Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Aug 1903, p. 8

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A large amount of private funds to loan on improved fzu'm pl-npm-ty situ- ath in the lonnty of York, at 4; per cent. For )zu-tviculzlrs apply to Lindsey, ' awmnce & \Vadswm-th, Home Life Bldg” 60 Victoria Stu. Or at Tin-onto THE LIBERAL Office. Richmond Hill, on Saturday afternoons. ’The pm} of Holstein proved Uhe con. M m1; sale game 9 ’The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of 1m proved Chester white hogs, 101; 32,151: con. Markham (Thornhill) has for sale game good young stock. 'l‘hnr-nugh-hwd bull and hug kept for sex-\‘icz- nu [he premises. HOESESHOER Beggars fiid Stand, RICHMOND HILL. Until further notice Mails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post; Office as follows:â€" MORNING , 8.00 EVENING . ....... 6.5 N. B.--Registerod Lettms must be handed in I least Fllteen Minute“ earlier than the above mentioned hours for ulosiun. Public I Tuesday. ’1' Enwmth GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. Bichlfmu day on (3}: l Court Ri‘ Ourth Fri ofiéuoh mm Fire Brign mouth Roman ( muse Sund‘ Methmlm~ 'l p. 111. Sn meeting T! "Gimp 19h Wedlxns‘ln)‘ PresBytel-im 7 p.111. Suuth‘ Wednede OY Sujxdny LIVERY Leave Newmurket 7.719, 9151 11.15 a. Leave Richmond Hx! 2.40. 3.5.1 I} LeueC P P. Crossing u.‘ 130, 2.40, 4.00 heave Richmond Hill 8 8.30. 4.50, 6.: une METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE Anyone sending quickly ascertain luvenflml is prob Hons strictly com! Bel“. rrc Ldjiest “ ‘Iizit en mega! 15 Enquire for rigs at the D0- minion House. Coal and \Vood Dehvered. Prices Right. A hand: culutim year: i: MEYER NH Church of Eng‘ Mi. 4 E“? E‘Efi QEM. SUNNYSIDE FARM gé'é‘éfiéfiéé fié‘eficaaa, POST OFFICE NOTICE BLACKSMITH, 404 Michael Ema, TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS 8w. Between; Téronto and Newmnrket. GOING NORTH BC P B Crossing at 6, 7.20. 0.40. 11.30 a. m. 130. 2.40. 4.00 5.40. 7.45 p. m. 3 Richmond Hill 6.20‘ 10.80 {L m.E 12.20, 2.20 3.30. 4.50, 6.30. 8.35 p. m. OFFICE C L I) Village Directory. :sV iakén UHCB. W“. 190: iTi-ack Horses :1 Specialty. A trial solicited. ‘11 HAS OPENED IN rmpoml' 11h ichnnon d {Iii} AND GENERALâ€"â€" la >â€"Moet 'ury nnd Reading Roomâ€"Open raduy and Sutnrdav evenings munâ€"Meets evorv Friday. 'mustmted weekly. Largest cir- |_v svient‘xflc nurnal. Terms. 33 a rnths, 81. So (1 by all newsdeulers. Ra'se 1 Broadway, kl cc. L175 1“ 8*... Washlngmn. . . PRACTICALâ€" GOAL GOING SOUTH and-~Bervioca at 3p. m. every D. G. GOODERHAM, Proprietoxx sketch and descri tion may at opinion free w ether an 137 pntentuble. Communica- nuu]. Handbook on Patent: ency for securing: patents. rough Munn & 00. receive at. charge in the bâ€"Services‘at 11a.m.,nnd ol tat-2.30. Prayer meeting ming. F and A M -â€"Meote Mon- SES AT 7.3C P M M. TEEFY. Postmaster ) ‘1"; â€"Meets second and first Monday of every Moots third Wednesday -Meets second and tom th ,rc‘h-Sorvicaa on alter- ‘and 10.30 a. m. ervicos at 10.30 a. m., and at 2.30. General prayer )0!) Meets first Wednesday FRED MEYER. WOOD 11.55 a. m., 2. 3.16, East half lot 25. can. 3, Township of York. containing 100 acres, more ox.- less. Aver desirable farm in good locality. Possession April 1, 1904. For further pmticulars apply to WM. JACKSON, Severn Bridge J. B. MCLEAN, Clerk of the said Municipality Dntr'd this 5th day of August, 1903. (5-2 Electors are called upon to examine the said List and if any 0mi&2iuns or any other emors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have lthe said errors corrected according to aw. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the per- sons mentioned in the Eighth and Ninth Sections of “The Votei's’ List Act” the copies required by said Sec- tions to be so transmitted or delivered of the List made pursuant to said Act and amendments thereto. of all per- sons appearing by the last. Revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipal- ity to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Mu- nicipal Elections; and that said List- was FIRST POSTED UP at my office at the Village of Maple on the FIFTH DAY OF AUGUST, 1903, and remains thgre for inspection. mm it: meaning Late of the Township of Markham. Farmer, Dvceused. Notice is hereby given pursuant to ‘the Revised Statutes of Ontario. 1897, Chap. 129. Sec. 38, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said Donald Juhn Henricks. who died on or about the 16th day of June, A. D. 1903, are required on or beim'e the 5th day of Sept., 1903, tn send by post prepaid, or deliver to the minder- signvd executors of the Will (if the said deceased, full particulars of their claims and the nature of the se- curity, if any, held by them. After the said 5th day of Sept. 1903. the executors will pmceed to distribute the assets of the said de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. and the said executm‘s will not be liable. for zmy claim, m- fur the said assets or any part thereof. to any ei-sun of whnse claim notice shall not ave been received by them at the time of such distribution, and such persons shall he pereuiptm-ily excluded from the benefit of such dis- trihutiun. 1903. ANNIE HENRICKS, Hendfm-d’ P. 0., GEO.\V.MONK.\IAN, Heudfmd P. 0., TUESDAY, AUG. 11, 1903 VOTERS LIST, 1903 Vaughan Council. Fm- furtber particulars and tickets apply tn nearest railway agent. The next meeting: of tbo' Council 01 the Munici- pality of Vaughan will be held in the Town Hall, Vellore, on One-way tickets to Winnipeg only will be sold. with a certificate extending the trip. before August blst,withont additional cost, to other {Joints in Manitoba. and Assiniboia as above. fpurclmse a engage as farm laborers at Winâ€" nipef, provided such term laborers will work 130% 653 than thirty days at harvesting!!an produce certificate to that efl‘eot. they will be returned to ori inel starting point at $18 on or before Nov. 30b 1. 1903. 011 AUGUST 17th from stations in Ontario east of Toronto to Sharbot Lake and Kingston and Midland Division 01 Grand l‘runk North at T0- ronto and Cnrdwell. Will he run to stationn on CamPchn Manitoba. and Assiniboia, Wesb; South-went. and Non]:- wesl of Winnipeg as far as MOOSEJA‘V, ESTEVAN and YORKTON FARM LABORERS WANTED Two brood sows a‘nd pigs. Applx to Dated this 25th day of July, A. D. Tickets not gobd ou"‘1mperinlLimite'd." Executors. Cook and Johnston, 3‘3 Richmond Street \Vest. Tux-“um. Solicitors for Sui}. executors. DONALD JOHN HENRICKS‘ Municipality of the Township of or LEEDS RICHARDSON, Mufle Farm for Sale V7A. U GIâ€"IAN FUR SALE 3m; gavtttiarmmts. County of York, Of the estate of A. H. NOTMAN, Asst. Gen. Puss. Agent.TORONTO Ml p.111 R. B. MCNAIR. {FARM LABORER9 EXCURSIONS JAS B MCLEAN. Clerk SECOND CLASS Elgin Mills. Remndelled,uud newly furnished throughout One of the most. convenient and comfortable hotels on Ynnge Street. Evory modem con- venience Sample rooms for commercial tmvellers. Auidealstoppingplace for riding or driving p-u-t-ios.bicyelists. or farmers going to or returning from market. Electric can pasathe door Livery inconnection JUIIN PA LVEER. Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. RICHARDSON HOUSE HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. PALMER HOUSE McGuhey‘s Condition B1nod Powders 250. Sold by Gen. McDonald, harness- maker, Richmond Hill, and a.” mod- icine dealers throughout England. the United States and Canada. 22-1â€"03 Came on the premises: of the under- signed. one ewe and one lamb. Owner is requested to prove property. pay expenses and take them away. ROBERT HENDRY. Newtonbrook P. Q July 20; 1903.; 44 for all Acute Al Distemper. etc: the result nf )1 dose will relievt Cures Lions of the wor“ animal 5 Dr. McGuhay’s Kidney é: Cough Powders W. HEVWE‘SON, A]. HUME, “TEE élfiEMéu ' $1.09 H4 ABVAESE. '° Mfi‘eflfl’fiému Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL SANDERSON’S THE on. InfancAHajy MEDICINE 00., REAP} 4E. THOROUGHLY REFITTED. RI Estray Notice Rishmund Hill FREDERICK BACK. Prop ti {1); ound CEMOND HILL TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. BIerchant Green Paris Pure Tailor Iicmmville. 0m. ions of the throat and lunm. suchm or swellin§€md stocking of the legs, driving. idncy Tron 1e. am. one u'n one box will cure. Price. 50c. and use ugh, and all Chronic A320 35‘ The only medicine in above (finesse. makin tho ful tohis owner. Price. 1.50 For Broken. Windcd HCRSES Prop Stronger to convince you of the mprits of any a solicited testimony 0f Lhe pro; The two most popular brands ol Flour on the market. These brands produce the finest quality of bread. and for pastry the greatest success can be achieved. Give them a txial and you will use no other. ' For sale at the closest prices by H. D. Dennie’s Famous Dauntless and L. Innes 5:: Sons’ Leader, Mr. Thos. Ludford, our new and popular storeâ€"keeper, begs to thank the public for the kindness of their patron- age, and wishes to advise all that he handles The [\feioz‘z‘c, C REGHMUND Hill HARMRE STRE Repairing Frompfly Done 0. & E}. MAfiON W, Geo. MCEOEMM, Richmond Hill WANT ANYTIâ€"HNG Lfié E To the Now is the Clearing at 10w pxices. Th designs. Call and see P. G. Sfi‘ififlg Great Remnant S: Wail Pagers. Ready-Mixed Paints in all colors Has stood the test, for years and has all the British Empire at its back in t‘vstifying tn its merits in everything that, goes to make it. tlw must p91 feet Separator- in the market, to-day. The Melntte has prove-n itself the best by test for appearance, for durability. fm' convenience. and ease of operatinn. Takes 33 per cent. less power than its leading competitor. And by Groceries in stock. All fresh. For sale by Eavetroughing. Tinware in Stock or made to order. Hot Air Furnaces, and all kinds of Tinsmith work done right. less. Magnet Cream Separators. madein Canada. Louden Barn-Door Hangers, the best yet. Hay Forks. Scythes. Rakes. Handles. Sells everything in seaSofi. Machine Oil, the best. Harvest Mits, all prices. Tllreshers’ Mits, all prlcos. Oil Stoves, Wick and \Vick- I). Iii”. Biohinond IIill T. B. LUDFORD, METROPOLITAN STORE E’ainters’ Supplies. “longing; £2: 3305536. DIaple time to do your painting WJCE U’J VR'ith any purchase you make here. All nul' harm-5s is made from oak tan- ne-d leather. thv trimmings are of the host quality and the \vurknmnship per- fect. You will save both trouble and money wlwn you buy here. Now is the. time to order for the fa“. Hnrm‘ss you the lmI-se. fitting lmrnes You Will These are nex mg} Sale of l them. 1 Want thp hm-nr‘ss to fit \Vc- make a. specialty of 35, and 139 Please

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