Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Sep 1903, p. 5

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RICHMHNQ Hum. September 3, 1903 v' iL()CM&1DJ.l The High and Public Si hnols in the. village opened with a good attt mlancc. A. service in nwmory of the latei Mrs. T. B. l.ndl'oid will beheld in the Methodist Church next. Sunday morn- lug. Epworlh League Roll Call Friday, Pvrniue‘ofll:is \Yt‘l‘k. The topic for discussion will be taken by the Presâ€" ident, Mr. ll. Shaw. The Public Library and Reading I Room “ill not be open thisl'l‘liursday). evening nor H.‘vltlltl:l_\’ c'wning of thisI week. Mr. F. louaghv has had his shoe 3 shop touched up with a coat of paint. and now presents a. bright. and at- trnL‘tivc appearance. _.._.__._ A. son of Mr. “’11). .- .‘l‘ Asl. who lives at Glen Lonely, ()ak Ridges. got. his hand in a cutting-box :iutl received a n styetif. The boy was brought to Rzehtn‘oud Hill for treatment. Lay out your money here and lay in a bargain. Atkinson & Swltzcr. Rev. Mr. )ampbell lost. his overcoat on Tnesdnv somewhere between Maple and Richmond Hill. \Vould the lind- er have the goodness to leave it at this olficc. September talks Autumn underwear and we can give you the best. value In Canada. Atkinson & SwitZer. ” Strength and vigor come of good food, duly digested. ‘ Force.’ a ready- to~serve wheat. and barley food, adds no burden. but sustains, nourishes, invigorates.” The. Toronto Industrial Exhibition is bigger and better than ever. The. ptincipnl drawing card this year is under the Grand Stand where the Jubilee presentsloaped by King Ed- ward are on exhibition. You make no mistake when you buy a Magnet Cream Separatoi. They ure‘ull right. 0. {a E‘. Mason. The more that Innes‘ Family Flour is USed the mute popular it. becmues. The new miller, Mr. Sloan, appears to understand his business thoroughly. and ltIrs.C.Jot'ls-.s. of the 3rd C(ll)Ct‘Ss:ul) of Vaughan, is among those who say that the flour is first-class for either bread or pastry. ‘Three elegant-its hemâ€"silks, laces. velvcts. AtklllSOll & Sivttzer. Mr. H. F. Hopper. who recently urchased the Stockdale property on ichmond Street, dog It well in the ordinary way. butnot getting a. suf- ficient supply of water he made 2L con- tract with Mr. E. J. Cable. The lot- terbored in the same place and was not. long in getting a good flow. The Magnet Cream Separator is one of'the best made. U. 6‘; E. Mason sell them. . - Last Tuesday evening the young people. of Victoria Square and many of the family heads enjoyed an Ire Cream Social in the basement; of the. ‘Method st church. A varied and in- teresting programme was first ren- dered, then the audience was supplied with anabtmdanw of ice cream and cake. Our Victoria. Square friends are quite sociable. Good goods make good cutomers. Atkinson & Switzer. lilrs. J. Harvey (Ill lit-half of the Sick children cutne up to Maple station on Friday and inspected Some children in the township of Vaughan with a. view 0ft'll(lll§£ll1t3Chlllll‘t‘ll and :ltlopi'r ing them. ‘he Wot k of looking after such children is in the hands of the OntarioGovernment. People having delicate oi sickly children. and not be~ ing- able to provide for them properly should not hesitate in sending them where they will ho well cared for. C. _. ca--.” _, & E. Mason sell Glass all sizes or cut to size. hard ware. SOLVE THIS PROBLEM. Yes. without a doubt the “ Alexan- dria is one oftbe bests-swim,r machines on the market, and for $5.00 down, and a small installment monthly, you can rct. one from H. A. Nicholls. The Whoe cost will then be. only about. one half charged for other firstâ€"class machines. Guaranteed for five years. You will find here a perfect swarm of new full ideas. Atkinson ck. Stru- zer. REVIE\V OF REVIEWS. The September Review of Reviews is notable. for the number and variety of topics of World-wide interest. in- cluded in its survey. The Irish landi bill, the. British tarifi’ debate, the l Macedonian l‘c’vult, the crushing of. liberty in Finland, the commercial progress of Germany, and the Panama Canal question are among the subjects of editorial (llSt'llSSlUn. while various, nihi‘l‘lnutiers of current. interest are illustrated in the cartoon department, i and special contributed articles deal‘ With the new Pope and the Conclave, With the. reuouiiuation of President: Diaz of Mexico. with the mreer of the late Frederick \Villiam llolis, of The Hague. court. and with " The Cot-tun Crop of Tet-Day." . Underwear, a warm friend for chil- ly folk; Extra quality and value at Lkiuson & S“ ' l!» V. « AyLA‘A b fid.