Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Aug 1903, p. 5

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“Strength and vignr nmw lfond. duIy (Hgvsh-«l. ‘ me‘. tn-serw: wheat and hnl'h’v f: no hunk-n. but, sustains, n invigorate-s.“ Messrs. “’ingvr Buns. r-f Vnngh-m Township have put, a (inn plm'e of granolythic Walk lending frmn Yr-ngv street tn Mr. J. H. Brydnn‘s 11'sidmum. Th9 Wurk is n. cwdit, In H11- “lulu-1's. um] the cost is reusnnnhlu. An Pdihll' whn knnu‘s apt-nks is n-spn- '3hlnfur ing: “ann Kiilrrs :n-e z- hunches us fulluu's: 'J‘h 111.10 regular n‘lurn fut-c ‘l’mm this \'lllnge In Band LuKI' is 25‘ canS, any day of the \n-ek. The I. 0. F. nth w- tisub pvmtmrs :l spvcinl rate ltHlny. nmnefrv 30 cents. \‘.'9 might think that this l'nh- was [fix- our hvnefit ulono, hut. an-mling the hill. we sw- thut the {nine privilege is (‘xlcndcd tn Aux-um. An edihn' who kuuu‘s Wlww‘nf he Spt'nks is l't-sva-mihlnfur thu fullnw- ing: “ann Kiflrz's are (-lussiiivd into hunches as fullnws: 'J‘hx-so “'th :m- uppusvd Lu ilnprm'vuwnls; (hum whu lu-eft- " a quiet town In mn- nf push and vusilwss; thnsu wlm deride publicâ€" spilite'd men : thnszo \vhn nppusn over-y nmvnme-nt J'hat, docs not ufiginule‘ with thvm: Mme- lnr’l'l'hdllts whu du nutndw‘rtisv in the lrmul phpi‘l‘. “Nd go out of town fm- their priming. ' A number of boys have lwon lln-nw- in slnst M, the windmill (ml the Punwr Huuse‘ propvrly. mud Innu- stnm-s have cmm- m-c-r into Mr. 'J‘eefy’s orchard nn:l lawn. This (lungvmus practice slwnlll lw stuppml. us thusu livilu': newl- might l:(- SL-l'iI-usly injun-d. \V'v fee-l sure that buys will he cautions "In-r this warning. The Indepm‘lflvnt ()l'i‘lw- of Fm'vstms are hvlding a dc-nmnstmi‘inn at Brmd Lake Park tu-rlny. A unifm‘m corps with their tnnnpet hand will .‘u‘cmn- puny the exam-sin“. tngvllwr with the celebrated 43w l'liglilamlm‘a’ Bnml of Toronto. (u‘mud prizes for gnmvs and “ICES, tng-ufâ€"wm-, etc. Adlll'I‘SSi-S by [imminent memln-i-snf the Urdu: 1n the ovenng '1 pmme ‘ulv cum-wt will be held “'11?” the lillLios‘ Band will he assisted by sewrul pupll‘uxl' vucnlisls. Thos. Hull, thv individual who bl'ukc into \Vnruv's and Smnlrm‘s stares in Alil'nl'u u fvw \weks ago has been sent, to Kingston Punitmtinry fun-three years. Thix- (MI-responds tn the number "f bullth he bnd fired into him. If the judge inn-ml him tn get a year fur evvry bullet Hail should congratulate himself on lhH fmzt, that Uwstnrekeepm-umd his Wife stopped firing Whvn they difi. The Cnnndinn lunlway Imn'nrtinn Institut-J. aux-nor Ynngo and (l‘Uul‘l‘IL' sum-ts, in Live ()ddfvllun’s Building. Turnnm, is ope-n for the pmqu «11' fitting ynuug mun and ladies for poni- Hnns in railway ‘ \ <8. This is the nnlyinsfimtvnf iLs kmd in (hum-Ida, and should uwa with prunnum‘v-d Gucmb' :Is tht-y gunmnlw tn furnish wvll id pu-sititnm on the sow-m1 lmtding railroads in Canada and 1h:- UnilI-d Status ilmm-dintoly on grudâ€" untihg in [he cupsmity of telegraph «pm-nuns. train despnrchors, freighl, and ticket clerks, agents and rum- Iw-rl-iul apex-nuns. “'z-iln (u' an“ rm ,thvw fm*_,pax;ul:ul;l. S. Uâ€"tf Finest. Canadian cheos finest pure lard. 12c. 11:. ; adian coal oil, in lnts, 1.52:. XXX White Wino. spirit gal. Atkinson 8: Switzer The vanadium Institutu. (ml-um SH'N-‘IS, in Liz-c TUX‘IIDN), is nlw fitting ynuug cw Hans in ruilwaa‘ Any yuung mun m- wnmun who is n. holm fidae pun-(m (If this pupur mu}; s'mure free instrumtiuu in Music nr Elncutiun. The Ithaca (‘uusr-rvnlm'yof Mu.