’15 1.5 _K -, ,4..'{~K,. I ._; ï¬rk x 25.x»: .xm'rguc ‘- ' Jim Dumps exalted, "We *’ do not, v ‘ ‘ .L . , On Summer days so close f and hot, Build up a ï¬re and stew and steam! .ï¬ A dish of ‘ Force,’nibowl ,; of cream, V 15 just the food to ï¬t our .v‘. whim, . And keeps us cool." _ laughed “ Sunny jim." The Rendy-to-Serve Cereal not a. blood heater. Idea] Summer Food. - “ ‘Force ’ is an ideal summer food 330. * cause it contains elements for nourishing :1 every organ of the body, is easily digested, “5 creates who. we know is vigor, and at the some time does not make a. river of ï¬re out. of the blood. Pnncr G. Snares." w 1‘.) ‘ ‘rxfm’wï¬-vuP-‘Ievrh T‘pbmgyc 3A. w'm’w '-\‘1="!9’-"~v‘."_.1' G S Lindsey. K C G F Linn-once. Riulout Wadsworth G A I W THURSDAY MiORNING AT THE 1 LIBERAL PliillTlNG 62 PliBLi-SliliiG HOUSE Lindsey. Lawrence & Wadsworth. BarristerS.Solicitors. Notaries..&9. Phone Main 2984 Elgin Mills The. junior football team of Rich- mond Hill \‘lS‘llNl Illi»: we'l‘uwtlay Pruning and playml a fiwri'lly match with the hump foam. le mild: w-o: played in Mr. Korswill“: lm‘udow. and the prmnini'ut spurts of tho surround- ing ic-ighborlmml»; wilnossoil (h;- play. Mr. G. Glow-r ariod as l'vforoo. and lMessrs. A. Hamilton and \V. Shnarâ€" down were ur'pires. During 1h»- ï¬rst half-Limi- lit-Ether side soured, bubin the last. half llH' \‘iuilurr; surm‘mll-(l in kicking lbw boll ("xvii-o lll’lVl'Pé'Il i‘no flags. The hour- leu had n. number of strong ill<l‘\'i(ln‘il plflym‘s. but llmv lm'kl-(l the rainbinali .u practise-i by thr- bnys from the liili. The F. Mills juniors ulll pluy (he l'lllli'.! mahlx :11 my twirl): day. l ' ‘hz- (mum worn as follows: [ Elgin noun-.1. , l‘zibb. '3‘. l‘ibb. 'l'. Gamble. Jim-ail.“ I ll. Naugb‘mn. " G. Toma-r. \\ . Richmond 1 Patterson. H. "‘ WHY-"ll. J..\'al‘.§;hton. .rbtou. .. thin-«~21. If. ‘l‘Oll, l“. .‘vli'ilmialcl. P. Hill. l. “When. A. ("\rlin. G. Dundzuau. [\I. SLoroy, F. Umnpbi-ll. S. ' McMahon. Last week a gloom wa»: cast over (he) \‘illago whon HH perv-‘4' board of the sudden (loath (If M Fulll‘)‘. ‘ . (l in hm- own home for U‘l'O l'i no mm to take her place. H‘ug was :- iml :md devot- vd sis‘lrJr. a good neighbor am] a. ï¬hï¬ll friend to all who know her. Goueiel- eringlbwbusy time of the year tho funeral on Satin-ile morning lo the TlKuL-nl‘.?ll R. C. Comer. ry was well at- tended. A sermon w e: preached by Rev. Fu‘rlmr McMahon. 'l‘iio :pnll- bearors were Musv's. G. Korsuwll, B. Grady. (7. Topper. \V. and J. Corgi-ore and .1. (‘lift. Miss Annie Kmmvcll is spending her vacation in Bull’nlo. Mu,“â€" WANTED Jul. Luu‘miuous 1mm gonsinrarh ammo to trove] for house estab- llï¬hml eleven w:an anxl with n. 