Miss 111.1 Kirby is bring" wflcmnod iby a host nf friunï¬s un her m-tm-n ‘l’mi'n Grimsby. Tho chm-uh pun-nan of Pultms-m Ludg‘e A. F. & A. M.. has heel) post»- tpuued indefiuiLe-lv. “wing tn the ill- nr'Ss' of Rm. Mr. “"100. j The regular Iii-":Hh'l)‘ mvvï¬nz nf Narkham ()uuncii was held Tuesday at Uniunvillv. I Mrs. Lamar-sh of Huston. Mm. Mrs. Holmes nf Mrahml. are \‘is. with Mrs. A. (rhllzmough. Mr. T. SPCSIIH'L y. ugt-nt for the G. N. “K is Visiting in the \ illngv. Miss Gullanuuzh is spending her sumuwrholid. ' at. Buwnumvilln. and ‘mg‘ Pisse1~i()n_>ly~i*.‘1 with an attack nt' 'ï¬anmia-l inn. MiSS Hattie Hill of Stratfnrdï¬s vi ing with Mrs. IT‘UlICl'L Cnx. Mr. JOSth Mundy has return fmmavi'sittu his daug‘lruw; {it (' Hruqni. . Mr. Lew'xs Page has just cnmph» Mit- enlargement and brick cludd ‘01’ his fat-m rvsidvncv. in LOlliS Schn‘ws, (In-small uf Tum en chumyiunshi nu Sillurtlny. Lr‘t us make your thti't‘. 1812. thr- l'uwvst price we p:13(l-l.-ISL"\'P-ur (lClin-râ€" ‘Z‘d at you: nmx'ust, slalion. It. is ‘vm-Lh your while tn give us a trial. \fmi are not put in any t--xpvnse. \‘i'e furnish cams and pay all expleas ‘L‘llili‘g’PSa SAVE THE \VORK and make more ‘mohey. \Ve satisfy 90 per cent, nf s'Lho'se who send. ’I‘hirty-thi-ov mil- }?Ons of lbs. Creamery buttey exported inst year. Let the orezimul-ies make it. SWEET CREAM Special inducements fur those k09p~ ling a number of cows and having ice. who can furnish us with sweet, cream '(‘lullviered at the hem-est stuiinn. 1'3 ‘Lx-ia’l ‘s‘cliciu‘rl and satisfaction guaranteed. In writing ful‘ particu- -l;-irs state number cows lit-pt, whether {Si pumith m- not. _ "‘ Haulers wanted. The Toronto Cream and Butter 00., 11 Jarvis St. Tumnm . n lizlmm'. hmin nl Apr. 16 but the language used [murdered \ti012y010591y on blu-Bphemy. N. S. W; Parlianwnt. No good pur- pose wduld be served by repeating the objectionable expressions hurled ‘across the floor of the House. Suf- ï¬ce it to say, however, if the editor 'Of Saturday Night is shocked by the l-mg‘uugc it must be bad indeed. Many a good piece of reasoning in lid-rat eo-culled society paper is spoiled lay coarse rind vulgar expression. For instance in the number belore the last any reasonable person might admire the clever way in which the ‘s‘tupidity ol' the editorial page of The Mail and Empire was referred to, :md The last number of Toronto Sm- hrday Night gives a collection of rank phrases said to have been de- iivered in speeches in the Sydney, Chan. Churn Chan ‘hnu _'hu,-1 A new Want in RICHMOND I'LILL, Angmt 13, 1903 utterann's ï¬no (-hncnhnvs. cream jele Cu-ntl-es, just to hand; Unwâ€" Swiss'mi k whiny-Mun 10v. : ' 70w- rhuculale gimp-r. 4170.111. : -hn-ken «flat 1-. 