mun runner notlcé “ails will be closed M. nae Nehmond Hm Post Ofï¬ce In followu- MORNING 8‘00 EVENING 6.15 N.B.-â€"Bogiltered Letters must be handed in t In» Flt on Minus†earlier than me above monflonad' 35mm? 0106mm OFFICE CLOSES AT 736 P M M. TEEFY. Postmaster. sine. . ‘ ' Presgyterisn Cburcbâ€"Sefvmes u‘t 11 a. 111., And . Sunday School at 230. Prayer meeting 7 . ï¬dneedn evening. . Roman atholic chm-ohâ€"Sarvxcas on ulter- nnto Sundays at!) e. m. and 10.30 a. m. Methodist. Churchâ€"Services at 10.30 a. m.. and 1p. m. Sands. School at 2.30. General prayer meeting Tim“ ny. evening. ‘ Richmond Lodge. A F and A M â€"Msets Man- a" on or before full moon Com-t Richmond, A 0 F â€"Meets Second and ourbh Friday Ivy Lodge. A 0 U Wâ€"-Meets thin Wednesday of each month Camp Elam. S 0 8 ~Mcet/s second and {curt-h Wednesdsy. B T of Temperanceâ€"Meets ï¬rst Wednesday of each month Fire Brigade-Meets ï¬rst Monday of every month Public Library and Reading Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. Thursday and Suturdav evenings Epworth mewsâ€"Mom evcrv Friday. June 11, 1903 GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. Between Totgï¬gc; and Rmihrifï¬'. GOING NORTH Lune P R Crossing st 6. 7.20, 9.40. 11.30 a. 1 90, 2.40, 4.00 5.40. 7.45 p. m. In" Richmond Hill 8.20, 10.30 a. 111.; 12.20, 5 8.80. 4.50, 6.30, 8.35 p. m. GOING SflUTH Luvs Newmnrket 730.910.11.15 9.. m.; 2, . 4.15, 6.00. 7.30 p. 11:. have Richmond am 7. 8.10. 9.55, 11.55 a. 2.40, 3.55. 4.55. 6.40, 8.10 p. m. A large amount of private funds to loan on improved fut-m proprrty situ- ated in the County of York, at 4.3 per cent. For articular-s apply to Lindsey, awronce & \Vndswm'tll. Home Life Bldg., 60 Victoria. St“. 01' at Toronto THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill, The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Uhester white hogs, lot 32, lst con. Markham (Thornhill) has for sale some good young stock. 3m LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill, on Saturday afternoons. ThUI'OHgE-hl‘ed mm and hog kept for service on t_he premises. METROPOLITAN TIM E TABLE L|VERY COAL HORSESHOER Light and Track Horses 3. Specialty. A trial solicited. cooper’s Uld Stand, RICHMOND HILL. Church at Eng‘lmd' 4; .' . bnqmre for rlgs at the Do- minion House. Coal and \Vood Dehvered. Prices Right. Anyone sending a. sketch and dose-ti tion may quickiy ascertain our opinion free w ether an invention is probably pmemahle. (‘ommunlcm mom strictly conï¬dential. Handbook on Patents hgt‘iyg‘eb glgest ncen y for securing patents. .L..- -k Mun“ A, f‘n var-oh“: lam. new. vnucu nuuuhy .w. .7“ .. ._ Patent! taken through Mum & Mela! gotta. without chm-no In the ,-A._ can . _ __ A handsomely mush-:1th weekly. Largest dr- oulnuon of any sclentlfln journal. Terms. $3 a l_1r lucflths. $1. Sold by ail-Pewsd‘eyners. MEN“ flammaway. Brunch Ofï¬ce. 625 F St. \Vash‘ FRED MEYER, Michael Bros., POST OFFICE NOTICE 4I-2 PER GENT. SUNNYSIDE FARM '"Sï¬Ã©Ã©iï¬â€™lï¬Ã© Rmea‘ican, Ilium-Ci! éflcb: G BLACKSMITH, 494; Richnlon d Ilill Village Directory. â€"AND GEN ERALâ€" HAS OPENED IN hPRACTICALâ€" D. G. GOODERHAM, Lâ€"Service: at 3p: m; evé'ry WOOD FRED MEYER. HéMQrk Proprietor. 