Elli? Ethical. Vs“), RiCiiMown lIILL. July 21}. lfillfl LOi‘) Acllil’A-J». {emilar inviting: of C‘uurt nil,'illl‘li’lll{l to-morri-w evening. Mrs. Poster of llrlmil. I‘r'l'l“ ‘l ‘h'lb' with her uncle, Mr. A. )il‘iltilf’, last: week. a Mr. A. (i. Berk of the Stainluid Bank, Colboine, spent 'i‘ia-Si‘i'ay ill the‘ village. Miss .l. Dean of (“aim-gin spi-nl. w-i-k “itii ln-r l'iiriid. Miss Ellstou. Mr. Arthur \'rot-co. i!(",l‘. t'lt‘ . in lilt' Siuiiila B Ink, Ti zumlo. spi-tit Saturday ulter- noon at the Dominion llouse. .‘l Parties desirous of obtaining rasp. )erries for table use (a for. morning awe reqursr‘zml lo <("ll(l in llli'il' oiiieis -; 1‘l}'t'()l\ll'. llaiiisoii. Mrs. Cawlln-a Mulork. :u-coiirpniriur: b v Miss l“ali-onbridge. sisii'l‘ oi‘ ( , islice l“:-.il(_-onbriil;_|;e. s at '] niirsoay Hernoo’n Wlt‘li Min: Teeiy. “Strenth and \'ig0l‘vl'(llll"y of good food. duly digested. ‘ l'lll"'l'. :i really to-s -1'\'e wheat and barley imal. adus tin burden. but sustaii:s, noiiiishi‘s, invigorating." Miss Bel .‘-loodi~, a nurse in thc Tm woulo Gi-nir'il l-l: s-rpiial, spent a coupli- oi'davs at ln-r home hr-re and yi‘slrr» day left for Musimka \\ here she will holiday for a. couple of uric-Rs. Mr. S. Flank “'ilson. i‘residi-nta‘ii Truth Publishing tJ-impan)‘, made a friendly call at TIN". LIBERAL Ul’l’lt‘i‘ on Saturday on his way (ruin the lake in his automobile. ' Reeve Sawagi- and Mrs. Sax age star t» ed on Tuesday for a trip-down the St. . Lawn-nee. They will stop at Kings- ton, Ottawa, Montreal. St. Anne‘s. and otheriwiiils of interest. and will be away abouttwu wet-ks. At the. annual met-ti of the Grand ' Lodge, A. F. 6.3 A. 31., held in Toronto last‘ week, Mr. ll. a. Nirliolls was ele(:ted District Deputy (hand Master {for No. lla. Mr. J. E. Fran of Thoriihill, w.- eleetetl to a similar poâ€" sition for district. No. ll. TIIES PASSlNG. Certainindividuals have been tres» passing in Mrs. John .llarris‘ berry garden and Mrs. Harris inter-ms us the party is'knovvn. \‘.'i- thought .llu. caution given by Mags 1' 'e Ellis a couple o1 Weeks. ago “(Illlll .put. a check to trespzissers for some time to come, but this does not Sti€'lil to be the case. ‘ Never too s in to buy a necessity. Atkinson a Switmr. MARCONI VVlltiL'lAg's'S. Messrs. Munroe &. Munroe. of lLG") Exchange Plilt‘t‘,T\YQ\V York, have pub- lished a handsome booklet of 50' pages. C(uitaining,32 half-lone illustrations. giving a full and complete history of wireless telegrapluy under the above til-1e. They have agreed to give a copy to every reader who feels faior .abie to an investment. in Marconi‘ stock and who will write to them re» questing .it. Address Munroe and Munroe. 