25c. lb. Atkins 11&‘B\v'itzer. «é Ph-iu, mlitm- nf the Dundas shut, himself thI-nugh the mutt) u‘vlmtk Saturday oven- Cream *Wanbed iï¬â€™ews N ates. SWEET on Sat I)! ‘Thornhfll. E‘zlvertisemehté; iiiheml. pun-ml“ of Puttmsnm .. 3" has heel) pustâ€" l\'. “wing tn the ill- Thu-100. ‘amhiy nweï¬nz of was held Tut-sday the clamp ynrmz mtn “'nn tlw Canad- p at St. Cuthcrines At}; in IInlivlagy “Hi1 be August. Lacrosse gum-3s wili hvdilu-y- will lu- held ’in 'the including thckc-n- cmnict. from the re captured uhnut mm by Tunmtu duâ€" alisng a bunsc un ugt-nt for the G. the \ illngv. is spending her Buwnmm‘illn. gum 1:;5. pnttm! ham. 1‘. tin ; rod Srt-‘k- ?5k'.': SuH-réign v‘miomt ’in tall? 3:50:13 Swine}. 31:19.5 in stock or \\'e qunh“ fll‘l' dnz. : and for ping" wï¬icmnod on her H-tnrn shl- 23x1“. $1 'ewtnn attack â€"â€"â€"\\'urld. turned it Oat - 3 visit Bx-(mk nt' in- ted ing (1903. ANNIE HENRICKSv .Heudfm-d P. 0.. GEO.\V.1\IUNKMAN,'Heudfurd P. 0., Executors. Cnnk apa Johnston, Richmond THE ~ LIBERAL? % East han I112 25. can. 3, Township‘ of Ym-k. cnntniuing 1|)U Hal-1's, more or [$88. A ve) )' desirable farm in good lucu-Iity. Pussvssiun April 1. 1904. For further :utinulars apply to ‘ \V . AC-KKO‘N. Suvern Bridge 1 After the said 5th day nf Supt. “Hm, the executm-s will prime-«l to distribute the assvts nf the snfd ll.»- m-nst-d "mung the parties eniitlvd there-tn. having regard only to tlw trinimSHf which they shall then haw nutice. and Llw said exwutmw‘wvill not 1w liuhh- for any claim, m- fnl' tin: said assets or any part Lhcl'euf. In any pver uf whuse claim notice shall not have. lwen received by than) u! 1h? time of sm-h distribution, and such pin-sons shall he peremptm-ily excluded flom Lin.- heue-fib of such dis- trihulinn. anaicv is hm-ohy given pursuant, h the Reflux-d Statutes uf Ontzll'in. 1897 Chap. 125). Sec. 38. that .111 pa mn having x-luims against Ihevstntc 0:" th mid Dmmid Juhn Henricks. wk. died on m- uhunt the 1691) day of Hm- A. I). 1903, are required on ()1‘ In-r'uzn [.119 5th day nf Sir-pt", 1003. to 50 I4] 1}) pust prepaid, (Jr-deliver to the under- signvd vxvchtn‘rs of the “111 of Lh. ~‘ilill dvceasvd. full particulw-s n. thvir claims and thr natur? uf t N: sv- curity. if any, hold by lhvm. Tish N Late vi" the Tuwnship of M Fnrxm-r, Deceased. EIGHMDNB HILL, _ON_ FREMY. UflTBBEï¬ 2,1993 ï¬ï¬Ã©Ã©ga Steel Hog T1 uughs, any length, made to order. Prices right. All kinds nf wrought or cast iron taken in_exchnnge. Chopping dong any da’y but \Ved- neï¬ï¬‚hy. RICHMOND HILL ï¬WiSEï¬ï¬ - MW. Mager’s Foundx; Strulhcmm, the dn-f 11!;(‘1‘ u.‘ l h»- ( ':. udu’s cup. dufvulrd Lhu L'hnlk'ngv Irondeqmyit frmn thk‘ Ullilr-tl Sinu- dn Saturday and Munduy. lmml gnnit Wan un Tuesday and \\'.-.Im- ay. The ï¬nal race will m1“: plm-n- l‘ da'y. “I hmlll'h nnr sun‘l't' lime at, \Vuudlu-idgv. Two hl'OUd sows and pi Apply to h-vlm d!) Conk apa J: ï¬tment $3.3m. “Dated this 25th day of July, A. D. is? Next, Sitting of Division Court for N0. 