Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Aug 1903, p. 7

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l Results from common soaps: eczema, coarse hands, ragged clothes, shrunken flannels. REDUCES EXPENSE Ask for the Octagon Bar tâ€" Ill THE chitin-lilting .a'ost Sacred Place is the Bath- room, Where Bath is Always Ready for Someone. The house is of yellow brick and is one-storeyed; it is built round a small garden that is square, says a The writer in the London Globe. .tiny windows, with their dainty curtains, look out upon one of the most famous roads in Russia, for it is trodden every year by thousands of pilgrims, who are on their way to the neighboring monastery. The roof is of sheet iron, and is painted 31‘0011; it slopes somewhat, but not. So much as to prevent the eldest son of the family from dancing on it in moments of madness, with a noise that (an l.e imagined better than it: can [‘0 (leSL‘l'ibod. Stabling forms one side of the square; another is Used as an office, where a number of clerks in uniform and one or two young lady typewrites toil, or to he more accurate, remain from more. till eve, from eve to close upon midâ€" night, sipping tea, smoking cigarâ€" ettes, and no doubt also making up accounts. Near the entrance an aged man sits during the summer on a bench outside against the wall. He is the. porter of the business part of the establishment, but his seat is close to the back gate. so that he can see all who enter the yard. And a strange, picturesque, number of visitors there are who find their iway in by habit or by chance. Porr- ' it is a gypsy girl in the brightâ€" ly colored costume of the Little Rusâ€" sian peasants, but more frequently it is a beggar, who with a thick [stick braves the ferocious dogs that were forth and back at him with an energy and ferocityr that sometimes upsets even a. beggar's nerves. But once in, he advances past the stables .to the kitchen door. hat. in hand, asking alms of every one he meets. ,One nuble, or 25. 2d,. a week is al. llowed to the housekeeper for distriâ€" bution among beggars, and it is rare the day or night, he is exposed to the visits of a valet, who is looking for iuntwhes, or of a maid who wishâ€"l es to take away his boots or to borrow a chair for n minute. Knock-JK ll‘g‘ at the door is unknown. And if lie protests at an intrusion on his print. y, when he is engaged in dressâ€"y ing. perhaps, his rr-mnrlxs will l~e reâ€"f l (whorl with astonishnuuit, nud the.1 pt‘ur’ulll .girl who does duty in ‘ lions-unmid will toss her head nndl infuse to argue with one who is so unreasonable. l'n‘lnps tlze most sacred place in the bur-Sc is tie luitlzrtmm. lt is n' snznll apartment formed in the corri- dor by moan of a wooden partition and certainly containing nothing inl Lle way of mconvmodntion or furni- turo to justify the almost religious aw.» in whirl} it is roe’nrded by the family. No one but members of the family and guests are. allowed 10‘ splash about in the steaming \vnters‘ of the bath, which is (‘niilinllnllv beâ€" ing got ready by :1 servant uith the ‘L. on.“ - , s is art] of thermometer. At the in the town the same exnggei‘ntm is in around which the house is built, of oourse useless in winter but. summer it is pleasant to sit. its high towering acacias, with bloom, and to listen to the sound of water as it falls into the pool of the fountain, where. gold fish ulmnge is not necessarily an agree- able one, for the gnats are so numâ€" orous tlbat it. is only possible to get ielief from them by burning feathers on a tray somewhere near the table, but this as often as not drives the diners away as well. A lamp over- hangs the table, and sometimes summer evenings, it is black with in- sects that cling to the globe in such numbers as to obscure the light. Here. to, the wondering stranger will lie able to note how little the idea of caste seems in some way to have taken root in Russia. A