JERRYSMITH, To buy a good timepiece. I have just, received a. lot, of new watches which are worth your seeing ; probably the most interesting assortâ€" ment that ever came to Richmond Hill. Very pretty designs, and as I bought them at a discount. for cash. [ will sell them at pleasing prices. If you need a watch I can fit your taste and parse, right now. Come in and talk it. (New. Sept. for Sale or Rent Lot 27, 2nd con. Markham, contain- ing 100 acres more 01- loss. A very desirable farm in a, good locality. Possession lsb of April. 1904. The farm is crossed by a. running stream. For particulars apply to . n’ ‘nflrc‘n Owner may ing expenses. Sept. 3 1903‘ PuBlic notice is hereby given that. wursuunt to authority 9f Orders in council, the Red zmd White PINE TIMBER in the following townships, berths and :u easunamel‘ : IN THE DISTRICT OF NIPISSING â€"the townships of BUTTON. CREEL- MAN, PARKIN, ALYMER, MACKELCAN, MCCARTHY, MERRICK, MULOCK, (part of), FRENCH (part of), STEWART, LOCKHART, (part. of), GARRO‘V (part of), OSBORNE (part of), HAMMELL and PHEL13§ (Bait 0f)- -,-...vnm An A r runs: A Sheets containing terms and condi- tions of Sale and information as to Arms and Lots and Genccssinns cmuâ€" prisud in each Berth will be furnished «In alpplicutinn, either persmml m- by letter, to the Department. of Gmwn Lands. annnto, or the Crown Timber ASL-ucies at. OTTAWA, S.\ULT STE. MAINE. PORT ARTHUR, RAT PORTAGE and FORT FRANCES. Romodolled,nnd newly furnished throughout One of like most convenient and comfortable hotels on Yonge Street. Every modem con- venience Sample rooms for commercial travellers. Anidepl stopping plugs for riding 5r driï¬ng partiesmicyol'isâ€"ts. ‘01- farmer; going to or returning from market. Elechnc can panama dcor Livery inconnecï¬on TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. .IOIIN PALMER. .. Eatng Potatoes for sale. Also a 'arlor Cook Stove», PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, Commxsb‘io-xler Crown Lands. DEPARTMENT (‘F CROWN LANDS. TORONTO, July 29, 1903 N. B.â€"No unauthorized publication of this advertisement will be paid for. A large amount of private funds to 1mm on improved farm proprrty situ- ated in the County of York. at, 45 per cent. Fur :u-ticulm's up 1y to Lindsey. :wa-ence 8: \ 'adswnrth. Home Life Bldg., 60 Victoria St“. Or at: Toronto THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill, on Saturday afternoons. Good general servant, Apply to MRS. NE\V’TON,_ A GOOD TIME AUCTION SALE OF TIMBER BERTHS. 8-9 4I-2 PER BENT. PRACTICAL WATCH M A KE R. 14, 1903. 12-2 FOR SALE STRAYED WANTED E. J. DAVIS, the same by pay as. GLASS & 00., Richmond Hill. L 10-3 “Jâ€, :3. 3131513. Richmond Hi11.P. O Apply to "MRS. LYON. Richmond St. Elgin Mills. Prop THE LIBERAL and anv of the foHowing papers will be sent to new subscribers to the 151: of January next at the prices mentioned : Weekly Globe cents; Weekly Mail and Empire Family Heng and Weékly Star The Farmers’ Sun Daily Globe (York County (Ybrk County) Daily World Daily M61111 and ‘Empire FARM TU RENT Lot 20, con. 4, Markham is to rent- for a term of years. The land is in a. good state of cultivation. Possession 6N SUPERCALEN DERED PAPER. For the production of this great paper an immense new electrotyping, photo-engraving and printing plant has been added to The Globe’s mechanical equipment. This will make The WEEKLY GLOBE unques- tionably the most desirable home paper in Canada. Arrangements have been made whereby our readers can secure this superb Weekly and their own local favorite paper at the specially favorable rate of E0 plow give-n at once. For particulars apply to JAMES BRETH_OU_R, A lady’s gold watch, an Friday, the 4th of September. Finder will be re- warded ï¬ve dollars by leaving watch at Jefferson 1?. 0. 