Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Aug 1903, p. 2

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Amid snow csts, lumbm‘i now carried < and specd, fc ‘to, the biggu has successfu the difficultie This huge ' the great. In of its being : fuel for smm bility of the of noise, as struction. all and utility. The main object of the car, 110w- over, is that of coast defence. and it could, if employed in sufficir~nt munâ€" berspmake it impossible for any landing party of the enemy to come ashore, for this war car would soon be able to destroy or sink any inâ€" vading forces. Keep Minatd‘s Linim This death»dealing carriage recent- ly made its appearance in London [in the shape of a round steel shell spiked on top with three formidable guns, as a contrivance for road and coast defence in time of either naval or land battle. Its principle object is to act on the defensive on the coast roads, or with certain modifications for offenâ€" sive Work over smooth or rough roads: for keeping open lines of com- munication, hauling guns into posi- tion, or for carrying and hauling stores and men As it is impervious to bullets of small caliber it may also be effectively employed to dampâ€" en street riots or for searchlight op- erations. WARPATH IS INVADED. Even the Warpath is invaded by the homeless carriage, which leaves destruction in its Wake while escap- ing from it, Then the need of tlte noisy trolley is done away with in many city streetsâ€"much to the relief of the in- habitants of the fashionable quarters â€"by the auto omnibus, which rolls swiftly and noiselessly through the streets and saves the time and pa- tience of every one. I Besides this, by means of this all conquering power, the difficulties of hauling and making a Way through trackless wastes and forests have. been overcome by motor vehicles, when even the horses and wagons, going at snail’s pace, could scarcely make Way and the use of steam enâ€" gines was an impossibility. routine of every day life, in a small fraction of the crly consumed. With the Wholesale invasion of au- to vehicles, and the consequent ro- icction of the slower means of tranâ€" sit, the horses are eating their heads ofl‘ in their stalls. while steam or)â€" gines and other primitive. modes of locution rust away in idiom-SS. The day of the long faithful four footed beast of burden, who has patiently dragged after him every kind of wheeled contrivance made by man, is gone with the appearance of auto power. Everywhere one turns one sees the horse and old time vs» Lumbering Camp and Warpath Are Invaded byifiorseless Carriages. THE MOTOR CAR ENTERS MANY NEW FIELDS. ThL Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world produces, and is sold only In lead packets. Black, Mixed and Green. THE HURSELESS CARRIAGE Expat: tea. drinkers try “5:13:13” Gran “sh 1N LUMBI {rent mobility and therefore -at range of action, the fact )eing able 10 carry sufficient ‘ some 500 miles, the invisi- )f the car itself, the absence ?ts of small caliber it may effectively employed to dampâ€" »t riots 01' for searchlight op- ing and on with HIN( tendin ant in the House. elf its tract autor uger's oxâ€" plows its and over 11 the Wav 110111] c are made time form- SLICC Obi] scope hard ittl fox nce 01']- ful 111 ENGLISH SPAVIN LINN?! SCVCH WL an tht tnown steeped in and lime \va C. C. RICHLARDS & Dear Sil‘S,râ€"J have AKIN-'ARD‘S LlNlLB'LExN I cured a horse of I? in a rail-way snnash and is sinking fast." Della : “Dear me I How sad. And I only refused him last April l" “Bridget, did the dog eat much when he got into the pantry?” “Shuro, mum, he ate everything but the dog biscuit." The Rev. P. Bilder‘back, of Mill- ville, New Jersey, has in-trodulcod a choir of thirty young whistles into his church. On their first appear- ance the boys in the gallery and several of the congregation joined in. The discord was so painful that many ladies left the church. Levefs Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder is a boon to any home. It disinfects and cleans at the same time. hs'v. fa: Minaid's and take no other. utt A great advantage about the auto street cleaner lies in the fact that 'it raises not a particle of dust. and in sprinkling the streets it, does not flood them, making passage disagreeâ€" able for pedestrians. For speed and comfort in the way of street rcarriages nothing can e‘x- ceed the automobile bus, which first made its appearance in London streets and has rapidly made its way into the popularity of other big citi- ed on both sides of the Atlantic. SCl‘U univers ableâ€"b nipulat and by ning to p French Thor 70.0t )oak moves a] (1 blank! TE, satisfaction of having the washing done early in the day, and well done, belongs to every user of Sunlight Soap. m3 Amy ‘80 are It anything but rub from the 1' "s broom. m WHIISTLING IN CH‘URCH )ot‘tlcs. blisrtered the 1: there was as a)! hard, 3:. t or cailruâ€"cd emlshcs fut-m “sea, b'ord apt-1mg. ring ton-c, swcenry. I. sore and swollen throat. coug 30 by use or one but: 0. “'5 est wonderful Blemish Cur lated equally well in highways byways. ‘ tracks are needed for the runâ€" of this machine, which goes inâ€" lucos that have probably never anything but a semiâ€"occasional > from the human street chop- mi slowâ€"match is English. 