«t: -r-' l ' v 1_ +3 .tlverusane.-.s. < ilmpeusiu'y .l '11 r k (In 311 .~n'111‘o. For a tucâ€"lt ‘. F L :1 ilmrsiin (i l‘ . All ‘.--.-11.u| ‘Vllll‘.il’hll (Sonar. .‘ l5. McLean. Yet-rt .‘ hlbfl‘ ' .'. .'\l¢‘l;l'u.ll Purn. lur Sam 1. Richardson Fur ‘ LIDâ€"H. is :tl“N!Lil' Char, ---Hki11s.:n& \w1t7.;1‘ libs ï¬gihrt; .1 g I! tilt llictumxn IIILL, August 6, 10:13 Tlllï¬ KING’S VISl'l‘. The visit of King Edward to Ir..â€" land will do much to strengthen the ties of peace and good-will between the English and the Irish people. It is conceded on all sides that the Kingr in coming in personal contact with his Irish subjects has rendered £111 inestimable service to the Empire. Upon reaching English soil the ï¬rst thing,r the King did was to issue an address thanking the Irish people for the kindness shown to the Qucln and himself. The address contaiis these words of cheer, giving hipe for Ireland’s future happiness 2nd t ontentment :â€"4 “Wherever have gone, town or country, tokens of loyafty and affection, proffered by every sec- tion of the ct immunity, have madi an enduring impression upon our htartr. we in , :J‘Ju... am...“ .1. “1.9-...me 'Hnszntiiâ€"LLLIJ...;_~ a Toronto World in giving an accouri. of the recent demonstration that "there is a ]=(‘l‘c0pi.iblu rift .: V the Conservative lute in Maniton: 'l iisland. The President of the servativc Association, B. H. 'l‘nrin r of Little Currant, together tith fair ‘ flit. (It iii the cxr'cutivc, drclim-d to take an): ‘ part in the ovation to (I ." illll\:\ . The World staff representative in naming some of the prominent Con- leaving all jokes aside it must have been an imposing sight. _v The World says that Haney made i “ a red-hot speech " at Manitoulin tic other day. The World then qnoh .~ Gamey as saying “ Stratton is g iiity ‘ as hell.†not want What think of such language 0111112115: i'ran: a man who claimed that he took Surely the listeners did it any hotter than that do honest Conservative. lll> stand in order to purily politics i1- Ontario? amm- l*‘ora country so attractive and a people so gifted, we cherish the Warmest regard, and it i , therch re, with supreme satisfaction, tl at I have so often during our stay, heard the hope expressed that. a brighter clay is dawning upon Ireland. I shall eagerly wait for the ful: linent of this hope. Its realization will, tinder divine Providence, dcpmd {rpm the steady development of sol."- reliance and cooperation ; upon bet. 1' and more practical educatiin; ’I) C t upon the growth of industrial aid commercial enterprise and upon th: t increase of mutual respect which the Eitesponsibilty my Irish people now enjoy in the public administration of their local affairs, is Well litter to teach. those and other means of national well-being may multiply from year to year in Ireland, and that the blessings of peace, Contentment and prosperity may be abundantly much .1» Sifed to her WWI . An article on the ï¬rst page of The Toronto World of Monday goes to show that “terribly mistaken attacks of the Mail and limpirc against the personality of Sir Wil- frid Laurier †are driving the French Canadians from the Conservative party into Sir Wilfrid’s camp. The I article contends that the tactics are “stupidly wrong," and gives {in