01‘ THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. ï¬arvesi Excursions Winnipegâ€. . Waskada Estevan Elgin Arculn Moosomin . Wawuuesu Minion .. Museum†Grand Viei Swan Rive HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and. Paper- Hang'er. r w. HEWISON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Calls from a distance promptty attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL \Vill be run on SEPTEMBER 15th and 29th: returning until N0- VEMBER 16th and 30th respectively, 1903. ight-Page IllustratedA§ypplement THE WEEKLY GLOBE mew @dmï¬iyzemwta. IKE’I‘URN FAB ES T0 11-4 A. leading feature of The WEEKLY GLOBE to be this fall will be an A. H. NOTMAN. LOST Tm'onto. Canada’s Great Illustrated Weekly. Regina. ......... Moose Jaw Yon-mom...†Pr. Albert Mncleod... Cnlgnrv . . Rad Deer. . . Strum- Sunderlaï¬d. 00138. Dr. McGahey'a Kidney & Cough Powders for all Acucr Aficctions of the throat and lungs. such as Distemper, em: For swelling and stocking of the legs, he result of hard driving. Kidney Trouble. :-tc . one lose wi'l relim'r, and one box will cure. Prict'. 50c. films of ltï¬ck"'1‘~h,xin;zft';1uavlmngs. oily: mediqine in thug world that, will cure the above dxaease, ma'kmg lhn munnlsuuml in wind and useful to lxisowner. Prue, $1.50 TH? DR. MCGAHEY MEDICINE COI, ltu-mplvllle. (Int. McGzllley’s Condition Blood Powders 250. Sold by Geo. McDonald, harness- maker, Riulmlond Hill, and all mod- icine dealers throughout England, the Unitvd States and Canada. 22-1-03 A]. HUME, The proprietor of Su-nnyside Herd- of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Chester white hogs, Int 32, lst con. Markham QThelmhm) has for- sale some good‘ ymmg stock. Cures Hem-es, Chronjc _Oough. «pd allICIEIqugip Thorongï¬shred bul‘l' and hog kept for service on [he prgnxisvs. SUNNYSIDE FARM Richmond Hiil ï¬lerchant Tailor D. G. GOODERHAM, $1.08 1.0%} 1.09 Fer Broken Winded HORSES added Proprietw. Stoves and Ranges all sizes an REEHMUND EM. ï¬ï¬ Stronger to convince you of the merits of any which in daily use than the solicited testimony of the people who use It. 7726 M 620m Cmam Separatm’ Mr. Thos. Ludford, our new and popular store-keeper, begs to thank the public for the kindness of their patron- age, and wishes to advise all that he handles The two most popular brands 01 Flour on the market. These brands produce the ï¬nest quality of bread. and for pastry the greatest success can be achieved. Give them a trial and you will use no other. For sale at the closest prices by Hot Air Furnaces, Geo. McDonald, Richmond Hill ’WANT ANYTHIN G All kinds of Tin ant Also the D. -Dennie’s Famous _Da,unt1ess and L. Innes 53 Sons’ Leader, Repairing Prom‘ptly Dona & E. MAï¬ON Firemsummai To the Emma P. G. SAVAGE & SOE Wail Pap BETTER THAN A BANK A Policy in the flGï¬EEEERMiï¬ï¬ WE Has stood the test for years and has all the British Empire at its back in testifying to its merits in everything that: goes to make it the most perfect Separator in the market: to-duy. The Melotte has prove“ itself the best by test fur appearance. for durability, fur convenience, and ease nf (Jpwzltirm. Takes 33 per cent. less pOWer than its leading competitor. And by For sale by I). lilill, Richnlond Ilill, D istl‘ict A “nuts '1‘. B. LUDIPORD, METROPOLITAN STORE Cousins .33: Rose. ï¬faple Lave H ardwm etroug 11L Made in Canada; cannot be beat. Get your Furnaces put in and repaired before the rush. New stoves delivered and put up tree. Harness you want the barmss to ï¬t the horse. VVe make a. specialty of fitting harness, and With any purchase you make here. All our harm-SS is madu from oak tan- ned leather, the trimmings are of the best quality and the \vm-kmanship pet'- foct. You will save both trouble and money when you buy here. Now is the time to order for the full. Magnet Cream separator makes. You Will Be WMnHumy “ESE anc Pleased 11‘!)-