begâ€" gar will appear at the table during luncheon and pour out his pi'teous tale, or the little son of one of the innumerable male servants will apâ€" proach and play, and the members of the family, instead of sending him away. will call out to him. As for tie valets, they take part in the conversation at times, laugh at the joke“, and even make jokes them- selves. (lovornesses and tutors are welcome, and in some Russian hous- es there are three or four of them, for the Russians like strangers, re spect education in them, and pay that they call without receiving food. Let us return to the front door and ring the electric bell, if ha.p1y We obtain permission to enter the ,‘town house of a wealthy tchinovi‘k. 'Aldinittance is given by a clumsy looking peasant, to whom a. livery im‘parts neither elegance nor dignity. 'l‘o .right and left open the reception rooms, which are spacious, well lighted, but somewhat low, and ele- igantly fumished in the style of “Western Europe. The dimingwoom possemes a. fireplace and two monuâ€" ,-mctnta1 stoves, reaching almost to lthe ceiling, and so placed in the [wall that they warm two rooms at; ‘rthe same time. It adjoins the bufâ€" fet. and as the door of it is almost always open the discussions of the semvants may be heard by those who are sitting in the dining-room. The lsalmn has no furnitare butt mirrors with gilded frames, chairs u-plholster- ,od withxblue silk, :1 ground piano in .one c-omier and a gigantic candelab- ‘ra, with oil lamps that fling their light upon the Imrquetted floor. -There is a card-room, too, and the bo'utdoir of the lady of the house, ,‘which is crowded, as such roonus sure ‘woin’t to be, with pictures and nickâ€" Inecks and furniture. Searcer a rbook in any of these apartments; scarcely a newspaper; the pictures lame Italian, or are paintings of local ' artists, and represent Russian scenes. LACK OF PRIVACY. _\\lhat strikes a stranger after a. short visit to this house is the utter want of privacy. For as the build- is only one storey high, it is ob- vious that to go from one and to the other it will be necessary to pass along a. corridor or to go through various rooms. Where the corriâ€" ‘dor exists it is fairly wide, and in order to ac'conuuodute all the mem- bers of this very numerous house- hold certuin portions have been se- parated by means of curtains, and are assigned as bedrooms to the maid servants. Hero, of course, dilute is the minimum of privacy, es- perinlly for those who wish to re- ,tire at 10 o'clock in a land where little account is taken of the hours, and where it not unl‘requently hap- pens that night is turned into day by rmelers and card players. But, exrept for the father and mother of the family, no one is really much better on”. The bedrooms are all at one corner of the building; the boys sleep in one, the daughters in th ‘ot‘hor, and in one of them a. thir _of the room has been shut off by a ,screen for the governess. There are inn keys in the locks. so that any ,01:e in the family who is given to sleep-walking may stroll into any ,room and leave. the door open be- tbe position of teacher is very astronomy, physical analysis, cation." for it on a scale that; would excite astonishment in England. But the houseâ€"keeper is not allowed to dine with the family. The val-et‘s hate her because she has stopped them fighting for the food as soon as it has been taken from the table, and, of course, she does not dine with the servants, and loud are the la- nmntations that she sometimes utâ€" ters, as she presides over the saino- 1n var, of the lonliness of her lot this well-peopled house. She speaks Polisdi, Russian, lerm-an, French and in the true spirit of a linguist is anxious to add English to the list. ___+.__._ Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot“ reach the diseased portion of the car. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- dition of the mucous lining of the Eus- tachian Tube. When this tube is inflam- ed you have arumbling sound or tru- perfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result. and un- less the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for- ever. Ntne cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous ser- VlCoS. We win ive One Hundred Dollars for any case 0 Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrb Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY 6-. 00., Toledo, 0. Sold by Drugglsts, 75C. 1133'! Family Bills are the best. ,Curc. “The'examination you undergo for 80â€". vere, is it not?" "Yes, indeed!" “What are the branches?" “Well, to-day we were examined in psychoâ€" logy, integral calculus, mathematical polemic divinity, metaâ€" and Greek versiflâ€" “indeed! What pesition are you competing for?" “Instrucâ€" tor of the infant class." EiiilLiSli SPAVIN Llitlil‘dlEfiT Removes all herd. soft; or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blmd epavin. curbs. splints, rlng bone. sweeney, stifles, sprains. sore and swollen throat, coughs, o'c. Save $60 by use of one bottfo. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known “Do you take many periodicals?" asked a young vicar on his first visit, to one of his parishoners. sir, do, but I'm sorry to say that husband once you could pledge." "Oh, no, "I never mv takes a. periodical about in every month. I do wish induce him to Sign the replied the woman, Mlnard's Linlmenfiusei by Physicians hotels mspert is paid to the bat’h, if prices 1:0 for anything, for the charge for the use of one of them is (is, 4d. i‘)l1p"li§illllt‘ll confrotod with dlilicul- (ins such as this, and unable- to do without a morningr "tub," some- times travel in Russia with an Inâ€" diaâ€"rubber bath. LARDI’JN A PLEASANT SPOT. The garden which forms the square under white are at play. Here, too, on the wooden velandnh, the family dine through the summer heat. The on I lately. unimpaired. Black Mixed Ceylon Green "What do you do with a man who steals a horse out here?" asked the tourist on the coach in the Far “est. "String him up," blurted Amber Pete, in forcible tones. "And a man that steals a, motorâ€"car?" “Give him a purse for ridding the country of a nuisance.” â€"_______..______ I was Cured of painful Goitre by MINARD‘S LINI‘MDNT. BYARD MdMULLIN. Ohatham, Ont. I was Cured of Inflammation MINVARD'S LINIMENT. MRS. W. W. JOHNSON. Wlalsh, Ont. I was Cured of Facial Neuralgia by MINARD’S LINIMHNT. J. H. BAILEY. by Parksdale, Ont. . "9 Visitorsâ€"“So you've got a cat and a dog? You should be glad to have such nice pets.” Tontmyâ€"“Oh, they ain't mqu use to me; they don't like cake or jam." Visitorâ€"“Well?” Tominyâ€"“Well, they’re never blamed for any that's missing." Lifebuoy Soapâ€"«disinfectant â€" ls strongly recommended by the medi- cal profession as a safeguard against inl‘cctiot s diseases. “Poor Jack! He never could spell, and it ruined him.” “How?” “He wrote a verse to an heiress be was in love with, and he wrote .boney for bonny." Keep Minard‘s Linimeni in the House. Fortune Teller (to gaily dressed girl)â€"“Your husband will be a poor manâ€"unless ” Maiden (eagerly) â€"“Unless what?" “You dress more economically after marriage than you do now." For Over Sixty Years bins. wmsinw‘a Soornixo SYRI'X' has been used by Itilliona of mothers for the“ children while teething. Itsoothcs the child, whim the gums. alleys pain, cures wind colic. regulutcs tho slonl‘lull and bowels, and is the best. remedy for Diarrhoea. Twentyhm UCDLS a bottle Sold by druggiuts throughout. the world. Be sure and ml; for " Mas. WmsLow :- soornixo SYRUP." 23-“ Nedâ€"“I'm dreadfully about my debts." Jackâ€"“1t must be very annoying to be continually: dimmed.” Nedâ€"“Oh, hung the duns! What worries me is the fact that I ‘can't get any more credit." $64.80. Worried Toronto To North Pacific Coast and Return Via Great North- ern Railway. EfieCtive daily from July .