Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Nov 1903, p. 4

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4&1}; llevv Advertisements. (Immzo-Wurltl'» llt..]lulln.ll'y )1: ircul .‘..â€"».-oc'u . T. \_\~-r ct UK). ~ ‘ \If’.,vl’ To urn; i'l'lmx. Il’llllh‘l'. Lost Tho lulu-ml (AM o !’ ost ’Il‘llt' lullt‘l'fll (“in e 'v (",1 ll r, for F'ippllcs‘ â€"J 1’. Shelton 1Hth 7 it Ur WUHIIY 3., a, , ,1 0/, .y a. ~ 9 tutorial. C) téicnnoxn IIXLL. November 12, 15) 8 stain, CONTROL ACT. A copy of illillclin No. if), cntitlcd “Bill No. 200, llcprintol as Amend- ed: An Act llcsl'iccting thc Inspec- tion and Sale of Socds with lixplana has bccn rc- 7 tions and Comments,’ coin-d. 'l‘his pamphlet is issucd for general distrilnition for the purpose of serving as a notice to the intrrcst- Cd public, and also to provide means for closer study of the llill in its ro- lati'in to the operations of seed pro- d'ucrrs, sccd merchants and seed con» sinners. The Bill as amended by ~ ~I‘4y«<.l.r~;.a . -, Give nature three helps, and .. nearly every case of con- .2 sumption will recover. Fresh I f. air, most important of all. ‘_ @herry Postural Nourishing food comes next. Then, a medicine to control 2';- the cough and heal the lungs. ,i Ask any good doctor. " I first used A yor's Phony ‘Pcctm-ni 5’) yoan mm. I have men tcrrlbIc cam-s of luloz did- oases curcd by It. I am never \Vlillfillt it.“ ALnuu‘r G. HAMILTUN. Marietta, Ohio. ‘ ‘25n..5m‘., F1330. .v. o. AYER 00.. . Lou'o‘ll, blows, :‘Afi'vguifl 1% I’LNIJM _- for ':‘ Eonsumption ,, as daily actiEn or the bowels. Aid nasttrewitlt Ayer’a Pills: Milli r alth deman C the (‘onnnittco of the Whole during the rcccnt session of Parliament, pro- vides that seeds of cereals, grasses, elovers or forage plants, which con tain the sccds of certain noxious weeds named in the Bill, will be pro- hibited from sale. It. further pro. titles for uniform methods of grad- ing, according to fixed standards of purity and vitality, the timothy, al~ Bike and red clover seeds odcred for Sale in Canada. A copy of the pamphlet may 1e had free on application to the Seed Division Branch of the Commissioncr of Agriculture and Dairying, Ottawa. Letters addrc as above do not re- '\'sp1ire postage. z-"vn ~DK4 'Wheu “ Victoria the Good ” pass- n‘el passed away a few years ago a feeling of sadness pervaded the British Empire, and thousands of loyal citizens who knew no other sovereign looked upon her death as asevero blow to the nation. The late Queen Victoria was greatly be- loved by the highest and lowest of her subjects, and she proved herself during her long reign to be a gen uine woman in the highest accepta- tion of the word. A queen she was in every respect, and her moral char- acter was adorned with the fairest attributes of humanity. So dearly was the late queen beloved by all classes for her good judgment in matters affecting her people, and for her kindness of heart, that it was thought her successor’s reputation might possibly suffer. But such has not been the case. King Edward, whose 62nd birth- day was celebrated on Monday, has done much since he was proclaimed sovereign to win the hearts of his people. He has shown marked abil- ity and good sonse,and the course he has mapped out should have an in- lucnce for peace and friendship throughout the world. May he long be spared to rule over a free, happy, and prosperous people is the prayer of millions. “ God Save the King." Conservative papers yesterday con- tained an affidavit of Mr. W. Ill Callaghan, Toronto, purporting to, explain the source of the money paid by Crossin for the Gamey piano . stock. The charge implicated 11m. J. R. Stratton and E. 1“. B. Johnston. An emphatic denial has been given, and Callaghan has been arrested, . charged with theft and blackmail. Langstafl The following is the School Report {or October: IV. â€" Lucy Robinson, Nan Cook, Clara Robinson, Jeanne Chapman, 0i to James. Senior Ill. â€" Lorne G(l(‘(l(‘1‘l]itll’l,. Alice Cook. Hildt Farr, Mary Lowery. Junior IlI.