Von. XXVI. Best ï¬tting teeth, also replating, at lowest; prices. Good work. LIBERAL PRlNTlNG (2 PUBLISHING HOUSE ' RICHMOND HILL, our. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. '1‘ . F. M Calls by day am} night promptly at tended to. IS PUBLISHEDEVERY THURSDAY MORNING DR W G L SPAULDING DR A W SPAULDING IDcniists Room “ A." Yonge Street; Arcade, Toronto. J. H. SANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL Telephone Main 2134 Oflice Bursâ€"8 to M n. m; 12 to 2 pm 7 c. 8 1) Lu. JOHN R. CAMPBELL DR. ARNOLD D. A. MASON, ' 130ntist, (Successor to Dr. T. A. Currie), ' Our. Church and C.u-1ton Sts.. van to, Will he in Richmnnd Hill eve-1y “70d nesd 1y. Oflice, next dum- suuth of Public School. Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"W30 a. m. to 5 p. m. aha yesi‘ient ph vsxcian capitals, Torunta. Room 12, 12{ Victoria. St. Toronto. $1 per annum, in advance. 6‘ VETERINARY SURGEON, 'I‘hornhill. DR. E. J. STUBb’S, E" “ I am considerably advanced towards eighty years of age. 1 have of late been almost rejuvenated by the use of your very excellent preparation, which you have rightly designated as ‘Force.’ Never tire of it. “E. CA'n‘naMOLn.†Eh :~ {v we gig'ï¬seml \V \m . Bogus B anï¬ '$\ , DSTOB é‘flettrimzry ’l‘hm'nhill, 2i ileum. {iii}? SS CARDS. MAHONQ THE Jim Dumps was a most unfriendly man Who lived his llfe on a hermit plan. He’d never stop for a friendly smlle. But trudged along in his moody style Till “ Force "one day was served to himâ€" Slnce then they call him “ Sunny Jim.†Never Tires of It. Western and Grace IETOB a better builder ‘ than a vacation. The Ready-to-Scrve Cereal HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issue: of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. ’ NeWL G G S Lindsey Licensen A Goods sold acoc Maul Licensed Auntiouners for the Connsy of York. Sums amended to on shortestnotiocand a ton.- sonubleL-utes Patronagesoucited. License Auetionear for the County 0! York, ro- speetfully soiicirs your patronage and friendly influence. ï¬ales “bonded on the shortest. India. and at roasouabrmtea. P. Quadrant! Kine IR tended to on tb‘ rates. Murmur! Rnsldencestou A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. Au t abu Licensed Amt ISSUER MARRXAGE LICENSES, EHAGIN Bill-411$ Mr. Cook will be at, Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL IAS. N EVVTON M; TEEFY. VOTE RY PUBLIC, VVRIGHT BROS, Undertaken: & Emhnlmcrs, Barristers . Solicitors. l‘fctaries, 8n. mne Life Building (formerly Free- hold ern Bldg), Cor. Adelaide 65 Victoria Sts†Tux-unto. LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. mrmd dam Rider R Goul MONTY TO LOAN AT 5%. womenâ€"Removed mth old post ofï¬ce one duct was: of the entrance to the Onnulo Bank. rmrkstuomceâ€"Three doors south of the ‘Zsisuu‘ LENNOX, G. STV. MORGAN, Aux-om. Newn COOK 8: JOHNSTON RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1903 goon. Maple 1 rristnrs. Solicitors. etc. TO OFFICE: Nn. 33 H501]- St. “7GSL‘VVPSH‘Y Buildings, rhndisc Bowl: Rnom,) To- Punt-n. J. Il. PI entice. D. G. RLOI'GH. COXBHEEIONEB IR TEE £2 '. Lawrence 3: Wadsworfll, igoon dc McEwen. «:tioueer Eartha County of Yoxk n consignment. Gennrnl sales at 'ompï¬h‘ attended to at reasonubh lenuo Uniouviue .Jzug, Newton Brool.ngen41’ortho N. B. Smith. ownzrfm-tha Counties of York [Rules of farm stock. &o.. M- xe shortest Duties and reasonable