Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Sep 1903, p. 1

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VOL. XXVI. LIBERAL FRIKTIR Best fitting teeth, also rel, fl lowest prices. Good \v TH URSDAY Teyophtme Main 21-214 Our. Church and CilL‘lLOll Sm. ' Tm'untm, \ ’lll be in Richmond Hill ovely W‘ ' nestl‘ly. Oflice, next door waih of Public DR W G L SPAULDING " DR A W SPAULW WWW 1mm DfR. AR Cans by day and Hi . tended J. H. SANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL Falls by telephone from Richmond , Hill charged to me. ate rat-Men: phvslciau at W eater capitals. I‘m-unto smggggg;yg FOOT PG'VBE DRESSENG Combs 4%: 3353131185. g‘ Guel§h Ely Gil J ust arrived a Rcom “ A_.," Yonge St: g Arcade, Toronto. “ $1 per annum, in a<1vanc<:.] OHN R. CAMPBELL, .0011} Office Hours-3 to In a m (Sneeessnr to Dr BUSINESS CARDS. VETERINARY SU For Aching, S and SW'WII mailicat. 1337:. JI STUBBS, â€"T £117 I GOOD VALUES. RIUHHOND :1". MMMAHON. [S PUBLISHED EVERY W'm. Re rf‘hornfi For Cattle. Deni-is {NULD D. A. 1‘ Dentist, fl. 35226-3 DITOR DRUGGIST 121 Victoria, St. Tm‘cntro Thurman”, eufi s\ , flan: ill PUBLISMNG HG E-IILL,0NI‘. ge consignment of EOPBIETOB. MORNING DQQXS Si: 1 HM“. JRGEDN liil. promptly at) n, Tired platin work. MASON m‘rie), LBING skilil. ml Grace r668 .[1]. ,Jm \IA FISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, LGIN BEE ILLS v coumsswsxnm IKE IGH COL’ RT OF JUSTICE, &c. fiviarriage Licenses. MOND HiLL POST OFFICE. Ms. N EW'I‘ON Liconseu Auctioneer for the Count Goods sold on cnnsiv'nment Gexmr 9:06 ecc prompth attended to at rat-es Residence Uninyuville G it Gouldmg, Newton Brookmn A L “WEEK... iféh‘m, l? '1‘ HEiiBEnT héxuox ESfll‘i'lSll‘I'S and sqnfiicslors. Money to loan on land and chaizel mortgages at r lowest rum-.5 Aurora (:flicoâ€"Remmod [0 the old post ofllca one door west 0! the entrance to the Onmnu Bank Newmnrken wheeâ€"Three doors south of the v. .nf . above [demand Auctioneers for the Cmmtyof York. Sales «branded to on shortest not-ire and n ma- sonablormtes Patronagesohcited Licsa‘ m1 Auctiozaerrfor the Connfies of York and Ontario All sales of farm stock. 510. ab- bended tn an the shortest notice and reanonal-le mtna. Mortgage nnd baimf sales aitended b0. Regjdezece.StouffviIIe Ont A large stock of therni Furnishings kept at both places. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL TORONTO, Aug. 11. 4111 RICHARDSON HOUSE Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. A man to rs-prvsvnt “ CASADA'B GREATEST NURSERIES” in the Village of Richmond Hill and surrounding country, and tuke orders for mm- Lm- tiuilmling (formmly Fre [mid hum Bldg). Cor. Advlaide 56 Victoria. Sls., Tut-(mm. LIBERAL Office. Richmond Hill on Saturdays. Barristers, Solicih DRON'I‘O OFFICE: mnnzl Sf. VVBSLJVOSIP; (Methodist; Bunk R runtn. (inadm'iakors 4%: Emba Imors, Ham SPEGMLTi E. $2.399», $$¥§E Efigfl‘sfifia, MON BI‘APIJE. THOROUGH LY REFITTED. Suigeml. M'xple CflOK & J 158 KING sum EAST. TORONTO accommodation zogucsta. BoardJl Dex-day fitEBERI‘L‘IS BACK. fi‘rop FONTHILL NURSERIES, OVER 80:) ACRES. WRIGHT BROS, WANTED rAl-z wi‘l‘l be at, Mimic on Thursday afternoon of each woe-k. RECHMO :aigeou k Mel-I‘ve“. BY TO LOAN AT suce 7 nusworth D. G. aunt-m1, Bi. Plain-Emu, naiv'nment (ganm-éi isalee ol 323mm. “In Essentials, Unily; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in czllthings, Charity. Aurora. ding (formerly Free- :j.»). 09:. Advlaide 55 for the gounty» of _York Smii‘h G STV Mom; eslvy Buildipéé, )‘HNSTUN ed to at S'ausonnbi; itors, etc 30mm) To: CANADA ND HILL, THURSDAY,SEPTEMBER 2-1, 190:} honu Main 2984 J B McEvren, Weston RGAN. Newmarket Kent foi- the 558 Rich- On Sunday lust. aftvrnoon and (Won- ing, Harvest Hmm- anniversary swâ€" vicos were ln-ld in Zion lllmlzmlist Church, York township east. The weuthm' was ps-i-fvct and :1 profitable time was tlu' result. The se-rmun \vns pleuclwd by Rev. B. B. Spin 1*, and the sweet songs uf Evangelist Postman, nccmnpnnied by his guitar, charmed tho atlcntive hearers. The. Richnmnd Hill instrumental ti-in. mu- sistlng nf Mess‘ls. E. Muslin, G. S. Sims and E. Garrbnlt‘ gave valuable assist.