Until further not-Ice lluilu will be closed at, the Richmond Hill Post omce as follows:â€" MORNING 8.00 EVENING .. 6.15 N.B.-â€"Reaismrad Letters muathe handed in a least Flfheou Minutes outlierbhan the above montioned hours [or closiun. r 7Aâ€".. AmhnnnI' Leuvac P R Gin Leave Newmnrkgg 7 Leave chhé361u£_'l_{ill Leave Richmm METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE SuudaY~ Presbyfm'i 7 p, m. Sun Wodnefldnx t Roman C nabs Sun'h BIN/bums 7 p. m. ï¬n meeting T1 Riuhmuw (luv on or | Court Ric ourth Frir' Ivy Lodz 01703.01) "‘1 Wodnos In} B. '1‘ of '1‘ of each Inn Fire Brig. month Public Tueadny. '1‘ Em'vm‘th Chm‘ch of I TH POST OFFTCE NOTICE 0f) IN THE D11 #th') iownsh MAN, 1‘5me MCCARTHY, 2 nt‘), FRENCH LOCKHAJTI‘. (‘ qulcm lnven nous ! 88L“ _1' _ TM em magi!!! n. ehn‘ md A hnvd ï¬iiz‘aééi U“ I] “\[B Between Toronto and New GOING NORTH DEP Anyone H I'- JOHN Rh as: m ubscrib orFiCE 01.05133 AT me P M - M.TEEFY.Postmastor. Eicéï¬Ã©ï¬i‘éé ï¬Ã©ï¬famï¬ï¬z RICH Tillage Directory. common-rs «Sec. . g..- “(inn mn‘ L Crossing at 6; 7.20. 9.40. . 2.40, 4.00 6.40. 7.45 p. mend Hi118.20. 10.30 11. m 3.30. 4.50, 6.30. 8.35 p. m. do sending n stored Letters must he hundefl in an Minutes earlier than the above mm [or cloaiuu. :15 E @7553.ng ° 31.99 m mmaa. My "A00 1 Churn m\' Soho peruuceâ€"Meots ï¬rst ION SALE OF TIMBER my a $335214 5° YEARS! 7 EXPERIENCE 21y Illustrate nny solar-MS nonths. 91- I‘ Ill) SOlNG SUUTH glandâ€"Services at 3p. muralâ€"Services at 11 School at 2.30. Pmyi Meets ï¬r ‘roh ah onï¬de En 3618mm} the following tuwnships Hens, namely ' o S -â€"Meecs s‘ 17.30.5115. 11.15 a.‘ mm, 7.30 p. m. H111 7. 8.10. 9.55,8.10 p. ice is hereby given that ) authority of Ordvrs in 8 Red and \Vhitc PINE HUI BERTHS. [ER HO‘U SE {MO ND HILL, wash; '1?“ .hont. chmge Wâ€"-Meeta th in Lh STRICT 0F NIPISSTNG ps of HUTTON, )REEL- ALYMER, MACKELCAN, 'IERRICK, IVEULOCK. (part (part, of), STEWART. )urt. of). GARROW (pm-t (mu't of), HAMMEle and l" and inf (s and (,‘1 1 Bvl'th v. h111'c)\â€"qu1‘ViC ,nd Reading md Saturdav Moots evorv } D iill skeich and description may m‘ opinion free whether 1m 1y patentnble. Communica- nual. Handbook on Pa‘ents ency for securing patems. much Muxm & Co. receive AV [S llSS LIBERAL 91.00 uLhm-ized publication nout will be paid for. thé D3. T A W it Manda}v d wet:le c journal Sold by ul Newmntket KO .l H th )WN LANDS u\"l‘0, J uly 2 sound and fomth 0 to 1" wms and concu- hu-umliun as to ‘oncossinns cum- vill be furnished persunnl (w by mvut- of Crown 0 Cx-nwu Timber mg Roomâ€"017en av ovanmga ‘v Friday. .4 01 and J Omani] NIN‘ t t! «at 11 n. m.. and Prayer meeting RIVER ER 1-1 Wednesday J) .DB‘UI) “.55 a. mu m.; 2. 3.15, 11.30 a. m m. ALGOMAâ€" Largest dr- Tcrms‘ $3 11 newsdonlerg‘ Wednesda.“ DAY tllt 312.9», 220. S], S2, 53 'm' sale by Pai-linment ‘m-nnto, 01) 1‘11 day of re hour of J1). on alter m. ovary of every ‘29. 1903 RTAGE ‘()\V U- DIS- Prop I 1(1 Harvest Excursions Wmnipeg. Wnskadu. Estevan Elgin Arcoln. . Moosomm Wuwunem Minion). . Binacnrth Grand View Swuu River From all points in Canada. Azilda-, Saulb Ste. Marie. \Vindsnr and East. Apply to nearest Canadian Paciï¬c Agent for pamphlet. Tickets not, good on “Imperial Vaughan Gmmcil. 10-3 The next meeting. of tho'Cmmci] 01 the Munici- pality of Vaughan will be held in the Town Hall, Voilore, on TUESDAY, SEPT. 8, 1903 Cnme to the pI-muises of the under- signed on 01- about the 28th of August. a number of sheep. Owner may have the same by pay- ing expenses. Limite The undersigner wants to {at a of taking out, abuut 100 pine Stuqu Apply to L. B. HEISE, 9-3 Victoria Square. Assistant General Passenger Agent, \Vill be run on SEPTEMBER J and 29th: returning until N( VEMBER 16th and 30th respectively, 1903. W'ill repair your old sewing machine or exchange for a new one. HEINTZMAN PIANO. For Sale 01’ Rent Lnt 2'7, 2nd Con. Markham. contain- ing 100 acres more or less. A very desirable farm in a, good localmy. Pnsscssion lst of April. 