zenndbnihâ€˜ï¬ sales attended to. uï¬ville Ont . In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentiais, Liberty; in all things, Charity." Phone Main 2984 J. B. Mel-7mm, Weston. New in arke‘ Council met at, Cosgrnvo’s Hotel, Bond Lake,nn Saturday, July 25, 1903. All members present, the Reeve presjding. Minutes of last meeting read and ap I-oved. ‘nmmunications were 1 Pccived from T. J. Gillelzmd, Manager of the Trad- ers’ Bank, Schnmborg, re statement of the amount, at the credit of the Town- ship of King, at [he close nf business on June 30, 1903 was $1,077.24. From John A. Ramsden, Esq, Clerk County York re. County taxes to be levied and collected for current; year, total 1111mm; lgping $5,268.36. The following bills were paid : Joseph Billings.month’s salary.$ \Vulter anuir. 2 tm'se. stone. . . Arch. Mitchell, road work . . . . . Geo. Burrows, 50 yds. gravel . . J. T. Curtis, road work . .. . . . . . l E. \Vellster, lumber . . . . . . . . . . 1 (I? C. Jackson, wnrk. lumber . . . . . . 22 4’.) William Dick, l'vpuil'ing plows. 7 75 Geo. Pringle, tenminglumber. . 3 0!) John Fry, road work . . . . . . . . . . 6 50 John Trainer. grmrl . . V . , , . . . . 16 41) Jus. Gill-0y, teaming . .. :1 ()0 Benj. \Villiams, road Work .. .. 7 233 Henry Bennett, road Work . . . . 8i ()0 Gen. \anker,l-nad work . . . . . . 31 (3!) \Vm. Brodie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 W. S. Gibson, surveying . 12 (J0 Geo. Norman, lumber . . . . . . . . 80 :17 Alex. Hurst, repairing scraper. 6 00 G. Holden, “ “ . 11 1:3 Jas, Gillieswwm'k and teaming, 2 ()0 S. Lemon, lumber . . . . . . . . . . . 28 20 Alf. Gordon, road work.. . . . . . 4 .30 W. R. \Vudswnrth, gravel . . . . 11 90 S. Lemon, road work . . . . . . , . . . 18 00 J. Billings, repairs to waggon. . 12 00 M. Gillham. cutting thistles. . . . 4 00 Benjamin 0:130, gravel . . . . . . . . 8 20 T. J. VVOUdCOCK.CnlinSPl fee. . . . 5 01) M. Gillham, road work .. . . .. 276 37 W. J \Vells, “ “ . . . . . . . . 43 10 J, D. McCallum, work . . . . . . . . 10 50 Roht. Gellate-ly, gravel . . . . . . . . 9 2%) J. T. Curtis. lumber . . . . . . . . . . 19 65 H. C. \Vobl), roadwm'k . . . . . . . . 21 35 Michzml Gould, charity . . . . . . . . 3 ()0 T. K. Ferguson, road woxk . 2 50 \Valter \Voorl. team rm grader 3 ()0 Resulutinns. Lax-kin â€" Armitagc â€" that the Tn- spectnrs report on 545; rods snow fume Mr. H. 'J. McLuzm and family are pxeparing for a trip tn \Vestcrn 0n- tm-io. A stop ufl will he made at the City of Toronto, no doubt to view the King EdqudHnt-l, which will well rvpayn visit to it as it is u splvndid building. They will also visit †Elms Lpa"nnd the surnmndings 21L hit-l:- mund Hill. Lm'kiu â€" Armitngo â€" that the In- spectnrs report on 54:} rods snow fume built by John Elliott (In Con. 5, be up- prm‘ed an order issued in his favor ful‘ $19.9Q.Tâ€"Adopted. Larkinâ€"Al‘mitngerthat the Treasâ€" urer pay John \Vinters the sum uf thirty-ï¬nA dollars, being payIm-nt in full for his services as ussesmuâ€" Agoptvd. Mr. A'. McLean was at the parental home on Saturday Inst, enjoying the 9‘13? “i? m???