Two men meet, and one says: “Mighty glad to see you. Let‘s have something." Neither generally peeds or even Wants a drink. But ,the man who offers it wants to Show 'that he is generous. He takes this 'niethOd of proving that he is glad to meet his friend. The friend, after he Elias taken the drink that he did not \Want, to prove that he, too, is a Lgood fellow, insists upon a second -’0und. The German custom of entering a gsaloon, taking a drink and paying Ifor it and for no others, if adopted ’in this cou'ntry would prove a bless- ;ing. The custom of treating is do- cidedly a curse. What we do for ffriendship's sake costs us many a dollar and many a pang. Little Boyâ€"“1 wonder What (lollies ï¬re fed on." Little Girlâ€"“I know "When my Iphigonia Matilda fell ;downstairs and broke her head I looked inside her, and she was just full of health food." Is it not; a fact that men really spend in treating amounts that they .would hesitate to give away, no matâ€" .ter how deserving the Charity? It is ',a trait of human character that homes through this all absorbing disâ€" position to “hold your end up" when ‘with a fricnd. Hundreds of men Itake thousands of drinks that ‘they do not want. and other hunâ€" dreds pay for thousands that are not desired. Every one reveres the emperor, which is good in a monarchy wisely governed. and, what is not so good, he is still surrounded with supersti- tions and ceremonies not quite in keeping with the \VK‘BIOI‘II character of the new Japan. Last year Mar- quis 11.0, the greatest of living Jap- anese, pronounced a funeral oration lin the. temple over his nmrdered pol- itical colleague, M‘r. H‘os-hi. The next, day several of the news- papers, in a party spirit, denounced him for having gone immediately ,in-lo the presence of the emperor in the garments which he had worn at the i‘wneml. It Costs Its Victims Many a D01- lar and Many a Pang. In November of each year the emâ€" peror gives a gardenâ€"party. Many of tlie members of the old regime, gather up the soil Where his chair has washed and take it away, be- lieving it, to be a cure for all ail- mnnts. Obher guests take away portions of the food provided by the emperor, as things too sacred to eat. and preserve them in the holiest place in the house.‘ hiv- Altholug‘h Japan has in the last. thirty years become a. modern civilâ€" }zed nation, it still retains many of its ancient superstitions. The pomp of monarchy has not become obso- lete with the changes in the practi- ï¬al government. But the Emperor “Japan is not a more puppet; he has real power. “Japan, our New IAIIy," by Mr. Alfred Stead, gives an account of the emperor's posi- ' The enmeror rarely goes out. When he does, he is attended in his car- riage by one of two old zontlomon, who alone enjoy this privilege. The attendant sits opposite. and does not venture to life his eyes to look at the emperor. He has a large palace. and is knoWn as "the man who drives with the emperor.†The Emperor Is Greatly Beloved By the People. ’Ally ["1 lion In 1900 there was a. majority of [our-ï¬fths against a scheme of extra taxation, which was then before the House of Peers. The Ompcrol‘ sent word that he wanted the bill passed, and the opposition voted for it unâ€" am i mo u'sly. 49sz SW ERMEN The Masai warrior can- was a lluuowu"s 01 THE TREATING HABIT. mufactured only at 78, 'uld u IMPERIAL JAPAN. THE gulm ‘e “'i yin: PILLS the and efl'c c for all New Oxford Street (late 5 33, Oxford Street), London * PILLS AND W» tun]. but .