44-60 Exchange Place, New‘ York City. . SCHOOL BOAR - The Board of Education met Mon- y evening to consider applications 1‘ »r the position of Principal forthi- F’iiblic School and a. second assistant for the High School. There were5l tpplicants for the former. and 21 for he latter. The Principalsliip of the lublic School was given to Mr. Thos. A. lianion, who has been teaching (luring thi- past. year in Brougham, \Vestv Ontario. The applications [or an assistant for the Higu School Were not. read. but a resolution was passed to adjourn till Thursday evening at 7 o‘clock. to discuss the advisability of .makiug further changes in the High and Public. School Staff. THE AUGUST PEARSONS. .l3éui‘scii’s Magazine for August has even more than the usual amount of clever ï¬ction. There are eleven bright short storiesâ€"The Ghost. of Guadal- lupe. by General Charles Kianr : Uncle .Beiiny's Sedative, by Elizabeth A. Moore: How Dun Q. Outwitted Don, Luis, by K. and Heskt‘lh Priehard: The. Black Hands, by Albert Bigelow Paine: Cupid in the Elevator, by Carlo†\Vatson Rankin : Heroes Both, by \Valter E. Grogan ; Such Stufl’ us Dreams are made. on. bv Giser Dit- trick Biitt; A Powmii‘d Blend, by ï¬llaudia Ashton; The. Story of the Retired Car Conductor, one. of the tales of the Picaroons ;â€"A San Eran: cisco Night's Entertainment : The Ad- ventures of the Persian Prince, by R. z I. Venedel and The Squire‘s Ride. by D. Ross: also Cyrus Townsend 'Bnnly’s.‘.gaus_cinating serialâ€"Sir Henry Morganâ€"Buccaneer. Four entertain- .ing_special articles, The Building of the?" Panama. Canal, by North Overton M ssenger; \Veber&Fields,"L.L.I)." .‘prngszreaius; How to Iin rove Qby it our Game of Lawn Tennis. veteran player: and Photographing .liivisible Ripples. by Herbert. C. Fyfe, furnish the more series articles. Home Notes, giving practical suggestions on household and fashion topics. complete a number which will help t.linusandsof ~inagazine readers to pass many pleas- ant and profitable hours. The stories andjarticles are exceptionally well.il- lusth'ated. I ,’ Annie 'ic illill fili'. l;.'l\"~4 l, . Mr. Ley Harris, of New York City “is: home to spend a month's holidays with his father. Mists-es Keith .‘lll'l Cassie Hill have gone to Everett to spend part of their ' holidays. and Miss Eva Hill is visiting relatives at. Victoria Harbor. l Some of our citizens were naturally ' indignant this morning when they found they had arisen an hour before :‘ the Usual. time. the lu-llbaving been Irungï¬r by inisliilie. Of course it didn‘t matii r to the writer as he was think- ing“ ol‘ gull Sin: up anyway! ()iir pir‘h'l. entries when we buy: yours when we sell. Atkinson and Swiizer. illm Metropolitan and Toronto i'nil- ways to Munro Park. Two cam left. i the l'l.lli‘l‘il shortly after Sol-lock, and l r 'llll'lll'll lu-iweentlandlit-1mm. Thev have often been at that place before. but the children still say there i< no lllilt‘l' tor a picnic (‘qual to Munro i-‘a-rit. Correct shapes and color in the latest lli lazlii,‘s'i~ollars at 1le and Bio. Atkinson .v Hwitzer. '5 NAR R'O‘rV ESCAPE; Just. as the S. S. excursion cars (,‘Hllll‘fllllllg’ yesterday morning from [be "lllll'l'il several people came out Arnold street, and beckoned the cars to slop. Some of them crossed in front of llll' car. but in doing so Miss l)i,‘:l(lll|.