Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Aug 1903, p. 1

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VOL. XXVI. AT THE USER-AL PRWTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. T. F. McMAHON. [s PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING Best fitting teeth, also replmbiag, at lowest, prices. Good work. Cams by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. DR W G L SPAULDING DR A W SPAULDlN‘G Dentists Room “ A," Yonge Street Arcade. Toronto. Telephone Main 2424 Calls by day and night promptly at tended to. DR. ARNOLD D. A. MASON, 1)entist, (Successor to Dr. T. A. Currie). J. H. SANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON Our. Church and Carlton Stun. Tul'untu, Will be in Richmnud Hill evexy \Ved- nesday. Office, next dmn- south of Public JOHN R. CAMPBELL, the vosiieut ph vswisn at Western and Grace capitals. Toronto. Room 12, 121: Victoria, St. Taro $I' per annum. in advance.] 6‘ Office Hoursâ€"8.30 an m. tn 5p. m. Office Hoursâ€"8150105“): 12 1:02;) In ’1 ms» 111‘ VETERINARY SURGEON, B USINESS CARDS. RICHMOND HILL DR. E. J. STUBBS, (7311.9 iiihml “Every summer I have had to take tonics, but now I use ‘ Force.’ 1 am enjoying excel- lent health ; it has built me up. I eat ‘Force' at night. and It gives me a. restful sleep. It builds up, satisfies andis pleu- ant to eat and a toe w Indi- gestiqq._ \V “x. Rogue B c\\\'\ st, Thornhill. Emma. & P30931110... A To. '0 lndllom “fins. Kn: W. Dow Tum-“hill. r‘flctcrinm‘y afitdim. School. Mum. fin Dump. Ind tried some time in nil T. on: u: therdinner pain I Which gnawed at him his belt 6010', And filled his world with indigo. Dyopcpnin. now can't bother him, For “Force” in: mule him “Sunny fin.” int/0. m Readywo-Serve Cereal G G S LindseyJi G A G F Lawrence W Riduut \\ aasworkb Barristers.3clicitors. tharies. "It Hume Life Building (formerly Free- hold me Bldg). Cor. Adelaide 8: Vicrm-in. Sis” Turuntn. LIBERAL Office. Richmond Hillon Saturdays. Bal-risters, Solicitors. etc. TORONTO OFFICE: NH. 33 Richâ€" oommssxcxmzm m: HIGH COURT OF jUSTICE. tic. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Mr. Cook will be at Maple 011 Thursday afternoon of each week. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. JAS. N EVVTON Mouev to loan on land and chute: mortgagesnt lowest: rates. Aurora ofliceâ€"Remmed to the old post mm». one door west of the entrance to the (butane Bank. Newmnrket ofliceâ€"‘l‘hree doors south of the _ p 1% u'fi_ne. T. HEhnEm‘ Lskxox. G. 51v. Momm. Aurora. Newu LEN NOX & MORGAN Liceneeu Auctionear [or the County 01' York Goods sold on consignment. General «slot» m scoc 0cm. uromptlr matendea to at roasonnbh mpg: Residence Uniouville J. '1‘. Saigenn. Maple. G R uduifixafi: REQRIg-fimok. agent for the above. ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, E14(S‘rIN RIIIJLS BE. TEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC, Salgeon a: McEwen. Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Sales stranded to on shortest notiu and I ma- sonnblemtes Patronagcsnlicfilod. and at. reasonabern-tes. ‘P.-O.'l.1';lidress Kin: License Auctioneer fertile-County 01M. u. spmflully solicits your patronage and friend!) lnfl_ue_noe. sales Extruded on the shortest noticv Licensed Auctinneu (or the Count!" of York and Ontario. Allsnlesnf farm stock. fie" I'r tended to on the shortest unfit-P and ran-(mama “seq. Mortgage and hail“! sales attended to. Beaideuqefitnnfl‘rille Ont A large stock «1“ Funeral Furnishings kept at, both places. Undertaken a; Emhnlmm, RICHMGND HILL & THORNH‘ILL mrmd St. \YestJVt-slvy Buildififis, (Methodist Bonk Rom-u.) T0- umtn. Lindsey. Lawrence 8/. Wadsworth. tiers and sullcnnrs COOK 8: JOHNSTON RICHMOND HILL. THURSDAY, AUGUST 13. 