‘lisorden use and Females ,r pot slung ml the lobe 0n the occasion of Mr. Joseph Chamberlain's recent visit to Mombasa, East Africa, a torchlight war dance by me picturesque Masai warriors was given in his honour. In this connection a striking inci- dent. as showing the world-wide use of Holloway-’5 famous remedies, is illustrated by the accom pally- iug photograph. laken on (he spot by n conespon- WEEWWS iug photograph. l1 dent 01 The Spher MASAI WARRIORS. from "Look here." said the magistrate to the old offender. “this is the third time this year I have sent you to the Assizes. "You’re becoming a considerable expense to the counâ€" try." “Yes, your worship. Don’t 'you think it might be advisable to |buy me a season ticket?†"I am going to marry a man named Mackintosh.†Sheâ€"“George, dear, you remember that lovely sideboard that I told you I should like to buy because it Was so cheap? Well, I’ve discovered a plan to make room for it.†Hoâ€" "How, my dear?†Sheâ€"“By taking “Wash your own, madam, curt rejoinder. “I trust, Miss Tappit," said the kindly employer to his stenographer, "that you have something in re- serve for a rainy day?" “Yes. sir,‘ answered the earnest young woman “Has the baby had the measles yet, Mr. Pepys?†"Sh-sh! Donjt speak so loud. Whenever he hears anything mentioned that he hasn’t got he cries for it." "Oh, doctor, is it so bad as that?" cried the mother. "That's an awful sickness for such a mile. Whatever shall I do for the child?" “Wash its face, madam." replied the doctor; “the disease will go 011‘ “Wash its face, madam." replied the doctor; "the disease will go on‘ with the dirt.†“Wash its face! Wash its face, inâ€" deed!" exclaimed the Woman, losing her temper. “What next, I'd like to know?" A young doctor had amongst his ï¬rst patients an uncommonly dirty infant, brought to his consultingâ€" room in the arms of a mother Whose face showed the same lack of ac- quaintanceship with soap. Looking down upon the child for a moment, he solemnly said. “It seems to be sufl‘ering from ‘hydropathic hydroâ€" phobia.’ " a plan to mak: "How, my dea: a larger house Mr. Nagâ€"“'fl'ell, I don’t dig up the past, Matilda, uncause it’s disagree- able." Mrs. Nagâ€"“No: and you’d better not look into the future ei- ther, or you'll ï¬nd that a great deal more disagreeable." 15,000 to 20,000 savilors are shown by a return just, issued to have valid claims against the Adâ€" miralty for prize-money, which they have so far noglc’cted to take adâ€" vantage of. REMARKABLE INCIDENT. Exas‘perated Purcnaserâ€"“Didn't you gdanantee that this parrot would repeat every word he heard?†Bird Dealerâ€"“Certainly I did." “But he don't repeat a single word." “He repeats every Word he hears, but he never hears any. He is as deaf as a post.†A returned miner from the Klonâ€" dike states that at a depth of 225 ft. he found the ground frozen hard. " Pure soap!" You’ve heard the words. In Sunlight â€"_ Soap you have the fact. Mlnard's Linimanl Cures Dandruff. REDUCES EXPENSE is the greatest helliuz agent known for Old Sores and all skin Infeclious. BLEIzmsï¬sm and Sciatica yield to it. influence quit: magically, as also most throat and cheat troubles. the lobe of his right ear. The pot in this case 3 car had been stretched to get round the pot. are used wherever the white man has set his foot. THE OINT}: [ENT AA: (or: the Octagon Bar. AND THE WHAT NEXT? Indeed, was the my new white hat Irom my neau, and ran away with it.†“Why don’t you run alter him?" asked the rogue. “Bless your heart, I can’t run at, all; I'can hardly walk." "You can't, eh?" said the rogue. "And he stole your hat?" “Yes, he did, sir.†"And you can't run?" “Not 'I." "Nor catch him?†I‘No-’l “Then here goes for your watch!" And accordingly, snatching his gold watch from his pocket, the fellow went 013 like a. shot from a. rifle. Policemamâ€"“Well, my little dear, if you can't tell me your mother's name or where she lives, how are we to ï¬nd her?" Little Girl (lost While out shopping)â€"â€"“Jes' put me in a shop window, {111' mamma ’ll be sure to see me," by a rogu thing lost. “Is it true that your bride hard of hearing?" “It is when I proposed to her I shout so 10le that all the n: ran out and congratulated m "What the fellov “Oh, si Kateâ€""Just look, thoso boots are ever so much too big." Maryâ€"“ch, you must have given him the num- ber of the house instead of the numâ€" ber of your shoe.