epithets in print, and now feel in- clined to rebuke The Leader and Recorder for its rather severe ex- pressed opiuions of the same paper. Last {reek the Toronto Junction sheet patted THE LIBERAL on the back for coming to the rescue of The Mail, and closed its article in these "terms: “ Strange that this (Saturday Night) exponent of partisan vulgar- étysand general all-round comseness and cussedness should at the same time bathe pet organ of Toronto‘s “ Four Hundred.‘ †flow let-us not be misunderstood: “bordered†than was proper, and says-that the-editor should go to a night school and learn to spell. We ioar that the editor of Saturday Night is "lacking in “charity and brotherly love.†We simply ex- pressed the opinion that milder lan- guage might have been used the Week before when Saturday Night attempted 'to defend Sir Wilfrid Laurier against the attacks of The Mail and Empire. This is what Saturday Night said about the poor old Mail and Empire :â€"“ Thatpaper must suppose that either the people of this province are utter asses or that that paper itsci'f is it damphool.†Such language is more express- ive than choice, and it smacks more of the Mexican cowboy than the editor of a. “ Society †paper. We don‘t like to see such unsavory that both parties are to blame in this 0130. It is greatly to be regretted that for the sake of a little temporary advantage both factorymen and ex- porters should be willing to endanger a trade which has required so many years to reach its present high stand- ard, and which means so many mil- lions of dollars to the farmers of C21 11- ada. The patrons of factories would be consulting their oWn interests by insisting that their cheese should be held in the curing-room until it is in the best condition to please the Brit- ish consumer. The last number of Saturday Night takes this paper to task for having one more letter in the word Whena salesman notes that the tandency of“ the cheese market is downward, he is naturally anxious to get rid of the stock he has on hand ; at other times he thinks that he will save the amount of the Shrinkage in curing by selling as Soon as possible. The exporter, on the other hand, looking to his own iinmediate‘pi‘oflt on the transaction, buys cheese that should be left in the baring-room to ripen. The salesman ï¬â€˜dlsposed to blame the exporter for the present condition of things, and vice versa, but it takes two to make ï¬t bai‘gain and it is safe to assume ï¬nal; both parties are to blame in this has been too immature when shi}: i)e(1,and Canadians will have only themselves to blame if the British dc- i‘r‘mnd falls off from such causes as these. It need not be pointed out that a. falling off in demand means a lower price. It is simply a case of “ killing the goose that lays golden that the cheese has 2'25 Ld: I'il] NOT WANTED IN BRITAIN I‘l he {yi‘mm‘ Te W Aflver‘ SPEAK GED mm HILI. ENTLY Ttl August sements. Mr Onm D the effect Canadian ml \l'tmcu the ha wurzel crop in some plaCcs will be afallure. Bu: turnips will give. a good yield, and hay and other feed will be plentiful. On the whole it will be a, good year for fruit. Peaches and plums are abundant, and apples will probably be an aver- age crop. Potatoes are extra goal, and most farmers who have already tllreslled their full wheat and barley report an excellent yield, and grain not for y tars has Ontario an all round good harvest. sections com has not done ing to cold Went}: :‘ in part of Lhe season, and t! wurzel crop in some pmc‘ afailure. Bu: turnips w ion but; ferred to the electors. Then, in all likelihood, a redistribution of seats will take place before the close of the session, which would leave a number of ridings without represent.