‘lll was struck by thi- car and thrown down. She was not injawm’l, but hm est-ape was due more to good luck than to good management. It sot-ms strange that people. will risk their livvs'by crossing in front of mov- ing ears. Boots and Shoesâ€"“’0 are showing special bargains in boots and shoes to clear odd lines : Ladies‘ Oxford shoe“. about hall" price: atsuap in girls" slip- . pi-rs :iinl slit/es. Naughtou Bros, El- gin Mills. 7 FELL ON LIV l “'IRE. Emile Mailoi-e. 10 years of aqe, a Bell telephone. einploye, whose home. ls' in Quebec. climbed a pole on Tues- day afternoon in the north “lid. of the village to icpait; a wire. Ouevoï¬zhis gpms gave way. and he fell on the Metropolitan l'eed wire. He received a terrible shock, was badly burned about the head and body, and fella distance of 2.3 feet. As both doctors The annual civic holiday of the thriving: town of Elgin Mills ii‘as hold was rim under the auspices of the Rocks Football (lliili to Orange Valley to play a gamn- with the Honey Pot- ters of that place. The extrusion was laigely attended, business being en- tirely suspended, and almost. the total population, headed by Mayor (‘lift, :i-n'j-iying the trip thioiigh this most .pirinresqiie countiy. The excursion paily was met by Chief Magistrate Jones. and after the customary salululions and greetings. allroci-ssion was formed. beaded “Y the Honey Pot band. and marched to the athletic gi oiinds. cyclonic nature. The Honey Potters, however. proved too strong for the Rocks, and succeeded in scoring two goals to the laller’s nil. _ For the visitors. Hamilton in goal was a star. Nanghton. McKenzie and Carson were the pick of the forwards, and Bert Newton at half put, up a great exhibition, particularly when Lie Heck-ch bodied him into the pond. , Every man on the Potters played well, lint Lie, Heck-a-lle was the star; he seemed to be cyeiy place at once. and always on the ball. Blaney and Espey might, be llll’l.lli.t.>l_‘-«- I‘d for their clever work on the Pot~ t-er’s forward. » The return game will be played in the near future at Elgin , Mills. and a most interesting time, may be ‘ovpectv ed, as the residents of Orange Valley are already giving odds of 2to 1 on their favorites. The teams were as follows: Rocksâ€"Hamilton, Newton, Mi-Ken- ‘ zie, Topper, Naugblon. Glass, ih’LlSllll, (l. Topper. H. Naughton, J. Jones, (J. Glover. . Honey Pottersâ€"7Clei-uent. Lie Huck- a-Me. Espey, Bales, Clement. Cook, (look. Crook. J. Clement, Burns, Burns. Hart. Mount Pleasant The three united congregations, Omemee. Lakevalc and Mount Pleas- ant will be called on to decide who of all the ministers that have occupird the pulpits since the Rev. \\’. Kan- nawin left for \Vooilville, as to their choice. The. 26th inst. is the day chosen for the. vote to be taken by the Hart, (look; ,mi Friday last. when an excursion. l Gui: Ways 0f Business. ii * '5; KYEL; If we knew precisely how much custom- . H. H. I‘IXt'yl'llSI‘ON. The game was last. and scientiï¬c ‘ ers “youkl a y 6. _ ' i The .