' In keeping with the )rogress of the ." e. Canada‘s Great ationul Home ewspnper. The “’eekly Glulw, will ï¬e vex-y materially improved for 1904. mnel‘ous important: changes are in {:Gnteuiplutiun, but the. leading feature ‘ï¬lllbe the introduction of an eight [gage illustrated supplement, on calen- dered paper. This will undoubtedly be the most popular weekly olfm-ed to the people of the Dominion. For pur- t-iculars seeudvertisenient- in another column of this issue. “'hy not buy a. Magnet Cream Separator and commence to save money at once. C. 8: E. Mason. and are to last four days. with ser- vices every afteJmon and evening. Rev. Dr. German was the speaker Tuesday afternoon and evening, Rev. Mr. McKinley yesterday afternm-n, and Evangelist Runton last evening. This is n. twentieth century business cmtering to a twentieth century people. Atkinson & Sn‘xtzer. {)ANADA’S GREAT ILLUSTRATED ' \VEEK LY. day. the 29th Septemhei'. The \Vliyte BFOUIGJ‘S have been secured for the evening. and as everybody says, their music is charming, elevating and in- s iring. On Sunday. the 27th inst... .t e hut-vest home services will be held mt 11a. Lu. and 7 p. m. The righc thing. at the right ï¬rice. at; the right time here. Atkinson 6.; Switzer. The Zion E. Lathm-an Church, 4th can. Vaughan. plu-pnse holding their I‘iarvgsb any“: Fowl p‘uppviun Tues- All auction sale (if the balance ofthe stock of Crockery. glassware and dry gonds of the late John Ellstou will be held at, the Dumillion House on Mon- (lay. Sept. 28, at, 1 o‘clock. This is :m exceptkmally good stock, and will be a ï¬rst-class opportunity to secure bargains. 'A 'Hm vest Thanksgi vi 1):); service will be held in St. John’s church, Oak Ridges, on Tuesday ew-ninq, 23nd ihst. at 7.30 o’clock. at which the Rev. Professor Cody nf “'yclitfe ‘mllvgo, Rector of St. Paul’s Church, Tomuto, is expectvd to preach. It is hoped it large number will avail themselves of the nppm-blm-ity to hear so eminent a: divine and u L'Ul'dllll invitation is «3x- .tended to strange-s outside tllepnm’sh. Shiuts here to ï¬t the ï¬gure, and ï¬gures to in the purse. Atkinson & Switzmr. Ma's. Fletcher Thompson and baby had a. close call last Friday. \Yliile driving a horse and buggy in the vicinity of Thm'nhill the horse became frightened and backed intoa Metro- politan car. The buggy was smashed, and the muther and child tlnown out. Neither was seriously injured, but their escape was almost miraculous. Your dollars will stretch like rubber here. Atkinson 8: Switzvr.‘ Mrs. Josie A. Ila‘gw'man, wife 0: Jnhn Turner. and only daughter 0: Sinclair H. Hugormun, Hugerman’: Um-ners, died at, hvr hume, Locusi Hill. 0n Mnndny. Sept. 14. Decenset was u. sister of . O. Hagermzln, Post- master, Victm'iu Square. The more you buy here the mom you save. Atkinson 6: Sn'itzur. A series of evangeth meetings are in prugxess 1n Lhu Methodist, Church. Thgy commenced Tuesday :lfu'l‘unun, The name of tho \‘n: Aumricn." It is w sample handed us is every particular. CROCKERY. G LASS \VAR E, 131 C Mr. W111.Jmies of Orange V has shown us a potato picked ï¬eld. the “might. of which is 1 111 The name of tho variety is “ Pr Aumricn." It is well unmvd :1 Mr. John Mich (1d County (‘nn t‘ Chester. This “’9 trust, he w upon his dmirs there are n few 1; after of evenings. “ Castle Beauty,“ :m uld land-mark on the farm of Mr. Climonhugiv, Markham, 1:} miles east uf Richmond Hill. has bl‘t‘ll roman-d. Dnnhtloss the ancient buihling lmd outlivml its usefulness. After 1' Church in . were held 1 01’ $943 Wu: smmse to u tion. Geo. A. I Annie Lain d Gel-mun Huspi 3rd inst, (‘f i'umily i'm'mr-Il “ Str-r-ng.