3, County 0f York. will be held in the Com-t; Room, DONALD JOHN HENRICKS. or LEEDS RICHARDSON, anie My H'air S ubscribe for Farm for Sade Commencing at 10 :1. m. yen no 97f “Just. Turnutn. Solicitors for said executors. Of the estate of T. F. MCMAHON FILER]: ‘33 Braiéiars Hâ€. MAG-Ell, Prop ‘dhl'k 'R. B. MCNAIR Elgin Mi. Elna haul H." lntm‘n 211' Q Hing hum. iSTnï¬ï¬aaa SAEK 49-tf le Picnic Gmumfls n‘nd Dunc‘mg Platform :l't L'a’kc ‘Viluox will ln- rent- ml tn picnic parties at low vltqs. Piano in cunmâ€"‘utinn. Three t‘hnmnnd dullars to 1mm at n nIuw rate 0f interest on ï¬rst-mort- gage farm property. am! For Other particulars cull M the Bank» Gemzal Banking Bgsineas Tmnaaoted. Money Lanna-cl 0n l’nrmt‘rs’ e mums. [hunk Null: l-orms Suppned l’rre. . good broom when she see- i one. Our ' . broom uewoll »; _I ï¬lled \with the ' “ wary but saloo- md com mdw good ‘buying emqu as to :m ï¬bo price. low. Buy you: nan broom tom-us. Every Housekeeper Knows Money To Loan Washboards, Tubs am! i’ails Nutice of withdrawal) nut, "HING- sat-ya AH dupnsits puy'AM'e un demand. W S lendid values in open milk pails. commas, utter bowls. ladies dcc and bring h to our store and we will give you a. mgum Bread Raising Pan. regularly sold 10r1‘wentyâ€"nve can“. 102 3-â€" Fifteen Cents .whlch Mud CI! >flltom-I to no. (Inpnnl luml Ta Picnic Panies Lawn flowers are Scarce Wo noueu bun- nesn by ole-r straight unto- mentlï¬ow [trier es and good- of bone“ nonh- Stoneware Butter Crooks. Tinware and Graniteware RICHMOND H A LL Strainer Pails 100 Less. ()i' Canada 3'. W. OSBORNE. FRANK LEGGE. Prim", Oak Ridges 1". 0. Benin-y Netting. DE POSI‘I‘S Altdlnnge abdu- pflced up masonry-4'23»: ENE LIB?“ W9 buvo summing you used 11: this lino A! prime lower khan yen-rein Ibo m c! paying “newborn. In". Iago tom 0! splendid quuity up to: Twenty-Five Cents. Sevgnty-Five Cents‘ LAUNDRY SOAP. complete with flasher. priced upwards from Of a specially good qua!“ 1“. The brine will not go Ihrough fl cm. A full range of sizes [tom one w shiny gallons. Stoneware 36 only 10mm“ stralm er pails. well made [tom zood material, regular value at 350.. while the quantity lasts you can buy one 10: Twenty-Five Cents. FARMERS’ HARBWARE HOUSE Two Doflars & Fifty Cents. . . No‘wilhsmnding which I. have a very complete stock which in nehOIy priced up- ward: from The HUSSILI. HARDWARE 00. LRAL OFFICE. ho Gents-1‘ $|,u()0.000 9-3:. 