- unce. and the singing was lvd by Mr. \V. A. \Vright. The cnllectiuns Wei-n liberal-and were in aid 0f the S. S. building fume}. The pastor, Rev. A. P. Bruce, and his \vnrkers are to ho cun- gmtulnted (1n the “H: interestdisplay- ed at, this place. There was a. large crowd and u gum] There was a. large crowd and n gnml time at the Harvest Hume Fl-stivul Tuesday afternoon and evening. The- gnmes and athletic sports wme hutly contested. most of the prizes going in Richmond Hill. The Riclnuund Hill band gave :1 gnnd programme (if music in the afternoon. and in the evening uh interesting musical and literary 9n- lerluimnent was l'Pnden-d. The pas- tm', 10v. A. P. Brace, made a happy (chairman, and made every pvrsun feel munfnrtuble. The proceeds of the Harvest Home Servivcs amounted to $89.00. The following is the pm~ gramme given in the evening: Hynmâ€"Blest be the Tie that Binds. Pm yer. Chumsâ€"See now the Altar Garland- -(’.d with Flowers. Chairman’s Address. Chorusâ€"Jerusult-m. Soloâ€"The Fvwdz-r Mmikeyâ€"Mr. D. H. \Villiamsnn. Readingâ€"Rev. MP. Lev. Sulaâ€"Thady ()‘F-lytmâ€"Mi-ss Lillie Senim'. Readingâ€"The HUI‘SC the Missns Drivs the Clothes Onâ€"Mr. Will Mal-r. Chorusâ€"There is Best for Yuu. Soloâ€"Rock (if Ages-«‘Miss C. E. Cawsey. Soloâ€"Mr. A. E. Young. Readingâ€"Rev. Mr. Lvo. Chmusâ€"There’s a Friend in the Home-land. Soloâ€"Hosanna in Excelsisâ€"Miss M. Liddvll. Readingâ€"Maggie McLeaI-yâ€"Mr. \V. Man'. Dm-tâ€"Himting Towerâ€"Miss Senior and Mr. \Villimusnn. Readingâ€"Rev. Mr. Lee. Chorusâ€"My Heavenly Home. Theuhum of the threshing machine was heard at, Mr. Marsh‘s during our stay there. Mr. Hickson, with his ex- cellent. machine and blower attucth. made good wurk, and may be classed as the hero of the day amongst as 1h}; hero of the d5y thmshers. WANTEDâ€"SEVERAL. INDUSTRIOUS PER- sonsiu each state to travel for hum-.9 estabâ€" lished eleven years and with a. large capxtnl. to call upon merchants and agents for successful and profitable line. Pernqu nu enamemeutl Weekly cash salary 01318 and all travelling ex- :muses and hotel bills advanced in cash each week. Experience not. essential. Mention ref- erence nnrl enclose self-addressed envelope. ThE NA l‘IONAL, 33; Deurborn Sm, ChicugL. 41-25 There was a good attendance at the, Hit, and Mi_ss social, given by the Ep- mnrth League on Monday evening. The tables \veru splend on the Ohm (3h lawn and Hftl-‘l' tea was served, gnmvs were indulged in and a. short, program giyelp. J. McLean, Esq.. 6f Mount; Pleasant. and MOI-is Rosenberg of Petel-boru, were alsu visitm-s at Elmslee. It is expected that several speakers from Tnl'onto will be present ab bath morning and mening service in the Methodist church next, Sunday and deliver add: ( sse-s on League work. Rev. M 1‘. Ri-iinie of Turf-onto, preach- ed in the Presbyterian church on Sun- day last in piucv (-f va. \V. G. Buck, who has been confined to his home through illness. Miss C. Shunk of Thornhill, visitvd over Sunday with Miss Etta. Richard- SUD. Mr. David Best, his two childrm and his sister were visitors at the home of Mr. \Vm. Marsh, Elmslee. Their home is at Magnatwnn. Miss Lizzie Rumble ontertnincd :L number of friends at an evening party at hm- hnme last Friday. Mrs. J. A. Rose, and children, are §peu<iing a couple of weeks with Mrs. J. A. Rose spending a con} friends in AUTOI'H. Rev. Mr. Campbell of Richmond Hill, occupied the pulpit; in the Pros- byterian Church there in the 13111 Sept" Rev. Mr. Grant taking charge of his servioe. which slxows the good fee-ling that. exists between Lhetwo sects there. This and olher signs (le- nute the