Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Jul 1903, p. 3

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Sow came to the rat? )he wm‘der! Ue Styleâ€"“A woman's brtune." Gu'nbustaâ€"' kat's Why they say 'mor ‘saw a prisonm' his possession Imidrâ€" “Ah. ‘ lee." Convic \im every day. that ’cre rut t] Dream re. " hi wary man there mgel left, if on lA man Has built nip a big bush at Puget Sound, near Vancouver the msult of a holiday excux‘s Instead of loafing aimlessly, he 1 his eyes. and. noticing a little 1 which he took to be a sardine, aoune tinned, with the ultimate cult that his csmbliSliment has ' year sent out 175,000 cases. the the von Russin has fifty-seven Warships at Port. Arthur. Florida’s orange and pineapple crop ls estimated at $2,500,000. Nearly oneâ€"half of the mortality in the United States is from diseases of the lungs, and 75 per cent. of it pro- Uncle Sam's annual income is $558,887,148. . - f’Cassandra,” sighs 'our hero, "(there is something Within‘ me that I. rills me to the innermost; recesses I my soul. I must tell you of the haunting heaviness, of the doubt, the dread, the pain that fills m&â€"” "Percival," titters our heroine, "have you been eating green ap- ples?" Mr. Flirty (tauntingly)â€"“I saw Mrs. Berrynian on the street 10â€"day. She looked charming in her mourning swim." "Mrs. Flirty (sarcastically)â€"“Inâ€" deed! It’s a pity we can’t all be widows." A novel system of adornnwn't f0 rooms Has been perfected by :1 Lou- d'onl electrician. The walls are linâ€" ed with panels of transparent glass which are faced with negatives of wellâ€"known pictures, through which filters subdued electric light. The emect is somewhat the same as film ligfii of a stained glass window, and Is quite artistic. “Bobby, your mamma tells me you are a very sharp boy, and she expects you to be a great man,” said Mr. Blossom, as he sat waiting lor Bobby's sister. “Ma never does 'spect nothin’ right. She doesn’t know What she's talkin' about. She told pa she 'spcctcd you and my sister would be married 'fore summer, and that Wag morc'n a year ago." sane and gasoline go principally to Germany, Grout Britain, Norway, Hulgwia and Franco, while the greater put of the exports of C‘Hllde oil is taken by Austroflflmgariam refiners. British Columbia. has produced $189,728,538 worth of gold kzim'd $58,989,572 worth of coal and coke. The Frmrch colonial party wish 'the port of Diego-Suarim, a fine nu,- Uural harbor at (.110 extreme north of Madagascar, made a Gibraltar, ian which Franco could dominate the Indian occzun. 7 The production of petroleum in Roumania has grown from 56.000 tons in 1893 to 310,000 tons in 1902. Three companies practically control the entire industry. Ix'er- sane and gasoline go principally to Prusentlv the youth returned. and r]. watisfie expression was in his eye. "You left it this time, oh, Solo- 1110:: jun.?" queried the merchant. "Yossir," said -the sparkling 1nd, "'I couldn't reach the letter-box, and 'It wouldn't go under the door, so I tore it in pieces and bungcd it Lhrough the keyhole, sir. Was that tight, sir?" Old the irate merchant. "What. d’yor mean by doing that? You don't room to have any more sense than n hard-boiled egg. Take it again, and If she isn't in leave it in the letter- rbox, or push it under the door; leave Ilt somcwherc~go; go, before I bite M. somcw pron ! " md t1 “'Plcasc‘ 'boy, "I t told me I ~no I've b1 There are very few cleans. ing operations in which Sunlight Soap cannot be- used to advant. age. It makes the home bright and dean. m LEF’I lung able I've br Brough EXPORTS AND IMPORTS SHE CRUSHED TOLD IN FIG URES A S S-WALL‘ED ROOMS. 1g justice to a. certain gaol soncx' who had a rat in ossion. The magistrate ‘Ah, you have a pet, I .‘onvictâ€"“Yes. sir; I feeds day. I thinks more of rat than any other living Magistrateâ€""Ah, in there's something of the if one can only find it. ‘ you to take such a fancy '2" Convictâ€"“Cos he bit UHOI‘. built lines is a. howe time: hous farm queni tons when while EXPECTED, BUTâ€"a IN OF A BRIGHT EYE sir," said the new oflicc ook this letter where you 0, but the lady wasn't in, ought it back." t it back. have you?” fumâ€" to merchant. “W‘hat, d'yer doing that? You don't ave any more sense than a PEACE AND PIECES WITH HIM, H’I hL big business L suppos‘e ey taJks.’ " ‘si on . used fish, h ad this In Australia the haystacks are of enormous size. The great stacks are built with ‘~picture3quc peaked roof lines and smooth wellâ€"raked sides. It is a. common sight in Australia, however, to see a haystack several times the size of the barn which houses the rest of the crops of the farm. These enormous haystacks fre- quently contain some thousands of tons of hay. One mammoth slack. ,, C. RICHARDS & Co. Dear Sinâ€"I have used MIN- ARD'S LINILIENT in the livery stable for over a year and consider it the very best for horse flesh I can lget and strongly recommend it. [ GEO. HOUGH. when complete. was 29â€"8 while its width was 97 fe height of the stack was n feet. Friend~"Now that you have made millions, What will you do?” Old Bullionâ€""I shall retire, and amuse myself telling people what a burden wealth is, and how happy I was when I was poor." A somewhat remarkable 'tex'bbook for 11119 use of young Garmarn sold- iers has just been published. It de- liberately insflmcts soldiers to inâ€" form their superiors of all kinds of offmnces committed by their com- rades. Services of this character are stifled in the textbook to be a high duty, and worthy of comimen- dation. Removes all hard. aoft°or calloused lump: and blemishes from homes, blond spagin curbs. splints, ring bone, swegncy, sti ea sprafns.anre and nwoilen :hroxt. coughs, e!o Sure$50 by use of 01:0 bots‘a. Warrants: the most wonderful blemish Cure any known. EMGHSH SPAVIH LINEMEM by local applications as they cannot‘ wash the diseased portion of the ear, There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- dition of the mucous lining of the Eus- tachian Tube. When this Lube is inflam- ed you have arumbling sound or im- perfect hearing, and when it is entirely cioscd. Deafness is the result, and un- less the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be aestroyed for- uver. Nine cases out. oi ten are caused by CaLurrh. which is nothing but, an lnflumed condition of the mucous ser- vices. We win Ive One Hundred Dollars for «my case 0 Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's (Satan-b .Uuro. Semi for circulars. (rec. F. J. CHENEY 6; (10., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. .um'o Family Pills are the best. Loverâ€"“You are getting prettier every day." Sweet Girlâ€""Just now I am living on brown. bread and water to improve my complexion." “How long can you keep that up?” “Oh. indefinitely.” “Then let’s get married.” :‘sinard‘s Liniment Cums Burns. etc. ' ‘And deuce. “May I kiss you, Miss Jane?” “1 am sorry to see, Mr. Briggs. that you, too, al‘egchthd by the prevail- ing cause of business depression" “And that. is?" "Lack of confiâ€" Miss De Fashionâ€"“Very Well I Want to say now, mother when it comes to buying thx ding dress, I am going to sell materials myself, so there." Livery Stables, Quebec Mrs. Dc Fashionâ€""My dear, have picked out a husband for you Old Doctorâ€""So you think my daughter's happiness is safe in your handsâ€"eh?" Young Doctor~“1 know she loves me, and I do not see how I could live without her." Old Doc- torâ€""Well, you are a young; man oLgood character, and I will give my consent on one condition." Young Doctorâ€""Name it!" ld DOCtOl‘â€"~"It is that when she is ill you won't, try to doctor her your- self.” Miss Kitty, daughter of Dr. Jones, physician. loves her father and takes an interest in his profession. The other' day a lady friend called to see her, and asked her how she was and how they were getting on. “Oh, pretty Well." anSWered Miss Kitty, "pretty well; plenty of colds, some bronchitis, and a little typhus fever; but, as papa said yesterday, to make things lively, what We need is a nice little epodemic." For uhirtcen years the Dubch have had oouWulsOl‘y registration of in- fectious diseases. At their hes-ft SGh‘OOlS fihore is always, besides the temchor, an attendant who sees to the personal condition of 011011 o'lu'ld upon entering the uc‘h‘ool eawh day. DUTCH ARE UP-TOâ€"DA'I‘I‘} Deafness Cannot Be Cured BIG GEST HA YSTACK NEW CODE OF HONOR that. Then W85 97 feet. The stack was nearly 100 he kissed her feet long roll; but her, that the wedâ€" sclect. the 7:59 'service. For our Canadian friends special diagrams will be sent to Geo. Bazzard, 38 Yonge street. To~ ronto, where bookings can be made. What ever you do, mave reservations now. For particulars 0! this and other excursions write Fred P. Fox. D. P. A.. Buflalo, N. Y. 11.30 p.1n. If you. want a. ten hour trip it will cost $9.50 on the Lack- lawunua Limited, the finest train in ,service. For our Canadian friends _ ~~ ' "-5 there are many new ways of doing old things. - Elma. Wmsww‘s Soc-rams SYRUP has bean used by millions of mothers for their children while teaching. ltaaothes the child. softens the gums. allaya pain. curel wind colic. regulates the wtoxnuch and bowels, and is Um bust. remedy far Dinrrhmu. Twenty-five cents a bomb: Sold by druggista throughout the world. Be sure and ask for “ Mm. WmaLow's 5001:3150 SYRUP." 