT BROS, m RY PUBLIC, RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, JULY ‘23, 1903 JUK & JOHNSTON ,"3'11! J, 55. Pa ('nliut‘. D. G. BLOUGH, .5337. Lawrence 39 Warlsvvorth, ermwx. G. ST". Momma. Aurora. Nawu ‘oï¬zueâ€"Three duets south 0! the N. E. Smith. Saturdays. “In Essentials, Unity; in Nmt-Essem‘ia-Zs, Liberty ; in all things, Charity Phoxie Main 2984 l J. K. McEwen. Weston. wxharkot lar ‘gond roads g on Friday dwï¬u will he submitted the county. Full; wads schedule as . The York County Council have do cided upon a schedule- of county roads It is proposed ta) spend $150,000 im proving them, including a pup-Linn n. the Ontario vaeL-mnwnt’s miilinnâ€"dul‘ County Cmincil Douidvs Upon System. lar ‘gond roads grant. The Cunncil on Friday drakï¬ml a hy-Imv, which will he submittod to the ratepayers of the county. Fullnwiug is the Conwiy wads schedule as arrangui :â€"~ (1) mege street; from the northm‘n limit, of the city of Toruntn to the- junction therewith of Hm Brudfun’. ruad in the village of Holland LumL ing. except blame pnrtious in North TQIQHIG, Richmond Hill, HuH‘dnd Laudng and the town of All!‘01'zl. (2) Ki'ngsum road. frnm the (luster-n limit of the city nf Tomutu to the liighlgpd Err-(wk pridge: ‘ (E) The Kennedy 113m], beginning on the Kingston mad he wean lots 23 and 29. in the township of Scarlun-n’, and Mzwkham town line; (house north aluug the sxxth Lonm-ssion lino of Mark!qu t0 the Markham and \Vhit~ church town line. (9)â€Cnmmenciug at, the enstm-n boundary of Aux-um on the mad he- t\veenlnts80uud 81, thence eastm-ly to the village “f Bnllammv, thence south on the 8th crmcessiun line to the Suuth tmvuline. themes: "lung tlw said town line easterly m the 9th idolâ€"Acesâ€" .Asion line; 1-1;; milr-s. , (10)Kettleby mad. cmmmencing at Mange street. in Aux-om, her/woe“ lots 81) and 81. alnng the. side road to the 3rd concession line, thence nurth on “the 3rd concession Jinevta the mud beâ€" .tween lots 25 and 2'3. thence west to Izhedth cuncesniun line, thence nut-Hi Am the Kettleby wad, thence West along the Kettluby 43:11:10, “cross the 4th and 5th cuncvssions to the (in; con- ‘ evasion ruad ; 73 miles. If {our tawuship renuncils in the ‘couuty refuse to pass the by-lnw, Lhc yCounLy Council will haw to submit it ‘ to the ratepayers. If it is mot oppos- ‘ed by that number of townships. the by-law becomes law by the County 1 Council .werely passing it. At any Mute. Hotliin further will be done by ‘ theiGauuby ‘unncil in the muLter uu- at“ the November session. (4) Lake shore road in Etohicukt‘ bnvnship, from 300 fen West of Lht Humlper bridge to the nustorn ap- pl-Ojldl of She ï¬tnhicgke l‘iyvl' bridgn. (12) Queen §tleet mad. commencing at- the 3rd concession line of King, easterly along the tuwn line between East GwiHimhm-y and King. across Yvuge sum-wt; to the 3rd cnnces'siun Jiueof “"lnitchurch, them-e nor-Quat-Iy along Lhe'Srd concession line OE East Gwillimhm-y to the road between lots 10 and 11. thence easterly to the vilâ€" lage; qf Mount Albert; 135; miles. ‘ (5) Dundus street. from lev \\‘L‘Nt(‘;:i) boundary of Toronto Junction In Mu boundary line hetwevn York and Pro and the Multon road, in the townshil of Emhimk e. Council met 011"’fuvsd;r7,.