000 *Ind has Jl Sorman Poor ay SJ in the United Statc DAN] HOV thine which Ivor is far small, con equally we Vales Mr. Billion has been mash and is sinking ‘Duar me I How sad. h is made of rope solution of saltpetre Besides ‘ great faith in INT, as 12.5.1 year Ringâ€"bone, with 11 O n IBOI'E who cannot these there majority of ofi ‘rLilic vacc won such in nd maâ€" ERT An excellent and pleasant disinfec- tant is made of 9 per cent. essence of thyme and 18 per cent. essence of geranium mixed in alcohol. . Oil-cake is the most valuaqu form of food for stock. Three pounds of oil-cake are equal to ten pounds of hay or five pounds of oats. ROUN D TRIP HOME-SEEKERS 1.XCURSIONS . On August 18th, also September: 151 and 15th, 1908, round trip tink- ets will be issued from Chicago and St. Paul at single firm-class furl: plus $2.00 to points on the Grew Northern Ry. in the stakes of Mir.» nusota, Opscgon, Idaho, \L‘ashing‘tor also to all points in British Coluu bia tenthed vlu Great Nonthern R) These tickets are valid for retur passage within 21 days from da! $45.00 to San Francisr'o and Los Angelos Aug. 1 to 14 inclusive. $45.00 to Portland, Tax-oma and Seattle Aug. 1 to 14 inclusive. / $50.00 f0 San Francisco and Los Awgzeles Oct. 11 to 17 inclusive. For full information address H. F Carter, T.P.A., 14 Janos Building Toronto, Canada. Toronto, Canada. F. B. Choato. G. A., 126 Wood-ward Ave., Detroit, M‘ich. Minerd’s Limment Lumbfirman‘s Friend Professor Jacobi has bequcathed 10,000 marks to the University of Berlin, with the proviso that the money shall not become available unâ€" til two departments are open to wo- men students. to many points in the states of Col- orado, Utah, Callfornia, Montana, Oregon and Washington from Mis- souri River 'I‘ez'nn'naliâ€"Council Blufl‘s to Kansas City inUusdve. $17.50 to Donvm‘, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, daily to Sept. F ) 0 PHEWS Not Chinese but Japanese are the greatest rice eaters. Each Jap cats on an average 300 pounds of rice in the course of a year. ROUND TRIP RATES VIA UN- ION PACIFIC. SBOJSO to Ogden and Salt Lake City daily to Sept. 30. $44.50 to Spokane Aug. 4 and 18, Sop}. 1 and 15. $52.00 'to Portland. Tacoma and Seattle Aug 4 and 18, Sept. 1 and Mlnard's Liniment is used by Physicians By 1004 the pay of the private in the British Army will be raised to 15 6d. a day for men who have. servâ€" ed two years or more. Hmr. wmsmw‘s Soornmo Sysur hns haen used by 2wi|1ions of mnthers for their children while teething lasonll‘ ‘ the child, soften: the (1mm. alloys pain. CLIICJ rind um rogulaxes Hm Sromach and howeis, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a boulu Sold by druggists throughout the world. Be sure and ml; for " Mnsr \Vmsnow's Soc-mug smur." 23-74 Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot. rchh the diseased portion of the emu There is only one way to cure deafness. and that is by Constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused Ly an inflamed con- dition of the mucous lining of the Bus- tachian Tube. When this tube is inflam- ed you huve aruniblmg sound or im- perfeci. hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and un- less the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing Will be destroyed for- ever. Nine cases out or ten are caused by Caturrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous ser- vices “"0 will give One Hundred Dollars for uny case of Deafness (caused by cuturrh) that, cannot be cured by Hall’s Catnrrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & (10., Toledo. 0. Sold by Druggists. 75c. Hull‘s Family Pills are the best. The watch ‘ regularly at the day. A m'a‘mmoth wa'tich will be one of the features of the coming St. Louis World‘s Fair in America. It will have a polished metal casn, and will be largo enough to allow people to Walk inside it and inspect 'the machinery. [Ls diameter is to be 75ft. and height 40ft., with neat Stairways running all about. The balanceâ€"wheel will weigh a. ton, and the hairâ€"spring will be 3-00“. "in length and made of ten sprung Sitecl bands. 