fol lowing as among the headlines tak~ ran from The Mail: “ Laurier Insults Ontario,†" The True Laurier,†“ Laurier Attacks Ontario,’ etc. It is hinted that if Mr. R. L. Bord<n, leader of the Dominion Constrva< tives, hopes to have a following in Quebec province he must keep his eye on such papers as The Mail and . Empire. W On Thursday last Sir Wilfrid Laurier presented to the Canadian Commons the project of building at national railway from ocean to ocean. The agreement made by the Government and the Grand Trunk Paciï¬c is that Canada will build the railway from Monctou on the east coast of New Brunswick to Winnipeg, and lease it to the G. T. i 1)., whose promoters will eontime the line to the Paciï¬c coast, aided Ly a government guarantee of 7.3 per cent of the bonds. The liability in- curred by the Government for ttel construction of the entire railway' will not be more than $13,000,000. i l l | R. Ii. Gamey is being lionized in Conservative circles, 'Ew 1i'e - e is receiving the cold The some in others 11 houldcr of his former friends. It is my earnest prayer that ‘ m... saw-1mm: with 1 “I was given up to die quick consumption. I then began to use Ayer‘s Cherry Pectorai. l improved at once, and am now in' perfect health.â€â€"Chas. E. Hart- man, Gibbstown, N. Y. ml mm warm-n WM‘W .m .. N 1) It’s too risky, playing ith your cough. The ï¬rst thing you know it will be down deep in your lungs and the play will be over. 86- 4 gin early with Ayer’s Cherry Pcctoral and stop ' the cough. ‘ twat" v ., Vi NKWWFNHT’ ‘mm " kgxsnm‘uzwm m ‘3 ' {(71 for an ordinary 9‘ . bronchitis. house- 33 _ do, o. . pl. most economical . I v 1 «es and tul‘ee1onliand. .1. o. A‘ZER co.. 53W..- caucus-arms" .1»..- 7\i‘Qll, Lissa. a .41" "um- Emmi-w é Foundry. Steel Hog Ti oughs, any length, made in tiillt'i‘. Prices right. All kinds of wrought or cast iron taken in exchange. Choppingdon: any day but \Vcd- nesday. n J Merger .. “I. HAG-BEE, Prop “.3? if»; I Fancy clock-z, as a mic, are not good lllllt‘ls‘l'iJl-l's lirrause they are not. high l‘lltiugl!i0;tii11\‘.’ful';l pendulum of the pi'hlwl' length. The "Win. Gilbert Clock Company have quite recently produced :1 fancy Salay spi in}; clock, in “only (?.'|1".'t‘ll \rinnlcil curt... which is :t solviizliil lizilvknvpt'r because the" are the same in ' {ht aid contain the same length oi . -11:lnlc1n :15 their old model which has stood the test for years. [st-ii thorn at. $3.0!) and guar- i antee ill“!!! to " l).‘il<‘l‘ time than any other in 11.1- of spring rlocl;::. 2" it i†i ‘1‘ if .i s n r s art-i, \VATC H M A HE R. RICHNTOND HILL The Next Sitting of Division Court tor No. 3, County of York, will be held . u. ‘ Cilia; hill Elisa, «ONâ€" - \' "' '3 5‘ Fillfllll. {ii} 3 Mill .2, Comment-int: at 10 a. 1:]. keep PRACTICAL : ariaï¬' tan 1 itlmigiii "' e .I in the Court Room. RI " T. F. IiICMAHON CLERK or live ot' the prominent members wt . i i l l l servativcs at the (futility dcinonstra- l "1".“ A†-'ll“l)-"'ll‘l P-ibï¬ll’lt‘ I tion at Manitoulin says: â€"- “ The. U†‘ mum†llrio‘o‘P‘sL me ‘i II) N ., . i. . ~~ l Whine"), l“°"“"" ""‘ ' :5.'.'“Prs‘ , f, 11 en trc island tom} ulCl 31.3,, 3MP,“ "Lug. um", illr. Bcatty l\€Sl_>ll-t and .T. W. Si.