‘ . with the. desire to stimulate 1'11th study 01’ tllefie arts, ufi'm-s mw free and mm partial schulurs‘nip in the prmjuue 01' Ontario, Canada. Each bC‘lN’tldl'shED is vnluvd at- $HH .unxi is good fur a tm lll uf twt-nty weeks: lwginning wish the Opening of le‘jdmul your, Hr-ptvmlwr 10. 1903. in any [If [he fullnuing dc- pzu-tmvnts: Vuion, Violin, Pieln“. Or- gun and Elngguion. Thvsc Schnl;ll'~ ships are awarded upon CUaltLiliUH which is (Ipt‘ll tn unfune desiring: :1 musical or litgmry cfiumliun. Any~ «me. wishing to make application or desiring infm-muiiuu shule “rite to Mr. Gourge (T. \‘\'i!]i:nns‘thv (lvnuml Mnnngwrnf lhn Ithaca Cnnwrvutnuv of Mlleic. Ithuru, N. Y., bufnre Sup- member I, 1903. RICHMOND HILL. Augusth 1903 THREE YEA [38 AN BULLETS. AT BOND LAKE TO~DA Y. BOA RD 0 F EDUCATION A FREE SCHOLARSHIP. RAH A XVISE ED TOR. 'i'lRY SEW-AVAIL! BOYS. BE\VA H E. lat, does not, nriginulv $11039 mwl'rlmnts who flu in the lmtnl papvr. and n for thvir printing. ‘[ INSTITUTE A1136. :uce apph in should illiums. t1! hnca. Cmv nity of tplegmph sputchors, freighl, ugmns and rum- \\'1-il4-e or call nn (Hf u-h sch s gnnd 1 innin;_y ivrs’ Band Hf Jl' gnmvs and Addresses h)’ .139 On wr. In 9 cnnc‘r‘t‘t will a‘ Band will he lnl‘ vocalists. D THREE vim-gar, 25c . 125C fins-st nourishes, I‘tznd y- . adds ‘u'Hl- ius'st 1h Rural sclumls will 1119" next Mnn- day after the summer vucatiun. “'9 have been usde to announce to those interested. that Michael Bros. havencnl‘of snft (mail which will be dispnsvdfofihb right price. The (Vunsvrvntive ionic-om Mm T0- runtn Island yesten fly. and the bun- quel- in the evening, was a success lmtl) frum [mint of numhmsand en- thusiasm. Among the s wakels Were Muss " 1. P. \_\'hinu-y. [Ln-mim- R91}- Mussrs.‘J. P. “'hilm-y. IJ’n-mivr Ruh- lin uf Munituhn. R. R. Gnnu-y. 00'. Sum l'lnghes. Dr. Bennie Neshitb and E. King Dodds. Mrs. James Dnlun died of pnvlmmn~ i1 un Friday after an illnoss of little mum thun a Wt‘ek. Until Tuesday of tlw previous “‘(wk she was as “w” as Usual. hut violent pains drvelupml ir» tnpm-unmnin. and she sank rapidly. l)l'('l'ilSl‘d wus highly wspected as may lemlgml by the Vt'l'y large fum-rul nu Sundaynftonmun. She was kind In dispusitiun, mud induswinus, and thnuqh she had dune :I lnt uf hut-(l \rmk she was new-r known In Cum- Ylul”. She was a. duughu-r of Mr. lulu-rt “Elites. and hesidf‘s a father and nthw relatives she loan-s a, hus- lmml and an udnptml sun tn mourn hm- loss. Fum~rnl sorvim-s -WHI'(: cun- (lIu-lvd at tlw hangs: by Rv\‘.MI-.Slliilh. junior Mt-thdist pustur. of which church demeasrd lmd lung been a con- istn-nt mn-mlwer. S w i tzv 1:. Little Gladys 0019s, the five year will daug’hLH-nf Mr. F. Cub-s. of T0- rnntn, win», with her mnthm' has been \‘imtingdt.the Dnmininn Hnusv, met with a painful uucidenL yvstvx-dmy morning. She was plaving with he? Huh-friend, Irenv McMahon. at the l::tl(-1"slmnm, when she ran against, a front. window. The pn 1w gnveuway. and Gladys gut n st-vvre gush across tin-right wrist, beside-s a few slight cutsnuthe face. She was hurrivdly taken to the ductm’s ofiiue, and the wound dressed. It was found that mu- m- two of the small :u-tm-ivs were cut, but the main artrry was [uninjur- day on the Maewpnlimn bringing the people outn‘f the (My. “'iLh the us- ual entorpriseof the managvment of this road. one car was provided (In Mnnday night, to Lake the crowd hack to the city that sewn-a] (ml-s had brought up. The reeulc was hundreds of passengvrs both here nnd at New- nmzi'ict ware left, standing on the stmet. corners until spvcinl (nu-s enuld lw telephoned fur which did nut arlive until lnng after 10 (:‘clnck. The man- agn-rs of the mad du not appear to pussoss e-nuugh hurse sense to Know that. the passengers they bring up will wth to return." 