1903 WRIGHT BROS , D . G. “LOU-Gil. N. E. Smith. "In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty,- iu aslttkéugs, Charity." £2412“. Plt‘lllit‘l‘ Phone Main 9.984 J. K. “I‘Ewen Weston. Newiuarket I Three hunde meetings nuezuh-d fhy fun-Im-rs’ wives for the purpuse of ‘rocoiving and givmg insu-ucbun in lu-tter methuds 0f hnusekeepiug! .Such a serit‘s of meeting: has just I been held in this Pnovince under the 'auspicvs of the Onturin D9 at "lent. Inf Agriculture. Sixteen la. ies were l engang fur this work, and the must |oxcelleut report?) receixfd {W the [)9- :u-tmont (of the work dune1 quite )llslifit‘d the vxpvndiLure involved. Thr-(ohjects nf \Vomvu’s Ins itutr‘s as stated in the rules and regulations Lll‘l‘ “The dissnmhmtiun of klmwln-dge relating to domestic ucunumy, includ- ing huusehnld nrchitvcturo. with speâ€" cial attention Ln home sanitation; a hettm- undvrslandiug 0f {[19 ecnnumic :md hygenic value uf funds. \Vilh il. vimv to raising the gnu-ml standard of ho-alth and murals of our rwrmlv." “7e are pleased mess that the farm- ers' wins and duught s are taking rendin tn the Work. Asun evidnnx- of this I quote from a letter just. receiv- ed {mm one uf the secretaries in a northern district: “ l have much pleasure in prvsvnb ing the annual report nf the In :titutv. [think we may fairly claim fur om- (nw-ycm-~0|d Institution a successful start and a prm‘pvrnus yea!" In June. 1902, we organized with but. u handful of fur tho numb purl; doubting. indifferent, nu mbers, :md at- llle (-Iost’ (If the vent we have at. 1119m- hership of 74, must of uhmn are active- and zenlnus, and all very much inter- («ted in Lhis late-st and much-needed IIH‘thOd of raising the standard of the lives of the wmm-n un the farm. For a m-w departure our winter nu-etings \VPI‘P xvvll attended, many, (10 dmilrt. attending L‘hmugh curiosity tn find nut. what the- m-w fad mount, but, 1 am plvalsvd to say that Elva’l‘ nearly every meeting Mn: sentiun-nt expressvd wasuneof gt-nuine respect fur the Instituteand those taking an active pm 1’, iqflw Work. As might. have lwen expect-d mis- taks‘s Were mad» by reasun of the vu- the ukuvss of this kind of work tn most at us, but I think we may cun- gmtulate nurse-luvs that the mistukvs «were ueithr many nor seriuns. But for all that, we feel that, there is a great. wurk ahead uf us, sn big in fzu-t. that (me is practically tempted to Sllll'k it‘ but it, is hand to sit still knrm'ing the tI-euwmlnus diffi-rnnm- [hero is im- tweon what is and “hat might be in the enuditinns of Oanmliun fax-m lifv. I am pit-"sud tn he able in report that we have a capital (:mnplvmeut nf Branch officers, and if we can but. kw-p this kind of school in working order for a year or two mure you may anticipatv great results. Personally it, has [won one of the ; cutest, pleasures and surprises uf my 'fe in the Shhl‘t experience while. at work in um- winto-r meetings to meet and make so many Warm friends. It is impossihlv bu take part in this wm-k without gutting a lumuicraud 9mm: cheerful View (if life, and for this, if for nothing else, the Institute should recommend itself to every woman." Lunghnuse â€" Thomas â€" that the. treasurrrgpay the folltm‘iiag road ac- mums: G. Milliizgs. team on gender ....$ 3 00 J. W'uods. team an grader r . . . . 1 50 H. Creighton. team an grader . . l 20 J. Nattn-ss. team on grnder . . .r 5 70 R. Kc-llaun. drawing gravel . . . . 7 50 A. Agar, drawing gravel . . . . . . 7 50 R. Burton. drawing gravel . . . 3 00 (3.. “funds, work in pit. . . .. . . . 5 UU T. M'eflasher, drawing tile . . . . (20 T. “'ehsbet. putting in pipe 38 C. Londnn. putting in pipe 38 J. Mattress. repairing ln-idge .. 