flichnm mentioned OE of each m Fire Bri: mom!) Pubiln ofe GOOD LIVE-RY . IN CONNECTION. Juno. Leave C ‘P R (Evening at 6. 7 1 3-). 2.40. 4.00 5.40. heave Ric Or :1 METROPOLlTAN TIME TABLE prove "I" ll. Snnh Lat Leave Rich 110 N.T¢.-â€"Ret least F1†Until fart} A M Y F. D \V (a ['0 :1 2' air ‘ Church of 1‘ ‘euve Newmarkot-, 11.15 a. August Pireghyfe p. m. SI Enquire for rigs at the Do- minion House. Anyn'lr quickh‘ m vin ho" .‘ naulay. Enwort 30a} and W'ood Dehvered. Prices Right. ‘ Mint; '1 Ichmn ' on or curt, R POST O FFICE NOTICE 1.. 1 EN SUNN Ho 1 L1 IVER‘Y GGAL Betweo 49‘ M( 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE 3135161431 Ema, ï¬g 2mm rd Q icininon d Kiill tlu W03 illage Directory. sending a sketch and descri tlon may certain our opinion free w ether an is probably pntenmblo. Communion- hlyconï¬dentinl. Handbook on Pntems Oldest agency for securing patents. taken tin-on h Mum) It Co. recetve ice, without. c area m the {Y 15th. Itms amount of private funds to npmved farm property situ- w County of York, at 4.1! per x' nt‘ticulm‘s 2! Qly to ', awrenco& \ adswm-th. 3Life Bldg., 60 Victoria St., Toronto i B. NEW'BEF BRITNEij D BRITNELL 1y afternoons. ERAL Ofï¬ce. Richmond Him sly illustrated weekly‘ Lamest ctr- xmy scientiï¬c nurnal. Terms. $8 a nonths. $1. So u by allnpgwsdf-niem. J Chum] ms will distrin ;:ud only tv cl.- thon haw nut" ester white hogs, lot 32, lst :ham (Thomhill) has for good young stock. ‘emnceâ€"Meets ï¬rst Wedncsd ry and Renaing any and Saturday Illaâ€"Meets evm'v F )UW GOING NORTH Toronto GOlNG SOUTH Meets ï¬rst Monday of every nt YSIDE FARM 3d Let: inutes [or clo Hxll ice Hails will be closed M the comes as follcwmâ€" 38iEroadway, 525 F St“ Washlnzton. ‘0. . 1â€"Sm‘vice3 M; 3}). :11. every hâ€"He )1 Mi -Meeha second and four th t-hm-s having claims :‘ “f Meete tbix-J Wednesday of Sunan mamas. and Newmutket‘ :0,' 8 on uflier â€"Meets second and 111 W'GGD «I DESIGNS COF‘VRIGHTS flac. ‘. are hereby noti- S. 0. 1897. Chap. claims (luly veri- dmry. Elgin Mills. of the will of the EOODF claims of ‘ommm .‘d on ( ast belhanded in 1.111111 tho above F Y. Postmaster. 1'60 "UM m: 10.30 11. m.. and General prayer CL“ C'Néwlqu 40‘ Roomâ€" Open a warnings ridny. â€"Meets Mon CS on B. m. ll n. gentle- m- about why noti- ‘ide Herd Jer of Im- lot 32, lst RHAM. ‘mprietor. 8.00 11.80 n.m. Ex ect 01's 12.20, 2.20, ,m-d a y, h date es tu to. which 2, 3.15. n., and acting altarâ€" kept JERRYEMETH, PRACTICAL \VATCH MA KB R. Fancy clocks, us a z-u‘<-, me not $00121 timekevpers because they :n-n not igh enough to .111an for a pendulum of the proper length. The \Vm. Gilbert Cluck Company have quite 1'Pcentiy produced a fancy 8-day spling clock. in richly carved wmnien cnsv, which is a splendid timekeepm- because they are the same height, and contain the same length of pendulem as their old model which has stand the test for years. I 391‘. them at, $5.00 and gunn antee them to keep better time than any other make of spring clocks. any person not have h the timv ( such pt-rsn excluded in trihution. Dated Lh The undersigm‘d is giving 11 the Gen- eral Store. husiness at (11100113, and has purchased the right and latest; impmved ma- chinery to build the following ANNIE I‘IENRICKS, Hendfmd P. 0.. GEO.VV.MUNK$~IAN, Hondford P. 0., Executm‘s. Cook and Johnston, 33 Richmond Street “’0le Toronto. Solicitors for said executors. Came rm ihe premises of the unC‘LmL signed, one ewe and one lamb. Owner is requested to pmvv property, pay expvnsr‘s and take them away. their claims: cm-ity, if any After the 1903. the (-3 distribute Ll ceased nmor thereto. hm claims of \vhi notice, and not be liable said assets '19â€: Sheik; Natice is herohy given pursuant in the Revised Statutes of Ontario. 1897, Chap. 125). Sec. 38. that ull persons having claims against, me estate of the said Donald John HPm-icks. who died on or about the 16th day of Juno, A. l). 