0d, though it; barely ~(-‘sumeL'l. Sh? was plncod undt-r (‘hlm‘nfm'm and stitches were inserted in the gush which was about; an inch and a half in lvngli). The little girl is (lning nicely but she will carry her arm in :1 sling for some time to come. The external nmmbranous envelope on the material nrgnnizvd substances of the Managers 0f the Motrupnlitan Railway must I)? as dense as let of a pnchyde-rm, or thuy wnuld wince from the thrusts they got, from time tn time- from the county papers and others, on the manner in which the From the hour of issue- of THE LIB~ ERA}, this week till the store clnsos on Saun'daynight We will give 1 H). of Cum-111’s famous hlvnd 45c. coffee, 2 1113. ofnur own gmud 300. Japan tea, or hluck gea equal, and 251m. host gmmukmdl sngél‘. for $2. Atkinson (K: Switzer. “'0 offer this week a 1 1h. tin of baking powder. wgular 15c. quality, for lUu.: Rnwau's mixed or Innstan'd Ficklvs a‘t310c. a huttlv: and an excel- ent, cuffs»; gmuud frvsh for you, at 200. lb. Atkmsm) 8; Switzer. Ms..~mni Mrs. Kow of Toronto. cam“ up and spent Saturday with Mr. and M rs. _Tecfy. Miss Annie Km-swill wuxrnvd yes- tvu'lny after a three “reels visit with friends in Bulfuln. Mrs. Vivian and Master HPPbH‘b Vivian nf Tin-1mm. have returned hnme after a two “'Pt‘ks' visit with her pan-um. Mrs. Gen. Redditt is spending :1 few “'12ka visitng l'elnth es and friends in King. Miss \Vinnifi'ed Newlwry of Tumu- tn is spending a week with the Misses Brown. Mr. L. L. IBPnmerf ~Brnok Hill. Virginia. is homertn spmul at week with his.futhcu Mr. D. Beam-nu]. 1‘14: Brueeiflrencb, B. _A., of the Cayuga. H§gi1 thtml stutf. ,§ wnt last. “‘l-c'fis the guest. of Mr. _ ames E. Skeele. Mrs. Carring of Chicago. is the guest nf Mrs. '1‘. Newton. CONSERVATIVE GATH ERLNf‘a. All news is goud nvws \vhnn xx- advert-iseuu-nt. Atkiuso 1)] 1CD OF' PNICUMUNIA. FREE ADVERTISING. CUT \VITH GLASS. PERSONALS. ’s \vhnn seen in Atkinson and Miss Evn, Wiley .1an lwr friend Miss Sheppard. started Friday to sand n 'Cullpll‘! uf weka on the shore nf one of ‘the lakes in Halihurtnn. Misses Bel Mnndio and Minm Milne, gmuh‘artes 0f Tor-unto Gent-ml Hnspitnl, leave next week 1m take pmilitms in the Gnud Samaritan Hospital at. Dmvson, managed by the Presbyterian Missiun. infirm". Bathl-Mrsn John Hutch- inth Hf Richmond Hill. is hi'l‘E‘ \‘Isit- ing friends. The old lady who IS 91 yen-r9 old is quite smdrt. Mr. and Mrs. Gun-nil and Mr. James J. Carroll of Chit-ago, wm-o guests of Mr. Jmnvs E. Skeelc on Fridnynud Saturday last. Mossrs. E. Mason and F. Rn-ddilb sung a. very prvtty duet, in tho Meth- mlist Chumh Sunday evening. Pntitlvd " Behold me Standing at; the DUI-r." Mr. VVillnu H. Skv-eln. truwullm- ful‘ the R. M. anl luntlxm: firm nf Limi- SMy, left yestm'dzty on n busing-9's trip through the Lowm- Provinces. Missvs Alice Espoy and Orphia Bum.)st Orange lelvy, spent Sutur- dny M‘t-mrmum‘with Mr. and Mrs. J. Darling and Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones nf Elgin Mills. Miss Lorine Wright stm-tvd Monday for \Vinnipt-g, Manitoba, where she will spend the summer months with her aunt. Mrs. (D12) Blukvly. She was accompanied as far as Orillia by her father