'a _, rnpiml. in call upon merchants (Lllll ll":ill-€ for Show: Fui unrl proï¬table line. Vermin-1:1. annouomens. Werlilv with mldryï¬l 918 and all truvel'ing ex- rensos and beta] bills n-lvmv-ed in 0th euro Hho will ho Vviy uua . a .'l'l-.o lightning; slrur‘k lho barn and in .éi-rdv}. 'l mm. o. (mums, R + week. Experience not 'essnniiul. Mention ref- ewnoe and f‘lll'lf‘ï¬le self midrcsyed envelope. TnL‘ NA'lIONAL,3311):;1rlr01'n St... ()bir-vgi . BICHHONDHU‘L'ONT' Hoan Life Building (formerly TFree~ hold Loan Bldg). Cor. Adelaide 65 [Single copies, 3 cts. ‘ï¬__ ,___o-,_.._ _ .__~_. __..__,,Â¥ . No 5 (-r and nm'liimr'l noar Aurora yos‘lorilay. $11,465. for. in \Vhilchuroh. was ï¬lml for probate Tho oslnto is Valuvil :l'. llitss'nn lilsworih, is cxocu- The barn. oulbnililingzt null ('on'nnlr. of Mrs. .loiuwlon nt-ar Aggiucouui. “'l‘l'!’ lll‘Fil‘(|_\'('(l burly 'l‘umrlav Int-Hung. a fol‘.’ llliiJlH-s‘ (-rnrylbing was: con- snmml. ’i‘lr-ro wa< no insurance. I. l- Thonms m-In ulm w» ‘-ll’ll Aurola .«an :llul ]: two vharszos of luu M. for» ,luilgxi' \f l'inirlish- rno limo-1 in au :ull-(l guilty in '1'. Plpg‘u‘lll‘l‘ll bo- m i." Monoo yo;â€" 1.iui":. lo Hm:- ll:il I» :x.! him hurl not yet by ugh! row}: ho \\'a:‘ remanded for mu ill-‘3" all. (lu‘ young (l no A ï¬ne falle . .ulil the inr~~1‘ \ . l'w'k boilum, li'l. nu -\' Swim/m \zvd’ :lln‘u'. I linon j'iil lam". iilio -:iu (11:..i ., ..lul 90.". .'\,‘.l\'il J‘l!‘ !. n Toronto and .'\iimir-o orivkv‘l, clubs: played :: rlmu gimo on Hnlurd _\'. “V1†m‘r‘s olvl‘ce-u iwhat ill" Pil'l ‘ilvlpllia. tourists by $98 rung. Th!) F :llumnh beat the i\l{‘l‘lf.'il‘.(lll§‘_‘llt in Smut-day‘s (-uplriai. Chili‘s routing olmpu boat 1!(‘(>lllllll’ll‘ll Fort “'i’i‘liauiJ’MELArthur boom by 1 lo 1. \Vinninog will send an own: and Sonior and junior fours to ill? (Linadiau liooloy. in a rowdyâ€"anzl~rmdy lacrosse ma’ch (luring wl (:h Lhorr- w ‘ .~(‘\‘('l‘:l.l lights anal 2" lu-"u ruled 0 Toronto beat Montro lun Saturday V U to Al. The Fib-imro: *Hlou'z‘vrl ("m-im'all 9 to 1. and tho (‘upilals snowed Lllf.‘ Nationals Ibo tune of 1510!). Brant- llll’li‘l' in f! (1 beat. Purl llopo by 7 to 5, and St. Kills won lion: the. mipplvil Tecum- swhs by X to 1 in the (l. L. A. senior serios. The rv‘gular roll-lee (lid not Si'lflVJ up at Honoring and the double . l‘r'ic‘JI‘W‘ <y<ii~1u was Lrioil. with the re- suli that (lie sumo with GalL ended in l u ï¬ght. Holidays are an oxeolloni ffhinq, but one mth save money in (ll'll( r to on- jny huliulys. ‘.\'e will help you to saw.- if you luke :ulvauiago or our Victoria Sts.. Toronto. “‘25 LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. CQOK & JOHNSTON Barristers, Solicitors. e'l'c. TORON'I‘O OFFICE: No. 33 Rivh- mond St. Vesl.\‘.’esl¢-y Buildings, .‘. 11‘. McMAHON. Emma & Pnormsros. I 94>â€" Cl‘cam Vv'an‘ted BUSINE SS CARDS.- Swmcr on SOUR lml’ us make your butter. 