â€"Garland Laugstaif, Ada Farr. Myrtle “'chli ick. Senior II. â€" Florence Goodcrham, Tommy Robinson, Alice Page. Junior lI.â€"Gladys Ball, Irene Chap- ‘ lllflll. Senior Part II. â€" Georgie Cook. Vcrnic Cook. Junior Part ILâ€"Georgie Robinson, Nathan Chapman. Part I.â€"Ellsworth “'eldrick, “'cll- . ing‘iou Monkman, Marshall Robinson. i nulmcnt of the Provincial Secretar ', l 3 ()f Garlands; nionnogp HILL l‘npitul - $5.000fifi0 Ros! - assent) DEPOSITS Root-ivcd in S'at'iiig‘s’ llank Dr'pztl't~ man and illlorosl :Illth'tl at l-lillllEdT GllllilEi‘lT RATES. Notict> of withdrawal not neces- sary. All (ll’posils payable on dcmand. Home}! [our-wt! on Farmers” Sula: Roms. flint-all: Nola: I’m-233s Rumpth l-‘ré'c. eatâ€"ital Banking Business Transacted. For other particulars call at the Bank. J. W. OSBORNE. AGENT. GEO. CO‘WE Ilas opcned a lleelsniit this At the north end of the village and is propared to do all kinds of BLACKSMITHING At reasonable rates. at Li Jobbing of all kinds promptly done. Horse-Shoemg a Specialty. THE CANADIAN HORSE STOCK For horscs hard to shoe. Patronage Solicited. GEO. COV’VIE tr TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES. 1904. The undersigned will icccivc tenders up to noon on Monday, 23rd inst., for slipplit‘s of butchers“ meat, crcamo'ry buttm, flour, oatmeal, potatoes, cord- wood, clc., for thcfollmvinginstitu- tions (lui ing the ycar 1904, \ i2. : At the Asylums for the Insane in Toronto, London, Kingston. Hamil- ton, Mimic-o. Brockville, Uohourg and Drillia; the Ucnti al Prison and lllPl'Ct‘l‘ lie-formatory, Toronto: the Reformâ€" atory for Boys, Pt-i’ietanmiishcnc : the Institution for Deal and Dumb. Belic- villc, and the Blind at Bra ntfold. Exccptiouâ€"Ti-ndurs are not rcquir- ed for the supply of meat to the asylunis in Toronto, London, King- ston. Hamilton and Brockvillc, nor for the Central Prison and Mercer Re- formatory. Toronto. A marde choquc for fire pcr ccn‘. of tho cstiinatcd amount of thccon- tract. payable to the order of the Hon- orable the Provincial Sccrctary, must he furnishcd by each tcndcrcr as a guarantee of his bona fides. Two sufficient surctics will be rcquircd for the duo fulfillment of each contract, and should any tcndcr be withdrawn , before the contract is awardcd, or should the tenderer fail to furnish such security. the amount of the deâ€" posit shall be forfeited. Specifications and forms of tender may he had on application to the De- Turonlo. or the Bursars of the re- spcctivc ll'.$lll.11llnl)S. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Ill .54, twat-iv “""fir‘rr Eat-r: 51",,- f9 b'z'Lr‘... JLL (J? 5.1535” florists 53b A-lTUllâ€" AGPRA ? w" EZEIlRETS SPEC 1" n , .i LA...L~_.." .‘A-u-n I’. ;~Ln¢ lfin‘ ‘- Ilun‘t pay a big: pricu for Spud - luclm. l'ixamim- our prints bc- ‘ i'orc purchasingr clrwwln-rc. , ,. .12 ‘ kw- 2|. A “‘t‘ll-lllllittf Fi'anm is jusl important as good lmnscs. ch our Fulton-loss (-iln‘s‘st‘sAllic ‘ \ m y lillt'sl; rent l'air pi ice-s. ‘llonu-mbci' \vc test your cyi-s t'rrc. Our stock of Spt-ctncli-s :lllll l‘jyi' (“asst-s is tum-t ("(rllllllt‘lt‘. ‘(ihlll Fillcnl Franws and Glasscs at l'L’Hsnlnililt' prices. Eye- l l l l l l a. , '\ g , fill-ll??? ‘3 1 his ll. g'ldiislglllfiél , DRUGS- It makes light the labors of washing. Turns wash day into play day. Better than any Soap and mom marten-meme GOAL W’OQD Coal and “food Delivered. Prices I’lght. lads only by THE N. c FAIRBAtut‘ corrwtn‘Y, New York. Boston. 