Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Oct 1903, p. 1

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l . ‘H r JOHN E. CAMPBELL, Von. XXVI. RICHMOND HILL. THURSDAY,OC'I‘()BER l, '1903 “ (Elie alumni} ” [3 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY IVEORNINGl A'l.‘ TllE ‘ LIBERAL PRlHTiNG 1i PUBLlSiliNG HOUSE] BIGHMOND 31111.1,0N'l‘. '1‘. F. MGMAHON. EDITOR 15! l’lmrnmron. B U s IRE s 1; (5,513.11 5. . :1)! H d ,u‘iiis‘il l . fiElféiUEES, 'fi‘ll twain”, aha rnsivlantn‘avsmixm at. Nos:an and Grace capitals. l‘oroucu 0.1ch Hoursâ€"8 to in a 111; El 5.181) 112. 1:81:2an:an genial. 1?. to2pm W m . 3.9 gm 5 X) out". Si , VRoom 12, 11% Victoria. Sin. Toronto. Best, fitting teeth, also rvplnting. at‘ lowest; prices. Good work. DR W G L SPAULDING DR A W SPAULDING. Dentists ."B,oom “ A." Yonge Street , Arcade. Toronto. frelephone Main 2121 I . R. ARNOLD D. A. MASON, 1) outlast, (Successor in Dr. ’1‘. A. Currie). Our. Church :‘Ultl Carlton Sis, Torn 11 t1 1, ‘ Vill he in Richmond Hill every \Vud- nesduy. Office, next door south of Public School. Ollice Hoursâ€"5.31) :1. in. to 5 p. 111. cm'izizu‘ll VETERINARY SURGEON, CF11 ornh ill. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. l. H. SANDERSDN, VETERINARY SURGE ll RICE): 0ND HILL Calls by (lay and 1night promptly at tcudcd to. 'Sillliliiilig r0021- muons Tired For Aching. Swollen. and Swwiting Ft‘t‘t. â€""PE£‘1’ ICESâ€"â€" G G P. l.indao§'.'fi C A G F inwraum W Riduu: ‘21 ausu‘orb‘u Lindsey. Lawrence 34 W 3.3: worth, Barintezsfiolicitcrs. l-Tc-taries. 851:. Home Lifl- Ruilzling (funnel-1v 'F‘rce- hold Lmin Bldg). Cm. Adelaide & Victoria 51s.. Toronto. LIBERAL Officc. Richmond Hill on Saturdays. COOK & JOHNSTON Barristers. Solicitors, etc. TOR-ON'l'U Oli‘l-‘H‘l'l: N11. 33 [ill-h» muml Sit. \‘VcslflVcslnlv Buildings, (Mcthndisc Book Room.) To: runtu. Mr. Cook will in: 21in Maple on Thursday :iffcrnonn of each \\'(‘€li. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. 3A8. N EW'i‘ON ISSUER MARRIAGE Llfifl-léS‘E'S, EHAGKN BXIIJEJSS mi: Effâ€"E E‘FY. NO'l‘Ail‘ij' PUBLIC. onmussxouxnm mm HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. LEN 111ml: Oilâ€"ORGAN: Barristers :ntad Solicitors. Moch to loan on luizll and clmlbol mortgages at ' lowest Aurore. officeâ€"Remm en La the old post oflicJ one door west of the entrance to the Ollcurln Rank Newmurlact “adieuâ€"Three doors south of the 9.5“)! 1.1.1 '1‘ HERBERT Laxsox, G STV MORGAN, «l 11mm 1V 6“ marlsci Licensed Auctioneer for the (‘cuntv of York Goods Sold on co 'nnwnt. Gennrdl sales oi smc etc mow lv mttvai‘dofi to at. reasonubh rams liesi 1e 5 Uninnxtiile all R Goullhug. Newton brook, age-111 for tho 1111\‘9 J '1‘ Suigenfi, J mining, Maple “'aston Saigon“ & NEcEwen. [licensed Auctioneers for the 00111le of York. Snicflhlmlded lvo rm shortest-mticeand a. ran- swuaolémtes