Mr. Chamberlain 110W proposes a mxxsure of protection with reciprocal preferences for Canada and the other British Colonies. The speaker gave stealing ï¬gures to show that British commerce and British industry are flailing behind those of protected countries. He advocates a ten per cent duty on manufactured articles, and a duty not exceeding forty-eight (tents a qnarter on foreign corn, but. none on corn from the British pos- ‘3ssious. Mr.Chamberlnin’s proposals seem; reasonable, and his hands mouldhe Supported by the British Cbbri‘iés'} to’ say the least. ï¬o the Government; in power. It seems unfortunate that; there was not a more decided majority for_one side 62; the other. The General Elections have been ï¬eld in the province of British @Jlmnbia, and while the Conserva- tives seem to be a little in the lead it is doubtful if they will have a safe Working majority. Giving the Con- servatives the seats which are yet in doubt they will only have 22 against their opponents’ 20. Two Socialists and one- Labor candidate have been elected, and these may give trouble Wi‘i‘ts are out for bye-elections in Muskoka. and Sault Ste. Marie, and the Ross Government will measure strength with Mr. Whitney on the 27th of this month. For some reason ï¬ne Government has not seen ï¬t to announce the bye-election in North Rénl‘rew, but this will certainly fol» low in a short time after those in Muskoka and the 800 are out of the Way. - 7 Chm-1‘05 Nurse, :1 hotel-keeper at the Humbw, has had his license cunuelh d for selling liquor on Sunday. Miss Mary Langstai’f of Thornhil] ï¬edtut the home of her causiu, Mr. E. Langstuï¬ last Sunday. aged 83 years. l‘he remains \vexe. interred in Tuika Church Cemetery on Monday. A closely calculated cash price on smurf. uuLumn goods: Fine Inercex-is- ed damask. 50c. yd.: 54 inch Knickor dress Lweefls, 85c. yd. : special coating serge. 50c. yd. Atkinson 8; Switzer. Senutnr Dr. Landei‘kin of South Gray. died on Saturday at, his home in Hanover, in his 65:11 year. ApoA plexy was Lhe cause of death. The ladies of Richmond Hill and vicinity are respectfully invited to in- spect; the latest ideasixt autumn mil- iiuex-y at; Atkinson 6: Switzm’s Millin- ery Opening Thursday. Friday and Sazturday Of this week. The Tm‘onbo Junction Town Council have passed the ï¬rst, reading of a lm-nl eption by~law to he submitted to the electors at, the municipal electiuus in January. >R’9momber the Millinm‘y‘ Opening at Atkinson & Switzer’s Thursday, Fri- dA)’ and Saturday of this week. Baots and Shoesâ€"VVe are showing ban-gains in boys’ and girls’ sclnol boots. Our women‘s solid leuthu Boots for $1.00 gives satisfaction. Naughton Bx-ns., Elgiu Mills. 's to thousands 0i ‘u‘ks were cheere land is naturally ‘l'iC CIFAMBERLAIN’S mtu 'y, and though she has pl‘OS]. Jcr that system for the past the feeling is growing t LS been imposed upon by 0t 'ics that have high protect it is new propos the right line: as rosnph ‘01‘ the MOND HILL. Outuhe w Adver qu Mews: Notes. mi in c 1V6 1m her] a in ‘l‘ll )nies, 5661 mm: tlseme x115 it in seem to FOE ‘ent the echo l8 am ngr (“t-“vs. 0t] t1) '0 W ï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬‚ï¬ï¬ï¬ 3% (iff Canada RICHMOND HILL Received in Savings’ Bank. Depart ment and intesest aliowed at, WEB Hï¬iéfl For other particulars 0:11.17sz the Bank. Money Lenin-d on Fannors‘ Sane muses. Biank Note farms ï¬snlppiied Free. We also beg to inform the general public that we ha \39 moxie than doubled its capacity during the summer, and so hope to give better satisfaction in the future, and not keep people wait- ins as in the past. ’ \Ve hope t1» see- all'uur old custom- ers back again this season as usual. As is well known we \Ve expect to be able to buy a limit- 9d quantity of Cider Apples this season. Thanking the general public for past. favors we solicih a continuance of the same in the future. A good seven roamed house on Arnold Sweet. Hard and soft water, plenty of good fruit: and every con- venience. Geaeml Banking Enema Transacted. NGBpE ! EDGELY