000 We would like you to bear in mind am we atocksmmt com pl- te range of this line. reliable. sensible goods 5. prices which you [ill mylnye rIghI Cut {his old AGENT. Chums I26 East King Street, Toronto. his away: the price we aak youâ€" OJVE PRICE TO ALL. % [£399.3m33993m g Pure Paris ï¬reen 5 Eighteen Cents. ® 6Goeeooceooueeseeeeeee EWE‘EEfla, 158 mm; ‘1'va1 yum. TORONTO E accommodoflnn so ‘quszh Bum-(1,51 our day Bandy ironed for immediate use which we have IpeclnHy rich at A little more than Ihe bu. irons wo d coat you. x I ‘i‘liJ’Wili’ch Will take and hold nI good with; edge. prlead upan dc mun Neckyokes and Whiffletrees. Barb flip $2.75 per 100 lbs Oar h.ng bny'ng capacity enab‘es us .0 purchase Purl. Green of the high- an madam! oLpurity M a price Which smaller buyers have m pay for poor in. lerior flock. That's why we can sell yonacb qplomflfl Paris Green {or OUR SELLING PRICE Whimctrees, 40c. Nrckyt-kes 65¢. Excel: all onsets. Electrically welded u every joint. making it the ver strongest fence on me market. Price upwards. per rod. {tom Perfect Field Fencing Scythes and Snaths. We are Colo Toronto Agents. Also No. 9 gal vnnimd. No. 9 galvanized coil spring. Na. 11 Block Wireâ€"all at the one low pxice of Two Duflars azd ngcnly-Five Cents Ten and a Half Gents Fifty Cents Thirty Cents. '. QJV, per 100 lbs. Indications pain! tog an unprecedented: demand thh a shorâ€" tage of man-rial to supply it ’I‘ b I i means advanning pr]. ‘ ces You'll be wine 1 30 Place your oxdor‘ with us now at prioea‘ ranging upw‘rda {my BINDER TWINE each “'0 have a. wide mnge of spec iully good val- uesâ€"tannins 01 pxrb'cuI-l‘ly choice ï¬jnber. We bun I {an madman. of hoes for all pur. ,M’ win-d npwnds noun Tho Hoichkiss PAB‘S GREEN DiSTiIIBUTOR Dlsuibum .110 Paris Gwen in dry (mmâ€"by m moons pound $0 ‘he acre is all mat is re quired: we.†9 row! at A time and works very npidly. One vm [my vor itself in who saving 0! time Ind 'l norm]. Bightly p icud at h I splendld mlelo for v wrminu bullet, shrubs W 1nd plums, II") for en. ï¬n. hon“. And roultryâ€"dilcharges the ao'uâ€" Hon in n Ipnv-H 5 form. increasing the attic- iancy Ind occuominng the material. We have on. mmpme to Thirty-Nine Gents. Three Dollars and Fifty Cts. THE CYCLONE SPRAYER nuke canny gelling to you. has M p [cm ynu'fl any are H‘s-in. “Twill ny you to buy rope hero. Gmxd Inmate tax 1th mt Tonga sire-ct in the village of Richmond Hill. Apply to t. f. J. P. GLASS. HAYING TIME TOOLS. Hay Fo.k Handles from TEN CENTS. TACKLE BLOCKS. House to Rent TwentyeFive Cents. Quano 260. Gallons 400. Miami 750. We gum-antes the qual- i‘y n! shh paint. is specially made for barn. lane‘s, and r of aiming. 0 impr ii P118 pleasing and dura- ble colors. priced as lol- .ows- QUEEN CITY PAINT. Always tell no when anything goes wrong. We make no error which we do not stand ready to correct. , of me -verv be" quamy. [net “13 Mud needed for you, flay Fork outï¬â€˜s. We have a lul_l "11135 ,9! 3-prong. selected handles, priced up~ wards Iron â€"20 (‘ontn PURE MANXLLA I O t O Bay Rakes. ’l‘eu Geml flav Forks. inst quality -'x cample‘e line of men) in Mood and iron. in single. dou- ble rnd tripleâ€" " In- a: o o d buy-Aug will qtiilllty