Putronagesnlicited D. Simmonds}. License Auctioneer for theCCnnty ol'York, re- spa-thin“? solicits your patronaue 11ml friendly in ‘luonrro sales Minded on the sLortns’a notice and aheasonubemtes. i’nO. address Kin: N. Sailing. Licemod Auctions 31 for tho (‘founllos of York and Ontnrm Allsnles at farm stock. do, nt- tended tn an the shortest notion and reasonable rates. Mortumzonndhnilifi sales awarded to. Rosidemm. Stouilvill-e Ont VVRIGH‘I‘ BROS, [luciermkers r31 Erubnlmcrs, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL A large stock of Funeral Furnishings ‘ kept at both places. _ RlCllARDSUll Haul EIIXPEJE. THOROUGHL'Y REFITTED. Every Accommodation “for the trav- oiling public. ["REEPERICK 9.! CK. Prop ésirwr, Elimsfla, 159 KING arm: EAST. TORCF’I‘O Just. arrived a. large consigmnont of DRESSING Combs ll: Brushesl GOOD VALUES. 1 ._.‘ UsfiE Guelph Fly Gil For Cattle. 25c. qt. W. i. inland. DRUGGIST E accommodation to guestu. Board.31 our day A man to rcprl-sont “ CAXADA’S Gunxrns'r Xl'nsrzmns" in the Village of Richmond Hill 11nd surrounding country, and take orders for {EUR HARM SFE’GlALTiES 11 Fruit Tl'l‘OS, Small Evils, Orna- mental Shrubs, Roses. Vines, l Send Potatoes etc. i‘a‘tnck true to mono and free from San Jose Scale. A permanent position for l the fight mun on either salary urcom- misfiou. Stone 81 Wellington, FONTHILL NURSERIES, nvsn 800 ACRES. TORONTO. - CANADA. Aug. 1}. 4111 I g 33an l | [Single copies, 3 cts. Llaple Last Sunday the lewnrth Leagues P110119 MMHWSJ on Muph- Chcuil [1:111 spl-cinl 301 lit-cs. Addrvssvs \\‘l‘l('ll1‘ll\'l‘l‘('ll by Misscs “iVulluL-l- :1111l llovncs and Mrs-firs. Dime land \\':1t<ou of 'Il‘ur'mln. On Fiiilny owning; lust .‘vll'.zln(li\11'§. H. (‘1. l}:lll(‘_\' ('llll‘lliiilll'il :1 number of (“boil young f1l1111d<11l llwir [1111110. On 'l‘lunx‘duy llIlll'lllllfJ,‘ llr-rlmrl, the sol-11ml son of Mr. Allum Dim-mun, .p'lssvd :1 “my. ullvr liming: undt'rgunc un Sunduy:1llt-Il11-nn :11111111-1111i11nf11r :Illllt‘ll(ll('lll\‘. .‘ll1rl1sy111nul1y is i‘1lt for Mr. and Mrs. Dim-1111111 :zs lhisiz-i thuir socond lK‘l'l'ile'lllt'llL willin four months. Miss- Ediih \Vilson and Mr. \V. ll. Sloan of 111,111'cl1ill, \\'.’vl‘(’ gum-45111” Mr. and Mrs. Gco. lligh during 1111- [1:151 week. Miss M. Kcilh of Richmond llill, wus tho guest of Mrs. Sisloy from l“rid:1_\ lill Monday. After 11. long pvl'lml :13 leuchnr in Hope school. Mr. T. McCounuck has handed in his l‘vsignullull. A quicLi11ur1-iugv uns- 51 h mnizcd :11; the home of Mrs. M. Nixon 11f ll11}1:~, on \Vcdnosduy Honing of last wevk whon hcr (‘ldl'sl dungbll-r Bl‘llv, was“. married to Mr. A. Morison concession. RM". '\\'. N. pchm-Jnu-rl the (forcnwny. Mrs. S. and Miss Minnin VnnEvcry 'of Buffalo, N. Y.. :11'1- \'l>lill)g1\.ll‘. and Mrs. (1‘1. High. Mrs. High, with ho-r Visitors. Mrs. and Miss VunEVm-y, his group in ‘Clxit friends in Bari-iv, and [11 ultcnd L110 Full‘. of [111- 2nd o.Oâ€"~â€"â€"â€"- Car: erlle A numhvr of 11m- _\~nnlij.r peuph- at- tl’lldf‘d lvlle‘ Hind-«51 Hmnn 11f Z1111] day evening. Mrs. Bluin of Toronto Junction. Visited M 1-. and Mrs. I’zilfl-Ison. of "Gwlul‘ Grove, for :1 law (lays lust work. Misses Boynes and Vanilan Mvssl's. Flour :1le \ansun “'11)? gunsls .:1t.'l‘ho ‘Iinls,,tlle residence of Air. \V. Cook, ox‘l-r Sunday. Mr. \Vill Tyndall returned home on Tuesday after 21 lril) [(1 Manitoba. again. The happmvss of llllCC’ of our citi- 29115 has been lililll'i'lillly iluucusvd (luringlho [1:1Etwvcek,1-:11~l1lwingnmde 5 the proud l‘ossrssor-of :1 bright. liltlc sun. (lungrullllzllinns to Ml-ssls. J. BuicH'. N. E. Bonn and \V. Bonn. This connnunily was unuzh shocked to hear of the dcnlh 111' Mr. 1!». Dim - mun. which occurrl-d at his home 111 Tcston on Tuesday morning after ll,‘ very brief illness. 'J'hc young 111:111 was \Vt'll known and highly respected ‘ in this neighborhood. Sol-rowing fricnds'hzn'e our sincvrest sympathy ' in their bereavmnunt. Al; El mentng of rho Ludins' Aid So- ciety held lust. wka it. was decided to hold the annual thanksgiving survives of the ()urrvillc livlhndisi. Church on Sunday, Octolwr 25. Epwmvth Lcugllc servich were held on Maple circuit lust Sunday. lb:- pnstors hc-ingns‘sistcd 21L (4:11:11 of tho zippuilitllwnts by Epwnrt‘h workersl’rom Toronto. 111 (he even- ing Miss Glam \\':1ll:1cv gave :11) inter- esting and inspiring address to the Cuirville mingrvgutinn. The topic chiefly dwvlt on was tin-Missionary Depzll‘llln'lii. and lhl‘lmst moans wme discussed fol carrying (-11 our shnre of tliisgrcnt Work. V fi...,.._ . _ WANTEDâ€"«SEVERAL “DUSTRIOUS PERâ€" Gonsiu ouch smile to mun/.1 tor house estuâ€" Lisheu eleven veins till-'i with 111. large capital. to call upnn merchants and ugliils for sur:<ms.~l‘ul and profi uhle liue. l’m‘nmn nb uuL’l cmont Weekly cash suhlry of SIP. mm illl tram: 1:1; ex- penses and lmtwl bills mlvnnmd in cash ouch work. l'lxpcricuceiiulexm11w1l. Mormon ici- menae "1111 en'lnso self-zuhhcssed onvclnpe. fl‘hb‘ NA'I ION «XL. 331Do1lrbo1u St..Cl1lczlgL. 4-1-20 l __... N ews N ores. A nmv Simple-x typesetting mnrhiue has berm installed in lhc oilicc of the .Bf-Ll‘l'lt‘ Examiner. Eull stock of gems" line shiils. cul- .llll‘S. Lies, culls, fell. hztlzc, lulcst things. Atkinson & Switzcr. Sir W'illium l‘vlulock’s 1'1'811luti0n i11- c1-1-:1sing the sulul-ics of civil servants has been pnsscd by the liouso of l Commons. Barrie ratepayers have 021.1 ried a by - l law to lUilll $20,000 in :1 Clll'ililgt‘ com- pany and grant them :1 five silo, flee water and light for twenty years. Now dress goods. new laces, new ribbons, nan \‘clvcts, Just to hand. Atkinson & Switzcr. The semi-annual meeting of the Ontario Gui-ling Association will be bridal; the \Valkcr