‘ fond. duly ¢ tn-servc N no burden invigm'nton Lust “’01 bushels of grain Was the propm If the weather i unluy evening; th Ouncert. nn thc hm ing at 7.30. 212119 RICHMOND L()CA14 F0 \VL SUPPER. m Michm-l has been appoint- y Constable by Judge. \Vin- This is a good appointment. t he will accept. and enter : dutyirs without. (It-lay. as n. quv lads who need looking ust Sunday {vhenvlhe sun 8 put rm the plate in re 1) appeal for a good cullec ()an Mum y of Mr II LI Es 1H x. IIa‘ge-i'man, wife of ‘md onl’y daughter of ugormnn, Hugerman’s at; bar home, Locust I. St‘pt. 14-. Docs-used (1. son of Alex. and Tm'nntn. died at the I]. va York. on the higlu’s‘ disease. The resided nt Patterson. Ming the Muthndié m, _x‘e-optj1|i11g servicr $ WEE} 1n ‘Ull an “'m )1 ll( ll)‘ us, In me SHâ€. um nf lhl 1 1h. 9 oz. “Pride 01' ed as the perfect in 0U) urish< on (If gnm 1 rmdv Illey, 1 his The ï¬eld, 1903 ronto northward wi'ih a supply of ex- cellent. water trqu artesian wells in the neighborhood of Lemonville. If the Dr. can get. capitalists to see things the way he sees them be has no doubt Unit the necessary money will he forthcoming. and a. company forde to promote the enterprise. In company with two gentlemen from Toronto the source of the water sup- ply \. as visited a few ago. They l‘pOxt that from one Well alone the now is a quarter of a million gallons perdziy. As an expvrimentz 34 wells Hero sunk three yeuz-s ago. and the flow seems to increase rather than on)?! ish. The gentlemen who have ‘ den ouking into this matter purpose flying to Purliauwnh for a charter, Dr. T. G. Law of Dem-born, who has been in the village and vicinity during the past. two or three Weeks has great faith in a scheme to sup ly the citizens on Yonge Street from ’11?)- \Ve offer special value in men’s full underwear. uvvmlls. shirts, sucks. suspenders, Working punts, etc. At- kinsml & Switzer. HARVEST HOME. A Harvest Home in connection with Zion (York Township, East) Method- ist church will be celebrated Sun- day and Tuesday. Sept. 20 and 22. On Sunday SH'ViCPS will beheld after- noon and evening at 2.30 and 7o’clock. Rev. Peter Campbell is expected to preach. 0n Tnesduy a menu of thrill- ing interest will be prosented, consist- ing of games for evm'y one, a, sumpt» uous dinner of unequalled excellence, and a progremume of such high order as is seldom attempted. Entertain- ment will commence at 8. The fol- lowing popular talented artists Will contribute to the programme. Miss Gullett, soprano: Miss Senior, sn- awno: Miss Lidde-l, soprano; Miss etcher, alto: Mrs. Fletcher. alto; Mr. Legh, tenor; Mr. \Viliiamson, tenor; Mr. Young, Baritone; Mr. Gnllett, Basso; also Mr. Wm. Marv, the celebrated Scottish Humm-isn Richmond Hill Band in attendance. Admission, 25 cents: Children under 12 years, 15 cents. Proceeds in aid of S. 8.. Building. Examine our values in ï¬ne Valanci- enne laces and insertions, applique laces and insertions, Victoria, lawns and veilings. Atkmson & Switzer. such as the G. N. W. 111131 0. P. It. day and night classes. All graduates guaranteed positimrs as soon as com- petent. Cullat your conveniencmmr write us for particulass. Canadian Railway Instruction Institute, cor. Collegeand Yange Streets, Toronto, Oddfellows’ Bullding. .. ’ :‘4 "‘ . "' work. “’9 ï¬t young ludles especmï¬l'y for the commercial te'egraphposgmps AWJ, , , caught. near Suns. ropulitun cur came along. Mr. J. Oas- lvysmd MLM. Wilson also came ulnng with n heme and rig. The lntLer’s hm-se got frightened by the car and a fraction engine which commenced tohlmv. Mr. Cusoly jumped out to grubthe horse’s head. but he didn’t, succeed and the rigs collided. For- tunately Mrs. Curtis got