drawing together of the two bodies. “Union is Strength.” May that huppy time soon come. when all Protestant Churches shall he (mo. Rev. Mr. Campbell delivered an excel- lent address hnsed on the words, “And the. dum- wus shut." Zion Harvest Home Mount Pleasant Maple The hand nf the (Joldstreu: deserve great praise for the music nunlmwl hy Lhem :‘ ‘ hihitiun in Tun-unto. It was understand some ' that, the PI-osl)ytm-im1St-f t] annnlu impndvd to occupy ,(m the streets similar to the Army. so as tn bring hth ' the evil of thvil ways and t thr‘ll) in the way (If righ which I think if; n nPcessi this date we have not, found good intontinns have hI-on ; practice, although it may h that we have not funnd the cupied by theevangclisls. 'J said, “Cmnpel Lhmn tn con my house may be filled." Miss Vivturia Argue and her sister Gertie, spent a pleasant time at Elms- lee. Mr. Joe Lowe and his wife pnh visit to the Exhihition at Tumntu. “70 were (Ir-lighted to hem- Lhut 4 Local Legislature at Toronto 1 gl’;lht_('d $3.UU().00 for the purpose: gI-amtvd $3.UU().00 for the purpose of draining the Ewan swamp. The Gm‘m'unwnt uf Lo-duy is alive to the wuan of tho pom-p10. “ Nu fly ('n the wheel Gm-m-mrwnt exists at. Ottawa. 01‘ Toronto today.” So let us support them. and lot that 01d Tory cry. “ [L's time fun :1. changu,” div out, furovnr. The band nf the Coldstreum Guards desep've gx-qut p_m_ise for the exg-vllgnb Stmlfm-(l, Ontzu-in's classic city. sends gn-otings and vxtvends a most cordial invitutinn tn Emlmvnrers ev- erywhere t-lncoughoub the Province, and their friends 150 attend the 1903 annual Cnuvuntiou of the.- Ontario Christian Endeavor Union to he held on Sept. 2.43 and Oct. 1. The city Christian Endeavor Uni0n,the church- es, the city council and the citizs-us l-ll my “Cumn.” The- nhlosb Uluislizn Endeavor spe-zukt-l-stLl) home and f“)- eign tulrllt will appear. A great, treat is in stme. The Clef-gun \Vurks at; Sun“: Ste. Marie Were, shut, down Friday. and 3.500 workmen are. out 01' employ- ment. About $200,000 is owing to the mm: for wages, and many of them are withnnt muney. The wheels of in- dustry were stopped by the fun-closure (If a $3,000,000 nmrtgnge. It is hoped the trmlhle is only temporary. As to the l't‘i’JUl‘h that the. Ontario Guvern- uxent had filed a lien for stumpage duesnpnn the lumber an: saw lugs at the Sun. H011. J. Davis said that the Um‘ermnent are thurnughly pmâ€" tected and were duing everything in their power to assist the Company to alleviate the threatened distress. They are pm‘mitting’ the sale of lum- her in the mills in order to enable the cnmpany to pay ntf as many of their employes as possible. This offer is only good fm- thirty days from the first. insertion of this advertisement, which appeared in THE LIBERAL on September 3. Cal} Ul'llliln your order to us before 0c- tohor 3. 1903. as no subscriptions at this rate “in be taken after above (1 tr. 10-4 Mr. Joseph Bales of Lansing, was on Wednesday of last week united in marriage to Clara, only daughter of Mr. H. B. Schmidt of German Mills. The wedding was celebrated at, the home of the bride’s farther, and was one of the prettiest imaginable. The house was neatly decorated with the greatest profusion of white and pink asters, and looked lovely. Miss Knuif- man of Beeton, plnywd the Wedding march, :mdub? p. II]. the ceremony was performed by Rev. A. P. Bruce, B. D.. in the presence of arbout thirty relatives and intimate friends. The bride, beautifully attired, came in on the arm of her father, and was follow- ed by hex-bridesmaid, Miss Hattie Risebrongb. They were met. at. the altar under a canopy ofusters, on a bed-of green, by the groom. who was supported by Mr. Her bel'l; E. Piper of Toronto. The groom presented the bride. with a, sunburst. of pearls, and the bridesmaid with a crescent of pearls. After :ychoice dejenner the happy couple left for a trip to Mont- real and oth' places, ace. 