‘ilr-tliotlist, Sabbath Seliool Ves~ th'""‘ghâ€m'- hm“ “‘imls lll'ul’lg “l‘ ’l d 3’ a'nd What th WOUld. tilkc l‘n lerdilb‘ hail ilieirannuai excursion over "0“." Si‘"°‘â€Â°â€â€˜"“‘ 8mm“, “llllllsl “f Ill“ goo 3’ a 1g buslncss (“Quid be done In a StOIe 20x20. But the only proper way to mamgc' is to keep a store lull of goods, and think well over priccs. ‘ \Ve’re doing both. We sell nothing but what’s honest in quality, ï¬ne if we say it is, and strong if we give it credit for that. \Vc do the best we know to give you the, kind of goods you come for. \Ve have all‘ l the kinds of Dry Goods that are ï¬t to sell, and plenty of each grade. There are two ways to cheapen prices: Cheapcning the goods, or lowering the proï¬t on reliable goods. The latter is our way. We quote: Ladies’ extra heavy Crash Skirts, with; flâ€"Ounce, $1.35. ‘ | Ladies’ ï¬ne ready-to-wear Skirts and5 Blouse \Vaists, $1.70 and $2.00 i Men’s fine colored Cambric Shirts, regu~ lar $1.25 for $1.00. Men’s black Cashmere Hose, special- quality, 250. Special value now in Flanneleltes,\Vrap- perettes, Grey Cottons, White Cottons, Vic- toria Lawns, Muslims, Ribbons and Laces. were out of the. village the unfortunate “('“gn’gmmns'. Th“ in}? Pl'mFipql 5‘ i 4-“ ~nian was placed oz: .a car and removed G'f‘m' 1†.SPSHkmg “fimâ€15“')m said i.â€" Q 9 x l ‘1‘ 9 in St. win-{mars Hospitï¬L Svmpm “The Principle described as tragic in yl‘ I! s s llielie “’riliion and others in their†their awfuéness many of the sermons 6 ‘ ball Ll ‘ \fé inodintp enmity “41...... he f0“ bu“,th he had been compelled to listen to l. , + cushions and a stretcher, and tenderle during Elbe M‘sï¬tm'ty Ypml's- gllellv‘hill'e did all they could for the ll-ï¬â€œ 'e‘, b . "wn ‘V “ “’1 “"L Wm"- ‘O‘W 01's , i (he areidï¬nt “W; n SEVMSC (:19: m1; shogld wolrk on Elie Scriptures. forlre- alight, [pups are E.“ . a- . 1 gar in ticm t e aveiage reacwr ‘ 1“? .‘.~ #7 ’7 A. '3 ' {Eyre 2. ~_ ,6 ’3 . ,.e('.m.on._l t9†“Nd Of hm ivas [Eniny ignorant.†Duii‘ing the= b kkfhk 2* "V'QR‘V’;\3?Q . ‘ '**3‘.‘â€"â€"â€" vacancy of the three congregations ' .111?“ .mliid' 1 Q‘I'Ck SHIRTSâ€"those we have had a. variety. but. neither a u ' ‘ ’ " †l’ltlil.†"ISM gibbei. Fashmere hose we are Spurgeon or a. Moody'has appeared on selling at -0 and .306. a pair. Atkinson‘ “)9 SCBWL I ' r Mr “ “‘"nzel': ,A_._v__; ? Ibave not heard of the P-i'v‘sliyter- a. /. {ES-“)7; AGAIN pm 3 E '. ians in Toronto conmmncing their ‘_ . ‘ <.., a...†I a . law-Vivarium? , wmvafla __.;. ~ “va aâ€, phased t?) {3:11; by the evangelistic work in the. open air as .. j' ' mmtJ'e ‘* "* Musflbwg-gmsleélugmvzï¬ â€˜ 3 . \Yinnilwg Iiiylwmm thu‘t Ml:- H' L" Hli'llLlOlH‘d in'the papers a short time 1 (9-3", Brown, a former High School bov ‘i‘lg‘l' ll‘f"“l"‘:1;",‘."_": if". “if? here. has been advanced another step *9?â€ng Lndb ""13 (fmmm ‘1'“ 51m 3 I l- I in the. employ of the C. P. R. Harrv' til-"thmu. ding? ï¬egd'irduig “119 Sang-tiny z:- T’ is steadiny climbing up the. ladder; It Sf? fit fly. 1‘" £1 (titll'rgb' % \ ' (I,E i and is now_ promoted to the position _. .‘ L “3.131;â€?! (.m “L‘flllnn‘k ["3 9‘ ‘ (if) “ of Head Ticket Agent for \Vinnipeg (Fulï¬ll? †1†“QCQMU 0 )8 on H . __ 1' City. The Telegram, in referring to? tiyiil'l “hf - _ 1- a ,n _ (:1 i the new appointment. says :. “ Mr. ‘Ie . "y .cmp .'S- fix???