out. before the accident. tunic plaice. Both rigs were upset, both drivers were thrown out. and both rigs were pretty well smashed. but the men got off with slight injuries. The horse driven by Cusoly 21nd \Vilson got away but, was cgught near Savage’s store by Mi'.Geo. Wi (h In «St tract to hl An accident which might have been serious happened on Yonge street. last Saturday nppvsitc Mr. Geo. Rvd- dit’s fnl‘ml Mr. and Mrs. Ulutis, Vic- toria Squar(-, \Vl’l't‘ driving to the vi]- ufncluros and art. There will he a 2.50 Lrot :md am open trnb in the after- mum of the last day, and on the sec- ond night a highâ€"class professional concert will be given in thosknting rink by Harold Jarvis, Jns. Fax, Lily Blotsne. the Blplsoe children. and the hand of the 48th Highlanders. The ofï¬cers advertise cheap railway rates. metvy are making 9 (ions for their count in NUWlllHl'kPh on 241h of Soptomlwr many new and nn‘ uddimm to at good stock, agriculture. In and SC] will leav will be < commitu- be in ntt gift of M1 Feled for adios. T Dinnilr an Special re pnljtan R \VATER FROM LEMONVILLE. \V e The We sell the Magnet Cream on easy terms. 0. & E. M VACATIONS ABOUT OVER. , picnic in aid of the R hmnnd “ill, will 1w he “O .V - .._-..‘...\... .u. u yunlurl, a company can he formed the Will he brought in pipes by the >f Victoria Square, striking street at the lflgil) Mills. PICNIC AT BOND LAKE pl'n‘ in. nu'. mm MI‘S. Uultls, Vic- Iuaru, wvre driving to the v1]- I. covered buggy. when :1. Met- N'EW Worth York Agricultural] Sm 0. making exlvnsive prepara- vtheircnnnty fair ~t0 he hold nun-kelp on the 22nd, 23rd and Soptomlwr. There will 1w ow and nnvel attractions in l to a. mind display of live II'lClliL‘lII'l‘, hm-ticultnro. man- -s and art. There will he a and am open trot in the after- ths- last day. and on the sec- lit a. highâ€"class professional will be given in thosknting Harold Jarvis, Jns. Fax, Lily the Blplsoe children, and the MIX-UP IN RIGS. )ll ul mmme x-f athletic sports lll'it‘d out by n, compvtont, , and Cnllins’ nrclwstru will “dance. A silver cup. the J. \V. Moyvs, will be com- etwevn two Ulill' young: :kots, 25 centpstpchildren, 15 Ice-ts will admit hem-or l0 rls and dancing pavilion. l ten served on the grounds. int-ed rates on the l‘IPLl'U- ilwny. and (m the‘ Anmm libel-g Railway. A train Sclmmhorg at 11 n. m. MARKET FAIR Bund Lake ",nke Park Ithletic Sr I R. 0. Church, held 01] Tues- m Svpnmt Mason. Three thousand dollars [.0 loan at a a. low rate of inter est uu first-unatt- gage fax-m property. Apply ab L. 5. THE LIBERAL OFFICE. Poor man! He can’t help it} He gets bilious. He needs a gem liver pillâ€"Ayer’s Pills. hey act directly on the liver, cure biliousness. $32; Mager’s Foundry HESSâ€"At Kendra-(l. oï¬ WEdEesany. Sept. Mrs Wm. Ness. (nee Grainger) Funeral omSuturduv to Carrville at 1.30 p M A R R l A G BS NEss â€" MOMUBCHY â€" On Wednesday, Sept 2. 1903. nt the residence of the bride's father. Purpieville. by the Rev. W. Buck. Martha. Louise. second daughter of the lute D. Mc- Murchy. to Waite) S. Ness of Eversley. BELL~VANDERBURGHâ€"Ab the residence ofthe bride's lather. by Rev. J. A. Grant. M. A., on Tuesday. Sept. 15, James N. Bell of Norfo.k, Virginia. to Clara. 6., second daughter of Wm. Vanderbumh, Esq.. of Richmond Hill. FRIDAY. Sept. QSâ€"Auction sale of store. dwell- mg and cottage. in the vxllage of Thnruhm, tun property‘of Mr. Juo. n, Grice. Sale at 2 o'clock. Terms, 10 var cent. on day (.f sale. Suigaon A: McEwan, Aucts. SATURDAY. Sept. 26â€"Auctiun sale of two car loads of cattle. consisting of yeulings, 2 yearolds and springars‘ at Phillips“ Hotel. King City, the nroperty uf B. J. Marsh, Clm'ksburgh. Sale at 1 o‘clock. Terms 4 0116113. D. G. slough. auctioneer. Specialâ€"From the hour of issue of THE LIBERAL this wvek to the close of business Saturday night, we will sell the hast. Extra Granulated Sugar mndv from West India cane sugar. 