House, Toronto, on \Vednesdzly, the Hill (1f0ctoher, at 11 a. 111. Rev. Mark Guy Peal-$9, the famous English evangelist. has been conduct- ing religious meetings in Toronto. \Vhile in the city he is the guest 1f Toronto Methodists at, the King ‘d- ward Hotel. Chunill-r, Lutheran Church, Slim-wood, on Tue-s- ' and: His * many l'ricndszzrc pleased to 50:6 him : Longiw : I Order lins been cslulilislml :1L Snult .SLc. M111-il-,:1111lsolncol‘lhctroopszu'e returning 1111311111130. Mr. Suniucl R1»ng of Toronto, Picsidcul. of llw Quovu City Oil (311111- puny, died suddenly Sunday hill-r- nonn. Dvcmlsml viz-1s fm-n11~1ly :1 rvs- idcnt of Nurlh YorkuumrNownmrlwl. , 110 \\':13 :1. Mother of Mr. Elius lingcrs. , XXX \Vhiln \Vino Vincgur, Older '1 rincgur. \Yhiln (lrnpc \‘llll‘gill', NULL. lisb MulL \‘llh‘g‘nl', and full S‘tufk of pure spices. Alkinson & Swilzor. l 'l‘hc [:11111 buildings of Mr. John ‘ Brumu‘wll lwlmv 'l‘hm'nhill, wouldn- .sl'inyml by “IE on \Vvduvsduy of lost; . Work. A spark f1 0111 21 slvum iln's-shcr \\'il\' ll1'~ came of the “H”. Tho loss :mmunis [1111\1‘1'341Klll. :1an tl1i< will . he luumly L'UVOlfâ€"ll by iusurumw. r 4-57â€"-7â€"â€" lill? LE SOCIETY Mlili'l'lNG. The annual nit-cling of the Rich- ‘Illfi‘llll l'llll [in-Inch iible Such-l y “us ylll‘lll in tho School Room of the Moth- lodisl (,‘hurvll Tuesday evening. The 'pi-csitlvnl, Hr-v. T. Campbell was 111 1 the chair. and the zuldrl-ss was {iron .l)_v l'lev. .lll. Milws, ngcnt for the Sn. ricly. The trcnsurm's re-pm-L showed l‘lliut $1} .83 had lwcn misvd 1 n the cir- vuit lust yl-nrund paid to tlw Socivly‘. lThc followingr ni’iicl-rs “'(‘1'9 cluctcd: I’l'csiflc'nt, ill-v. T. Unmpbcll. ‘ Vicv-l’1-1-sitlent. \\'1n. ll‘llll'S. .‘ was. \‘1'. A. \Vrig‘ht. llopnsilnI-y. T. I“. .‘1llrl‘dnl1on. ' , llii-vctoi-sâ€"A. Newton. .1. H.S.~1.ndcr- s \n. T. ll. 'lrv-m-h. J. H. Urfxdou. W. 'i’urny, \V. '1‘. Slurry. l“. Mol’onughy. (Tollctlors â€" Richmond Hill misiâ€" MEsu-s McConnglzy 21nd livizr; Rich. 11nond llill. \i'l-r: “Misses Switzm- and l‘lllllilll‘: Victoria Square ~â€" Misses: Jennings and llurnhnm; llowlhml~ ' Missws l . lmvk 21nd E. Barker; l-‘utlcrâ€" Sonâ€"Miss Runil l ‘. , Bvi’urv closing. :1 vot1- of lenks,‘ I ( Z(-‘X' and Sanderson rrspccliw-ly, .w:1s ' tomb-r111 lluv. Mr. Mills for his excell 1 lenl address. A'l‘TAl NED l'l‘S MAJORITY. \(Illillll‘. 1l;u.~' :itlnining‘ ils 111:1jorily. ll hm bis-11 pnMislud just t1-11 and :1 :lznll’ yours. with hull‘ your making .'l 11 L‘ \olumn. No _()l,ll(‘i' (‘unndinn pr Julian] has had Hilf‘ll :1 successful l l"‘('(i1'il.’5lll\l it SJJr'IlkS wall for the pa- 1tl-iolisui:1111lcullurvof the pcoplo 11f (7:111:1rl11. 