180. the lowest. price we- paid last y ar deliver- ed at your 11 forest station. Ii. is Win-{hymn while to 5.3†we us a trial. mama . _ r ‘ 0-: l 1 (Methodist Book Room.) To- You are not. put, to nor oxponse. “’0 ‘DB: h: J' '3 1 U BS! ' _ “mt?- furnish cans and pay all express Thomahin‘ ‘ 1r. Cook Wlll be at Maple on Thursday charges, afternoon of each week. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. SAVE THE WORK and make more money. \Ve satisfy Sill per cent, of those who send. ’l’kiirtythme mil- lions of lbs. oreanmry butter exported ast year. Let the creameries makeit. the rosidnnf; {sh-mama at'Nesbcrn and Grace ospituls. Toronto. omoe Hours -3 to lo a m ; 7 to 8 n m. JAS. NEWTON ~lSSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EIJGIN E~li§4LS ' M. TEEFY. ‘ ,NOTARY PUBLIC, coumsewumm THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&¢. II '4 I: m‘ . - Issue. oiiviarriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST GFFXCE. .LEHNoX & MORGAN“, ' Barristers um! Sollcllors. Mouev to loan on land and chattel mortgages at lowes: mtss. Aurora ofï¬ceâ€"Removed to the old post oflie.’ one door west, of the entrance to the Gamma Bank. Newnuulmc wheeâ€"Three doors south of the 1- ~95 orï¬ T. Huiinhar Luxwox. G. SIV. MORGAN. - Newmnrket Aurora . . l‘lto2pm SWEET CREAM Special iudncoim-nls for those lcoop- inga unlubrr of rows and ha \‘iug loo. who can furnish us: Vith Sweet, cream delivered at tho lll‘zl]'.‘n‘[ station. A 'trial soliciled and safmfar-iion guaranteed. In writing;r for parliru- Vim" Rogers Bew’slsx, Room 12, 124 Victoria. St. Toronto. Best ï¬tting teeth, also r plating, at lowest. prices. Good work. separator or not. “ Haulers wanted.†The Toronto Cream and Roller (2)., ii Garvin St. Toronto. DR W G L SPAULDING DR A W SPAULIMNG Ehaiinigts Room “ Yonge Street: Arcade. Tor-onto. Telephone Main 2132 Apr. 16â€"4 mos. *0 N ews Notes. ERIN Mondaylwill be 'l‘omnto’s Civic Holiday. On Saturday the Bull’ulo baseball tennrwon from Toronto by 12 to 1. Mrs. Geo. Bond. “'ifo of the editor of The Christian Guardian, iliitd in St. .Dlu-bael’s Hospital on Samrday. Mrs. For, wife of J. J. Fwy, H.131". for South Toronto. fell from :I Sli‘illlli‘l' wllilr- on a trip to iimniétou on Thurs- day, and was drowmzd. DEERâ€"Now D. A. MASON-,1 . . . i all St, License-u Auctioqu [or the County of York .- Goods sold on consignment Gounral males (‘1 (Sllcr‘ewor in Dr T A. Currie), mm °t°"â€"'°'â€â€˜ ‘ 'U-Wt‘ -J to on reasonahli ragask fleFiu'enu. Unimm :e r. '1 ;; - Cor. Church and Carlton StuH all; e. ("M mg' 1‘ m an HMO!“ “gem (or "30 'l‘orunlo. " †\Vill be in Richmond hall every VVed- uosrl-u'. Ofï¬ce, next door smith of Public School. Olï¬ce Hoursâ€"44.30 a. ll]. to 5 p. m. Boys’ navy sr-rgr lmiukew 37v. 15 and 50(- gwir; 'l‘i lell inwvls 45 and pail. All; usou aâ€; Switzor. The \Vi-sl York Lice-urn ('(\imrli5>io:1- ers on Monday graurml liwnuvs to Hotel-Korpors 3311159. Hull and Dmva of Humber Bay. 30:. J. 1‘. Surgeon. J. MeEweu. Maple. Weston. Suigcmn é? McEwcn. License-l Anitficneer: for the Count-yo! York. Stiles Lt-tendsul to on shoriestnoticeund a tea.