‘ . would Mr. R. E. Law has been engaged to apcr and paint. the interior of the ublir Library and Reading Room. The Lawn Tennis (‘lub are invited , to play a friendly game with the Oak - Ridges Club Friday afternoon of this t Week. Messrs. “7. & J. Russell are show- ing a large number of very fine short- hprn cattle at. the Dominion Exhibi- tion now being held in Toronto. Miss Mary A. (Will-man, formerly of Richmond llill. died at her residence, 21-} Jamie St., Toronto, on September 3. morning. The purchasing Committee oftbe Public Libraiy pm pose sell-Cling books in a few days, and would like any of our Citizens to make suggestions about any good book or books they like to see in the Library. Names of books retotumended may be. left with the members of the Com- mittcc or the Secretary. \Vll’NE A \‘CA K It}. Quite a number- of enquiries last. wet-k about "Thomas‘ Phosphate Powder," and the result. is that. more. farmers will be happier next fall when they see the. increased yield in the fall wheat. Best thing in the world for old meadows, spring,r grains. and roots. Sow in the tall: No waste. Call on H. A. Nicho’lls fora circular. The Magnet Cream Separator is nlude in Canada. C. c: E. Mason. FUR FALL FAIRS. Fowls that are to be oxhillitedat fall fairs should be shaded from the sun dur- ing moultingfl‘his will pi event the new feathers having a faded or mottled ap~ penrance. Breeders of fancy fowl are very particular in this respect. and (‘Over the tops of the. yards used by the moulting birds withoch carpets. lumber, etc. The. towls are given liberty during the late. afternoon and evening only. Animal food and veg- etables are necessary for moulting fowls; the animal food, such as Waste meat or raw bones will increase the supply of piotein or albumen for the growth of feathers ; the vegetables are useful in regulating the system. September breezes talk fall over- coats and We would like your cider. Atkinson d; Switzer. LAID TU On Friday all that was mortal of the late Mr. Joseph Ellarby was laid to rest in the Methodist cemetery at Carrville. Mr. Ellarbycaulc to Can- ada. from England when young. and early in life. settled near Victoria Square, where by industry and econ- omy be accumulated a competence and Where as a Christian and a. good neighbor he was very favorably known. Fortbelast three years his health had been declining, indeed for the last year be. had been an intense sufferer. in the month of June he moved to the home of his son-in-law, ltlr. Vr'm. Cook. Cnrrville, whence on Tuesday. the 23th “ill, be passed to the. home beyond. A large number of friends and nelghbms attended the funeral. Rev. Mr. Campbell of Rich- mond Hill, assisted by Revs. Messrs; Elliott and Chantler, conducted the service, and hearers selected from Victoria Squut'c laid him away. An aged. widow _and an only daughter survive. Here. are. genuine reductions: A' regular llUc. broom‘fur 250. ; a regular 25c. broom for 2t)c.; examine the goods. Atkinson it Switzrr. A. GREAT FARMERS’ PAPER. The. sixth annual autumn number of The Farming \Vorld. just ieceived, is a most. creditable production. It is handsomelyillustrated. and contains upwards of a hundred pages. A special feature is an article on Agri- cultural College “'orl; in Canada, in which is outlined a plan by which the College at. (lualph may be used to serve the whole Dominion. “Ranch- ing in the \Vest” and "The Peace River Country " form the headings of two most interesting articles on \Vest- ern Canada. The. French-(Janadiau Farmer and Fruit Culture in Nova. Scotia ate entcrl‘ainingly dealt with in two well illustrated papers. The famous stock farms of England and Scotland are well pictured in two special articles, while Canada’s Live Stock industry receives attention in scvelal more. The. homc'featurrs of this Number at e. especially noteworthy and covet-many pages. The number thxengltolll‘. is a credit. to the'publislr 121's, and should prove of exceptional interest to farmers. Any of om read- ers who wish it may see a Copy at this oilice. or may secure. one for tin-m» selves by writing to The Farming \Yorld, Toronto. VACATIONS ABOUT OVER. Now that vacations are about over, and ) rung people are ready to begin, or l‘tâ€"‘rlllllt? wmk, we desire to call their: ttcntiou to the advantages of- fered by us in learningr and placing them in railway business and com- mcrcial telegraphy. Our courses cover telegraph}: train desputching, stand-rd tules, and ollice accounting. Skt‘ll~ and be assured how yaw. can claw; -vourcccupation. and earn at least _ mish- your present salal y fiom the and desirable Ill have very work. “3: lit. young ladies especially ’ to:. t. - telegraph positions i such ~ the (l. N. \V. and C. P. R. day awl night classes. All graduates gillll‘. ‘ eed positions as soon as com- pL-ten . Call at your convenience. or writ-n us for particulars. Canadian P‘lll‘.‘-1§' Instruction Institute, cor. ('o‘.lt~_ wand Yongc. Stl‘cets, Toronto, Cal'le ..u‘.\‘S’ Building. interim-n: at Tlioruliill on Friday l ' Council. ora deputation of Pity Alder- ' men. are to be taken over the hue, .the :iceommodntion is sure to be ex- ,grutlenten who have such n V ' weighty matters can scarcely be ex- OPINIONS DlFFER ! The gentlemen in whose hands is entrusted the general nnmngement 0f the Metropolitan Railway. sometimes show almost marvellous ability where brain-work is required in matters of much importance. For instance When the. members of the County all the. grasp of cellent, and the entertainment that could he desired. Of Course pccted to bother themselves about. trivial affairs such as to See that the waiting-1mm] in Richmond Hill is kept. clean nnd comfortable for the p:ttl‘titistxftl1(‘ road. And yet. there are some people who venture the opinion that the latter work is almost as important as the former. They are not. the class, however. who read in the city newspapers about stupen- dous performances by the managers, but. they are the actual men and women who durng the past. ww-k had to choose between standing outside in n downpour of rain in waiting for a car, or sitting inside a. filthy Wrait- ingâ€"ltoom. Here are priCes favorable to buyers : Best lard. 12c. 1b. ; best. C-nnndian' cheese, l2§c. lb. : best White Gloss statch, 70. lb.; fine oil“ stalk raisins, MC. 1h. ; whitening, 1.{.(:, 1b. ; washing soda, lgc. 1b.; Pearl tapioca, 4c. lb.; best. imported Japan rice, 75c. lb. ; best Rangoon rice. 50.. lb. ; best pure sifted Singllpol‘t‘ pepper, 25c. lb. ; men’s cx- trn heavy wool sox. 20c. pair; men‘s extra heavy black sateen shirts, 50c. each. Atkinson 8: Switzer. RAN DOXVN. A young farmer named Elliott in the neighborhood of Buttonville, re- ocntly caused a. sensation appianntly fur annisement. but the joke in not all on one side. It appears that. on Sew" oral occasions be frightened a number of boys, and women and girls in the immediate neighborhood were afraid to Venture any distance from home. A lad working for Mr. L. Lunau ran home. in fright from what he thought. was a black-faced man, who was lurk- ing around, and on another occasion a boy aged 15 years, son of Mr. T. Hagerman, left his team of horses standing in n field. and struck for home when he saw a stranger rise up in a. cornfield. Some of the people in the neighborhood were so terrified that the matter was reported to coun- ty authorities. County Councillor Pu sley was notified of the matter, am be communicated with High Constable Ratnsden. The latter sent out a. constable. who with the assist.- ancc of the neighbors formed them- selt‘es into a search party. After several futile attempts to capture the supposed African. he was seen again on Sunday in Mr. lValker's corn- patch. The field was surrounded, and after a hot race the man was run down on Mr. J. Luudy’s farm. The suppos- ed stranger was-.1 good sprinter, and bad he not taken a cramp in his leg, he might. have escaped his pursuers again. Elliott. has to appear in To- ronto today to ailswer for his strange escapade. There is little doubt it was doue for a joke, but this kind of joke cannot. be encouraged. Elliott denies that he ever blackened his face. _ fl! ER'I' II S. INxEsâ€"Tu Richmond Hill, on Friday, August 28. the wife a! John limes o! a daughter. Constipationm Does your head ache ? Pain back of your eyes ? Bad taste in your mouth? It’s our liver! Ayer’s Pills are lverpills. They cure consti- pation, headache, dy5pepsla. 