1 28 H. Greightun, sharpening picks 30 G. Sutlun. hauling gravel. ('Ll: . . 23 50 G. anke, drawing earth . . . . . . . l 20 A. Farr, drawing timber . . . . . . l H) A. Luwrie, work with team . . . 13 50 \Vinger & Sun. concrete pipe . . ll 20 J. Clnrksnn. drawin v pipe .. .. l 50 G. T. It. freight Olllill'IlIiK‘l' .. . . 26 25 WANTEDâ€"SEVERAL. [ADUSTRIGDS PEI:â€" sons in each nuts to travel for m-usc esmhâ€" lished eleven venue and “it-b a large cuplwl. to cull upon merchants and swung for Successful and prufimlne line. Peru-um uL management. Weele uu-h suluryal ill! and all travelling ex- penses and haul bills advanced in cash each week. Experience uut essential. Mexmon .l'efâ€" «afloat: “sell-addrgssefl envelope. anmmtrd Statule Lalhm- Awmnt A. McNeil. Div. No. 10.... ..-.A$ 2 87 J. Nutmeg-s, DIV. No.17 ..,116 04 R. “’ntsou. ch-inlnng Div . . .. 14 63 Devinsâ€"Mnlluyâ€"lbut the treasurer oy the fulluwiug : . Creighton, for Vaughan Ag. Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$25 00 Treats. R.H. & Y.S. Ag. Society. IU 00 ThE N Altos AL. 334 Dearborn St... Chic-“,1” “‘26 Culmcil Mun Tuesday. Aug. 11, at 1p. m. Rune \Vutsun in the chair. Memhers pn-sem, : Messrs. Medluy, Devins. Lnughouse and 'J'humas. Mimites 6f lust met-ting qud and udppteq. Women's Institutes For Farmers‘ Wives V aughan Council T. F. McMahonâ€" Pr'nting 100 hilis . . . . . . . . . . . s 2 00 Printing 100 school forms .... 1 (0 Adv. Cum-t of Re ‘sion .. .. . 2 50 2'00 Vuters‘ lists. 124 pages . . . . 91 50 Adv. nstingu \‘nters' list .. 2 50 Bmwn ms, nus book . . . . . . . . 5 (K) Dcvins«Longhmise-â€"thut the move and Councillor Thomas he a deputa- tion to wait upon Mr. missium‘r l'm' Yonge St", in regard to Wurk dune nu suid ma\d.â€"Carrxed. Mn]lnyâ€"Thmnasâ€"Lhat the sum of $450 he slit, apart as am appropriation fur the muintmauce uf Yonge St. I)?- twoen Vaughan and Maakhm during the year miniâ€"Curried. By‘Lmvs Nos. 768 and 769 were rend a first, sm-nnxl and third time and pass‘ ed. to lvvy and collect, the necessary school mom-y for the sectluns and uninn m-hnul medium in the township. Cmmcil adjnurned to meet on the 8th (If September, at l p. m. TRIP TO ROCHESTER. A very interesting and thriUin ex- perience happened to sex/Hal 0 our lending ynung citizens in the persons u!" the head (If our leading financial in- slitutdnn. the proprietor of the Farm- H-s’ Elnpnrinm in the Grand Central Blm-k, n prominent ynung farmer and nwmlwr uf «the Uurllng Club from the Sulllll nf the village, and the genial dispenser of liquid refreshments of lee Dullllninn Hotel. These sports having wmked very hard during the hut summer nulnlhs and consequently suffering smnewhntfrmn net-vans de- hilmtinm umdv up their minds tn taken t-fip tn Rpmhostvr last Satur- \\’9l1n\'e all the finest Canadian r9- finml sugars in stock. We will sell you this wwk hvst, wwdaered sugar. which is excellent for the table. 21 lbs. for $1; and a. nice grocery sugnr32 lbs. for $1. Atkinson & Switzer. day, and secured passages from the] Messrs. Hepburn. " particular friends 1 of the banker.” on the stuamshipi Argyle. A very curious coincidence,! of which the party claim they knew nothing, was that the " Young Boys’ Hel-rew Assn :iatiou " of Toronto. was holding an excursion on the same evening. and very naturally each memherof the party, without much stretch of imagination was taken as a. memberof the association. and on that account nothing was too good for them on the voyage; and as hap- pens on board ship acquaintances were. rapidly made with the many handsome young Jewesses taking in the trip. Upon arrival at Charlotte the thrilling occurrence mentioned above happened and of which an ac- count was given in Tuesday‘s World, 1 the