- I The dWelling lmuse of the \deen, S. E. Ferguson, Esq, was destruyed by ï¬re on the 25th July, with nvm‘ly all the contents. Just une week frum that he I-rceived :1. cheque cove-ring the total loss, through .lunms McLean. Esq., agent, nf the Anglo Alum-lean Fire Insurance Count Munnt Pleasant. ’lhe pmmptm-ss of the Company in payment, (if the claim should com- nwnd it. to all. The Rev. \Vm. Davidson nfTorrmtn, occupied the pulpib here on the 2nd August. In 21 Short timv we will hear the choice of the person whu will min- ister to the three united congregations in this section of Ontario. Larkinâ€"Armitngoâ€"tlmt the Treas- urer loan the Commissioners of King City on their note, for four months, the sum of eighty dollars.â€" Adpptod. A Oï¬ motion of S; W. Almitnge Coun- cil adjnurned to meet at, Temperance Hall, Kettleby, Aug. 29, 1903. Mr. J. \V. McLsz on the 29th nit. from \Vestern Ontario. Hay is a very heavy crop in this Township. One farmer boasts of hav- ingjeventy large loads. Just to hand, a spvcizll lut of anan Co’s choice cnï¬ves and confectinns 21ml Patterson's chocolates. Fine value in coffee, ground fresh. at 25, 30 and 400. per lb. Atkinson & Switzer. Miss Pearl McLean. the daughter of Mr. Geo. McLean of Detroit, is visit- ing friends here. ' j. J. Saddler paid a visit. tc the Fglpldljy here last Week. We regrét t5 hear that. Mr. John Sutcliffe is not, improving and is con- flned to his bed. A strange sight was seen a fe-w days ago. A person poking apple-s in a well shaded orchard with an urulm‘lla in one hand and picking with the other. Really, the present generation is \‘gx-Vnstylish. There was no sex-vice in the Method- ist church here last Sabbath. King Township Council IVIount Pleasant 5W returned home 21- trip through 101 32 00 10 00 25 14 5 00 1‘": [THE - LIBERAL 0!) 50 40 Dr. Stnhhs is taking a 1 N -\v York, and Dr. Aikluan ingï¬hispyuc: ice in thgj mean The villa m was well pa visitors on 1 Mucky, and maining m'er. Rev. Father McMahon few days on a, vacation. Culllphlints of a repe :u"s potato rut gu-e hea 7 this n PuLLerstm Lodge, A. F‘. and A. M., will moot rm Thursday night and de- cide when the postpom-d church pa- rade will he held. The Ludivs‘ Aid of the Methodist Church will mnot at the residr'nCP 0f Mr. '1‘. } ccntly hen coin (latex The Board met Thursday evnning. Mr. Fnrquhnrsnn (mull-red his resig- nation as Principal of the High SChl-(Il. The resignation was accepted, and the chairman and Mr. J. H. Sanderson wore appointed a. committee to draft a testimonial for Mr. Fax'qnhm'srm. Nauglitnn â€" McDmmlLlâ€"- that, $1450 lw lpvied on the Union School Section for the current yearnâ€"Curried. ‘ Naughton â€" Switzer â€" that, $250 he le-viod on the village for High School purposes.â€"-C:u-x‘iml. ' McDonald â€"- Newton â€"â€" that an ad- Vn‘rtisemynt fur Principal for the High School, at an initial salary of $300, be inserted in The Globe and The Mail on Saturday. Mchnnzliv and McNair. in amend- Ls-t us make your butter. 180. the hnwest- price- we paid last, year deliver- ed at your nearest station. It is wm-Lhynur while to givu :5 a trial. You are not put to any expense. “’9 furnish cans and pay all express charges. SAVE THE \\'031{ and make more money. “He satisfy 90 per cent, of those who send. Thirty-three mil- lions 0f lbs. creumery butter exported ast year. Let. the crezunm-ies make it. SWEET CREAM Special indncx‘monts fur those keep- ingzl number of cows and hzn‘iug ice, “‘11†can furnish us with sxvpet cream (h-livvred at the mun-es: stutiun. A trial solicitwl and satisfaction gal. : fun powdede au‘d’s pun tapioca, 7 light luilv Imv sugar- Rivez‘ Sue best, Cum Atkinsun Apr. 16â€"4 mus. mama-u W’.