ï¬iï¬ga‘ & My Make Raw Cider, BoiiedCider. Jelly and Apple Bauer all Bram your 0“ n apples. Mill \villrun on custom work the first fUlll' days of each week up to :m_d__including va. inkcll 'Min'si Mm my ‘l’l’l! mummm 'To be sure, you are gmwing h . #,L4-I_A _-...A___L-A.. runk R (inï¬rm Rest Notice of withdrawal not neces- sary. All deposits payable on demand. Th Annlv to J. ALBIN. TY “ I am now oyer 60 eats'old. and I have thick, gIossy head 0 lung hair which in a ronder to every one who secs it. And not a my hair in It. all due (‘0 Ayer‘a Hair Vignr." Mas. H. 8.. Bonus, Becldn, Minn. ‘00 a bottle. House to Rent m NOW RUNNING But whylet everyboay it, in your gray hair? p your hair dark and rich postpone age. If you will EST GERREHT RATES. use Ayer‘s Hair Vigor, ' gray hair will soon have he deep, rich color of 11. Sold for 60 years. Ilw J". W. OSBORNE. flï¬ï¬' 3‘} \VINGER BROS. Edgely. DEPOSITS us w llt 5t he 11 Mark {ll lam $300390 925,600 md 11' é? Pg’éié Ill 1(1 AG ENT. in M us- tbe 27th 1 k1. 1 nd XV 1 HEINTZMAN PIANOF In: Sept. 24. Im. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. WW Eagksmiii} snap The Liberal for $1.75. Subscribe N owv ! Jobbing of all kinds promptly done. EH Next (1001' north of Moudie’s store. 9â€"4 GEO. COWEE Every Farmer should keep these three words constantly in mind and conduct his farm on strict business principles. Guess Work and haphazard methods are no longer used by successful and up-to-date far- mers. 1 By reading THE WEEKLY SUN, the Farmer’s Business Paper, you will get the very latest and'most accurate in- formation regardingyour busi- ness. Every Farmer in Canada should realize the full value of the. service THE SUN has ren- dered him in a; public way. It was due to the action of THE SUN in giving voice to the opinions of the farmers that the law relating to cattle guards, drainage acmss rail- ways, and farm ï¬res caused by railway locomotives has been amended. THE SUN‘s market reports are worth many times' the sub- scription price to you. VVé will‘send THE WEEKLY SUN from now to‘ l‘st January, 1905, in combination with- #2 iaibhnnond lIill ‘ Farming Fm Profit. oal a BLACKSMITHING At, tho north end of the village and is‘ prepared to do all kiâ€"hcie of ï¬m @Enn' 31' F359“ Subscribe for lles for all kindse‘f machines. pair yam-01'] sewing machine r exchange for a new one. At reasonable rates. LIVERY IN CONNECTION. .114 and see eur stock. ’atreunge Solicited. §ale or Rent (Til mp and dW llVCHiUnCPSv gans Repaired. Hus opened a. THE 121012 (1 ii ill 00d EW‘M'FER GEO. COWIE ‘nt fox the WOGD {cyhmond Hill. ght velling. stables ;. ice house and )lwof the vil- A good busi- Dehvered. £51138. Possess- WWmeWmWam *mimmnsawmm 8530 w whiz To- any Address in Canada or the United States untfl January ISt, 1904, for the small sum of 35 cents. THAT GREAT FAMILY PAPER The Family Hemlés: ami" Weekly Star _ Q9 4-. $9 U0 Famous Active, Iiitchener, Panaora and Cornwall}. Ranges of the FFannous BimeClary Biakeo A liberal all The Liberal will supply you with all the local news, aud' the Family Herald and Wéckiy Sm? wiH‘givre you the news of the World and the greatest amount, of good, general, whole- some reuding to be found in any newspaper or magazine. The agricultural news alone is worth ten times the year‘s su'dL scri‘ption. Something you dmï¬â€˜Want is déar at any price, but here is somothing yuu do want and ought to have, and if the price iS' not luw enough then we ask you to name~ your own price. Present subscxibers to this paper can have the Family Hï¬mlï¬ and \Veekly Star until January lst for 200ents by: leaving their subscriptions at thls ofï¬ce. “4 91111 or send your subscriptions ta We are headquarters for the Celebzfa’ced THE LIBERAL†126 EAST KING STREET, TORDN The Liberal ï¬fï¬ce, RICHMOND HILL. Combinaï¬ion OF MONTREAL, -â€"â€"~;&Nl)- owance for your old stove in exchange Eï¬ar Eva: Eaï¬agï¬au m Gama. Combinatign ."I 335:9; E’Iflfle . Than you’ll get elsewhe That’s Whig; guamntee ye S‘ï¬iave values. MESH mamwm ONTO cm Ewe uin i350. $Â¥o$1Â¥32~l