2in. thick. bound together. The watch will he Wound by steam A m‘amnmth watch w the features of the Lou-is World‘s Fair in A will have a polished me will be largo enough to to walk inside it and machinery. ‘lts (Ha-mew A mos‘t quaint and novel way of powering a room has lately been in- venied by a young lady of more ori- ginality than taste. She has adornâ€" ed the walls of her special sanctum with the envelopes of all the letters slhe has received for the lastt few years. These are, of course, of every conceivable shape. color, and size, and also bear all kinds of stamps and handwritings, so the efâ€" fect is most odd. She has pursued no plan ln‘reg‘ard to them, but has pasted them on the walls in all kinds of positions as soon as she reâ€" ceived them. The effect is startling, but it cannot be said 't‘o be in any way artistic. ’AP ER lnfonmam'on as to stop :95, eta, by calling 0 A ML»\,M,MO’I‘TT W For Over Sixty chrs gent, ‘oronto 1) “11TH I Town to. I I Cmada L'fe Buildz. I TORONTO. m Erjwflizgssdjia jg . _ tâ€"Gâ€"Gn ' | calling on Graves, Distr King St., we Ont. ten sprung sitecl bound together. Wound by steam ain hour during IMITH & AMERON baht:in of Patents Chanda Lie Build 2. Tommie. r N'VELO PE S ATCIT J mm 2‘ W”: t . Given Academic, Matriculation an 1 Solecto‘l Courses. For MUSIC [Canadian Cunservaton). Am. 310 n ion, Stenogrnphy. Arc-Needlework. ac. . SitE CALENDAR REID BROS., M'f’g Co.‘ \Ve a're gettinz them. lots of them. \Thau no ochrr Muss will hold firm they cunts lo lu, “Whit wu get ‘6 ma." ‘ The bus: is th ‘ clmupen." That’s our put. nt, pnrumatic pad Truss. I: hoz-"a the edges of the wound together m cm“ In]: hit play it. must hcuL You m y not well : you onn'l. gel. wgrge ybijg ygn ‘ P fpblrernlg from Rupfimwa Eiifliard Yabies THE BELT? ESQ "TRU'ss 31“ G. Ha! no sup D ELI GHT Toilet Soap Perfumers and Soap Makers The Masai warrior carryino his grease pnt slung was a Houowu‘s 01m ' T jar, and the lobe Manufactured only at 78. New Oxford Street (late 533, Oxford Street), London Black. Mixed Ceylon Green The Best at the Lowest; Price Write for Terms Best for Big Folks T he best tea because it grows slowly ih the cool mountain air and obtains all the fragrance and dcliciousness the plant can extract from a soil rich in these properties. A nerve-nourishing teaâ€"a sense-pleasing teaâ€"invaluable for brain-workersâ€"solacing and comforting. are a wonderfully prompt and cfi’echlal, but gentle and benign. remedy for all (liiorderl 'of the Liver and Daniels. They cleanse and thoroughly regulate the system. Females should never be without Khem. a99§§§€eéa JOHN TAYLOR & CO SEND FOR CALENDAR. Address. THE LADY PRINCIPAL AWE $3135 1?; RESIDENTIAL git-{£1 for Blue Ribbon Tea is “hill grown” Ceylon tea. 785 Klng St. W. THE PILLS Best for Little Folks uuuu UI 4 m: uplwre. “luceu, W’s \ DI I Q nmn , PILLS AND OINTMENT 40 c. Shou Fifty On the occasion of Mr. Joseph Chamberlain's recent visit to Mombasa, East Afriqa, a torchiight war dance by lhe picturesque Masai warriors was given in his honour. In, this connection a striking inci- dent, as showing the world-wide use of Holloway's famous remedies, in illuuntcd by the accompany- ing phoiograph. taken on the spot by a correspon- dent of The Sphere. Indeed, from the lobe of his right ear. The pot in this case of the ear had been stretched to gm, round the pot. Carload every week. All the Sgo‘ve at market prices. We can also handle your Maple Syrupand other produce [age for you. mu DAWSON COMMISSION 00., °OL W082 Market St, TOZ MASAI WARRIORS. We have Mexicans, California Navels, Valencias, and Sevilles. IO3 Bay St .TCEOHTO WHEN £335.55: v T SPECIAL Tn DAT=MF SPECIAL ‘7 ATTENTION TO PATENT LITIGATION. Send for Handbook l03 Bay St .TCEOHTO on Patient, &c. Bominien Li'ne Steams [BMHGES 4... gang 1" mega-gang: Montreal,Toronto. Ottawa, Quebec 11â€"4-1 REMARKABLE INCIDENT Butter, Eggs, Pou ltry, ynrge Ind I Should be is the greatest. hulng agent known for Old Sores and all skin aficclioni. Rheumatism and Sciatira field to ill influence uita magivnlly, as also most throat and c en. troubles. are used wherever the white man has set his foot. “ BRITISH AMERICAN YEIIIG GO.” Look for 319:: la your town, or and dhm BfiN.A.NAS. For the very bouzsand you: work m tho Montreal to leerpool Bostan to Liverpool THE OINTHENT UEZ§ SUE NO. 33â€"93 AND THE 13â€"33 Ask for tho Rad Llh.‘ LEMQNS IIAVE to advan. Limited", THE BEST

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