names .of our friends being natur< ' ally changed to mold too much noâ€" toriety. The true version is as fol-l lows :â€"A number of the. Jewish ex-’ cursionist-s were. taken into custody by the Customs authorities when the Argyle arriVed at Charlotte for at- tempting to smuggle themselves into the States. and among these were some of the. pretty young Jewesses with whom acquaintance was made! whilstmn board by the party from the ' H-ill. Each he'ng known for his gal- lant procliiities protested so vigor-, ously against the arrest that the au-' lhorities turned their attention to the male defenders, and it was not till much telephoning and use. of wireless : telegraphythat. the Customs officers} \vere made satisfied that our young? friends were not jews. and were quite ' innocentof the intentions of the ex-I cursionists. But to make. themselves safe they compelled the financier ti place in Bond the balance of his last year’s salary; the implement man could only refer them to the Canada I Life; the. farmer pawned his overcoat. and the dispenser handed meekly over his gold watch and chain, whereupon they were allowed to go. and they quickly took the electric ear for Ro- l chesler whele. after hreakfasting at the Whitvomh they took in the sighlsi of the city which were not many. the exception being “Rattlesnake Pete‘s Den ” which is worthy of a. visit. In the. afternoon a tiip was taken to " Ontario Beach.” the great resm't fvl‘ the people of Rochester. when fully tiirty thousand people enjoyed the musieof the 54th Reg. Band. Then they look in the merry-gu-iounds, jehntes, \aliety shows, and other {amusements Our fliends. however. being llruught up in a cleaner atmos- phere (lid not enjoy these desecrations of the Sabbath. and quickly hetook themselvrs to the. steamer where they rested in seclusion till it was time. for departure to dear old Tolonto where . lthey arrived witout further mishap! ahout 5 o'clock Monday morning.‘ This is a trip (without the experiencr) We would recommend. as the Messrs. . Hepburn who own the Argyle, try1 mery possible means to make the'r ‘ patrons comfortable. I Fruit f‘al-s in 5 gal.. quart and pint sizvs at owe-st figurvs; best pickling Vinegars. English malt, the real thing. 55c. gnl.; bvst puxe spices: we are nnled fur selling the best spices. AL- kinsnn & Switzer. “ I am well now and enjoying better health than ever before in my Whole life.” That is the statement of a women who had never been we]! until she was made well by the use of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. There are a great many other women in like case. They have always been snfierers from disease. They have never knewu the joy of perfect health. For n11 such women Dr. Pieme’a Fa. vorite Prescription holds out the ros- ct of perfect and permanent healtfi, b he cure of the womanly diseases whit: weaken women. It establishes regular- ity. dries weakening drains heals inflam- mation and ulceration, Rllti cures fema‘le weakncss. It makes weak women strong and sick women we“. "It gives me pleasure to let you know of the great benefit received from Dr. Pierce's medi- pines and the advice which you so kindly sent." writes Mrs. Bertie Parker, of Bouham. Fnuuin Co.. Texas. “I took your ‘sttlte Prescrip» tion,‘ ‘Goldeu Medical Discovery‘an 'l‘lensmit Pcllets,‘ and followed our advice re arding the ‘I,oticn Tnblcts,‘ an mu cured. had bun {rented 11y different doctors and spent one hun- dred dollars for treatment and medicine. but received very little relief. I have only span: seventeen dollars and fifty cents for your medi- eiue and it has (and me in three or {our mouths of iilcerailon and falling oiE “term. I suffered severe mi '- v in my back. also irregular periods. Had hearing-down iu lswer portion of body and great pain all through my body. Pain in uterus was very severe. l-lnzi smothering spells. breath was very short all the time, had pain in stomach. pain in my thighs. pain in breast. also between my shoulders. Bowels consti ated. I am well now and enjoying better liealt than ever before in my whole life. Am baggy to tell you that I was cured by your oodlar 0e and good niede cines. the ‘ anoriie rescrinticm.