23:. All dmgglsts. Want our mousmchc or board a beenfilul brown 2m}: black? Then use for the Whiskers Wm WW”, on R. P. HALL a. co., Nuauk N.H.. Mager’s houndry. tee] Hog T1 oughs, any length, inade- to order. Prices right. All kinds of wrought or cast- iron taken in exchange. Clwpping done any day but \Ved- nesday. ctr. MACE“, Prep wast; For Charges I have a. number of watches on hand which \vere left for repahs sevel’ul’ years ago. The-owners will please. notice that all watchesleft here for a year will be sold for charges. JERRYEMWHJ PRACTICAL WATCH MA KE R. dug. 31. 190?. . Tu PATENT Eood Ideas may be secured by our aid. Address, THE °"ENY REGORD. Baltimore. Md. .4 About. \Ve've heard our \Ve’ve heard them called generous. both. '. Extra Quality Heavy Costume (.‘loth, lovely patterns, '. . Mo. 2 Heavy 36 inch \Vrap . Extra. Henry ' kets, $1.00. Extra Heavy Regular Loch Lomond Shit-ting. 10c. yd. I 2 Great Value in Men’s Suspenders, at 10, '15, 20, 25, 35 I and 50c. pair. Men’s Black Sateen Negligce Shit-ts, special 500. each. ’. Double Diamond Glass, size 28x44, at, $1 1 XXX \Vhite \Vine Vinegar, full streugt weesessss VVe‘re not relerl‘ing now to the special prices we make for a special day, or to close out special lots ; we mean the run of prices, day in and out, the store over. \Ve've picked up a few, here and there haphazard and let them stand as specimens: perctles, with border, 10c. yd. '. The Best 6 Cord 20‘.) yd. Cotton Spools. 45c. doz. 1 11-4» size super quality Flannclcttc Blnu- 1 Prices called lair. They’re prices 250. gal. El‘l‘ pilllt’, y We do some things for the sake of your good-will. The whole conduct of business is based on enlarging your good opinion of the store and bringing you twice as often. \Ne intend that every worker here and every clerk shall render you the best service possible. lliiiiaun glcilzu' essences 7). “ll?! gun ra n teed. machinery. thimlnd cmmmxmmmmmmmmmmmS Manama Hit inns Now is the time. to order your Hay L Slings before the work commences; saves from one to three men In hay- ing and harvest tune. Scul’flers, Hardware. Paints and Oils. Repairing of all kinds done, and re- pairs kept or got for all kinds of ' ~ . - . 5::- maximum..." . ~ -_‘..!_g‘ .m, ..P. .4 w). H..- Ln‘cv'l nus-:44. I. Abflhn. Satisfaction i l i i J l liill. Gill. hugs. liaising 8i. Salli in Parties At Cult: Iiate Prices. Remember we sell everything ntwbolualeprices [and you can save from 10 to 25 per cent by claiming: mm us Yorkshire Stock Food The old reliable stack food so well and favorably known by by the Immors 0! Ontario. It is Li _ emud yrspmatwn keeping horsemcattle, she.zp, pigs and poultry in a fine thlthy condition. for Kills worms. Es~ peciull) adapted for preparing stock to: market. or Fall Exhibitions and it increases their flesh. ' bit' 11 in them and 'ives them n. sleek and glossy cont. ‘ Pmme mm m m L’ YonKsmnn C.)U(J‘d mo HE we: even L'unmn- 121m. for 31, which is 5 leads- l'or lc. SrLliJulc nuck'wea 200. or teed to cure any case of coughs. colds, or broken wind or the alter slim-Ia of influenza or epizootic. Price 5n ucuts. at wholesale prices Saltsâ€"Howarlle Pure English Epsom Salts 'to take SWelliDL’ outut yourhorse's legs; give u. handfull in food ; Sc lb ; 1U lbs {01' 23c. Sulphurâ€"3e. lb. 10 lbs [or 25c _ GluuburSults~3c lb, lo lbs for 299 Dr Williams Pink Pills we. 3 tor we Carters Pills 2 bottles tur 25c Chasm.- ointment 40c Ayers Hair Vigor {inc l‘eruun. 75c I ‘ Miuurds Linlmeut lac Saltpetre pure ‘2. lbs for 25c Castoria 25c Your receipts for condition powders put. up pmnlpcly lrom pure drugs Electric Oil 2 bottlee 25c Chases Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine 15c Ayers Cherry l’eczoml 20. it; and Ode Noxwuv l’inc Syrup 1%.; Pages English rotiin Syrup. lnrpe bottle 35c (linys Syrup Red Spruce Gum 180 Minimum I'uctural balsam lac Coltsfuot Expectomnt lcc lladways Rebel 180 Pages 11ml Clover Compound purifies the blood. cures catan'h. dyspepsia null indigestion Pages Dyspepsia. Tablets sure 1.1110 35-: This is only a partial list. Remember we sellewrytbiug at wholesale prices and you can save money by dealing With us. A magnificent calendar (or each customer J. A. Johnston $5 (30., (Successor to C. D. Daniel .2 Co. and Hugh Miller .9 Co.) Wholesale and Retail Draggists. 171 King St. East, Toronto, Oppusuc Clydc Hutu.

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