2, 3.15. IN THE RAINY RIVER DIS- TRIUTâ€" Berths G19, G21, 023, G29 Berths Nos. 105 and 201, the Town- ships of KITCHENER and ROBERTS an}! Block " \Y ’»’ near Q‘njtpiqg Lake. and G38, and the fullnwing‘ Berths with the right, to cut and remove the pine, spruce, talnax-:wl<,cedar and pop- lnr :â€"G4, G6, G17, G18. G24, G25, G26, G27, G23. G33, G35, G36, G37. G39,G40, G41, G42, G43. Beans N9s._Sl, S2, Pu'blic notice is hm~ehy given that pursuant to authority of Orders in Cuuncil, the Red and \Vhite PINE TIMBER in the following townships, berths and arms, namely : IN THE DISTRICT OF NIPISSING â€"-the townships of BUTTON, ()EEEI; MAN, PARKIN. ALYMER, MACKELCAN, MCCARTHY, MEImICK, MULOCK, (part of), FRENCH (part; of), STEWART, LOCKHART, (part 03'), GA:me (part, of), OSBORNE (part of). HAMMELL and PHELPS (part of). IN THE DISTICT 0F ALGOMAâ€" and Sh, Win he offered fnr sale by Public Auction at the Parliament Buildings. in the City of Toronto, on \VEDNESDAY, the NINTH day uf DECEMBER, 1903. at the hour of ONE o’clock in the afternoon. Th: restflt is that othéfs come and mic fur the exact same movement. This evidently shows that, the’ watch?! I’m selling are a good kind and at the right: prices. .. . ‘ ‘I‘ The watches I snld in bile" past at“? giflng their: tqstiypopy.†Inférinr watches have been sold at a. good price, by the seller falsely clmming that, the Watch waslmught hPI'L‘, and thereby influencing the buyer that the watch was reliable. 7 JERRY SMITH, Sheets containing terms and condi- thms of Sale and infurmalion as to Areas and Lots and Concessions com- prised in each Berth will be furnished on application. either personal or by letter, to the Department, of Crown Lands, Tux-unto, or the Crown Timber Agencies at OTTAWA, SAULT STE. MARIE. PORT ARTHUR, RAT PORTAGE and FORT FRANCES. E. J. DAVIS, 7 V'Viv’tiyiu Wili Sgï¬e mom-y hy purchusi‘ng hex-e and getting the pr-upex- guarantee With each watch. Aug. 14. 4111 in Fruit, Trees, Small Fruits, Orna- mental Shrubs, Roses. Vines. Seed Potatoes, etc. Stock true to name and free from 8!“? Jose Scnle. A pernmne‘nt position for the right man an either salary or com- mission. Stone &. Wellington, FONTHILL NURSERIES. OVER 800 ACRES, TORONTO, - CANADAI The Best Testimonial A man to represent “CAXADA'S‘ GREATEST Nunwmm " in the Village 5f 11%)!!!)an Hill aï¬'d surrounding coimtry, and take orders for Cnmmissioï¬er Crown Lands. DEPARTMENT OF CROWN LANDS. TORONTO, July 29, 1903 N. B.â€"No unauthorized publication of this adygl-Lisement will he paid for. One-Why tickets to Winnipeg only will be sold. with a certiï¬cate extending the trip. beioro August blst,without additional cost, to other ints in Mnnltuba and Assim'boia. as above. [purchase a engage as farm laboren at Win- nipeg. pruvided such farm laborers will work not less than thirty days at harv'sscihe.aud produce certiï¬cate to that eï¬ect, they will be returned moriuina! starting point at. $18 on ct below Nov. 30th. $03, For further particulars and tickets apply to nearest. railway agenh. Will be run to station: on CamPaan Manitoba and Assiniboia. Went. South-west, and North- west 01 Winnipeg as far as MOOSEJAW, ESTEVAN 1 and YORKTON 01: AUGUST 17m from stations in Ontario east of Tomato to Shurbot Luke and Kingston Ind Midland Division of Grand l‘nmk North of To~ ronto and Catdwell. j FARM ‘LABORERS WANTED Tickets no}. gobdrnn'“ Imperial Limiwd." OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES AUCTION SALE OF TIMBER BERTHS: amt: gdvmistmmts. PRACTICAL VVATCHMAKER. WANTED 7â€"17 A. B. NOTMAN, Asst. Gen. I’m. Agenu.TORONTO {FARM LA BORERS’ EXCURSIONS SECOND CLASS Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. Remodelled,nnd newly furnished throughout One ofthe most convenient and comfortable hotels on Yuuge Sueet. Every modern oon- venience Sample rooms for commercial travellers. Auidaalstopping place fur riding or driving p.ut.ios.bicyclists. or farmers going toor returning from murket. Electric curs pnssthe door Livery in r ounectiou W. HEWESON, HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. For Broken- Windod HORSE$ Curc'n Hermes, Chronic (7mg). an?! 3}! Chronic ï¬ï¬‚cp- Linns of the Throat xmd Lungs. 