Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Jul 1903, p. 5

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Q U [h th 'le Atkins lll mlth. no in p 1' E3. M )IUG m": The n1 ll: lll \‘h will mum Tu in Hg twig] (I; u OI‘K h \‘01‘ THE ll'k Hr ICE I'll “w u m mm ll 'mu vill [1 1'6 .l-ties lezcx1 W il- States, m 1) Lions from m- to chief miumasLeI s‘gnrd the 1 Mich.I Lu 0( m- tu chin despatchcr ‘z'mc‘l assistant trainmasLelband having recently 1eâ€" s"gnrd the position as agent Bay City. Mich, to come hpre and take up the work of educating young men and Women in telegrzmlxy. train despatch- ing. freight un ticket. clerk and agents? Work. This is much needed and the young people in Canada. shuuld he greatlv benefited by its es- tablishment. -â€" Tux-onto \Vorld, July Uf the many Metropolitan R Bond Lake this haw, been mm hulul last SuLul-t' L‘I'Hi‘y Society 0 buship 01' that fltl pm. tllt t he tra “'9 ll: uruey a] it'll“ outix IIJS rt SDPE iLy i. p315! J. been mum enjoyu] 1 last SuLm-(luy by i-hl ry Society of Tux-unto «hip of that society is Scotchmen alone, but as of the Plowman 1 to what nationality ;. buy of the nwml xtly literary, and as 'y is limited [tn 51), than 1mhe1-aw;-1iting Lu jr atancy occurs by (ll 9. The preside-ht of 13 James L. Morrison, :1 7 is Mr. Alexanva F1 wily nppuiutvd Fun 5 by the ()ntul in) Lead: )U A >. Mr. M05 way, uccum; prams _to s em xred to accvp tivv positions \Ve are glad nnhas been 11 riishmmlt of 1] Instruction In: i0 ds and Fish of the Augu ’ “ Pike, F r. " is the it] e: " Birds u the Menu And he 'sinn lvusin ‘9 weeks a were com »\ Uanadiun Railway Instruction Lute. cunwr Yung‘c and Culir‘ge r, in the O(ldfelin\\"s Building. IMO, is open for the purpose. of 1.; young men um] \wuwu for ions in railway lmsim'ss. This is nly institute of its kind in C‘nn~ ‘Illd sbuuld meet will] pronounced s5. as the-y guarantee tn furnish paid pusilious on the seven-:1] lend~ inroads in Cnnudu and the Unite-d ‘5 immediately nu graduating .ll’i :npncity of telegraph Opt'I‘nLOl'S, (léspulchvrs. freight, and ticket. 9, agents and culnuwrciul ope-ru- YVlilc orcall on them for par- \ ukln u 01 ‘0 BE Were gt. 'Hltlemen Me in that line, having L :35 years continuum of the Grand Trun! in Canada and t in numerous rospnn am that of :1 telegram pH‘ In costume e szn musm “ppm ,1. and n. nnmbm' lll AILXVA Y AILWAY IRSTI' of [MI (MN columns lkt’ll U many )pux-eu about Saturday ) picture amen L08. 3. bout the. pa] heexcul inni A'I‘Ui .l-e glad to nute our been nctvd upun by It of the Canadian ] tiun InstiLutv, which in the Uddft‘anYS' B 1pnlitm .n m ug ex r 1w at ILI) dt'Sil 1139“! 1‘le Mr. HG leman (J 'l! niunhvr ‘ 1919 g‘i ve .1 YE help, we sugge that some m ‘m-ds the pmc m um] “um 1y lumim-ss. ()fits kind in eet with prom uurantt-e tn 1 s on these-venu- vestigntiuu. we find 1-. Hugh Miller, as man of cxcvptimml *, having lwvn fru- lmtiuunuJy in the 1d Trunk Railway w. and the United 5 responsible posi- l‘telegmph operatâ€" I‘RAININ While rain ung uf the Lhit 0f 01 HH’I ll! th d lin ‘mw‘s Building. the purpose. of m] \xouwu for him-3.5. 'l‘hisis ; kind in Gnn~ ‘ilh pronounced xtt-e tn furnish 1110 seven-:1] lend~ .zmd the Unite-d graduating .in ion LtiL t-lu‘ 21' such posi- n them over y companies :cd men and ’H nlir unJ Muskel- e illustrated l'lh \Vnuds.” r, and "Pim- The nwm- not confined .- npmn tu ad- 's are prom- 1e member- we always whenever ,h (21‘ other- suciaty is 1 the secre- wr‘ B. A.. mini Arch- Lu Most ‘.(“il' ‘Win‘S, is availed : tlip and it wuuld be a enjuyahle :er uf the \V ( .. no mut- y may he- snngs and wln-u the air rulurn ,sfiud with assistant :enbly 1eâ€" Buy City. Le up the men and despatch: (1i! over the cnics to ably none than one urns Lit.