and muther. The latter will romain in that town for acuupleuf munLhS. Rev. Mr. Campbell of this place, and Bo". Mr. Uhnntlvr of Maple. had an (‘xcharnge of pulpits last Sunday. The latter preached anniversary sermons nt Hendfnrrl in connection with the Sabbath School. Mr. and Mrs. 1V. 5. Andrr-ws of Miami. Mum, are making :L Visit with Mirnaud MIS. G. \Vilvy. They are ac- companied by a little grandson. and will wmain until nfLer the Dnminion Exhibition in Tomnto. Mossts. \V. H. Pugsley. L. L. Hart- mannnd J. D. Evans of Yuxk Cnuntv Cnuncil, and their snlicitm-. Mr. C. C. Robinson, were in Ottawa yostelduy to support the amended hill of the T0- mntn and Hamilton Railway. Mt‘ssrs. H. A. Vilrhal‘s, J. TV. 0-â€" hnrne, C. H. Ellstnn. and M. B0er \vvntnn an eXCuI-sinn to the Pity of Rmhoster, Imu'ing Tr-mnto Saturday evening and returning Monday mnrn- ing. The trip was made by thesteam- Argyle. R. \V. Bro. H. A. Nichulls, D.D.G.M. Townw East District, No. 11 A, has appointed \V. Bm. T. F. McMahon. P. M. of Richmond Lodge, Richmond Hill, District Secretary; and \V. Bro. Rev. A. P. Brace, B.D.. \V.M. of Rich- ardsnn Lodge, Stoutfville, District Chaplain. MiSSes Mary and Besxie Bmckin of Clmthnm, who had spent the past month with relatives at Tottvnhnm, came up from anunto Thursday and spent the day with their uncle, Mr. \Vm. Brnckin. and Mr. T. F. McMahon. The-y were accompanied fmm the city by their Hunt, Mrs. Finley, and Miss Sloan. Notice is hereby given that I have" transmiLU-d or dE’IlVCl'Pd to the per- sons mentinned in Line. Eighth and Ninthfiecfirms of "‘ The Vuters‘ List Act” the cupies rpquirvd by fluid Sec,l tions m he so transmitted or delivered of the List niudeyursuam, u: said Act, and Ann-minimum Kiwi-ctr». of all per- sons appearing by the lust- Revised 'Assvssmeut, Rnll of the said Municipal- ity to he entitled to vote in the said Municipality at. Elections for momhors of the Legislative Assembly and at Mu- nicipal Electinns; and (hub said List, was FIRST POSTED UP at my ni‘lice at the Village- nf l‘ldplt' on the FIFTH DAY 0‘“ AUGUST, 1903, and remains there fur inspectinn. Electors nre callml upon to examine the said List .nml if any (unbalance or any uLtwrx‘nm-s :izrv ,fuund {therein ,tn Lake icnmvdiute pl'uct filings to have the said errors correctrd zux-nnliug to law. For Sale 02 Rent Butcher shnp am] dxw and nther-(‘cmvcnEuncos. supply ({f,iee,;in Llw cvuL Inge uf Richwnud Hill. In: ‘ is beingflnno. J. B. )ILLICAN. Clerk of the said Mnnicipnlifiv Diltvd this 5th day of August. 1903. VUTERS’ MST. 1903 That’s what you need; someq thing to cure your bilious- ness and give you a good digestion. Ayef’s Pills are liver pills.» They cure con- stipation .and biliousness. 25c. Gently laxative. “wrung”... BUCKINGHAM’S DYE Want. your moustache or heard a bEAEtâ€"uii brown 0: rich black 2 Then use 60 {fit Municipality 0f the Township of VTAUGI-IAN Liver PiEEs County of York. Box *a p Richmond HilL ’iling‘. stables Sce- hnnse and we of the wil. A good busi. for the hlskers - s F The old reliable stuck food so well and favorably known by by an; fm-mersfof 0311:3113}. It, isda grim?i [Eggpnmtion 1:0: [I h momentum sher- . u 8 Bull iwu try in a. we Vim y con ibion. i u worms. 