‘ E‘W‘HH Mil’tï¬il‘d 3’l‘l'0o t '. John. The islanders stop Work to IV ‘ ' ' ' 1.3. nvqi 1? $3] ‘1' f-‘._ n9†see them walk by ti'ilt‘ethcr.†' ' "NU" usykklilg 3 “Wings v * f The ll orld man may have been i Transacted}. in a sarcamv t of mind 'whcn I, I I I ' <‘ - .1' ; '. ..' ‘; ll 2 t. ‘lie lllllk' I I†P ,1 ‘ I†‘(litilllllllllCllllsfl ll . i1. penicd trio abate uoids, bniL W“ 30°63 tbs»? mastitis? (33’ (using .1 . -t; .4»: 1â€"â€" Ma rziwakkzu‘u -. arm. AL:- er:qu er £83m ‘ “rm f’a sitï¬ï¬si \'.t.. 7 war w-v -- .- Jxvului a“. pair.†ltl.t)llll();\"ii dnpnzul I “ Lewl - DEPOSI t‘ i. Received in Savings" lint: Depart.- i‘l‘.\'l'|lilx. merit and interest .. WERE-3T 0053253? :i‘fiTES. . . . a Notice of \\'illl(ll'.l\\.ll not licccs- J. 'W. SBOREIE Alli x, a: , will“ I?‘ M £73.! n $1.375 xiii: I .1» ' NT. v. Turns 'f‘ï¬" .. .1... 5 makes light the labors of washinrr. Lia .. ~ 1 _ V o milk. 3 To Loan rain day into play day. Better than any Soap 'l‘hrot- thousand dollars to loan at a and maria asmmmiaaflu :1 low rate of iutoic'st. 1m limit-mort- gage farm property. Appr at 71V (fade only by "TE-IE N. K. FAIFJBANK COMPANY, New York, St. Louis. Montrc al- Lia-Lion. t. l“, rill“. UBERAL OFFICE. W. """‘ "‘"“'""“""‘â€~‘“‘ . at.) , iii Eltiiit lattes * t 2 E is? a its. l Home to Rent The Picnic Grounds and Daneng Platform at Luke \Yilrov will he rent- 7 . . . ‘ . '7 RV . ,a’ LB ’6 ' \N t in ' int-n‘e l)(‘lltics at low miles. £33.? 3 {Viig-Eabiiiiij9 (' ll t t" 'i' l 1:1no lll (’Hllllt'l' It ii. “""‘ “""l‘ †"’â€~ 1" Y “'1 ‘ ' ‘53 KW“ “We EM- THHMO in llw\ill;1~:§v of int-1.wimiuti'fti. 5m“ r“) L . r 1 V ‘ .1 . . l “AN 1‘ LbGGLv Flop-i E accommodation 5(w:li~:gtn_ mama“ !i\' in l$)â€"tf Oak Ridges 1’. 0. unrday -\l‘i . . t. l‘. .l. l_’. GLASS. mm smegma-m “WWWML g, ME’M We solicit bull- ness by clear straight state- ments,low pric. es and goods of honest worth. Always tell us when anything geca wrong. We mulw no 01-1-01 whichwe do not stand ready to correct. 2’ . QUEEN CITY ~THE~ Unï¬t“ FYKJWVB‘? 2a.: 3:41.1'vv.\':vt',»-.' ‘ . 'n' ' 'l‘inware and Graniteware Barb er .190le ‘ Wire $2.75 p 3 We would like 11:"?57. ' r " " eats? PAINT. t mm a. we v . . - S sultan/ml cox] is s eel !l d i Bï¬aammtcomt Spring. KC" 11 burnt.) fgzige.z§i:d° 51.“; '"ï¬? blo I31001! WHOâ€"‘3'“ . painting. We supply it Inï¬ed‘e 138 9‘. at the one low ma pleasing and duraâ€" ‘3 31:5; shgigg ygu price of his roleâ€. priced as 101- ‘5'- . -. >1 , ’Ons" .. Efllpï¬gnï¬â€˜; Two Dollars till Sevenlyliit Will: QM... 2.... 7-. ' ~ _ r u |_ 0 per 100 lbs. tununns 100. i . and bring it to our store and we will give you - i Zin’ 10.15 750. i 6‘; a. 204;th Bread Raining Pan, regularly sold for twenty-live cents. for 5â€" Fifteen Cents _WC guarantee the qual- ity of ill; paint. HAYING TIME roots. Hay Rakes. 'l‘eu Cents Perfect Field Fencing Excela All others. Electrically weldad at every joint. making it the very strongest lance on the market. Prued 44L trawl-IN N ha“ Strainer Pails 100 Less. l 36 1 10 m t a: . ,- er pfi'lls‘ywel'ilgmd: {’03) upwards, perfodJrom I Haagpxllli‘zz’lny I tiff. ï¬t“£’.f?‘tï¬f§“.‘£§ Thirty Gents we... quantity lasts you can We one pole Toronto Agent°. hw'dmflmced "p‘ 3 buy one for wards {.1211 S , F. A544: ' “Iâ€" :9 (‘enta Twenty- me 7 1 - lltlj' Fork ladies from It}. Chili. . Cents. Scythes and Stratus. »â€"â€"_â€"_ __._ ; B l (3'6 1 83' o n \Vsilim'auvvidi p l milk pails. cream caulifiiiigtelr bzzlus. 