23-71 It Seems queer, but; nevertheless it’s a. fact that illness is often the result of drinking Well water. Sheâ€"“Yes, that is Mr. Gambogo, the artist. He is Wedded to his art." lieâ€"“Judging from his ap« pearancc I should say that he didn't marry for money.” If a. man has no reputation to lose he can afford to ignore'public opinion. Ever planned goes via. LackeW~ unna August 11. All trains. To advertise its scenery, service and equipment, the Lackawanna Railroad will. on Aug. 11. put on sale tickets at. Buffalo at 89.00 the round trip, good for 15 days returning. This 18 the longest limit. ever given. Choice of five trains leaving Buflalo It 2.45 and 8 a.m., 5.30, 8,45 and Minard's Liniment Helievas Neuralgia Minard's Uniment UUIES Uandmfi. Libby, McNeil] 6: Libby, Chicago, EH. Handsome illustrated booklet. "Good Things to Eat" sent free. Send five 2c stamps for 1mg: Atlas of the World. in colors. Keep in the hopse for cmergepciesâ€"for sup< persâ€"-for sanQWIchesâ€"{or anytime when on want something good and want It qu1ck. With the exception of lovemal“ Veal Loaf Potted T: Deviled Ham 0x Tonga Quickly made ready to serve CHEAPEST NEW YORK EXCURSION. “ What Luck !” Are U. S. Government Inspected. ‘ibby L: 'W] hen Blue Ribbon Tea is hermetically sealed in lead it is I C ‘ I I carted from the upland dIStncts of the Interior. of Ceylonâ€"â€"where only the best tea grows â€" to Colombo, there to be shipped to Canada. A queer cavalcade it A, I . makesâ€"but it carries the richest, creamiesty mi‘f': “.7 -~ . delicious tasting tea in the universe. Gaming Efiue For Over Sixty Years um: ncheons made ready few moments. Potted Turkey 0x Tongue. é‘cc. king ‘, I933” se..3onouro on Patent-2. 6m. this of mango and all part of the Company. or Richards, ‘ s & Ca. Larié aid I‘ut Stvgmshupa hr nu chases of pxfisenzcm are swww five Bominion Line Steamships WEEK RIDGUT & $2 MAYEE “:3. Ii scientific priuoipgls count for nnytbim She patent fluted ulr pad truss should be I lcccess. It olds the parts :1: such posilim that with fair play they muat heal. It is limb and comfortabic to wear. said your con fidenc- ia restored the moment it. is adjusted. _\'ov 'cuh'fi'vb'cfié‘ii «Shiftio'x'n 13) E; 1135856 Tin}; Mfg. Co... Hernia. Spectatisns, 4.33 Spadim Ava, T'J'OD‘J. Write now. Just because two men havc understanding between them are not necessarily half-wited. Law cannot but it can In comfortable if Lever's Yâ€"Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens the Wafer and disin- facts. It takes an experienced undertaker to look solemn and conceal his satis- faction at a funeral. § Q Goodness Firstâ€" Price Afterwards Mlnard's Liniment fm sale evewwhere [ 77 Scam. Bolton Mouqu to Liverpool Boa pool. Portland to Liverpool annot :an mal- Ed Third-C ibhen Tea to C0363me are the goods it pays the housewife to puzchase. “Just as good" means taking chances. Insist on yomj dealer supplying you with those bearing- the name “Cane, Newmark et”,â€"â€"popu1ar1y priced. Should be the motto in purchasing household aflicles more especially in wpodenware._ make a. man moral : him decidedly un- e is immoral. Safoons and Sutemognl fiB'xiEn-EH {mi 'Pomud " TO PATENT LITIGATION. Band for Handbook n);ny to any 335 l N A L L OBUNTEBE‘SJ Vin. Quuna. SPECIAL ATTENTION an they Carlcad every week. All the above at: market prices. “7:: can also handie your. Maple Syrup and other produce to 11¢ (age for you. “$2 EAWSOH 091556135”?! 00., Limit Cor. West Market an, TOROKTO‘ We have Mexicans, Cfilifomia Navels, Valencias, and Sevilles. GEAPQGES aents’ $53M flitâ€"15353 or Dyed; also Ladies' Wear 01 «:11 kinds. and House Hangings: of every description. GOLD MEDALIS DYERS‘ WISE AMERICAN DYEING CO'Y, PATENTS 355“) 30.7 Butter, Eggs, Poultry, les. 1 I BEST BANAEJAQ. 5‘ PAELS TU§$ Kontreu. Toronto. Omma & Quebca. iâ€"Gâ€"b 5 r produce to advan- - you. $513}! 60., Limitsd.,‘ WE AND LEMQHS 8ng» & nmanou aollcinors o} [*5 Canad: Ltfq BuL ’I'ofou'toT "" Wmo for Iran sdvieo HAVE 31â€"93 THE

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