8- kegfa‘llf :dnmed for pregaxgui' Stork 1.» market or Full Exhibitions and it. increms their flesh. pnzslite and umbitinn in them and givus chew'u singek nml‘glossy cant. Sample package: 200. or lbs for SLWhich is equli to 5 feeds for lc. low.) 5mm. C-JUGi-K AND HEAVE CUBE tnnmr- m cure any case of ppughs,c;1ds, heuves or Molten Wlncl ur menu-3r gfiec‘s pf influenz L or epizopfic. Priceoo cents. Your reuelplâ€"s for condition puwdul’s 1111.: up promptly uom pure dxngu gt. wholeulg prices ‘ â€" w is me Engligh Eur-m Salts to ,Electrin 0’! -2 bottles 250 ‘ s‘lwmfilj ‘3 ant. efgyout horsa's legs; give Chases Syrup nl' L'nseed and Tulpantine 150 ‘ g, bgpdxnll teed: Be fly; 101bs‘fol"25c Ayeâ€"rs (‘hel-i y l‘euLonu 20, 4051111 65c ‘ Winnâ€"so lb, 10 lbs for 250 Norwnv Pine Syrup lac (“manna â€"3c lb, 10 lbs tor 25c Pages Enulish (Tough Sym . large botflofiSo ,D: Williams Pink Pills 800.3 10: 69c (hays Syi up Red Spruce um we Pill: 2 bottles to: 25¢: Huxgums I’cctol‘fll Balsam lac ‘ Ohms Ointment 400 Cnlthfuut Expecwmnc 130 Ayala flnmflligor $56 kwiwnys Relief 18c Pernnafiie [Gastozia 25c Pages lmd Clovar Compound pmlflofl “)9 blood. Minn-William Bo cures cutarrb. dysyepsin and indigestion mfioltpemyurefil lbs for 25¢ Pngcs Dyspbpsm Tapiotgm curagso Drugs, Medicines & Sandman Powders At Cut Ikate 13rices. Thalia only} putial list Remember fihglesale and Retail Drnggiqts. 171 King?I St East, Toronto. Opposite U_|yde Hotel. Straight Business. Thane are two ways of keeping store. rOne ‘is to cut up antics; the other to do legitimate business. Legitimate business we think is to buy and sell for cash, to save you every poss:ble dollar, and do our level best every day in the week, and every month in the year. Uniform methods, no tricksâ€"mot a ghost of a trick with our consent and knowledge. We question whether anywhere you can find as satisfactory stock of Dry Goods as here. That’s the right adjective. The most reliable, the most varied, the most economic- al. We've been a long time learning the businessâ€"what to buy and what to let alone. There‘s no accumulation of anything here save experience. The teaching of the year and thegoods of the season make as happy a combination as ever invited an intelligent trade. Men’s Extra Quality Black Cashmere Hose at 25 and 35c. per paxr. Men's Fine Uambric Shirts, regular $1.25 quality for $1.00. Special value in Men's Fancy Bows, Derbys and String Ties. Special value in E. T. Corsets, B. & I. Corsets and Cramp- ton Unrsets. Valencienne. Lace-sand Insertions to match. 3, 3a}. 4 and 50. per yard. Fine Swiss Emhrnideries and Insertions, 5, 7, 8, 10 and 120. per yard. ” we sell everything ntwhulesnle pricen and you can save from 10 to 25pm ceub by naming winh us We quote : . A. .Tohnston & 00., (Successor to C, D. Daniel & Co. and Hugh Miller 6: Co.) Emmxmmmmmmmmmmfl; " M3538 EYER 3:, SUN HM SUNGS Now is the. time to order your Hay Slings hefm'e the work commences; saves from one tn three men in hay- ing and harvest time. Satisfaction guaranteed. ‘ . “u. 1".- o Scufflem, Hardwarv. Paints and Oils. Repairing of all kinds done, and re- pairs kept or got for all kinds of machinery. Richmond HEEL em. “WWW fi List. Remember we sellewrything at wholesale pllcos and you ran save money by dealmg with us. A mugmficeun calendar fur each customer Electrin 0,12 bottles 25c Chases Syrup 0! Drama! and Tmpanfine 150 Ayers Chewy Pectonu 20, 40mm 650 Norwav Pine Syrup 182 Pages Enulisb Cough Sym . large botflefiso (hays Sp up Red Spruce um we Buzzards I’cctoml Baisum 180 Comma: Expecwmnc 180 hadwuys Rehe! 180 V Pages lied Clover Compound plume" the blood. cures cutarrb. dyspepsia and indigestion Pngcs Dyspbpsm Taplmflms cunfiSo

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