'll)p:llll('d by the best wishesof a host (.5 friends. The Toronto Daily \Vorld, a. news- pups-1' that pays particular attention to the requirements of the farmer, and has the n-putution of publishing the most aceurate Cattle and Pmducu Mm‘ket Reports of any paper in Can- ada, together with a. brief live and up- to-dnto news service. can be secured clubbed with THE LIBERAL for thv balance of this year and up to the first of January. 1905, for $3.75. \Vhile everybody is busy all: the plesont time, stillthere is no one so busy that they cannot take advantagv ofagennine bin-gain and secure thr brst local pinr, comhiuvd with one of the brightest metropolitan news- anegs published in Cnnudjl. A Midsummer Offer For Thirty Days Balesâ€"Schmidt News N otes. (Pndvd to occupy pusitinn eats similar to the th’ntin ns tn bring before sinner U’H‘il \vaysand tn instnu it, 01d Tory cry. a; p,” div out, furovvr e Coldstreum Gu: xise for the OXI-(‘l by them at; the in cvssity. Up to vuntl that thn-ir hvvn put into \y he possible the plums n'(:- s. ThuMnster some in that Newspapel-dom ghteonsn Lime ago 9 citv (If that our itinns 'ntinn has “VS!” ‘3 “EU” fi 5 @isvlmj of H % ,, . . ~ 3.5 m gamers; 5351:1195 will 031m Ab i2 ‘4 cu 2311 @hztxfiflag. 1g @ciaher gimt 311 “Fâ€" L'} " mm . <" Z" m ?i L: 51W. gm:th 3% fffi'“ Are always "been- tiful" and always “happy” accord- ing to the society reporters, and in thls case the re- };ort is mostly true. here may be un- happy brides in fiction, but there are few in real life. But how hard it is to look upon many . ' of the wives we _., know, and believe ‘ a] that they were v once beautiful and happy. Pain, the result of womanly disease, has marred beauty and undermined happiness. $5QG gas: e Backed up by over a third of a century of remarkable and uniform cures, a record such as no other remedy for the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietors of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription now feel fully war~ ranted in offering to pay $500 in legal money of the United States, for any case of Leucorrhea, Female Weakness, Prolap- sus, or Falling of Womb which they can- not cure. All they ask is a fair and reason- able trial of their means of cure. Fflflm TU REE??? at. J eff Office. A lady’s gold 4th of Septvmb wurded five (In! I‘I have thought for some time I would write you and tell you of the great improvement in my health since taking your ‘Favorite Prescrip- tion.‘ " says Mrs. H. S. Jones, of Forest. N. C. "when I began its use I was a physical wreck and had des aired of ever having an health again. Coul not sit up all day. an was so weak I could not walk one quarter of a mile. I noted a great improvement in my health beâ€" fore the first bottle was used. Was suffering with almost every pain that a woman is subject to; had inflammation of ovaries. painful and suppressed periods, and other symptoms of female disease. After taking six bottles of ‘Favorite Prescription.‘ I felt like a new per- son. Can ride horseback and take all kinds of exercise and not feel tired." \N. 3‘4EVNSQN, Mager’s Feundry If you are looking for a perfect laxa- tive try Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. m: flm‘g’qw 4 Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL Three thousand dullars to 1mm at .- low rate of inteu-sr, on fist-mun Lge fax-m prnpexty. Apply at; t. f. THE LIBERAL OFFICE, flame}! To Lean gig-“play of ’fgfégilliuerg $913195 Will aim: @Iuwaflag, @fiaher girfit TUESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY w REWARD 1 30 FOR WOMEN WHO CANNOT BE CURED. SATURDAY NTIL FURTHER NOTICE. 9V. M‘GEIL, l’ 11-4 [Single copies, 3 cts. iiiwmhiii CIDER MADE L855"? Hanger. watvh. x1-. Fia on (19‘ r will 'lre 11-- vu'ing wntrh HE LIBERAL S 11 nd erl 13 I'G {,3 Ind. the "Wfifl

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