†There are at masons in the 000 belong to “0h, Major Bloodgore!†said the girlish gushor, “they say that during the war you were always cool in acâ€" tion." “Cool!†declared the major; “why, my dear girl, I was so cool that when I shiveer people insinu- atcd that I wastrembling.†No matter where you are going, it in the United States, write to Fred. P. Fox, care Lackawzmna Railroad, Buflalo, N. Y., for rates and routes. Very cheap excursions during the summer to Atlantic City, Boston and New York. Excursion rates now in (fleet to all resorts. Plan now. “.Halloa, Pippy! I just He says his wife's gone ing, and he feels like a water.†Pippyâ€"“I shox wouldvâ€"out of hot water MINARD’S LINIMICN'I‘ Inglesnllc. J. \V AN 01.» AND WELL-Tan Rummy. - Mrs Winslow‘s boulhiugSyrnp ha: been used (or over Mxly yenrl by millions of molhers for their cLildre: while teething, with puree; success. It souchas the child. softens the gums. nlluysall pain. cures wind colic, and Isthe bash remedy for Uian'hmu. [3 pleamnb to the mum Sold by drugghts in every para 0! the war (1‘ TI‘Cnty-ï¬vecenbsaboule‘ Its value is iucnlculable. Be sure and all for Ma Winslow's Soothmz Syrup und take no other kind. 1-19 PLAN NOW FOR SUMME Gertieâ€""What things you've 3 son?†by local applications as they cannot roam; the diseased portion of the car. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- dition of the mucous lining of the Eus- tachian Tube. When this tube is inflam- ed you have grumbling sound or im« perfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and un- less the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed {or- ever. Nine cases out of ten are caused by Caturrh. which is nothing but an lnflnmed condition of the mucous ser- vices. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case 0! Dealness (caused by caturrh) that cannot be cured by Hull's Catarrh Uuro. Sand for circulars, free. ' I". J. CHENEY & 00‘, Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 750. "My: Family k’ili: are the best. Oxford, N. S. R. I“. HEWSON. I was Cured of a terrible sprain by MINARD'S LINIMENT. I was Cured of a severe cold by MINARI)’S LINIMEN’I‘. Bobâ€""Is it safe to lend books 1; Dave?†Tomâ€""0h, yes; if you are prepare to give them to him." Euphemiaâ€"“ you would 1 logical woman Professorâ€""0h, no; if she was realâ€" ly logical I could convince her once in a while." erovos all hard. soft or callomed lumm and blemishes from homes. bloï¬d spavin curbs. splints, ring bone. swceney. Runes sprains. sore and awollen throat. crug'as, e‘q Save $50 by mm of one bott'o. Warwq‘et Hm most wonderlul Blemish Cure .J-‘c' ENGUSH SPAVEH LENIMEH'I known. f'élncrd's Linimsnt Bums Bums. An infirm Yarmoulh, N. S. Y. A. A. C. I was Cured of Black Erysipelas by Bobâ€"“The girls AN ADHESIVE BORROWE‘R THE W A Y Deafness Cannot Be Cured HOPE]? UL PROSPECT For Gnl' an“ E ~ U( 1‘, a villain has just, stolen white hat from my head, Iway with it.†,on’t you run alter him?" old gentleman was found moaning sadly for some- ANSWER the ,t are soon in h OF THE WORLD rofcssor, I suppose afraid to marry a. 23-74 FRED CO ULSON matter, sir J. W. RUGGLES faces just met Began. {one away visit- 0 a fish out, of should think he tho sweetest, its this sea- R TOURS 10 is very is. Why, I had to neighbors said Mrs. Thinkhardâ€""â€Of late years the spread of intelligence among all classes has been simply wondcrful.†01d Bachelorâ€"“Yes. I notiCc there has been a great falling 011' in the number of marriages.