'l'ht‘ only medlcme m the world that will :urP the above gliseasc, ma‘kingthn animalsomulin wand mud useful wins owner. Prwe,$l.50 for all Acme Affecth’ms n the throat and lump. such“ Distemxmr, etc. For mm: ing and stocking of the Iron. the result of hard driving, Kidney Tron lo, am. one dose will reï¬eve. and one box will cnre. Prior. 50¢. McGuhey’s Condition Blood Powders 23c} SMd by Geo. McDonald, harness- maker, Richmond Hill, and all Inn-(l- icine dealer's throughout England, the United States and Canada. 22-1-03 RICHARDSON HOUSE BIAE’] 4E . THOROUGH LY REFITTED; Dr. McGahny’n Kidney 5t Cough Powdgn JOHN PALHER. PALMER HOUSE RICHMO ND HILL, Game on the premises of the under- signed, one ewe and one lamb. Owner is wquested to prove property, pay expenses and take them away. “ A "a-.." '1 .._vnnâ€"v July 2). 1903. A]. HUME, 'TflE Calls from a distance promptly actended to. RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL SANDERSON’S THE DR. McGAHEV MEDICINE co., lh-Iumrnle. 0m. Estray Notice Bichmund Hill FREDERICK BACK. Prop $1.00 IN ADVANCE. Green TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. Blel'chant Paris Pure Milwï¬‚â€™ï¬ 'Eailor ROBERT HENDRY. LIBEQJQ Newtonbrook P. 0. 4â€"1 Prop RICHMOND HILL HABï¬â€˜Ã©ï¬â€™ï¬RE SURE Stronger to convince you of the merits of any article in daily use th solicited testimony of the people who use It. The two most popular brands of Flour on the market. These brands produce the ï¬nest quality of bread. and for pastry the greatest success can be achieved. Give them a trial and you will use no other. For sale at the closest prices by 'D. B. LUDFORD, METROPOLITAN STORE H. D. Dennie’s Famous Dauntless and L. Innes &: Sons’ Leader, The M elozfz‘e Cream Separator Mr. Thos. Ludford, our new and popular store-keeper, begs to thank the public for the kindness of their patron- age, and wishes to advise all that he handles Gao. Iflchnald, Richmond Hill A N YT H I N G Repairing Promptly Done . & E. MASON less. Magnet Cream Separators,- madejn Gmnada. Louden Ham-Door Hangers, the best yet. Hay Forks. Scythes. Rakes. Handles. Eavetroughing. Tinware in stock or made to Sells everything in season. Machine Oil, the best. Harvest Mits, all prices. Threshers’ Mi'ts, all pnc‘PS. Oil Stoves, Wick and Wick- order. Hot Afr Furnaces, and all kinds of Tinsmith: work done right. mum L mangummei Fire Emmame To the Public Cleanng at low prices. These are m designs. Liall and see them. Ready-Mixed Paints in ail cofors. Now is the time to do your paintir Painters? Supplies. Groceries in stock. All fresh. Great Remnanï¬: Sale of Wall Papers. . G. SAVAEEE & SON Has stood the test fur years and has all the British Empire at its back in tesLifying to its merits in everything Lhac g09s to make it the most perfect Separator in the mzu-lu-t, to-day. The Melutte has pmven itself the best, by test for appearance, for durability, for cunvenivnce, and cuse hf opvmtinn. Takes 33 per cent. less power than its leading competitor. And by For sale by D. Hill. Biclunond Iiill, Cousins 8:: 12059. IVIaple Harmss you wzmt the- harm-$9 mm the horse. \Ve make :1. apeciultyuf ï¬tting harm-us, and With any purchase you make here, All our hnmvss is mudl- from (mk tan- ned lvuthm-y the trinnnings 31-1-9 of the best quality and the. \Vm-kmunship per- fect. You “'11! MVP Bme trouble :1! d- muney when you buy here. Now is the Lime to order for the fnl'. You 'Wlll Be Please These are new see them. Mam: Yam Buy vainting. Q3 EU] thc un-