- Iwny of- )e scarc- uggested 6 means pguc'ficql y accum- us at the A High- :am'd Um ta to the Scottish by ladies Afte uld give to the c of the and its M ' The by many 7 the Rail- I has iuild- vol-a] wms, ‘pu 1-b- In- sub- The latest. word that comes { Mir-lmel's Huspital relative h Mndnre. who suifm-ed such ; accident, hvl‘e last \vm-k when from a telegmph polo. is t! young man is Drum-ms:ng fm nnd that, hu is likvly tn rvcnv WM frightfully burned by UN \Vil'l', he recein a save-w. (a shuck, nnd he fit“ (We? 20 fvet grnund, y‘vt his pulse remained mud Mr. \V. A. Sunder-inn who : his wounds said from the first I had hopes of his recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Switzer and Mr. and Mrs. Mason who :xtLl-nded the in- ternational convention of the Ep- worth League in Detroit on tho 16th 17th. 18H) and 19th of July repux-t an inte‘rvsting and. profitable pn-t-gnmlme at each uf the sessions. 'i‘hcre were 20,000 delegates present, and the meet.â€" ings wereth in the Delmit Opera House, the (Jo-mm] Methodist Episco- pal Chm-ch, the Fu street Presbyter- iun Church and m ’ -nt Ontario. Rev. F. Elliott wont to 1‘ dee, County of ‘tht’l‘lun, day, 16th inst. to assist in ‘1 lion of n new church at thth the following Sunday. M visited friends at llcspulo: and (When pluccs, and l‘cllll 11 day. Mr. James Newton, in wi|b Messrs. A. Davis, D and E. Pease. went to on Thursday last, and M were the gu * s of Hon. E. .1 Mr. James Newton, in company wilb Messrs. A. Davis, D. Johnston and E. Pease. went to Muskuka on Thursday last, and while away were the guests of Hon. E. J. Davis at, St. Elmo. The gentlemen returned on Monday alter a most enjoyable oufing. The engn ement of Miss Clara G. Vanderhul'w , daughter of Mr. Wm. H. Vanda-Email, to Mr. James N. Bell (If Norfolk, Virginia, is an- nounced, the weddmg to take place in September. Misses Gladys and Nam daughters of Mr. “'m. ‘r'fih Miss anke “’iley, daughter H. E. \Vils'y, visited with :hvii parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank this Week. recmmnl-nded hy D1-.'E«15;:u~d musical director Tor-unto (3 tray uf'Mnsic. span a cuuple in the village this wee-k tuuiu latiug and repairing pianos. Dr. R. L. Langstafi’ and' bride are expected back from tht‘ix- wedding tum- (.0-morrow. The Dr. xeports a delightful trip through ihu lakes of Muskoka. Mrs. Dulmage 0f Ttmmt smter. Mrs. Hickman of But! getherwith Mrs. Amhs and Miss Addie 'Wilson an; McBeth of Toronto have ing a few days with Mr. just north of the village. Mr. Ernest Redditt, representative of the Equity Fire Insurance Cum- pany, took a Week’s holidays. which he spent at his home here and returns LU-day. If it’s coated, your stomach is bad, your liver is out of order. Ayer's Pills will clean your tongue, cure your dys- epsia, make your liver right. asy to take, easy to operate. Mr. “7. II. Pugsley on tended :1 me‘eting of the I: rectors of the Dominion 1 Mrs. J. Chalmers Smith on Friday, July 3lst. A cuive on the 2nd and 4th ' the month. Misses Maggie and Lillin Abram Tux-unto, have been spending part their summer holidays with Mr. : Mrs. John Cusoly. Ml. T. H. Rodditt, Prim Barrie Cullogiute Instituu Reddibt, spent, Monday 2. with the Misses Redditt In getherwwh Mrs. Am Ambs of New York 011 village last week. Mr. and Mrs. F‘. C. 0 children are at. the Don for a couple of weeks” 1101 Miss Lizzie McLean 19 to spend a munth wit Surnia, Oil Springs and Mrs. A. J. Hm fx'cd Hume are 8pc relatives and fiien Mrs. M cKilubnn ed yostmday Hfbl’l her sister. Mrs. R. Mr. Frank McDonald wont burne yesterday to remain :x Weeks in his muive tuwn. Mr. M. Sbewm't. of ‘Thumtr' few days with his Him-o, 1‘. Ludf‘ord and returned yvsU-n Mrs. Eli Snider of Rushes has been visiting with MI '1‘. Hopper. Miss Laura Pm't‘er of Toronto m'er Sunday with her cum-in Susw Trench. Mrs. E. thrtup and gone to Cullinngd fux Miss \Vuod is \‘iuiliu Krw Beach, Centre 13h Mr. Armand Savage number of his friend: evequg. BUGKIHGHAM’S DYE Wigwam fimt'yéurimo’xém'cha 01:501er 5 beautuuf brown or rich black 1’ Then use UUURIIiUIIHifl U U I L. N "‘0' Dawns. o- [P ya“ 9 g M 1-. Your Tongue MADORE MAY LIVE. atest word that comes fl PERSONALS. 