- ation. Good times are everywhere in the Dominion, and a more oppor- tune time could not be selected by the Liberal partv. they probably cannot selm time to make an appeal tc orate for another term The opposition has 01131 Gow as this a considel'at matters, advanta die THE LIBERAL man has no time to spend in discussions with a little paper like Toronto Saturday Night. We do nos, however, object to that, paper Upholding the good name of Ll re are inclined to him: abc DOW certain cider itie ordc tm dc with the I to thc making fumin to ï¬g] “Jinn 3.000 NI 1' '(‘JDBI‘ Jone without the ) l] 801‘ V 1 ‘anac T] In View of far the ‘he‘crop outlook for the Domin- asa whole is brio'ht this year, the reports from this province espec ,y 111 @6537? 3% E receivc 1 II igh it )I‘E xtive Tact I1 power has the 5:1; and if they wis :e of favorable op mbly cannot selcc Jake an appeal to IiL and sw W i Hy he )minion Elec: Government such an e‘ heth L‘s l\’ “teat; questi le omlay of hie that it s new ‘C m 181‘ hat one ï¬n mg fruit sh her they 0 possibility being invcs DOW ‘omu as Ontario I ma harvest. think The Na PIT m ch 11f aiian \ Empire 2‘ spavpers u the lGOk-( iiiving 11‘ Societv COI‘I‘CCL' say in sue wish to tak 10H ha money it is REG W C 011$ the elect- of ofï¬ce :nged the involving nortunities and other ,1‘,c:e their given 110 uni'cmk In \tc 1H 1d ell, rot S W ry be re ear] v Jester some '11ny such nti )I' I‘} Tel “'0 EMERRYgMH-s-a, ch att You will bore and p; with each ' GO Every 311191] nt Ripaus HI L0? M FEE SEE-Bl In "a: CONVCd men ICHARDSE lieiel UGLEI‘G l9 :Ppu amount of private funds to (m f'npl-Hved filI'H] prnpl-I‘ty situ- in t‘na Cu‘unty of York, at. 4§ per Fm' particulars :appiy to 14150;, Lawrence & \Vndsworth. {mum Life Bldg., 60 Victoria St., ; Toronto fox 7-9. U310 Bï¬ï¬'iï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬i Mm ()f Canada RICHMOND HILL PRACTICAL \VATC H M A KER. 3.“ 31 and \V0 that the wut'ch I‘ll 1H ‘ll 31ml HUUKJJ‘ 'I‘abules cure flatulence. Tabules cure bad breath. Tabules cure nausea. Tabules: at drugg'lsts. Tabulesrcure torpid liver. Iy I. W. OSBORNE ARDSUN ; the watch was l-elia-hTe. i save mrmey by purchasing ï¬tting the proper guardntev watch. I'iCl- "6%. ï¬ 111111 DEPOSITS 9 @Efflflé (233111012 «1 E and in ‘nmod elling .11. Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill, afternoons. @339: flg‘g’ï¬ï¬w mm: Box 476. VER'H mtion EER§42E5 1nd dollars interest L 63138 r rigs at the Do- on House. 11g put {LY REFITTED. 1nd (1 wup or rent. ulnrs call at du'mamd LIBERAL OE Richmond Hill. lill posite :u'e han srfl'd at by seller falsely ILCh was bought: influencing the 1t iic Dehvered. 5).! CK, Prop hers come and m- movement. at the watches nd and at the Bank Depart xlluwed at if? on ï¬r 31,000.00!) 925.090 n‘ the travâ€" {my CTION. Bmgineaa Farmers’ xg. stables house and If the vil- zuof-E busi- Duard, $1 503.31 the ETES USE vUS$955)- FICE Bank at : mart: 1"! ll‘e 35a. To any Address in Ianuar'y he Famï¬y flank}. ma Weekly Star, the Family Hem the world and th some reading h The agricultural scription. Present subsmihers to this paper can have the Fumin Herald and W'edkly Stzn‘ until January let for met-Ms by leaving their subscriptions at Llns ofï¬cer. Something you something you do not luw enough the the F4 “THEE Call or send your subscriptions to The Liberal w THAT The Liberal Oï¬cea OF MONTREAL, A’XND- lg you don‘t want is dear at any price, but hm'e is >u do want and ought to «have and if the price is gh then we ask you to name your own prica. W65 Wmi ,1 will supply you with all the local news, and mld and \Veekly Star will give you the nvws of the greatest amount of from], general, whole- tn be found in any newspaper or magazine. 1.1 news alone- is worth ten times the year’s sub- WERE" RICHMOND HILL. Cem‘bination Price . . . ‘. SUIT] 0t ambimtien AT nda or the United States until 1904, for the small of 35 cents. IBERAI 1mm“. M . .- ‘ v an -v . A “was, - «m an wgm xz' ; -mm m @850. 36.