1W3, :Lre l'vquired on or before the 5th day of Sept†1903, to send by post prepaid. or deliver to the underâ€" signed exocntnrs of the Will of the WE Tuly 20, 1 Nam €53 Ergdéiï¬rs Late of the Township of Markham, Farmer, Deceased. {Id IRON m†amfï¬'. DONALD JOHN HENRICKS. you W RICHMOND “Emma: W M . Estray Eatice 3537331?" - __\,-};.\€.B 33M: You to ‘VV £111 NQTE I". U used. full particulars of s and the nature of the se~ ny, lxvld by them. 10 said 5th day of Sept" executors will proceed to the assets of the said deâ€" ong the parties entitled :u'ing rogard only to the ‘hich they shall then have (1 the said exocutm‘s will ‘.u for any claim. 01- for the : or any part thereof, to of whose claim notice shall been rocviu‘d by them at, of sm-h distribution, and ms Shall he pvre-mptorily nm Of the estate of runt 1 {h 19 shall be pvremptorilg m the beneï¬t of such dis‘ 9mm} the EMm‘siscmmts. ROBERT HENDRY. ATES -& POSTS. 3th day of *0; _ mod fence it will pay ‘1) us a Card and t prices. OLLAND. 'di'b'tfi's US-SEJJKAIJ‘. nf Division Court, for )E York, will he held .‘ourt- Room. Newtoubmok P. MCMAHON $51331 RX CONGOR D, ONT 10 n. m uly, A. D. 1303 LERK Remodelledï¬md newly furnished throughout One oftbe most convenient; Mid comfortable hotels on Yonge Street. Every modern con- venience Sample rooms for commercial cravauers. Auiclealstopping place for riding or driviugpu'ties,bicyclists. or human going too: returning from market. Electric can passthe door Livery incouuectiun McGuhey’s Condition Blond Powders 250. Sold by Geo. Mannnld, lmrnces~ maker, Richmond Hill, and all mud- icine dealers throughout England, the United States and Canada. 224-03 HO SE AINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- hanger. RICHARDSOE‘J HOUSE w. HEWESON, JOHN I’ALVHE‘R. TWO Ice Cream Frcvzm‘s lwlongin to the Equx-th League may be renteg at: any time at 50 cents each, or both for 75 Cents. Apply to RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL A]. HUME, SANDE Calls from a distance promptly attendad to. 'ery Accommodation for the trav- elling public. ‘ TH G 0:7. 55 ALMER HOUSE REA}?! JE. THOROUGHLY REFITTED. m RICHMEOND 49-tf FREDEBECES DACFK. Prop TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. Diorchant E‘aflg Pure imam Hlnenlh‘ 53m Emazers uGAHEV MEDEGWIE 00:. 31 due}; :5; “(laugh Powders ‘ ihnunt 8 Emma. such as cf the legs. 18, :ruuone pm will cure. l'rico. 50c. ilh‘. um. MRS. TRENCH HII Fm- Broken- Winded HORSES Emng Sim 3 (*hmu‘c Affeou II? medicine in ase, mnk'm Hm new. Put-c, L50 n:- '5! Prop M35 Stronger to convince you of the meritw of any sulicitt‘d testimony of the pt The Meioï¬e C7195: Mr. Thos. Ludford, our new and to thank the public for the k4 age, and wishes to advise Gees. Ealcflamlï¬, Richmenfl Eli WANT ANYTHING u. Helium's .21 and L. Emacs 62 - 79% E‘i‘é‘nï¬mg Clearing at low priceS‘. designs. (gall and Now Gi’ï¬at' "gamma Wall Em ME“ gï¬‚ï¬ Ready- Mixed Paints EQ‘E‘LE’EEQ Groceries in stock Handles. Eavctroughing. Tinware in stock or Has stood the test foi- your: and has all t] at its back in testifying to its merIts i goes to make it the must, perfect Sepnmtr toâ€"dny. The Melottp has pmven itself t‘u appearance, for durabilitv. for conve‘nie npmatinn. Takes 33 per cent. less power competitor. Sens evei‘yt zing in season. Machine Oil, the best. Harvest Mits, :11] prices. Threshers' MitS, alT przc- s Oil Stoves, \Vick and \‘Vicl Hay Forks. Scythes. Jlot And by Rakes. For sale is the time to d oud E). 11111.. Bi Eééii Eiï¬ï¬m less. net Cn made in den Bm kinds of ’I done right 0 Cousin a; 3191 Efrem? Barn-Door best yet. furnaces, and )f Tinsmith v Anad 7/663? cmyfly 3; METROPOLITAN STORE .313: $71 $1.33 eparators. :dne all 1 iangt abamtar 72’ C} 33:11-13 an {a II in, ular €106: (=10 in (131111 who use It )I‘ v tn niu 6 3C! U113.) 15' use than m the mark Dread. and auntl der, - Jill} I leased Brit atron- 1~ Kaple 15:11 -l Tl ~hip pt 1110 m the fall. as to {if iulty of e hero; 1k tan- nf the ng Lha nun-kt ‘2‘ a d in xpire that 1H'( {11)