8!. Louis. M on m: .11- GOOD LIVE RY Juno 1], 1903 THE -_lllBERAL F. ii. PETE-{ESE lVill repair your old sewing machine HEINTZM ll PIANO. 9â€"4 7 7 ___ .. s. s- .1 .. 2,1,2; w-Ammnxmev-W “w v ‘ _ E... c We have fifty 20 rod rolls T“ 5’21 “lid”? l E? h 3 in A l“ ‘ ' .- . . "‘ “ “ 5“: of 49 inch high if i i 2 a i "> i i Newspapers inserting this advertise- ment without authority from the de- pau'tmrnt will not he paid for it. J. R. STRATTON. Provinch Secretary. Parliament Buildings, Toronto. NOV. 9, 1903. 20-2 Mr. Thos. Ludford, our new and popular store-keeper, begs to thank the public for the kindness of their patron- age, and wishes to advise all that he handles I IN CONNECTION. Elliehael Eros, I , Richmond Hm ll. D. Beanies Famous Bauetless and L. lanes d: Sons Leader, The two most popular brands oi Flour on the market. These brands produce the finest quality of bread, and for pastry the greatest success can be achieved. Give them a trial and you will use no other. For sale at the closest prices by '1‘. B. LUIDIWQRD, fillebscx-ibe for fig QTTHET % ii ETROPOLITAN STORE on, E H A, - cc -... fill “fell a“ in that a least IEiOhInOHd IIill lVe have solid comfort in the Way of LiillltETS & REES And in fact everything in the line of Harness, Blankets, Robes. Coats, Mits and many other articles necessary for you and your horse‘s comfort. The goods wc oi’fur are honestly made and will stand the \chu‘ you ex- pect of them. Prices are as low or lowvr than the same goods can be bought clsewhel 0. Data, Ricond ill or exchange for a. new one. Needles for all kinds of machines. Gig-ans Repaired. Also agent for the Call and see our stock. Next door north of Mocdic's store. 1805, in combination with A. The Libera1f0r$1_75_ 126 EAST KING ST REET , TORONTO -Sub:5c~ribe Noxv !'~ For Profit... Every Farmer should keep those three words constantly in mind and conduct his farm on strict business principles. Guess work and haphazard methods are no longer used by successful and up-toâ€"date far- mch. By (reading Tm; WEEKLY SUN, the Farmer's Business Paper, you will get the very latest and most accurate in- formation regarding your busi- DCSS. Tn: Sox’s market reports are worth many times the sub- scription price to you. WIRE FEELD FENClllG. It's the famous Electrically Welded Kind made by the Pittsburgh Palfth Fence Co. It occupies considerable space in our warehouse. $9555 rug-:yrsmérmkur :"'>-'.€' ' ‘. ..,:.”W".._ ' ', fig, ",i‘u _‘ wa- «Flor-4 v -., ,r, .t it V-A‘i'XE‘E-l’s’dili'. II; .L- i- '- i : "WEWEWL F. ‘V News» .3" We need the space, no doubt you need the fenc- livery Farmer in Canada should realizte the full value of tho Sui‘i‘lfl: THE SUN has renâ€" (lC’P‘c‘Ll bin-i in o public way. It wa~ due to the action of THE Stiz; in giting voice to the opiui-M'is of the farmers that It vou TM 9:19.35 33 ing. It‘s good value at fifty cents a rod. come quick you can have it {or Thirty-Five Cents. Intending Fencebuilders Should Seize this Snap. The llllfilll llllllllllll ta. Wk the law relating to cattle gu..rds, drainage across rail- ,. Won. 5, and farm ures caused by railway locomotives has been amended. \\'e will send THE “'EEKLY SL'.‘.’ from now to 151 january, ' i-qi-:'I*:ii-‘v'rfwo'wW‘ «managements. Z-i IBM-‘3'

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