<}ttly 14, at 11 o‘clock p. m. Members all pl-k-sent. Minutes of last meeting read and con- ï¬rmed. (G) Vaughan plank mud, fmm the city limits to the York and Vaughan town line, thnnce northerly along the third cuncessim: line of Vaughth lo the northern limit nf lut, Nu. lamhence westerly along the said northern line to the fourth Concession lino, thence Westerly along the said foul-fl: concessiun tn {Jheramthem limit, 0f lot 20, in said township. ('11)'Omnmeucing at Ynnge street between lots (3'5 and (36, thean Wester- ly tn the 6th cuucessiun lino, thence south'gu King Station {6;} miles. (8) Gumnwnciug :lt Yang? street on the road between lots 35 and 36,t,henoe easterly through the lst, 2nd. 3rd, 4th. 5th, 6th and 7th conmssimxs, to the \'illng_c of Markham. (7) \Vesiton and Vaughan mud, from the northern boundary nf Toronto Junction through the township of York, Village, (If \Vcston, t-mvnshipa 0f Etubicnke and Vaughan, \illngv of \Vomiln-idgv, thence nurtlmwsimly lo the village of Kleinhlng, thencv north; crly along the ninth (:nnm ssiun lime uf Vaughan and King bo'wnd through the Village of Sclmmberg, to the north tuwn line of King, except, such pol‘tllllls of the road us lie between \Vestun and VVOOdbl idga A communication wasa-eceived from John Rmnsdeu, Esq., Clerk uf York County, givin notice that, a. special meeting of 'm-k County Council would be held nu the 15H) and 16th of July to c-msider the advisability of taking over certain lending highways throughqu the county, :15 a system uf County 21‘ ads under the Fxnvmuiul Statutegt ) be knuwn as “ An Act for lbe-imprwemenc of Public High- ways." Tue Reeve and C(Julurfllhl‘ D. M. Malqu Were appuiu'vud delegates \Vill Submit a By-luw m 1.} payers-The Roads \V Council Pmposrs to T2 Over. Good Reads for York Vaughan Council L pm-tinn of ‘ miningâ€"dul- Tlav Council Jaw, which o Rah llich .1. Humm, repairing bridge .. A. {Jamel-0n, Leann on grader 3. \Voud, hauling sewn pipe A. \thhmill. “ “ t0 attend snid mpoting. Duvinsâ€"Lunq‘mmswâ€"thut the treas m-or pay the fxfllnwing road ucmmnts \me Just. Work, («11: .‘ . . . ‘ 6! "E Jr-Im Hislup.‘\vnvk,*etn . . . . ‘ , 163‘ John Or my, repairing hills 3 Qt J. VVe:|tllel'il],-W0rk, etc . A. Mack, \Vul‘k . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. Stoplwnmm, \vm-L: . . . . . . M. Home. repairing culvert A. Lino, work an town line. J. Kaiser, work. etc . . . . . . . . . Gr. Sutton. repairs tn-in-iége E. I-lutuhinsun, Work, etc .. H. Mnnt-Hll, work, etc.. .. . F. Topper, (vmk, etc . .. W. (iunn, work, etc . . . . . . I. Devins, freight . . . . . . . . . . . J. L. Card, wm-k. etc .. .. . I). Mchm, work, etc . J. McBl-idv, operating grad S. McCutcheun, work, etc . Mrs. G. Lzuvriv, gravel Geu. C(mpvl‘. gravel . . . .. G. J. Lawxio. gravel . . . . . . 'F. G. \Vnrdinw, gravel . - .. Rnht. Tnpper, gmvel . . .. . J. H. “M? Julm Johizstun', huuling gravel 2; On Gravel Rum}, lots 10 to 19 Robeglt \Vntsun , . . . . . . . . . . . . ll \Vm. Humphrey . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1: David Evans . . . . . . V . . l . . . . . .. . *2 Juhn McKay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. .. 15 Jnhn McLean . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 12' Robert Robb . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 12? Gauge Hugill . . . . . . . . . . l . . . . . 1] Ed. Hutchinsru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 “kn. Thomsun . . . . . . l . . . . 2 David 'l‘hnuzsnn. in pit . . . . . . . 1" Thus. Sullivan, in plb . . . . . 4 . . . . l \Vm. Bell, in pit, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E Ed. \Vild. in pit; . . . . . . . . . . . . . l J. McKay. m'erseer and work. E John Ringlund. work . . . . . . . . . 5 Robert Rm‘m, gliU't’l . . . . . . . . . . 1i Jnhu McKay, gmvvl . . . . . . . . l ()n Gravel Road, lots 1, 2:1nd3 Hem-y Sutton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Thomas Prentice . . . . . A . . . . . . . 2:- J mues Rowntn-e . . . . . . . . . . . . . t Gvox-gv Topper . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. . 17 Chas. Mullet-(sun, levelling ... . { \Vm. Suttnu. luvelli 0‘ . . . . . . . . 4 Hubert Topper, law} mg l . . . . E Jus. Stephenson, in plt l . . . . . . (. Alvx. Black. tum-Mem- . . . . . . . 1:- R. Tupprr, \VUl'k, etc .. . .. .. 14 On Ellgely sideline Chas. >whh .. . . . . . . . . . . V Juhn Hohh‘ . ‘ . . . . .-.. ,. Ed. Hutchinson . . . . . .. 'VVm. Hutchinson. .. .. Andrew Stewart . . . A . John J. Marsha“ ... . . .. John meick . . . . . sinus Femvick . . . . . . . Hubt'l't Bmwnlee . . . . . . . Harvey Kaiser . .. .. . . .1. Ringlund, wuvk in pit. H. Du-vins, work in pit; . A. McNeil. overseer- . . . . . 011 sideline. lnts 5 IS: szK-‘s'KeHum . . . . . . . . . Juhn Johnston . . . . . .. Jonathan Ellt-rby ... John Clmksun . . . . . .. Geurge‘ Sutum ..... John Dix . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . Arthur Farr Henry Sutton .‘C . . Bubebt mapper . Lafayette \Vnitmore ‘ um. McCutcheuu \Vm. Irwin. . . . . . Hvrjuan Hambly . Mat. Agar . . . . . . . 311m R n R n Arthur ‘VL-zlthm ill . . . . . . . JUL!“ Glau'ksou, in pit... .. . Ins. \Veuthmill, \Vur-kyetc Alex. Card, iuvpit . . . . . . . . A. Ellorh’y, in-pit .. . Juhn Johnstun, hnuling g J ume John J Hum John Atkius‘m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jame-s Kaiser . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . James Robb . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . John J. Snider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . George Sutton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . slug. S‘mnehuuse, in pit . . . . . . . . Juhn Keys, m pit, . . . . . . . . . . . James “’atsnn. on road . . . . . . Alex. Black. uverseed. .. ‘ . . _ , .. Gravel Hanled on Kleinburg \Vm. \‘Valtstm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Emerson Smith . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . John Irelnnd .; . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . {mugs Train. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. .nuls at . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . Rollerï¬gmft, . . . . . V . . . . . . . . . v . . \Vm. Orth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Emerson Smith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adam Ash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Mzuntvell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert. \ViltSOll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H. Wntsnn, gravel . . . . . . . . . T. 1L, freight ‘ ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . Rumble, unloading car ... :nicipahty of \Vundhridge ~10 hlfls. uf cement . . . . . . . . , Thnms‘un. wm'k & mutt-rial rt- 30st mle Rob-l ,inm imw ute my Gravel Hunled. 0n sideline, Iotzi 1') 1‘2 11 KI'HVC lugh l on 0011.5 grader etc COD. ll 13 hill. 30 31 4000 21 ll) 21 00 23 20 I!) 50 13 21 9-). 13 50 9 ()0. 12 U'.) 9 00 12 ()0 19 25 10 (K) 2 50 00 63 13 10 ()0 9.3 G!) 30 30 0'3 50 3‘3 00 ï¬O r4 20 50 00 30 00 ()0 Chas. Elli; ‘ . . . . . . . . . H. Ilnmhly, walk in dit, Thns. Croft, oversee .. (it-0130 Cnnper, hauling grutvc Thos. Cowper “ >“ E" T‘uzper u .u. . John LICICRV “ “ ‘ \Vm-k performed in Div Malloy â€"ne-vins-':1~. [my the fr-Hmviug aCL Nei}: 1955 _lbs. hay stable, $9.77; A. G. I“ legal fees (0 date $8.57.~( ThollI;Lsâ€"â€"Muiiuyâ€"~Th;1t reqnesu-d to notify 1V Grew] of Kleinlnu-g, to h: mm‘ed off themund allow gravel Rzm‘d in the Villa: burg at (mo-e and tlw seal pm'fltiun he Linn.â€"â€"(.‘-a x r: Cmumil : Town 11:11! 11th day of sons in such state lislmtl eleven sear: call “pun merchan mud m'nï¬zuhle )x'u Weekiy each study} pauses and Intel 1 week. Enganiuuce cream and .eut-k THEN SAVE THE WORK and make more, money. We satisfy 90 per cent 0f those whu send. Thirty-thwe mil- liDns uf Lbs. m-onmery butter expm'tvd ash year. Let the creameries make it. SWEET CREAM Special inducements for those *keeiaâ€" ing a number of cows and having ice. who can furnish us with swmet cream delivered at the nearest. sgtatx'on. gum-anteml. :1»: writing for panic-11‘ lnrs state number cows kept, whethex separator m- not. “ Haulers wanted.†The Tel-unto Cream ant! Butter ("n., 11 Jarvis St. Toronto, WANTED c barge» Apr. 16â€"4 mos. mmwmm‘ SWEET 0R SOUR Let us make your butter. lowest price we paid lushyo ed at you: nem'vst; stuli \VOX'Lh your while to give You are not put to any exp furnish cans and pay a Of disease is often the trail marked by a woman’s gown. A recent investiga- tion showed a hordefof mica-1183. includ- in those of influenza, consumption and a ozen other varieties, gathered in the trail of a. woman’s-dress. Rinins Tabulés BuT'e nausea: Ripans Tahules cure torpid liver. "me Maï¬a ME trial solicited and satisfaction A’X‘ION 4 L, 3:; Déarb’béh’éig'éhié [Single copies, 3 cts. ICRV Cream Wan ted )1 state uric-d. l adjuurm‘d to meet at m, Ys'lhnre. on Tuesday of August at l u’cluck, p. SWEET 0R Sol :hanl-s and agents for 91: ; liue. Parummnb unga “my of 5'18 and n1! travel tel bil's advanced in on once notwsenniul. Mean ant-10.46 self-addressed e attached to 'Pine Grove Slx'iuhm'g Di {AL LVD'USTP-[OUS P to nmvel fur house 1m a}: thr Treasm rountsz~A. A for Town 1-1 mucnb ungngemt l. min“ traveliinq ax- unued in cash each tbor. “1’80. the st, year delivvr- stulion. It, is ive us a trial. 'cxpe-use. “’9 y all oxpxess Hume on 'i'me ge of Klein- of the C-ur- ‘ this resulu- i r. L‘Ll wax we Ins fem .‘Iurriqd. the Ulm'k Div Town H Lawren ca pita] \rriod. 99 48 03 '74? 76 ()7 17 95-) 61 32 100 5% 105 xpx ess on re velop :30 10 36 G 00 5 (N) 8 flu Lhc 1-1“ (RP 00 (I0