- License Ancp’oneer for theCnunty of York. re- _spectfu113‘ solicits yo’ur patronage and friendly mllaeure. sale? atteodtd on tho ohm-test notici- aud a: roasonabrrntas. P. 0. address King year the yield was 23 bushels. M JEHNRCAMHEIE U]. h B ‘ 8: Lil-kw, died at lll.‘ lllllllt‘illl Toronto r t n‘ ' ~“ï¬ï¬‚l- on Saturday. Ill: “as in his 771E. . EHOE‘EX‘S‘uill. Licensed :\ï¬f‘tlï¬nn3r!grtbe Counties 01 York y yo"?- anrlOnt-nrm. Ali-mush: from stock. km. ut- Hon": towoilir'z. l7 in. wide. : tended to on the short-es! notice and reasonable ratea. Mortuaaennd bailin‘ sales attended to. Residence Qtr‘uï¬â€™villo ll“: m..- .Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charge-.1 to me, i Atkinson .‘c Swilva h - I \Villinnl E. Fuil‘u Iland died at Newâ€" â€" (on Bron“; on .‘hunlay last. Doe-Lani. lwas in Yl‘ila _\' ur. ’l‘lm were interred in Uliulfi‘l‘Ll countrry on Tum-flay. x ~ “.1. H. SANDERSDN, VETERINARY SURGEON RICHJMOND HELL Calls by dry and night promptly at WRIGHT BROS, Elstdm'mkers a: Emhnlmcrs, & The Board of Ti-Irnrtm: of l‘lv- Dwâ€" .nrilliun Exhibition b:u‘e dm-iilefi‘. to A large Rim}: of Funeral Furnishings Isoll six ‘ ckots for $1.60. The his . â€" 1“ Pt 3L 1Wâ€) lllnCPs- at. thi ml!» (Villa: la! pilri‘lmsrd 1 2 tV-‘mlk‘d tO- maimch 1 before the 23:1; o‘i August. lars state number cows kept, wllelhor ‘ sonubleruteu Patronadesolieibed ' www-mm m c ' - ‘ _____. . 7 3w. â€" .__ ._ .Rs-ports (‘Ullle from Murillo-m that. €‘qll'l9l'lï¬lil‘li E). G. BLfIE‘GII, grain in that province :‘Zil airing." “ about. 130 lnwhi-ls to the Dore. Lash Matthew “Volt/m. the “mil-known . insurance agent, oF {ho ï¬rm of \Valtou ' exlrn hrm‘y Lou'i-lling. l3 in. wide. U". ' l't‘lllllil“: prim-s. Suicins‘on &ln‘wir1t-r. orbâ€"oâ€" Patent R pert Below will be found a list. of patents .roovnlly granted by the Canadian and M u r‘ion, (23.11., :-‘L;on(:y of Jli'ss .. Marion & Hztmit i‘ttorm‘g.‘s. Moulioal, and ‘.‘\'nshington. l“. (‘. Inforrilutiou lelaiinq to the pk“ elm-d will be supplied by applying; to [be anoro-namul l’iilu. (XXNADA. No. 8LQGQâ€" 'x'ul. le D. Cummings, Exetor, Ont. Hug Foxem‘r. No.8].QSSJâ€"Emile Vogiard (lit La- llonl'e. Montreal. Que†pointing and cleaning: apparatus. No. SZJHTâ€"Bomuald Ed. Pairiehan-zl. Montreal. Que., combination child’s Labli' and l by walla-r. No. 82L u Sydney Bolton Putin'- smi. St. John, N. B...C:u'd cornering umrhiue. No. S2.ll('-Zi*l-‘. WPaner \Yimlsor M.il>‘, gum, dov ting saw tooth. J. Moor“, e for cut- I‘Nll‘ï¬l S’E‘ATIF. No. 7“.