1:31asz range or . f “*1†We; MAMLLA . 110:1â€" liL- Li ‘ .‘ Stoneware Butter Crooks. mar-mm. , I ROPE . . . . choice tinker. scan. 5 Of a. ‘in.l wine!) Wil. take and lioldz. O! aspacially good qunl‘ lâ€. The brine will not go through them. A full range 01 sizes from one to of the very best “ qnn‘uiy. Just tho . Klll'l needed for asï¬ï¬gs ï¬ï¬zï¬ï¬ w†* :tom thirty gallons. goal cum ï¬dga' pricea uywm db Q your Hey Fork Cents 96011 ‘ oumn We have Stoneware , .. mu range 0! _. 1263 8.3 [r ices you'll my are right. It will :: Chums ray you to buy rope hem. complete with flasher. pnoed' upwards from venty-Fiue Cents TACKLE BLOCKS. A complete liuoof the-Ln in “ wood and iron. “_ in single. dou- I: bio 5nd trlpleâ€" t} n r g o o d " Buying will '. ’ make easy selling to you. " THE CYCLONE SPRAYER - ‘Se Washboards, Tubs and Pails I We havo everything you need Bandy [toned flor immediate use which we have specially priced at a little more than the bare irons would cost you. “Mom 40c. haying. 55.. ,faamaaeasssamseec 3&3. g Pure Paris ureter: I in this line at prices lower than you are in the habit of paying elsewhere. LAUNDRY SOAP. Three large bus of splendid quality soap for Twenty-Five Cents. I -'.I.'_...- “1.5-1â€;- . I, 351ml? 7» Our large buying capacity enables us ‘1 to purchase Pfll'hl Green 0! the nich- 3‘ Every Housekeeper Knows g est standard of unity so a price WiJlL‘il :1. smguer buyers Ave to pay for poor in. is a splendid article for jg a good broom m tenor stock. That‘s wb we can sell spraying bushes, shrubs .. when she use: (3 you snob splendid Parts amen [or (n and manta. also for cat- ' one. On! Q (.5 tie. horses. and ponitryâ€"disr-h argon the actuâ€" brooms Hawaii ,3, i tion in a spray-like form. lonely-lug the aim. Eighteen Cents. meeeeesessaa Biuï¬ TWINE Indications point to an unprecedented demand with e. shor- tage of material to supply. it. '1‘ h a t moms ad vamng prl cos. You'll be $7193 to place your unit: With us now at 1m.»4 ’ iancy and economizlag the material. We have out the price to ‘ Thirty-Nine Cents. , no llvlcllkiss Pins than mutation. Distributes the Paris Green in dry formâ€"by its use one pound to the new is all that is re- .luired: treats 2 rowa at a time and works I very rapidly. One will pay for itself in the ~ saving 0! time and material. nightly priced at Three Dollars and Fifty Cts. 1- , ï¬lled with the '_» “* very best selec- ‘é ted corn and our good buying enabled us to ;- out the priced low. Buy your next broom I Lawn Mowers are Scarce Notwithstanding which we have a vet complete stock whie is mainly priced up- wards tron: Two Dollars & cents. . . ' ranging upw’rdstr'ni It’s . , . Ten and a. Half Cents H081 Poultry Netting. Timeng OUR SELLING PRICE wwwd mm is alwaye the price we ask youâ€"â€" Two Cents ONE PRICE TO ALL. Tli RUSSlll: lllhilill . I2 East King Street, Toronto. A mu I3 0‘ use: ' ' m M up We have a full assortment of tnes to: all pug. :3 posee. rightly priced upward!» from Twenty-Five Cents. 3: Not how much or how little you gt Low Pm" no one band: which bind 00‘ Whom, Day , but 1111“ You GE! 1. the real 1:051 of value.