250. All dfugglsts. Hume Strut-11y V F. I. (Jules and two the. Dominion House ne :1: nding Ltivo t such when -. is t 11 will receive After will re- Thnrsrluy of '1‘u 9361:] y Boar-:1 of \Vt‘l'e Miss Flossie lweu spend- l‘. Sheppard ano u-d Yew V Dun 011 Saturâ€" wt to the 19d strung. 'lm dressed st Ihat he Tuesday lutives at L] (If the and Mrs. Tuesday to She}- cnuple of to 1 59:2an » tum-r, Fisher, J use-1TH - of days iarrp (m Elliott Pmston Thurs- I-etl sxt xx ll) ". n m! M 1‘. grand \Viley 101] nn St‘ Emile SCVt‘l'l her ; t0â€" ustcl . thp in ni- with pent Miss the of of md m - iLh lie This is only a partial aqt Pernua 750. Dr Willmms Pink Pills BBC. 3 tori Dodds Kldney Plus 33c Carters Pills '2 bottles for 25c Chases Pills‘a bottles for 25¢. Chases Ointment 58c Red Clover Ointment for eczema. Pages Red Clover Compound Z‘jc Stuarts Dvspepsim'l‘nbxets i550 Minards Linimenc 1:30 Rheumatic Remedy 50(- Fcot Rest for sore teat 20c bones, splints, H4 YORKSHIRE ST Our Pal-is Green always gives but, BERGER’S ENGLISH rect import order of 3 tor you pay fur pom- Cmmc W dealt-2r. 011p uppli V MUSTANG H EA V PAGE’S ENG L [SH S “’holcsale quality Special vain pcrettes, Grey C toria. Lawns, Mu We do the best v~ kind of goods you ( the kinds of Dry Goon and plenty of each ways to cheapen pr. goods, or lowering the The latter is our way. Ladies’ ext flounce, $1.35. 20x20. but UN is to keep a stox over pnces. what’s and str Blouse W thrin @2316 All Patent; Iv @111? Ways PARIS GREEN. Effifif 533% \Ve quote (Suoce uld OD‘JI c're hone W e 1nd cut price . prices and 53.. Johngton “7.3 w est m quz If we giw ) the best )ods you {Dry Go HES] EEQRS‘. GOIHL" to C. D. I: Idi Opp( , PARIS GREEN. \Ve have just rm ls. which we are selling at a. loww p Jiun Green. which is handled by the : ion of 0.11- Green kills the bugs comp] Yâ€"C unmnteed to cure heave-.5 l distemper in horses. 1’1-ice 259. l CUREâ€"Guaranteed to cure spm‘ins and remove sm'enesa. Docs not, kill 2 worked while using it. Price $1. Jâ€"The old reliablewmakes your lmr: ms. Six lhs. for 50¢, 01-13 lbs. fur ': 'Iedicines at Cut Rate Price plend a now in F1anne1ettes,‘«Vm; ottons, White Cottons, Vi< ‘slins, Ribbons and Laces. both. We sell not} luality, fine if we 521‘ We it credit for that uniel J: 00. and Hugh Miller ck Co Cashmere Hose, spa ggists. 171 King St 0 Clyde Hotel. 34:35! yfi-T 3:3??? Vfidt'fii f ady-to-wear Skirts o and $2.00. ed Cambric Shirts, re IVE lity, fine if we say it it credit for that. we know to give you come for. \Ve have )ds that are fit to 5 grade. There arei x‘iccs: Cheapening 2 profit on reliable ,rzoc '3 W. 853?, to order your Hay Work commences; member we sell ‘ e 10 to 25 per cer ) three men in hay- time. Satisfaction ely how much custom-“ lat they would take in :ould be done in a stbre proper way to manage ;f goods, and think well re. Paints and Oils. imls done, and re- , for all kinds of tisfaction bvcausx Crash Skirts MUM mm everyt n :1 store: manage nnk well hing but .) it is, t. you the have all to sell, are two ing the e goods. 3 ts, with l I bronto m1! 11111 hzln

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