“ It'll?) I“ _ I9)“ 5'" i lil'ni'» n is Well known to the travelling pectdtlmT m Swan?†" 03‘ mi uqu a 7: public in the west. He came from fire limkullg “.811 “nd ‘pmmlse d“ ‘- ‘1 ‘l‘oronto about four years ago. and 'lbï¬liti‘lpt‘J‘HEGflSï¬". - - .1 , H i was recently travelling passengpr ll'uf'IMZ I‘Stfi‘gdllllï¬ \ 1:1 E ___~V__ ageiif for tho Eiilllll' company. He was (Tod “ vigil}? utter.“ _]f' ’n“ a a 7 ‘ _ r" ‘1 first. employed in the general otï¬ce at, a"; A ' “El†‘1)_1§[:":Pl? “ 1 innâ€: {3 him" 13 the time [0 “I‘dâ€? Y0“? Hily a) , Vinnipvg. and also as assistant‘in theg , .1: f’t.£“"nj.‘.‘;‘.‘l" l‘éi’ill‘idtlln'“; ‘F'fli Slings before the Work commences; k,‘ trkei ottiee at. Nelson. During the ‘13"‘;;? 91,215L.‘{ngl“. animal?“ “4“ CE saves from one to ‘three men in hay- c< ‘ last. two years he was travelling pas- Slim?) “'1ԠIi {62? m ‘ e‘llh'“:m3 1.53 big and harvest time. Satisfaction % l senger agent at Portlandâ€. Ore. Mr. ifhâ€_\v:ng(..(igm.l .' it}. fil L (ips ‘ G Ellf'rimtped'. . . 5 lil'tl‘J'n has many friends in the trav- -‘ Selim?! .pimpgnRif I 101%)!“on E5] SC‘EflflSrrlllHlJthlll'ï¬ Pillntsmlll 0‘15- f}. , elling fraternity who will be glad to mg} ml'm b‘Lxl'Flll l'f' “3‘3"â€. J. n _ R‘ZFltili’le of all kinds done, and re- r see, him at. such an important ofï¬ce as 1 "my e 's‘m 9““ Tug-e} 5â€.†Pan’s kept! 01‘ got ltl'.‘ it†(LUV-d5 0f ‘7» th? “rhmipwr station... his not been the cause, o .t is great .nhwchinowv D .._._.__ , prosperity, but it is certainly found *1) I t. ilTilt‘l‘liEP Oilâ€"“V: liar-.9, the best alloverOntai-ioduring his reign, and. _ (i, ‘ machine oil at right prices. Pure {mim'l‘l' thirty )‘t’tll's past Will]? the qr (1° ‘: l’aiis Green the slut? to put the bugs Liberals ruled in Ontario our farmers H I . . _,' out of biisiiieSs. Naughtoii Bros. El- “"9 Pr‘mpt'ring beyond ll†(195(‘1'lpl‘i“â€â€˜ H l gin Mills. so that they will Soon he lenders of I n I i “m†" " ‘ money, instead of borrowers, as many H ' ' ' of them have been for days gone U9 Faunvâ€" At Flzin Mills. on Wednesday. July 22 Marv Faber. Funeral to 'i‘linrnhill R. C. Cemetery Saturday . morning. leaving the home at 9 o'clock. Thornhill. The Maison: were disappointed iu their service on Sabbath evening. owing to the heavy rain. Mr. Houlton. our- ed citizen, Lair»; Intereslam loans very low, and money' galore. Miss Pearl McLean, of 152 Huron Street, is enjoying life during theI holidays at the home of her grandï¬ father-here. - Mrs. Denney of Ottawa, is here on a Visit, to her father. John Sutclitfe, who isfvery ill. Mrs. Mawbinney. his. daughter. is also here ; her hon-ie isgin; 7w" h H 3....) “Yr... ‘ 0% ’ a... l PARIS GEE-Emu (li‘o IS ‘1 L11 - uivh t; ' ï¬- 't theNort.h'\Vest. 30th .Of his Idling-h" Our ‘Paris Green always gives 3 lendid satisfaction because we handle nothinrr mitt. “ 1†° 8 m [ml y “f we cum to be near him during his but BERGER‘S EJGLISH PARlS GREEN vie havejust receivcdha (li- ° Mrs. \V. J. llist n‘ ‘ brother M . '“m‘55~ . . rect import order of 3 tons, which we are selling at. a lower price t an Tlioinas Lam“? .of’ El‘ollghalll’v bars