23 lbs for $; the best pure lard, llï¬c. 1h. ; XXX white wine vinegar, 240. gal.; fine oï¬-stalk raisins, 25 lb. f ‘ $; 2 cans Fraser River red salmon 01- 250. ; Sbm-s ï¬rst quality laundry soap for 250. ; the best imported ï¬ne malt; vin- egar, 500. gal. ; 9 lbs. Pearl tapioca for 25¢. Atkinson & SWItzer. Want your moustach’eiorï¬e'aï¬ a beautiful brown or rich black? Uu oftoques. \Vingsand q'uills are fre- quently combined with large flat ro- settes; this trimming is very effective on hats intended for ordinary wear. Nothing so distinguishes the dressy but as an ostrich plume. Its popular- ity is more pronounced than ever: and it was never more effectively used. A conspicuous fancy of the presentseuson is to use these plumes in delicate tints. Pale lilac shaded into pink, cream into golden yellow and palest blue tipped with white are- given preference; pure white is of course, a safe choice and advisable for the moderate wardrobe. Bonnets will form an important item of the Autumn fashions, and they will by no means be worn exclusively by elderly women. Black chenille braid forms some of the smartest of these.â€"The above. article is taken from The Delin- eutor for October, and Mrs. John Harris of this village is agent for that excrelleno monthly. ""1 m. BUGKINGHAM’S DYE The soft white and light colored felts that take the place of the straw sailor and tailored hats in the Autumn outï¬t are Lhis season more attractive than ever. Their severe lines are soft- ened by breasts. pompous and quills, together with a draped scarf of silk m-lmond ribbon. The novelties pro chit-ed for this season Show a decided tendency town-rd smaller shapes, and the newest, t-oques have the 'brims rolled up in front and at, the sides and the crown low and flat. Birds and wings are a noticeable feature of the early season hats. In some instances hirdsare arranged to lie flat onqthe crown with \vinrrs extended, while others decor te si es and rolled brims Money To Loan speeches followed. and both bride and groom were cnngrntnlntrd. MI. Sims has long been an enthusiastic and ardent, member of the. band. Iholn- cmsse and hnckvy nlulis, an able and willing worker in the church and other institutions needing assistance. and his yuung friends were pleased to show in a slight, degree tln-iruppre- cialinn of his manly qualities. Every- body here is pleased that Mr. Sims and ln-idr- (nee Miss Eliza Newtun) have taken up housekeeping, and will reside in the village. You may ï¬nd our prices elsewhere, but, not for our qualities. You may ï¬nd our qualities elsewhere, but, notattuur prices. Atkinson & wat- Zt‘l‘. spent uddu‘ss. and Sims with n p: in silk, and an Implied in a; tmms. vares come on honoymm and play svlectiuns. A \VARH \VELCOM E. About, ï¬fty of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Gen. S. Sims waith 0n the. newly- mnrx-ied couple. last Monday evening and extended to them a warm Wel- cume on their return from a Shm-L hnnvymuon‘. The hand was present TUESDA Y THURSDA Y FRI DA Y SATURDAY UNTIL FURTHER, NOTICE. H’. MAGS". Prop THE AUTUMN MILLINE‘RY Sale Register. CIDER MADE n appropriate and feeling vfl'esllments \vm‘v served and hour was most, onjoyably Several toasts and short followed, and both hx-idu- and :re crmgmbulutvd. MI. Sims bovn an enthusiastic and their return from a shark, n. The band was present 11 some of thvir chuiuost Mr. O. H. Ellstnn l'k'fld an nd presented Mr.:1nd Mrs. H parlor suitp, upholsten-d Ian easy clmix. Mr. Sims appropriate and feeling DEATHS I'OSS.’ Ssltsâ€"Hownrds Pure English Epsom Salts to take swelling out. of your horse's legs; give a handful} in feed; 3c lb; lo lbs for 25:: Sulphurâ€"3c lb. 10 lbs for 25:: Glanber Saltsâ€"30 lb. 10 lbs for 25¢ Dr Williams Pink Pills 80c, 3 to: 890 Cantata Pills 2 bottles 102' 25c Chases Ointment 40c Aye: 5 Hair Vigor 65c Reruns. 75c Custom 25c Minnrds Liniment 150 Saltpetre pan 2 lbs {or 25c _ -___v- V 7 7 7 7" a r r W V. r :77", ~- â€"-â€"â€"â€" "w â€" .--~- munâ€"Wm... w. keeping h ,cattls. sheep, gigs and poultry m a. ï¬ne bu). y condition. Kills worms. Ea. peciall) adapted. for _prepu¢mg stqck for market or Full Exhibitions and it increases their flesh, putslite and mbltion in them and gwes than] a sleek and glossy coat. Sample packnces 20c. or 12 lbs for sthich is equa. 1505 leads for 1c. YORKSHIRE COUGd AND HEAVE CUBE magn- teed to cure any case of coughs. colds! heaven or bro_ken wind or the alter eflums of influenza. or epizootic. Price 50 cents. Your receipts for condition powders put. up promptly 1mm pure drugs at wholesale prices Yorkshire Stock Food flrugs, Medicines & condition Pewdars At Cut Ilate Prices. This is only a. partial 1m. Remember we Sell “anything at wholesale prices and you can save money by dealing with us. A magniï¬cent calendar for ,each customer Remember we sell everything mtwhulesale prices and you can save from 10 to 25 per cent. by dealing with us v v- v < - *ix‘z»"'{‘.“~“- : ‘mmmmmwmmmmmmmmc Q (L “'bolesule and Retail Druggists, 171 King St East, Toronto, Opposite Clyde Hotel. ‘ We do some things for the sake of your good-will. The whole conduct of business is based on enlarging your good opinion of the store and bringing you twice as often. We intend that every worker here and every clerk shall render you the best service possible. \Ve’ve heard our prices called fair. VVe’ve heard them called generous. They’re both. VVe’re not referring now to the special prices we make for a special day, or to close out special lots ; we mean the run of prices, day in and out, the store ovcr. \Ve've picked up a few, here and‘ there haphazard and let them stand as specimens: kw ï¬QQï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ J. A. Johnston 10c. ' ' ' ‘ """""" Heavy 36 inch \Vmpperettos, with border, 100. yd. The Best. 6 Cord 200 yd. Cotton Spools. 450. duz. Extra. H‘envy 11-4 size super quality Flannelette Bl .~ new unmll x *7 1*-'-"'.' * kets. $1.00. Extra Heavy Regular Loch Lomond Shirting. 10c. yd. Great Value in Men’s Suspenders, at, 10, 15, 20, 25, 35 and 500. pair. Men's Black Sateen Negligev Shirts, special 50¢. each. Double Diamond Glass, size 28x44. at $1 per pane. XXX \Vhite Wine Vinegar, full strength, 250. gal. Extra Quality Heavy Costume Cloth. lovely patterns. 'InA About Prices (Successor to C. D. Daniel a Co. and Hugh Miller 6: Co.) JAG!) EYER & SEN THE DELAVAL Stoves G Cream Separator Washing Machines Chums Have one on trial and be convinced. \Vhy not buy the best IF YOU \VANT A WE ALSO SELL The old tenable stock food so well and favorably known by bv th Ergorsflof Ogttnjq. It, is 3:. grang hpxepamtion 101‘ Giass, Etc. Hardware Eavetroughing Paints Electric Oil 2 bottlee 25c Chases Syrup of Lmseed and Turpentine 150 Ayers Cherry Doctoral 20, 4C and 550 Norwav Pine Syrup 186 Pages English (:ough Sync . large bottle 350 Gmya Syrup Red Spruce um 18c Baggama Pectoral Balsam 180 Coltstoot Expeotorsnt 18c Rndwa 3 Relief 180 Pages ed Clover Qompoupd puriï¬es the blood _cures catarrh. dys ~epsia a‘nd ibiligeslion Pages Dyspepsm Tab eta sum cure 35c 2m-