‘llst to August 13th, inclusive, round trip first-class tickets will be issued from Toronto to Seattle, Tacoma, Wash, IPortland, Ore., also to Vancouver and Victoria, B. 0., via Great North- l,erii Ry. at rate of $64.80. Proportionato rates from all points in Ontario. Tickets will be valid for return until October 15th, 1903. Full information as to stop over. Each chest of Blue Ribbon Tea is lined with lead â€"â€" the tea poured in and a sheet of lead placed on top and soldered down. No air or moisture can possibly The taste and aroma ls... 1.5.1 The richness, dc acy Should be Fifty Take the 5 v ‘ ‘Ylf’ltaflflazmfli' ackaoh Boeckh's Scrubbing Brushes. None Genuine Without Name RANBS. Edward 10003 I, “In “ Headlight " 6098 “ Eagle " ‘5 W200. _. “ Victoria " :- “Little comet " :vusLZ-lixmy: 1L-.1“A~.J,;’.N‘ Thin Manâ€"“Boy. what’s that hun- gry dog following me for?" Boyâ€" “llo thinks that you are a bone, I expect. You had better hurry or he'll have you." lilinald's Linimeni Lumhtlman's Friend If you can't say a. good word for your neighbor at least you can keep your mouth shut. lsk fm Minard's and lake n at El. lovi- unless he is up against the real thing lumselfwand then you can't be lieve him under oath. l , , .y‘,. n . . . ‘g’wl; ' ’ common tine Steamships Montreal to Liverpool Boston to Liverpool Large and Fast Stcnmsli'ps. Superior accommodation or all nix-s33 of in flex 0‘ doom and t‘iL'Y-L‘Jr’ll),lll4 5. .__..â€"~â€" .re amidehlps. chitin has I c: n gi :i to the Sn'f‘ru‘l Saloon l‘l ’lhiid (J accounmu on. Fol '«Ai-ksnfllilSill; l all parti imrs .pply to any age-at. ifthc Compan). or to pass?) 71' “sent. 9450 t l)t).\llI\'lO.\' LINE OFFICES: 7 Sure Boston. 17 St. Snaameutn‘c, Montreal the patent inflated au- pwd truss should be a uiccess. ltholds the parts in snow. pavilion that. with fair play they munt heal. it in lab! and comfortabge to wear, and your confldcnn lB restored the moment it. is adjusted. \ou ‘ can procurct only from the Belt and Trip» t Mfg. Co... 9min Specin i515, 43.7 Epsdum . Ave” Totem). Write now. 22â€"47 For the very bczt send your work I: the .u-n “ BfiiWSH Amsuch-l BYEIN’J 68." hind rim when he goes. As for the - _ H ‘prlxileges, time of trains. sleeping Englisl’nitn's maxim that his house,i Chlamgabclle _ Ladii Pot,“ wo'.CÂ¥11‘ Fate-R. Etc-y 0“ application 10 or a, least his bedroom is his mam Ina}1.l“{_nh a icon a follow? Begâ€" , Charles w. Graves. District I’assem the notion is one that has never “mfg. t it‘ll}. “l,d°“" ma am i Ker Agent. Great Northern 6i hem, tam-d of. At um. momlmt of <"-.‘ lAI-NJJL 9 “ULS' all I have to lKing Street west. Room 12, Toron- ” «rt him." I“ m , 2nd; (or act-2: in nu: town. or send dines. tit-29.1,Torento, Ottawa, Quebec. ‘ lust; l ‘l p Ll; “Oi are retained abso- They are absolutely the best brushes madeâ€"backs do not warp offâ€"bristles Your grocer sells them. , Vile have Mexicans, It scientific principals count for anything ‘1‘ at. 5“- .r a "«'- we . BEL. tail-i? n1 .. . Best 5..“ Bestfox is Big Folk-3 1: L'ttie Ft)le l? gray“... i3 “' ‘ ““ JOHN TAYLOR (1' CO. 9 Perfuincrs and SCI-L13 Makers L TORONTO. and creamy taste are all there to cheer and solace every moment if you want. 231 As}; for the Red Label e out of cleaning. money can buyâ€"the best do not fall out of “ Boeckh ” on back of Brush. Experiment with other and Inferior brands, [ESE E mâ€" , Ff ~.- .»~ g -.v.. @393 \n» Warsaw. rs heights REBQUT use... Etta AYEEE TO PATENT I03 Bay St ,TOEOM'K'P tennis Sand for Handbook 01 l'atenti, ac. iliiftiifiES California Nave-ls, HAVE Valencias,‘ and THE Sevilles. BEST RAREE'LJLEQ'aafi-‘i. Carl'ad every week. All the above at market prices. ‘v'e can also handle your Butter, Poultry, Maple Syrupand other produce to advan- tage for you. fail [AWSON GOMEEEHSN 00., Limited., cor. West Market 5:. TozonT-cz i?- “ rm. rWV ,- E-iga-g mama“; an. .. lax“

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