PWUW‘P ROSS imflde ’1 ï¬plmltlld you pay for poor Canadian Green. which is handled by the average speech to the home~conn rs at, the Uni- versity grounds on the 2nd inst., giv- ing them the freedom of Ontario. ' -â€"-‘oooâ€"â€"â€" Sale Register. WxnsuspAr. Aug. 5-aurtinn rule of twdcar Iomla otcuttlo in the Palmer House. Rich- mond Hill. No manna. Sale an 1. .Terms 3 mom-ha. Baiueou dz McEwen. aunts. dealer. One application of our Green kills the bugs completely. MUSTANG HEAVE REMEDYâ€"Guaranteed in care heaves. broken wind, coughs and distemper in horses. Price 230. PAGES ENGLISH SPAVIN CURLâ€"Guaranteed to cure spavins. curbs. ring- bones, splints. windgalls. and remove soreness. Does not kill the hair. Horses can be worked while using it. Price $1. YORKSHIRE STOCK FOODâ€"The old reliableâ€"makes your horses and cattle thrive. Kills worms. Six lbs. for 50c., or 13 lbs. for :81. All Patent Medicines at (Iut Rate Prices Pages T'ile Ointment 40 GlauberSultsâ€"ac lb. 10 lbs for ‘25s Sulphurâ€"3c lb. 10 lbs for 25¢ Kendall: Sruvin Cure 75c Wumers Safe Cure 65¢: Aye) sï¬sir Vigor (15c Nestles Food 38c. two tins ior‘752 Dutch Drops 5c bottle, 6 for 25¢ l’ure Essence Lemonand-Vumlln Davies Puin Kilier 18c Rheumatic Remedy 500 Fowler-a Extract Wild Strawberry 23c Pout Rest. {or sun lee! 20¢ Extract. Blackberry 25c This is only a partial cut priceJist. Remember We sell everything at cut. rats prices and you saveJG to 25 per cent. V J. A. Johnston _& 00.. (Successor to C. D. Daniel & Co. and Hugh Miller 6% Co.) “'holesale and Retail Drnggists. 171 King St. East, Torontq, Opposite Clyde Hotel. been appointed principal of Richmond Hill Public School. \Villinm Henry Johnston. aged 13 years, of East York, t id last '1 hur .- day of appendicitis. alter a short ill- ness. - Miss \Vindover of Toronto is visit- ing her uncle Mr. Joseph Fenwick. Mr. Joseph Cousin. our esteemed implement agent. is looking after his employers‘ (Frost R: Wood) interest in the vicinity of Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Fenwick. accompanied by Mrs. Cousins and daughter \Vinna, droveoverto \Voodbridge last Tues- day lo visit the. sick. Mrs. \V. J. Allison and daughter have returned home after spendng their holidays in the vicinity of Rose- mont, County of Sinicoe. Mr. Ro'ht. Lelliett. our County Constable. is in Toronto keeping the Union and non-Union men from mix- l l †Constipation Does your head ache P Pain buck of your eyes P Bad taste in your mouth? It’s our liver! Ayer’s Pills are iver pills. They cure consu- patiou, headache, dyspepsia. 29:. All dmgm Reruns 75c Dr Williams Pink Pills 30c. 3 [or 690 Dndds Kidney PlllB 300 Carters Pills 2 bottles {or we Chasm; Pills 2 bottles for 25c Chases Ointment 38c Red Clover Ointment for eczema 50c Pages Bed Clover Compound 75c Stuarts Dvnpepsim'l‘ubleta 35c Minnrda Liuimant 15c ’ Want brown um black? Then In Elllflllllil‘v’lï¬v: {our moustache or band . bountiful inï¬ up. Jr. Robert “'ilson drove into Too ronto last Tuesday: his whole outï¬t is quite becoming for Yonge street, and the Banner ProvinceufgCnpada. xx