†He oll‘ered to act as her escort, but she declined the ollor. “You are as full of airs as a hand organ," ' he spitefully declared. “Possibly,†she retorted, “‘but, all the same, I don’t do with a crank." D "I say, Parker, Why does that denâ€" tist go round telling strangers funny stories?" “Why, he has an eye for business. When they laugh he no- tices their teeth, and if they need seeing to he passes over a card.†n “Tell me. Tommy, said Miss Alicia, the rector's daughter, Who was teaching her Sunday school class, “which is your favorite Scrip- tural character?" “Job, Miss, be~ cause he’s like father." "Indeed," replied the young lady, beaming on the boy. “Well, tell me Why your father is like Job. my boy." “Be- cause father's so patient, Miss, for I’ve often and often heard him say to mother, ‘Stop your nagging; if I hadn’t the blessed patience of Job you’d have a black eye every day of your life.’ " Wash greasy dishes, pots 01' pan: with Lever's Dry Soap n. powder. 11 will remove the grease with the greatest ease. RENGH GLEANENQ l'or undo up Goodn. Suits in Clo h. Velvet, Sll or I'M-randy] valuable house Hangings noihin Owing to tho great number of advertisements received in the Blue Ribbon Tea Competitions, the labor of selecting the prize winners 1125 ‘takon several weeks. The following are the snacessl'ul competitors: 8! h S'th Minard’s Liniment for sale evewwheme Minaid's Linlment Believes Nauralgia 13 n1] 311} J. B. MHU‘hCll, 518 St. Paul St. Monh'r-al. Que. 41h Wd. I-Tawkc, Mouse Jaw. 52111 J. Dow, Burr Block, New Wast- "Limiter. Chh Ralph N. Rondo St, Quaker, (2m 11111 Mary Formal], 12th Jennie Benton 101 h S 7 U1 Perfumers and Soap Makers . TORONTO. ENFANTg’ D ELI GHT Toilet Soap In! undo up Goodn. Sun: In Clo’h. or run And ml nimble house Hunt to equal it it done by the nipeg “inning Lake Ed. Down. \Vcsnnï¬ns' Winnipeg. Best for 3 Best for Big Folks 5;, Little Folks ~899§€§éé<4 JOHN TAYLOR & C0. R. REIT?!“ AHERIGAN DYEIHG DO ma PATIENT AS JOB H. Morrow Ellen Ch apman Fonnzm, Ingm'soll. Ont. Meredith, Roninn. . Smith, 250 King St SGMPETTlï¬N Ingclsoll . Loree, Ont Niagnru~on~thc~ D'Aigullon er Block, St., Win- ,, Montroal 3m: bin. Montreal to Liverpool. Boston to leer~ pool. Portland to Liverpool. Vin Queens- town. ' bar a and Fast Steamship; Superior accommodollou (or-.1 clwes olpa‘seuzam. SJluons and Stateroom: Ire smidships, Special actenti m has barn 'ivea to Lhe Bacon-l Saloon and Third-Class accommo union. For me- of Dosage and all particulars. apply to any agent dtho Comp-n). or - _'I “Old: Mills :5 Co. 1'). Tornocn & Co.. ; fl éhuï¬l- Boston. Mountain-.1 Pattlnnd. Carload every week. All the above at market prices. We can also handle your} Maple Syrupand other produce to advan- tage for you. THE DAWSON COMMISSION 00., Limited" Cor. West Market 32., TonNTQ.†\Ve have Mexicans, California Navels, Valencias, and S:villes. (RANGES Eominionr Lina Steamship: If scientiï¬c princlpals count for on thin the patent inflated air pm! truss shoul he I 5.00658. It, hmds the parts in such poauio let with fair play they must heal. 15 is He Ind comfortabno to wear, and your conï¬dent): ial'estored the moment 1!, i» 3611;21:ch Yol can p' ocure it. only from the Belt. aud Trnll Mfg. Co... Hernia. Spocluliau, 433 Spadlu Ava, Turonn. Write nuw. 18th 15th 16th 17th 13th 14th (mg!) Ax'c., Winnipeg. 20th J. C. 'J‘udhupe, Tng‘orsoll 21 st .103. Lay, Reabm‘n. Mun. 22nd Mrs. W. Nickel. Waterloo, Ont 23ml D. M. Fleet, Inge-3'51)“. 2.4M] A. R. Smith, Box 543 Wood stock, Ont. 19th ESSETE} 1'0. stock, Ont. 3th Geo. H. Lax-will, (328 Broad way, Winnipeg, Man. Butter, Eggs, Poultry; x C. J. 'l‘haclwr, Winnipeg. 1, R. W. Torrance. Gnlt, Onf \ Miss S. J. Hm‘n'el, StQEIaJ‘toq l’irtou (30., N. S. 1 Rom. Keeping, 10 Windsor S't.‘ l’oronto. 3&NANAS. S.F. Killa‘hy, New Westminster. Mrs, Forrest. Robson St, uncmu'm'. _ 9â€"60 P0» 275 Lowmnn, Lilli Summer iï¬cheon Faefls LEMQNS HAVE THE Whuk ). BEST