'l‘lw 0111110111 munlwr con- tains :1 splcnrlid :11‘1-1vuni 11f lhc famous bullln 11f Lumly‘s Lune by Dr. Huuny. lullh iliusbrutious; :1 Illugniiiccnb arlicln by Professor Milncr dculing \\"th llw ancient :md mode-r11 concep- tions of Liberty; sumooflhe (31'11111111'icinl Congress at Montreal by Ernest ii. (lumbar; :1 bit of romance from British Columbia history. m1l'ill1-d “ Two Inst Towns," by M. S.‘\‘(:1do~, :111 “lust-ruled dt'Sul'lp- lion of 'l‘hrcslfing‘ on tho Prnirie by \V. ll. llz-Ifurd. and an illustrated Hillle on tho British Embassy zit \Vns‘ningâ€" H1111 by \Vuhlon Fuwcctt. The lion. . Lilill‘urd Siflon is the celebrity of the 1111:11ll1. 'I‘hl-rc .‘IH' storics and poems by Juan: Blcwcit, Virnn Slward.Allwr1. ll. (brown. llulwrl; Mchuu Johnston and J. \V. Fullvr. 'l‘hv durinrtnirnts {are us interesting us usual, cmnplrting _ what is undoubtedly 1111 cxm-pllonully lino nulnb'er. I W MUNIC [PALI’l'Y OF VAUGHAN. Conn: of Revismn OF THE VOTE \1 ‘ LIST Notion is hereby given that :1 (‘nuit uill lw held pursuant to lhoOmni-io Yotoi's‘ List Act. by His Honor. Judge Morgan. the Junior Judge (71' the Counly (foul-t oi" tllL‘ (lounly of York. :1L the Masonic ll:1ll, M:I|)l1'.()n Friday, :Ucumvr 16, at. 9.30 o’clock :1. 111., to movml and s:-l‘:,~nd1u‘l by Mossrs. Swit- \Vith the ()('t(il)(‘l‘ numhl-r. 'l'lhr.‘ 0111- l :11‘1i:111 Mnguzum (loses its twonty-iirsl l ill un illustrated reâ€"l The above will cheerfully be paid in lawful money of the United States, by tho undersigned. proprietors of Dr, Pierce’s Golden Med ical Discovery, if they can not show the original signa- lure of the individual volunteering tlie‘.tes~ timonial below, and also of every testimo- nial among the thousands which they lire constantly publishing attesting the supenqr curative properties of their several mch~ clues, and thus proving the genumenes's and reliability of all the multitude of testi- monials volunteered by grateful people, in their behalf. WORLD‘S DISPENSARY MEDICAL Asso- CIATION, Proprietors, Buffalo, N. Y. THE REASON.â€"~There is no medicine equal to Dr. Pierce‘s Golden Medical Dis- covery, for purifying the blood. It carries off the poisons which continuitith the life fluid. It increases the aqtivuy of the blood-making glands and gives the_hqdy an increased supply of pure. body-building blood. It builds up the body w1th sound, healthy flesh instead of flabby fat, pro- motes the appetite, feeds the nerves, and so gives to weak, nervous people vitality and vigor. “About a year ago I had a very bad cough and feared it would run into consumption," writes Hon. Geo. W. Lynch. of 27 Mason Street, Worceslcr. Muss. “When a severe ntlackpf coughing would come on vomiting-would set I_n. Matter accumulated in nose and my tonsxls were irritated. After reading of the wonderful cures resulting from Dr. Pierce‘s Golden Med- ical Discoverv began to use it, with some doubts as to the good it would do me. I am {rank to say. But. after I had used one hollle -I nollccd quite a chau e for the better. Ordered five more bottles and efore I had used them all the cure was complcte. There is not now a trace of con h or cold in my system and my health is per ecl." To gain knowledge of your own bodyâ€"in sickness and healthâ€"send for the Peo le’s Common Sense Medical Adviser. A 00k of 1008 pages. Send 3i cents in stamps for aper-covered, or, 50 stamps for cloth- mind copy. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. @imi‘uhiil {gigging if lilting $13125 rem 1mm dimming. 63mm glut “cow “l A l l in %l ll 11 Varyâ€"c 1 l a ._.... §W;-_- .. E-BF; l q . ~ “~“17Hfi- flit-"H4 ‘r-fi‘ Wm .r c- w“;'(avv . -€H>â€"£ gmw sham: 1‘ W - a: 7.. .trâ€"ci W1 ‘5 C‘ cg W F u E5339 l ‘éfiiéâ€"fyfigflv“? 1:; fiszhflasmfisn L7â€"d 17” “ i RENT FAME: 'E’U . * Lot 20, con. 4, llzuklmm is to 1011b for :1 term of years. The. land is in :1. good Slam» of cultivation. l’ossmbiou to plow given :It (Hilil'. For purtil-ulnrs apply to . JAMES BRE’I‘IIO l. R, 11â€"4 Sundcrlunll. flimsy To Lean 'l‘hl'cc thousand dollars to hum at :1. :1 low ruin of llltt‘IL‘b't on first-mort- gugc fill'lll proporty. Apply Ml ‘. f. ’i‘lllfi‘LlBI’lllALOFFICE. Eel" Sale or Rent ".carzlud determine the sPVH-nl com- plninls of errors 'and omissions in iPolling Sub-Divisions Nos. 1, :2, 3 and . i of the Volcrs‘ List. of thc Municipal- 5 ily of Vaughan for 1903; and the ' sm'eml cmnplninis of errors and omissions in Polling Suli.Di\'iEimis -I\'os. 5. (5. 7:111d8 (1f the Municipality 11EYnughnn.:1tSullivun‘s Hotel. Pine Grove. on HAlllldll)‘, October 17, 1903, Ell ll!o‘(:lo1-k :1. 111. All persons having business :itlhc ‘Cnlll'i' :11-«1 if‘qllll‘l‘ll to attend all. the Said ti1n1- and place. Dated this 29th day of Supt,” 1903_ .l. B. “CLEAN, ‘ 11â€"2 Clerk of the said Municipality I , _ .,_, , lW. HEWlSON, HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. , Calls from a distance promptly l attended to. [ RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL l i The Blacksmith Shop and llousc at; Dollar, 3rd con. Markham. First Class stand for :1 good lmrsrshocr. For particulars apply to GEO. ('0 \'\'l l'), Richmond Hill, or to P. \l'. .30 YNTON, Dollar. Supt. 24. 1111. EORSALE‘ 2 fresh milch cmrs for sale on lot 1.”), con. 3of.\l:lrkha11,u. BERT LEEK. 13 2 Hl‘ndl'ord. $9 ifiahglig MFR" r CO n‘ the SCHZXTIT’W‘AflE‘RlCAN. con- liinut u(:__n'l 1. 'lcilursinr I‘:u.n,11ls,l):1v1-a(s. Trude .. - H. a. fur the United Slams. P‘nLi d. l" (terllmlu'. Hand B Y:\'.l‘lll$ :u-nt l -.. 'l lllrl%’- n yenrs'o Pull-111805111. d thrnul'l .IN 5; €0.11: . . in the SCHle u? AHEKH'A . the largest. l 2,. and most widely 1:11-1-11lzucd Hclcnliflc paper. é’ in your Weekly. Splendid onumvinus nndJnu-rmllng in. Innnatlon. Specimen cop: of 1 he Hen-mine A incr- |cnn arm. from Address MUNN_& 20.. S: luxru'w lull-salon" omco. 2,1 Br'JildWflj'. n - York.

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