‘ ‘Goldm Med:- ical Discovery.‘ “Pleasant Pellets' and ‘ ion Tablets! These medicines cured me on will cure others also." Ono hnndl'vd acres of first class land for sale, heng Int, 32, 4th (run. Mark- hnm. three-quarters ('f :1 mile south of Gurmle-y. There. is a‘ good frame dwelling. large bmu on stone wall, Basement stable and (vthvr outbuildings: lwu good orchards. New svhoul House on south lot, and a church across the mud from buildings. Fur trl'ills full particulars apply to OI‘ The dealer who offers a substitute for “Favorite Prescription f’rdoes so to ‘gaill *‘Ve want a gnod reliable man to act as local salesmen in your distrir‘t. The poaltinr. is a. permanent one and nffars large pay to any wide-awake hunest worker. All our goods are guarantee-d. \Ve want; Ln deal only with tlwsu w :n can appreciate a. good Pusitiun and l'epwsvnt its fairly. “’9 instruct yuu and furnish yuu I‘lp-III- datvsamplus free. \Ve pay weekly. All freight and par-king chargvs are paid by us. From Ln $150.00 pm- lnnnth and expvnwa mm he earned, selling nut gnmls. IL P. B‘LACKFORD. Richmn Cooking stove. 00:11 or wood, Dnhvr- l)‘, Sill‘lliil mnkp. and mull self fet-ding heater. Buvk HI-zmtfi-rd. Make cheap for cash if Suld at, uuco. Apply to "I‘u\UllLC fl’CbLAlllllUu uuca av LU 5a“- the little more profit paid on the sa1e of less meritorious medicines. His profit is yoBr 1035. thgrefiqre accept no substitute. a Dr. Piérce's Pleasant ‘Pellets regulate the bowels. Make and azure Money for You. er‘bod should Join the Mutual Liter lu- Iia Clu ot marica. Therein nothing else l in it anywhere. It costs almost nothin so join and tho ‘benents it gives are wonderful. 1 enables you to i purchase hooks and periodicals music and musical ‘mstrumeuts at special cut prices. It. secures re- r’ Chalice to‘Jom a Club That Will Ev ‘duoed rates a: many hotels. It answers questions‘ free or charge. It otter-s scholarships and valnn-‘ ble cash prizes to members. It maintains club‘ rooms in many cities for itsmembers. In addition. every mem ber receives the official magazine ent|-‘ tied “ Ev'ry Month" atpnbllcallon in a class by itselMucludinR 6 pieces 0 high-class vocal and in- strumental muslcmill size) each month without extra char e - 73 ieoes in one ear in all. IOU cm our 111. 13333 B zmrs 1303 AL- ugsnwmmo. 7 The lull yearly membership fee is OneDollnr for whlch you see all above, and you any with. draw any time wlthln an rec months It you want to do so nudge! your dollar buck. If you don‘t care toan 31.00. send 25 cents for three \months membership. Nobody can Alford to gun will otter by. You will §t your money has In vulna man fimesover. ul partlcnlnrs wlll be sent tree 0 charge, but I: you are wise you will land In your requen In! memberahlp wlm the \ rover tee “once. TbeuctaJhree months mem- genhlp one: will soon change. Write at once ad- ‘dresalngyour letter and enclosing $1.00 for full year's membeumn or twenty-ave cents to: "use months lo KUTU a MARY MUSIC CLU'B 150 Nun-nu St" N. Y. Ct‘ly. B. L‘vIC Farm For Sale 45-3 mus FEE SALE [Single copies, 3 cts. nd Hill, June 11, 1902 BRO\VN. WANTED I'ms full plil-ticulzu-s apply to DONALD, R: A. FAFQUHARSON. Richmond Hill. T1 n-o n tn.

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