“ Flt-iâ€"Dmuaso Beaulieu, Ma- eiane, Q: , alllomuiic lire alarm. i No. 731,175) â€" Mossrx. l’lill rison a llilldll, St. Mary‘s, N. \V. T., dis ' plow. No. 731, 455*? liftilll ‘3‘. Higgins, Moutmal, Qua, onlch poi. 72:31.5)wal-i. Add. you .lohunfou, gnwol, Ont... hair Slqlpnl'ix-l‘. ‘Vrito {urn free copy of “The 1:!- ~ \L-ntur‘s Help." ‘ 1:.- __._¢_-.>wâ€". merit your af- proral by ('orm -lilginwu é‘.’ Swuzr-r. '1' .mn harsh, owing to lllL‘ wheels of a :riili<~'Ii-ol;e. l 'l‘lw iw‘ t‘ll‘zllll ,pii-vs of (he l’u3 brarv Bouzil are proving very >11L‘u‘i‘5“l‘lll, and the funds‘ of the illsl iluiiuu will lll} rousiilcrubly .lr. ll. llllllllh‘l‘ of Sllll‘l‘lt‘llin ol liorsc.‘ to the \\".:t. .\:l : Nellie )‘lllll(il‘}v has retuinod llt‘l’ i'rit-nils . . “HS. i vi;- 1 . ‘lillpi'n'fi‘Lillit-will]. ‘ .r. L. l’;'.rl.:'-~_ou lu-S illaLilll'1l one, -. of no “Vll‘lH‘ gas mil.â€" ll [lit 1" iélPlll'l‘ Ill ill'.(..'ul‘l('tnn. U. .".l\liiewlu\‘ mill fan:in are lvs. . .. z w lliz-lzeuaon has Loon noti- Il-«l oi" an HM-inluwnb to an llil'llnll- :mi pimllion in :L Kl il“ul at the "fun." 1 â€"\VM lzl. 77¢... .‘ill suit. you in fllz't .3. imi‘.‘ mils. l'~l‘v Alijnsnn .‘x‘ 1 outs - Ameriean (Trovornluants, through t‘ul ‘Nm. Ford is lim luwr of l: I'll‘st-L‘luss. '- ls lllldl‘l' llll‘ EillS-' uu-nlmi bv tho \‘en‘v‘uro. ¢ iVils-un is arranging 101- :r‘ vluuuu :iflvr n.†‘ll‘.’ six months 5'1)le in l ' l. ‘ . \iilb Mrs. Mcliiulvy‘b sister I lfév'ï¬. an. F“ "l v Elli. llï¬ï¬l iiggliih ml That the young girl has of womanhood is not seldom a painful one. She learns to know what headache means, and back- ache. and sometimes is sadly borne down by this new experience of life._ All the pain and misery which young girls commonly experience _at such a time. may in almost every instance be entirely pre- vented or cured by the use of Dr. Piercc's F.1- vorite Prcserip~ tion. It estun lishes regular- ity. It tones up the general health. and cures headache, backache, nerv- ousness and o L h e r conse- quences of : ' 1' wonderful medicincflwvrilcs «lln Jn-llll‘I-Ull. of ZS llrnily Street. Dayton, "l WM lroliblcd will! severe p'uns every \"lll'll I wrote to you {or advice. Allir :2 your lcltLr and following its din-6c» i. l mu now happy to say that ï¬ller ï¬vu wt of null l'l Suffering I h:I 'e not hail any sir ï¬rnl using your ' Favorite l‘rcgcnn- induced through a friend to \Vl’llL to ywi mnl l'vl'mw your kind advice. I lhank (lad Home for the health I now Cnmy. womexrwho sufl‘er as I (lid la .n " Favorite Prescription†makes weak women strong, sick women well. Acâ€" cept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weal: women. Weak and sick women are invited to consult 'Dr. Pierce, by letter, free“ All corresyondenoe is held as strict] private and sacredly conï¬dential. Ad ress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. ' FREE. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay ex’lensé of customs and mailing only. Sen 31 one-cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or 50 stamps for the cloth - bound volume. Aildrcsa 1):. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Farr. For Sale . .. Ono liizxtzlrwl acre-s of first< loud for sale. bra .19;le $2, 4th. con. .‘x :u-k- ham. tln'eo-qum'ters of a mile soul‘h of Goruilwy. There is n. gOod frame dwelling. largo bun on stone wall. Basement stable “ oi :rlr otubuildingu; two good 0. x axis. New sr-hool Ho 40 on south lot, and a. church across Illi- rin in :u lmiblmrr . ' For l~-r'~.i< full particulars apply to B. Ili'DUNALl), or Richmond Hill. M. BROW’N, Richmond Hill, June 11, 1903. WilNTED “’e What a good reliableman to :01 as lorwal salosnwn in your dish-lit. Tho position i: a permanent one 'llle o'lf'ors largo pay to any wills-.awalu honest worYLr. All our goods arv lgnaranieml. “'9 want to deal only with those “"10 ("Ill appreciate a good po: "lion and l(‘pl‘F‘S“lll. us fairly. “'0 iuslruct you and furnish you up-tw (latosamplos‘froo. \Ve pay wouldy. Allfreight and pot-king chargm; :ui- paid by us. From $30 to $150.00 per month and expenses can la: t‘lllllL‘ll. Selling our goods. 7 ll. P. BLACKFOR-D. 4343 mos Toronto. t.1'. ...â€"-~. ' uh scrib e to r THEHflJBERAL - 3.3.3:; at EV! Money for You? shonldjoln the Mutual themr of .» merlca. . t n - u“ Chance to Join a M'jzke and Suva l Evervood ale our 1::- There is nothing else I k0 it ggywhere. It costs almost notmn ll I to Join and thel lcmves are wonderful. 1 enabler; you to f1 «uselvmksuudperlodlcals mushuudznuslcd natrumlnts at 11:35-leI cut prices. It seem-ea re- d: '90 rules all many howls. It answersqueeilons l lime ot clnge. In nfl'em scholar-3mm and alum, 1H0 cash prizes to members. I: mainlalr lull; moms in many elm-e for ltamembera. In ndanmzni every 131ch her receives the omolsl mazaslne antl- llt cl '5 Ev’ry Mouth" 0 publlcutlon In (\cluse E71 itselmel .Lllh" Spheea 0t high-elm vocal Mu in - Ftr'l:r.‘?'.‘-'\l :7. pm ‘ champ; 72 .cIrull six-'2) each Inc-nth withmt loans In one ear-in all. You GET A LL 0 T5353 13 REES 3021 AL '1‘ scrum}. 3 a full year; membership fee is OnaDollar frr won 9*: all. above. trad you 5:»; “11.:- my :ime within three months If you . I .wan‘. tn dose nndéu-t your dollxu- 731122;. Ii' jun 1 don'tpare tr: apex: $1.00. send :5 cents for three ; ‘ieqniuimombehblp. Nobodycrm alien! to 1': . . ‘mln r-m :r 3.7. You wlu er. vour money him. I; ".i‘mr: our 2'; times 07%. ull particulura n Ill [cl lane (rae .hm’na, but it you are who you ': '-. . ad in ': I"'11i’.‘°iv ("r merrbershlp with i . ThezscHJLlreo montth n 1 can cbonz'e. Write at m a ".- i , ' jitter and enclosing 31.03 r . I “earn; ILGDDGISQSD o: twenty-live cent.) (or Lu" ‘ f-EUTKJAF. LITERARY MESH!) C?‘7Jh 2 1?". } 1f.- i'é‘ifil'm‘ . amt: St" N . "H. Olly. Vii-.15";