1904. The farm is crossed by a running stream. For particulars apply tn \ (V I l WTGC‘ 1 FR: To the {1 Int 2. cnu. 2 Black Hoife Ownvx- m pn-perty ax gags: Saga: 5: n31.“ 33 The Next Sitting nf Division Courtiot NO. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room. Next door nm-th of Moud Richrnond 11111 ?&?E®§â€Â§'$ 15:33" "£63 ilk-mm RICHMOND magma - \‘eodlos for all kinds of machines. RETURN FARES T0 3 1903. cw STRAYED 9-4 “at; Emma HELL, STRAYEB Call and see our stock. A. H. NOTMAN. . PETEECK Silvcttisrmmts. Also agent, fax the )nmmencing at 10 a. m Org prnmise-s nf James Bowes. 2. Vaughan. one Yearling Fer, little white (m hin feet. nay hnw- same by provmg md paying expenses. 8-‘ Toronto. at 1 p.111 ans Repaired. GLASS & 00., T. F. MCMABON CLERK SEPTEMBER 15th â€"â€"ONâ€"â€"â€" ‘ 8376331 2 ï¬lvBrundi‘ny 11‘. g. HE] Richmond Regina. Moose Jaw . Yorkton... Pr. Albert Mncleod.... Cmgm‘v . Red Deer Strom- JAS I} MCLEAN. Clerk :icmmm'd Hill. CODE M a jnh Stumps. ie‘s store. d} Hillâ€. 0 10-3 1853 FOOT PG‘WDER DRESSING Combs & Brushes. GOOD VALUES. Dr. McGa‘he ‘ [oral] Acutv Affectum Diï¬tcmmr. eta. Far 8 the rcsult‘ of hard (In dose wili m1 7e. and o unhs of the won) Just arrived a. large consignment McGubey‘s Condition Blood Powdprs 250. Sold by Geo. McDonald, harness- maker, Richmond Hill, and all med- icine dealers throngth England, the United Stan‘s and Canada. 22-1-03 HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paperâ€" Hanger. W. HEWESON, DEUGGIST . 3“ Meflaémy’s Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL Guelph Fly Gil A}. HUME, The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Uhester white hog-s. lot 32, 15!: con. Markham (Thornhill) has for sale some good young stock. in}? oa'Mcanngy Wigwam: 90.. M’rl'ihornuglï¬-ln‘vd bull and hog kept for service on t1mpremisvs. NA,‘v»“nvv . ‘- For Aching, Swollen, Tired and Sweating Feet. of the ’l‘ln‘nnt v01 ld that wili .21 sound in win A man to row-0301115 GREATEST Nxtnsans †in U of Richmond Hill and 511 country, and take orders for 11) Fruit Trees, SmaII Fi‘nits. Orna- mental Shrubs, Roses. Vines, Seed Potatoes, 910. Stock true to name and fren- from San Jnse Son-lo. A permanent position for the right. mun on either salary or com- the riin missum SARDERSN’S TORONTO. Aug. 14. 4111 -â€"TRXT I'l‘m ï¬isflmm m SUNNYSI‘DE FARM BUR HARV SPEQEALTEES 494 Stone & Wellington, FONTHILL NURSERIES, OVER 800 Acmzs‘,’ ‘ For Cattle. 250. qt. (PREV flvmph Hie. 0m. ‘idney i the Taiior ANTED Samiï¬rsml. ‘D'. G. GOODERHAM, Proprietor. rel-1 ant ‘ng roprvsont “ CANADA’S 1312mm; †in the Village Hill and surrounding a: Cough Powders threat and lungs'suchu and flocking of the lags. idney Trouble. ow. one vill cure. Prion, 50c. rcr Broke n- Winded KORSE3 md on chronic Aflec- Thr- oniy medicine in m, dines-:0, making 1th is owner Prico. $1.50 33.5% CANADA. of MGHMENS BELL HAREMRE Strongm- tn convince 1: The Melottc Mr. Thos. Ludford, oux’ new and p0 to thank the public for the kind age, and wishes to advise a} The two most popular bra These brands produce the for pastry the greatest Give them a trial and For sale at th< Geo. Mcï¬cmid ‘â€" WANT ANYTM Sells everything in season. Machine Oil, the best. Harvest Mits, all prices. Threshers’ Mits, all pnces. Oil Stoves, Wick and \Vick- less. Magnet Cream Separators, madein Canada. Louden Barn-Door Hangers, the best yet. Hay Forks. Scyth‘es. Rakes. Handles. Eavctroughing. Tinware in stock or made to order. Hot Air Furnaces, and all kinds of Tinsmith work done right. D. Dennie’s Famaus and L. Xmas {:33 50313 .' Eyeimm ane you of the "writ solicited testimony ( w: Has stead t] at, its back goes to muk tO-dny. Th appearzmc (ypvt'atinn. cumpetito for sai e by E1311. iii. l‘éia {Sin d n rabi lit Harness you want. the horse. We 12]: ï¬tting harnvss, and With A11 01 u of any m fthe pump? nod 19 best q ll] most $.14:me nds fiin METR You net SUCCCSS .m. "AH )01.‘ U l‘ W (3‘: EDS. 1t} i 72' Will Be FOEDa OPOLITAN STORE lat I'ICCS by in Eelbamtm/ “matter, xw‘ 3 m the mark achieved. other. per, begs tron- {i119 hing ‘lty of hm !)16