&NTED+SEVERAL INDU sons in each state to tmvel lisilml eleven vears run] with u call upuu merchants and age] un-l vroï¬f-ulfle lino. Parana» Weekly cuuh m‘m-y of $18 and pvnxes nnd 1mm bills advau guaranteed furs state number cows kept, {vhethex- separator 01' nut. “ Haulers wanted.†The Toronto Cream and Butter 00., ll Jarvis St. Toronto. Hon. E. J. Davis starth the Intim- pzu'toflnst week on a trip to \Vin- nipeg and the Pacific 00:35:. Best Canadian coal oil in lots 18v. gal; lwst Amvrican 00.11 oil in lots 210. gal. Atkinson 8: Switzer. Caudinal Sm-tn, Patriarch of Venice, has been (-lcctf‘d pope to succeed Leo XIII. He will be known as Pius X. f’m-t bux I)( All sizes of best g1; to size required. Ge for glass before p1; Atkinson & Switzor. at; $800 and First. Assist Thv original motion “- Board then adjourned tmnping h L, i XX White \‘V : fm-m-cI-s’ nu Dawson Gold Chaff variety yielded 700 bushels, an ave: of of 35 bushels to the acre. Th at was teamed in from the ï¬vlr‘. Ishs‘d, and the grain loaded in . car by G o’cluck. Board C S ubscribe for D and Cream Wanted HJOI'INN nghy and MC .L we advorti 1. Re nme It. soup. 2:70. hum: (lurk yvl- ‘. 7!; lbs. fur 25¢. ; Rt‘d Fraser key? salmon, 2 runs fm- 239.; Minn clu-ese, 2 lbs. for 25c. & Switzen ' ’hite \\ inr‘ vinogar 118’ pure lard. 2 lb: sugar, 5 lbs. for 2:"). soap. 7 bars for 25' :ll)s. for 250. ; Inf. News Notes. SWEET ()R SOUR Thornhill. In f-h pills advanced in cash each not, essential. Mention ref- )so sadâ€"addressed enveYopa‘ " i Dearborn 322., Chicago. \v'ritil :- cows n-e lard. 2 lbs fm 250.; 511m. for 250. ; Rich- ? bars for 250. : Pym-1 u- 250.; Infant’s De- bora: (Ln-k yol- fur 2-50. ; Rt’d Fraser of Cancun Education ownel «ring : glass in stock or cut GQt (m'l' quotations placing your order. all patronizc and many wel for muse estabâ€" ich a large capital. to agents for successful mmm no engagement. mud all trzwoninu ex- 'etit inn 3rd all air, in amend- for a Principal ant at $600. ms carried. STRIOUS PER- ‘ holiday m is ztttt antime. (1W gar, 25c. pf-I‘ lbs fnn 250.; ‘ul- particu- >t, whether sidwnce 0f 'x’ednvsday \V( Ill of last; au-uuud 3d w “1‘8 day at tttend- iptit for M de- [m- The re- ll One hundred acre for sale, being 10!; 3 ham. threeâ€"quarter: Gurmley. OI‘ Cooking s‘ove, coal or wood, Dober- ry, Szu'nia make. and coal self feeding lwuter, Burk Bruntfm-d. Make cheap for cash if sold at once. Apply tp Thu-é is a good frame dwelling, large 'brun on stone wall, Basement stable and other outbuildings; twu good orchards. New School House on south lut, and :1 church across the mud from hnildmgs, For f ms full particulars apply to h_ 1.. .7, pnsitiun and represent us fairly. We instruct; ynu and furnisbyou up-tn- date samplos frpe. \Ve pay weekly. All freight, and pat-king charges are: paid by us. From $50 to $150.00 per mnnth and expenses can be earned, sdling our guods. S. M. Richmr ‘Ve want a good reliable mm] to net as local salesmen in your district. The position is :l. permanent one and ()fl‘m-s large pay to :my wide-awake honest worker. All our goods are guaranteed. \Ve want to dele only with those who can nppx-eci- te a, good ur‘ i‘! "E and should be torn t1â€" ;§H{ï¬%l cured. Dr. PiercePs 601313; Wâ€! Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutri- tion. It enables the perfect assimilation of food and the proper nutrition of the body on which physical strength depends. "Nine or ten years ago my health became very poor, and in 1892 was so far gone that good doctors pronounced my case/the worst they had ever treated." writes Mr. Harvey Phipps, of Florence. Ala. "I had acute stomach trouble. liver complaint. catarrh and was nervous to such an extent I could not slee . I ï¬nallfgot three bottles of Dr. I’ierce‘s Gol eu Medics iscovery and some ‘Pelletsz.I Took them accordin to directions on the bottles, and in a few gays noticed a decided improvement. I commenced lg get more rest at night and could eat with pleasure. where formerly food was like chi s to me. When I had used three bottles 0 the ‘Dlscovery' l wasa new man; could eat mince pie for supper. go to bed at seven 1’. M. and sleep until seven A. M. I am now working at my trade (carpentri), every day in all kinds of weather, and thin ' if I had not taken your medicines I would now be under the sod." The full yearly membershlp fee lsOneDollnr for which you get all above. and you may with- draw any time within three month-1t you want to do so and et yuln- dollar back. If yon ‘don‘mare to lpon $1.00. send 23 cents for three month; membership. Nobody can atom to 363 mm Gael- by. You will 5;: Your money bee in value many times over. ul particulars will b“ ‘Eenc tree of charge. but It you ore wise you will ‘send in your requeat for membership Wm: the groper tee at once. Their: ctsmhme months mem- ; ershlp oun- will soon change. Write at once ad.- dreeslngyonr lane: and enclosing 81.00 for full weal-51 membean or twenty-live cents to: three 111101: a to ‘ MUTUAL LITERARY M17810 CLUB No. 150 Nan-nu 8t.. N. Y. Cflgg__ evcr treate Florence, A liver comp]: an extent I bottles of D Chance to Join a Club That Will Make and Save Mono for You. Ever bod should join the Muï¬mi Lite: Hu- sio cm or merica. There is nothing else l to it anywhere. It costs almost nothing- to Join and the beneï¬ts it gives are wonderful. Irenabiea you to purchase bouksand periodicals music and musical instruments at specml our prices. It secures re- duced rates at, many I: otcis. 1: answers questions tree of charge. It oifers scholarships and valua- ble cash prizes to members. It maintains club rooms In many citics to: its mmbers. In addition. oyex-y metnberjgct-i'qogthe ofï¬cialrmngazine enti- , ,_ , 7 fl , V -9- .. tied " Ev’ry Month†a ubllcatlon 1n aclasa by ItsefoucludIng 6 p!ecca c high-class voca! and In- strumenml muslcmzll size) each month withouc ting-3311332; 7_2_p1eces lg Que year in all. YOU strumental muslchull elze) Each’mbniï¬vwiiï¬oit extra charge“ 72 leces In one ear in all. YOU (um um AL‘L 0 TESE BEI‘ETIIS F03 ALâ€" MDST NOVTEXSG. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets cleanse the clogged system from accumulated impuritles. B. Mc Farm 3:" FGR SALE BRO‘VN, nd Hill, June 11, 1903. [Single copies, 3 cts. ‘WAEE EED ul.) nuu y‘ boNALD IIIOS IR: A. FARQUHARSON Ted :lFl‘é’S of ï¬rst class land mg 10!; 3'3, 4th con. Mark- quarters of a mile south of Many a man would bet- ter go without lunch at all than eat the hurried lunch which forms the noon-day meal of many a business man. Hasty eating, foods hard to digest, and no time allowed for digestion are the cause of many a case of stomach “trouble.†Disease of the stomach seriously threatens the health of the whole body BLACKFORD, Turn ntn. “or Sale lichmond Hill.